Spliting a string in VBA to get a list of numeric values - vba

I would like to split the following string "2/3/4/4" for example and get each number and save them as a list.
I can split the string with the code split("2/3/4/4", "/") but then I cannot manage to put them in a list.
Any help is appreciated.

Yes, like engineersmnky says you can just return the results of Split() to a String array, like this:
Public Sub Test()
Dim results() As String
Dim i As Integer
results = Split("2/3/4/4", "/")
For i = LBound(results) To UBound(results)
MsgBox results(i)
Next i
End Sub

This would split "2/3/4/4" and put the numbers in A1:A4
Sub SplitAndList()
Dim nums As Variant, n As Integer
nums = Split("2/3/4/4", "/")
For n = 0 To UBound(nums)
Range("A" & n + 1) = nums(n)
Next n
End Sub


VBA Split a String in two parts

I'm trying to obtain two codes from this string: "HL PNX-70[15200]"
But with this code, I obtain two times the same output: "HL PNX-70". So, the code is not properly done.
How to obtain the output '15200' from the above mentioned String?
Private Sub Comando221_Click()
MsgBox (Right(Split("HL PNX-70[15200]", "[")(0), 50))
MsgBox (Left(Split("HL PNX-70[15200]", "[")(0), 50))
End Sub
Are you looking for this ?
Sub Test()
MsgBox Split("HL PNX-70[15200]", "[")(0)
MsgBox Replace(Split("HL PNX-70[15200]", "[")(1), "]", "")
End Sub
Split returns a zero-based array so you are interested in the second element, index 1. Both lines of your code are extracting "HL PNX-70" and the leftmost and rightmost 50 characters will clearly be the same.
This code illustrates two ways of extracting the desired string for your specific example, but it is not necessarily ironclad if you are working with multiple different types of string. You could also use Instr, as per the other answer, or look at regular expressions if you need more complex pattern matching.
Sub y()
Dim s As String, v
s = "HL PNX-70[15200]"
v = Split(s, "[")
Debug.Print v(0) 'HL PNX-70
Debug.Print v(1) '15200]
MsgBox Left(v(1), Len(v(1)) - 1) '15200
v = Split(v(1), "]")
MsgBox v(0) '15200
End Sub
You could try:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim str As String, Result As String
Dim Start_Point As Long, No_Characters As Long
str = "HL PNX-70[15200]"
Start_Point = InStr(str, "[") + 1
No_Characters = Len(str) - Start_Point
Result = Mid(str, Start_Point, No_Characters)
Debug.Print Result
End Sub
Here is your code
Dim text, text1, text2 As String
text = "HL PNX-70[15200]"
text1 = Break_String(CStr(text), 0)
text2 = Break_String1(Break_String(CStr(text), 1))
Function Break_String(a As String, pos As Integer) As String
Dim WrdArray() As String
WrdArray() = Split(a, "[")
Break_String = WrdArray(pos)
End Function
Function Break_String1(a As String) As String
Dim WrdArray() As String
WrdArray() = Split(a, "]")
Break_String1 = WrdArray(0)
End Function

How can i find a string in a txt file and linenumber

I would like to make a "Tolerance-calculator"
The user gives an input as string. For example:"D6" now i have to search this in the .txt file and read the next line.
I read the file like this:
Dim Findstring = IO.File.ReadAllText("....\Toleranz0.txt")
How can i find the string an the next line after the string?
Findstring.contains("D6") 'gives a Boolean
How does i get the correct line?
Convert your string to an array using String.Split() and find the next index or 2 indexes after "D6":
Private Sub Funcy()
Dim Findstring As String = IO.File.ReadAllText("....\Toleranz0.txt")
Dim MyCollection() As String = Findstring.Split()
Dim result As String = MyCollection(Array.IndexOf(MyCollection, "D6") + 2)
End Sub
Here's an example using ReadAllLines() as suggested by Blorgbeard:
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("....\Toleranz0.txt")
Dim index As Integer = Array.IndexOf(lines, "D6")
If index <> -1 AndAlso index <= lines.Count - 2 Then
Dim targetLine As String = lines(index + 1)
' ... do something with "targetLine" ...
' either the line was not found, or there was no line after the found line
End If

