alloc init vs Convenience initializer for strong property - objective-c

So in one of my Objective C classes I have a strong property say:
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *tags;
Which of the following is a better way to initialise this property
1 self.tags = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
2 self.tags = [NSMutableArray array];

With ARC, there is almost no difference. [NSMutableArray array] returns an "unretained
return value" which might have been put into the autorelease pool (and that actually happens
in your example, which you can see by inspecting the generated Assembler code).
This additional reference is released later, when the current autorelease pool ends.
So there is a slight overhead in the second method.
On the other hand, the Objective-C runtime has various methods to avoid unnecessary
retain/release calls (e.g. by inspecting the call stack), so the difference might be negligible.

It depends on your definition of better. First, if you are in the init method, you should not use self.tags = for the assignment at all, as you should not call methods from the init methods. Instead, access the instance variable directly:
_tags = ...;
As for the possible ways of doing it:
_tags = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
is currently a bit faster than
_tags = [NSMutableArray array];
but is also longer. And we should never optimize for a performance problem we haven't measured. If you are going for readability and short code, I would suggest a third option:
_tags = [NSMutableArray new];
In fact you can have even shorter code, but it may make your eyes bleed:
_tags = [#[] mutableCopy];
Extra track: Early in ARC the default for object properties has been assign, but it changed to strong pretty fast. So instead of
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *tags;
you can just use
#property(nonatomic) NSMutableArray *tags;


ios initialize an instance inside a function to use outside

the xcode analyzer tell me that a method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count:
but the self.athletes is an object that I need also outside my function... how can I solve this 'warning?
thanks again
the athletes is declared like this:
NSMutableArray *athletes;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSMutableArray *athletes;
Replace that line with this one:
self.athletes = [NSMutableArray array];
I wrote full explanation here : Memory Management for properties with retain attribute
Since your property is defined with "retain", using the dot notation will result in an extra retain. The return from the [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] has a retain count of 1, and then when you set the property using the setter function generated by the property declaration it will have a retain count of 2.
To fix, either:
self.athletes = [NSMutableArray array]; // Returns an autoreleased object
Or, you could also do this:
athletes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // Doesn't use the setter generated by the property declaration, so doesn't retain again.
There is a nice way to handle this (and you have already used this pattern while creating UI ).
NSMutableArray *athletesTemp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.athletes = athletesTemp;
[athletesTemp release];
Here you don't need to carry the load of an auto release object.

