How to supply SQL functions and views required for testing Django app - sql

I've created a file <APP>/<MODEL>.sql according to the Django docs in order to make use of a hook to pass arbitrary SQL after syncdb is run. Inside this file are two function declarations for PostgreSQL and a statement that creates a database view. This runs fine in production but -- just as the docs say -- the code is not run for the test database because the use of fixtures is suggested. Now my unittests are missing the crucial database views and functions and thus fail.
How do I test code that relies on raw sql functions / views?
I dug up this ticket which concerns this question directly and also presents a small workaround.

I found the best way to handle this is to put the custom SQL code into Django's migrations.
Django and South (which is the predecessor to Django's own migration framework) both provide commands to create custom (i.e. empty) migrations. The code for creating database views or functions can be put into an empty migration and will be run whenever a new installation of the project is migrated or the test suite is run.
A tutorial on how to use custom migrations for database views with South can be found here. The syntax is a bit different in Django's own migration framework but the documentation about RunSQL explains it all.

Just run them natively like the sql that they are.
Use sqlcustom
Don't bother with them; you might find yourself swimming upstream to try and make good use of these functions and view via the ORM.
Consider another python framework (dare i say it) which is more attuned to using native sql.


Will Converting my H2 memory database to a SQL database mess up any actual logic on my project? Spring Boot

I am currently using the H2 memory database for my website. Everything is working so far but to progress my teacher said to transition from the h2 database to a SQL since it resets everytime you restart the program. I was wondering if I transitioned, would it mess up any of my logic / code. I know I would have to make a database connector class, but I was just curious if I would have to edit the majority of the code so the information can be placed into the database.
It depends on what "kind" of "sql code" you have. If you are using Hibernate (e.g. through spring-data-jpa) and you only used annotations and never used #Query("some custom SQL code"), then you most likely are safe, as Hibernate knows how to translate java annotations to the respective database of your choice (h2, postgres, what have you).
However, if you have used custom queries, then those custom queries might start breaking, depending on the vendor you choose. E.g. if you have SELECT TOP 10 * FROM users that would probably work for Microsoft SQL Server, but could fail for Postgres.
If you are using any form of ORM frameworks like Hibernate, MyBatis, etc and if you are not dependent on any native queries, procedures, functions, etc of the H2 DB. You will be fine.

How do I add (sql) database to my sintra application?

When I started to code my sinatra application I never used it before. Note that I had and still have no experience with RoR. I had one .rb file and one .haml and was happy. Now I had to split .rb file into about 10 'library' files as the whole application gets more and more complex.
I store some application logs/info in csv files and now I am getting conflicts when accessing the csv file. So I think that I need to introduce "proper" database solution. I want it to be part of my ruby (sinatra) application.
How can I introduce 'light' sql database into my sintra application?
I am on ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32] soon upgrading to 1.9 (hopefully)
I'd recommend looking at Sequel. It's very flexible and powerful, and works well with SQLite, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle and other DBMs. It's not opinionated about how you talk to the database; You can use it as an ORM or with simple datasets, and allows embedded SQL or more programmatic approaches.
For ORM, both ActiveRecord and Sequel are recommended. About database, I guess sqlite3 will be good enough for your need. Also you can choose mysql or pg.
If you want to use active_record, you'll find this article very useful.
And if Sequel is the choice, just read Sequel documents here.
After the gems installed. You can start writing some code to connect the db. Then maybe some migration task to build database tables (and don't forget build some corresponding models). Both gem have similar syntax for migrations. After that, import your csv data and well done.
I have had no trouble using either Active Record or DataMapper to add object persistence to my Sinatra apps. People also tell me Sequel is very good but philosophically it is not not worlds apart from Active Record imho.
Active Record and Sequel favour a more database-centric approach, whereby you spell out your tables as a set of database and table definitions in a collection of migration files and merge them into a schema which is then used to build or update your database tables. If you really care about the underlying SQL database then one of these is for you. I find them to be six of one, a half-dozen the other.
DataMapper is more object-centric and lets you define the properties and object relationships you need in your object's own class definition; and then when your app launches you make sure you call DataMapper.auto_upgrade! and it upgrades the database to suit your object graph. The upside is that you only have one place to look to find what properties your object might have. The downside is you have less control over the specifics of the underlying databases, though it's not impossible to tightly define the mappings, DataMapper works well when you care about object graphs over database tables.
The good news is they pretty much all work in the same way once you have your mappings from object graph to SQL database tables defined. All support lazy or pre-emptive loading of related collections of objects, many_to_many relationships, polymorphism, etc, and tend to vary only in configuration and seeding details.
I often start projects using DataMapper just for its speed of throwing up and tearing down database schemas, as the app's object graph is still in flux; I refactor quickly to use Active Record when the schema has settled down. Next project I think I'll give Sequel a go though, as people do seem to rave about it.
I have had success using datamapper with Sinatra, put like the other post you can also use Sequel and Active Record. One advantage to maybe using Active Record though is if you do ever want to use/learn ROR, Active Record is the default ORM so that might be something that you want to consider.
If you don't want to go the ORM route you can always use the SQL-Ruby gem which will allow you to create and run sql queries. Here is some example code from the website
require 'sqlite'
db = "data.db" )
db.execute( "select * from table" ) do |row|
p row

Django: run queries depending on SQL engine

In Django 1.2.3 I need to perform some queries that are not feasible with pure Django ORM functions. E.g.
result = MyModel.objects.extra(select={'stddev': 'STDDEV_SAMP(value)'}).values()
But, indeed, I need to run this code on several SQL engines (sqllite, MySQL and MSSQL). So, I should test settings.DATABASES['default']['engine'] and run engine-specific code.
Is there a more Django-like approach to this problem? (e.g. user-definined function to put somewhere so that Django run them according to default database engine).
Thank you
The proper place to store the code for accessing data is in a method in the model layer. That way, the model can:
be environment-aware
construct custom queries
use built-in ORM functions
These can be swapped around, optimized, and tweaked, without the rest of your application having to change a bit, because the rest of your application only manipulates data through your model.