Report's textbox function call from ControlSource not firing

Firstly, here's a pic on my report in design mode:
The underlying query for the report returns values like so:
Allen Nelli 3:A,5:B,7:A,8:A, etc.
Breton Micheline 1:A,3:A,5:B,7:A, etc
Caporale Jody 1:A,3:A,5:B,7:A, etc
I had to use a subquery to get the third field which concatenates the number : letter combinations. These values actually represent day of month and designation to a particular shift in a schedule. So basically, for a given month, each individual works the designated shift indicated by the day value.
The intention is to call a user defined public function named PopulateTextboxes(Value as String) to be called from the first textbox in the report from the textbox's ControlSource property. The third field in the query is actually named Expr1 and that is being passed as a parameter to the function. The function is designed to populate all the textboxes with the appropriate letter designation: A or B or C or D, etc. The function itself is not being fired when I run the report.
The function is as follows:
Public Function PopulateTextboxes(Expr As String) As String
'Each element of Expr should be a number followed by a colon followed by a letter: 10:A,12:B,15:C, etc.
Dim shiftData() As String
Dim Data As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim temp() As String
Dim txt As TextBox
Dim rpt As Report
Dim strCtrl As String
If Expr = "" Then Exit Function
If IsNull(Expr) Then Exit Function
shiftData = Split(Expr, ",")
If UBound(shiftData) > 0 Then
'Make a 2D array
ReDim Data(UBound(shiftData), 2)
'Load up 2D array
For i = 0 To UBound(shiftData) - 1
If shiftData(i) <> "" Then
temp = SplitElement(shiftData(i), ":")
Data(i, 0) = temp(0)
Data(i, 1) = temp(1)
End If
Next i
Set rpt = Reports.item("Multi_Locations_Part_1")
If UBound(days) = 0 Then
MsgBox "days array not populated"
Exit Function
End If
'Populate each Textbox in the Multi_Locations_Part_1 Report
For i = 1 To UBound(days)
strCtrl = "txtDesig_" & CStr(i)
Set txt = rpt.Controls.item(strCtrl)
For j = 0 To UBound(Data) - 1
If Data(j, 0) = days(i) Then
txt.Value = Data(j, 1) 'A,B,C,etc.
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End If
PopulateTextboxes = Expr
End Function
Private Function SplitElement(Value As String, Delim As String) As String()
Dim result() As String
result = Split(Value, Delim)
SplitElement = result
End Function
Please advise.
The best way is to call your function from the Format event of the Detail section, so it will be called for each record.
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Call PopulateTextboxes(Me.Expr1)
End Sub
If PopulateTextboxes is in a separate module, I suggest to pass Me as additional parameter for the report, so you don't have to hardcode the report name.
Also note that you need the Set keyword when assigning object variables, e.g.
Set txt = rpt.Controls.item("txtDesig_" & CStr(i))

VB code to remove special character in a column

I am having a column which contains integer values with two special character "," and "_". I am trying to remove these character for example 1,10_2,2_3,3 should be like 1102233. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
this function isn't foolproof but it is a good start.
Function trim(aStringToTrim As String, aElementToTrinm() As Variant) As String
Dim elementToTrim As Integer
Dim IndexInString As Integer
For elementToTrim = LBound(aElementToTrinm) To UBound(aElementToTrinm)
IndexInString = InStr(aStringToTrim, aElementToTrinm(elementToTrim))
Do While IndexInString > 0
aStringToTrim = Left(aStringToTrim, IndexInString - 1) & Right(aStringToTrim, Len(aStringToTrim) - IndexInString - Len(aElementToTrinm(elementToTrim)) + 1)
IndexInString = InStr(aStringToTrim, aElementToTrinm(elementToTrim))
End Function
It can be use like this:
Sub main()
Dim myString As String
Dim caracterstoRemove As Variant
caracterstoRemove = Array(",", ".")
myString = "This, is. a, string, with. caracters to remove."
myString = trim(myString, caracterstoRemove)
End Sub

manipulate StringBuilder in vb.net

I have a Note as stringBuilder with word and date: reval 41/50/50
I want to manipulate it, so I will have: reval 05/05/14.
(The date is only when I have the word reval before)
My function is:
Sub correctDateShowing(ByRef Note As StringBuilder)
Dim index, i, j As Integer
For index = 0 To Note.Length - 2
If (Note(index).ToString = "r" And Note(index + 1).ToString = "e") Then
For i = 6 To Note.Length - 1 'start from 6,because I want only the date to be reversed
'Here I am Stuck!!
End If
End Sub
I try to do some replacing with a tmp variable but it didn't work.
I will be glad to get some help.
Thanks All!!!
Sub CorrectDateShowing(ByRef Note As StringBuilder)
Dim str As String = Note.ToString()
Dim arr As String() = str.Split(" "c)
arr(1) = StrReverse(arr(1))
Note = New StringBuilder(arr(0) & " " & arr(1))
End Sub
Split the text into two parts, reverse the second part (the date) and then reconnect them.
Try this:
Dim tempCharArray As char[]
Dim dateStartIndex, dateLength As int
'' Here you need to calculate the date start index and date length (i guess the date length is always 8)
Note.CopyTo(dateStartIndex, tempCharArray, 0, dateLength)
Note.Replace(new String(tempCharArray), new String(Array.Reverse(tempCharArray)), dateStartIndex, dateLength)