Acceptable ways to release a property

Assume there is a class with the following interface:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate* myDate;
and the following implementation:
#import "MyClass.h"
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myDate = _myDate;
- (void)dealloc
[_myDate release];
[super dealloc];
NSDate* temp = [[NSDate alloc] init];
self.myDate = temp;
[temp release];
1) In the function foo will releasing like this ensure that the retain count of the objects is properly maintained (i.e. no memory is leaked and no unnecessary releases are performed).
NSDate* temp = [[NSDate alloc] init];
self.myDate = temp;
[temp release];
2) Same question as in 1) except applied to the following technique:
self.myDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
[self.myDate release]
3) Same question as in 1) except applied to the following technique:
self.myDate = [[NSDate alloc] init] autorelease];
4) Same question as 1) but applied to the following technique:
self.myDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
[_myDate release]
5) Same question as 1) but applied to the following technique:
[_myDate release];
_myDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
1) Just fine.
2) Possibly unsafe, and will trigger warnings in the latest LLVM static analyzer. This is because the object returned by the getter method may not be the same one you passed to the setter. (The setter may have made a copy, for example, or may have failed validation and set a nil instead.) This would mean you were leaking the original object and over-releasing the one the getter gave back to you.
3) Just fine; similar to 1 but the release will come when the current autorelease pool is drained instead of immediately.
4) Possibly unsafe, but will not trigger warnings that I've seen. The issue is similar to the one described in 2; the object in the ivar may not be the one you passed to the setter.
5) Safe, but will not use the setter method or notify any observers of the property.
In the case where the property is a retain type, and both the getter and setter are just the synthesized versions, all of the above examples will work. However, they don't all represent best practice, and may trigger analysis warnings. The goal should be that the -foo method works correctly regardless of how myDate is managing its memory. Some of your examples above don't do that.
If, for example, you decided to change the property to copy later, you should not be required to change any other code to make it work correctly. In cases 2 and 4, you would be required to change additional code because the foo method is assuming that the setter will always succeed and always set the original object.
5) is a bug - it leaks the old instance as it doesn't get released but just reassigned.
1) is clean and the best way to go.
4) is ok but puts some burden on the memory system - the object might live longer than needed.
2) technically ok, but you shouldn't directly retain/release the property - that's what the syntactic sugar is for!
3) technically ok, but also bypasses the property and relies on implementation details.
2) and 3) are discouraged and ask for trouble in the future when some part of code changes.
Edit: New code doesn't leak in 5). It has the same downsides, though.
There's a reason why we got support for properties, and it does a great and consistent use. You should only consider bypassing them if your time profile gives very clear hints that this is a bottle neck (unlikely).
First, if you want to avoid the alloc, release, autorelease etc... you can call a date factory method which doesn't start with alloc.
For example:
self.myDate = [NSDate date];
The date class factory method does an autorelease according to the convention rules. Then the property retains it.
Alloc will give it a retain count of 1, then assigning the property will retain it. Since your class is now retaining it from the property, you can release it to counter act the alloc.
Ditto but that's a wierd round about way to do it.
3 is equivalent to the code I had above ([NSDate date]);
In this case, the property will retain it (after alloc incremented the retain count), then you're going under the covers to decrement it. Works but I wouldn't recommend doing that since you're synthesized (retain) property will do that for you.
the pattern of release and renew is merely a semantic. You get a retain count for each of the following.
myObject = [Object alloc]
objectCopy = [myObject copy]
myNewObject = [Object newObjectWithSomeProperties:#"Properties"] // Keyword here being new
// And of course
[myObject retain]
a property with the modifier (retain) or (copy) will have retain count on it.
the backing store _myDate is merely where the object is actually stored.
when you get a retain count you need to release.
Either immediately with the [myObject release] message or let the pool release it with [myObject autorelease]
Whatever the case, Any retain you are given (implicit or explicit) will need to be released. Otherewise the garbage collector will not collect your object and you will have a memory leak.
the most common usage in
Object myObject = [[[Object alloc] init] autorelease]; // Use this when you dont plan to keep the object.
Object myObject = [[Object alloc] init];
self.myProperty = [myObject autorelease]; // Exactally the same as the Previous. With autorelease
// Defined on the assignment line.
self.myProperty = [[[Object alloc] init] autorelease]; // Same as the last two. On one line.
I will demonstrate other possibilities
// Uncommon. Not incorrect. But Bad practice
myObject = [[Object alloc] init];
self.myProperty = myObject;
// Options
[_myProperty release] // Bad practice to release the instance variable
[self.myProperty release] // Better practice to Release the Property;
// releasing the property or the instance variable may not work either.
// If your property is using the (copy) modifier. The property is copied rather then retained.
// You are still given a retain count.
// But calling release on a copy will not release the original
[myObject release]; // Best Practice. Good when Threading may run the autorelease pool
[myObject autorelease]; // As good as the previous.
// But may leave your object in memory during long operations
Essentially, your object given a retain will be the same object in the Property the Variable and the Instance Variable. Releasing on any of them will release it.
However. Best practice says that if you retain an object. Best to call release on the same variable of that object. Even if Autorelease and retain is called on the other side.
// Other items that give you a retain count.
Core Media or Core Anything Functions that have Create Or Copy in the name.

Clarification on when to release pointers after allocating

In my last question (here), I had an issue where I was getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS because I was releasing the variable I had just allocated:
NSMutableArray* s = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
stack = s;
[s release];
should have been
NSMutableArray* s = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
stack = s;
However, stack is a retained property of my class. It's declared like so:
#interface StateStack ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* stack;
I was under the impression that when you assign a 'retain' variable, it automatically increments the retainCount of the object. So you are supposed to start by releasing your pointer (as here).
Why are these two cases different? Thanks!
Because you had to assign the property, not the instance variable. When you assign to the property it's going to retain the variable again and then you're not going to have the issue. Here's how your code should have been:
NSMutableArray* s = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.stack = s;
[s release];
This way you're not assigning to the variable, but using the property (that's, in fact, a method). If you did not release in this case then you'd have a memory leak in your code.
When you did stack = s you assigned directly to the instance variable and the array was never retained.
There is no such thing as a "retain variable". It's a retain property — meaning the setter method behind the property retains the new value and releases the old one. But assigning to a variable just assigns. In fact, the reason people generally recommend assigning directly to the instance variable in init is specifically so that it doesn't go through the setter, because the setter could conceivably have side effects you don't want in init (when your object isn't fully constructed yet).
Note: I'm talking about normal memory-management rules here. This is all different if you're using ARC. But I assume you would have mentioned if you were.
self.stack and stack are two completely different things. When you use stack, you are accessing an instance variable, not a property. This means that your accessor methods aren't called, which means automatic memory management isn't used. This is why you shouldn't release s in your example.
If you used self.stack instead, then you would be using a property. The compiler will treat self.stack = value exactly the same as [self setStack:value], and self.stack the same as [self stack]. Since accessors are being used, memory management will be taken care of to match the way you defined your property, and you should release a value after assigning it.
Maurício has the right answer: be sure to assign to the property to gain the benefits of #property. To clarify the point somewhat, try using code like this:
#interface StateStack : NSObject {
NSArray *_stack;
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *stack;
#implementation StateStack
#synthesize stack=_stack;
Now, if you try:
NSMutableArray* s = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
stack = s;
[s release];
You'll get an error, which will mean you tried to set the ivar rather than the property as intended. This mismatch between ivar name and property name is against Apple's recommendations, but it's a fine way to help you develop the habit of using property assignment when you intend to do so.