Defining table structure for a database?

Up until now, my experience with databases has always been working with an intermediate definition layer that we have where I work. i.e. SQL wasn't directly written for the table definitions, but generated from an intermediate file which wrote out SQL scripts for creating the appropriate tables, upgrade scripts between schema changes, and helper functions for doing simple queries/updates/inserts/deletes from the database.
Now I'm in a situation where I don't have access to that, for reasons I won't get into, and I find myself somewhat lost at sea regarding what to do. I need to have a small number of tables in a database, and I'm unsure what's usually done to manage the table definitions.
Do people normally just use the SQL script that does the table creation as their definition, or does everyone just use an IDE that manages the definition in a separate file and regenerates the SQL script to create the tables?
I'd really prefer not to have to introduce a dependence on a specific IDE, because as we all know, developers are whiners that are prone to religious debates over small things.
Open your favorite text editor -> Start writing CREATE scripts -> Save -> Put in Source Control
That script now becomes the basis for you database. Anytime there are schema changes, they get put back into the scripts so that they don't get lost.
These become your definition.
I find it more reliable than depending on any specific IDE/Platform generating those scripts for you.
We write the scripts ourselves and store them in source control like any other code. Then the scripts that are appropriate for a particular version are all groupd together and promoted to prod together. Make sure to use alter table when changing existing tables becasue you don't want to drop and recreate them if they have data! I use a drop and recireate for all other objects though. If you need to add records to a particular table (usually a lookup of sometype) we do that in scripts as well. Then that too gets promoted with the rest of the version code.
For me, putting the scripts in source control however they are generated is the key step. This is how you know what you have changed for the next release. This is how you can see earlier versions and revert back easily if there is a problem. Treat database code the same wayyou treat all other code.
YOu could use one of the data modelling tools that creates scripts for you if you are starting out on a database design and the eventually want to create it for you. Some tools for that are Erwin, Fabforce etc... (though not free)
If you have access to an IDE like SQL Management studio, you can create them by using an GUI thats pretty simple.
If you are writing your own code, Its always better to write your own scripts based on a good template so that you cover all the properties of the definition of the table like the file_group, Collation & stuff. Hope this helps
Once you do create a base copy generate scripts and have a base reference copy of it so that you could do "incremental" changes on them and manage them in a source control.
Though I use TOAD for Oracle, I always write the scripts to create my database objects by hand. It gives you (and your DBA's) more control and knowledge of what's being created and how.
If your schema is too difficult to describe in SQL, you probably have other issues more pressing than which IDE. Use modelling documentation if you need a graphical representation, but yeah, you don't need an IDE.
There are multiple ways out there for what you are asking.
Old traditional way is to have a script file ready with your application that has CREATE TABLE statement.
If you are a developer, and that too a Java enterprise developer, you could generate complete schema using a persistence library called Hibernate. Here is a how to
If you are a DBA level user, you could take schema export from one environment and import that in to your current environment. This is a standard practice among DBAs. But it requires admin access as you can see. Also, the methods are dependent on the database you are using (oracle, db2 etc)

Whats the best build system for building a database?

This is a problem that I come to on occasion and have yet to work out an answer that I'm happy with. I'm looking for a build system that works well for building a database - that is running all of the SQL files in the correct database instance as the correct user and in the correct order, and handling dependencies and the like properly.
I have a system that I hacked together using Gnu Make and it works, but it's not especially flexable and frankly can be a bit of a pain to work with in some situations. I've considered looking at things like SCons and CMake too, but I don't know how much better they are likely to be, or if there's a better system out there that already exists...
Just a shell script that runs all the create statements and imports in the proper order. You may also find migrations (comes with rails) interesting. It provides a make like infrastructure that let's you maintain a database the structure of which evolves over time.
Say you add a new column to some table. In migrations you'd write a snippet of code which describes the requirements for adding the column and also to rollback the change so you can switch to different versions of your schema automatically.
I'm not a big fan of the tight integration with rails, though, but the principles behind it are very interesting.
For SQL Server, I just use a batch file with SQLCMD.EXE and a bunch of .SQL files. It's not perfect, but it seems to work.
For my database, I use Migrator.NET
This is a .NET framework which allows you to create classes in where you define your DDL statements.
The framework comes with a command-line tool with which you can execute your 'migrations' in the correct order.
It also has a msbuild - task, so you can integrate it in a continuous integration build as well.
First export full DDL files describing all tables, views, source code
(procedures, functions, packages), sequences, and grants of a DB schema
Is there a tool to generate a full database DDL for SQL Server? What about Postgres and MySQL?
I created a database build system (part SQL-parser, part make file) to put these files together in a DB creation script using python.