Why or why not call an object with a "self." prefix?

NSArray *array;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *array;
#synthesize array;
self.array = [[NSArray alloc] init];
array = [[NSArray alloc] init];
[self.array objectAtIndex:2]; [array objectAtIndex:2];
Is there a difference between them? Why should I use one over the other?
self.array = foo is shorthand for [self setArray:foo] (i.e. you access the synthesized property methods), while just array = foo directly accesses the instance variable.
In exactly this case, you would create a memory leak with self.array = [[NSArray alloc] init]; since the property will retain it and the reference count would thus be 2 instead of 1. So better would be: self.array = [NSArray array];.
Which one to prefer is almost a matter of taste, but using the properties gives you a few advantages like automatic key-value coding support. It's also an advantage if you someday chose to do implement setArray: yourself so it can do additional stuff when the array is assigned (like reloading a UITableView). On the other hand, it's a little bit slower as it's an additional method call (only matters if called in a loop a lot). But for almost all applications it's better to be correct than as fast as possible. Using properties can make memory management easier for you.
The property "array" is declared to retain on assignment (the retain in the brackets after #property signifies this). Because it has the same name as the "array" instance variable it uses that instance variable as it's backing store.
Effectively calling self.array = [[NSArray alloc] init]; is the same as calling array = [[[NSArray alloc] init] retain];
When you assign to the instance variable directly, not using the property, no action is taken on it, so array simply points to a new instance of NSArray without retaining it.

ivars and how to properly instantiate their values (iPhone)

I have been developing an app for a while and now I have gotten to the "Instruments-Leaks" part.
I remember a thing that puzzled me about ivars a few months back when I was learning. I took the whole thing a bit on faith and just followed the way Apple and others did it. As far as I can read, the accessors generated by the SDK will take care of the memory management.
But how are ivars themselves initialized?
If I have an ivar like this in my interface;
NSArray *results;
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSArray *results;
#synthesize results;
If I during run time try to do this:
[self setResults:allReadyInitializedArray];
It will crash, telling me that this result object was not initialized. If I however do this:
self.results = [[NSArray alloc] init]; //Im assigning this property memory, but hasn't the SDK already done that?
[self setResults:allReadyInitializedArray];
it will work but it will apparently leak memory.
I was under the impression that using the generated
accessors would release the old value before setting the new, meaning
the above ought to come out with the old value released and the new with a +1 retain count.
Does it specifically have to do with the ivar being of type NSArray/NSMutableArray, I can't recall it has been a problem with other ivars.
The problem has been particular prominent in my XML parser, where I continuously need to set an ivar value, use it, overwrite this value, use the new value etc.
Would someone please help me outline the correct way "of going from": #property() -> #synthesize -> using the ivar -> to dealloc?
I have read the memory management documents, I have tried looking for some in debt documentation that was within my understanding, but it seems that even though I use ivars on a daily basis I don't understand what goes on behind the scenes.
All ivars initially set to nil so you need to instantiate them before use. It is really hard to say why setResults may produce errors without seeing its implementation.
self.results = [[NSArray alloc] init];
Here you create new array object using alloc method - its retain count equals 1. After that your setter method retains your array once more and so your 1st objects retain remains "unhandled" resulting in memory leak. To remove leak you can rewrite your code like:
self.results = [[[NSArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// or
self.results = [NSArray arrayWith...]; // any NSArray's convenience method that returns autoreleased object.
My understanding is that
self.results = anArray;
is the same as
[self setResults:anArray];
just because results is a property in this case.
The way setResults: is implemented is set by the #property (in this case it will retain the new value). So this means anArray will have a retain count of 1. After setting self.results, anArray will have a retain count of 2. This is why you want to release the previously used anArray.
That said, I don't understand why setResults: crashes when you're setting it. (Maybe it just crashes only when you try to use self.results, instead of setting it?)
I'm just a beginner myself, if something is wrong I strongly encourage everyone who reads this to let me know what is wrong or correct. Still learning this myself.
The way Apple would do this:
In the .h file
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *results
In the .m file
#synthesize results;
- (id)init {
NSArray *anArray = [[NSArray alloc] init]; // retainCount = 1
self.results = anArray; // retainCount = 2
[anArray release]; // retainCount = 1, only one "left" is in self.results
- (void)dealloc {
[results release];