My visual basic program is creating files improperly and they won't run correctly through other programs -

I have a visual basic program that creates files that are necessary for a semiweekly process. These files are a .bas file (for qbasic) and a .lot file (for voxco automation). I can live without the .bas file and simply put it's functionality directly into my program. I do, however, need the .lot file. Normally these files are copied from old files and edited manually. This is, as you can imagine, tedious. However, the files created by my program do not run properly through any means I have of running them. When I compare the manually created files to the automatically created files, the differences are minimal to nonexistent. The encoding doesn't seem to be an issue either. I simply don't know why the files created by my program are not running properly when the files created manually are working fine.
Here is the code that creates the .lot file:
Dim LotText As String
LotText = *removed*
Dim QuLines As String = Nothing
Dim Reader As New StreamReader(LotFilePath & OldStudy & ".LOT")
Dim SLine As String = Nothing
While Not Reader.EndOfStream
SLine = Reader.ReadLine()
If SLine.StartsWith("*QU") Then
QuLines = QuLines & SLine & vbCrLf
End If
End While
LotText = LotText & QuLines
Dim TempPath As String
TempPath = LotFilePath & "BackEnd\" & StudyID & ".LOT"
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(TempPath, LotText, 0)

When you say the differences are minimal - what are they exactly!? A single character at the beginning of the file could be making the whole thing fail.
I have had problems in the past with writing vbCrLf to files in this manner; try the following code instead to see if it offers any improvement.
Dim LotText As String = *removed*
' Create a list of strings for the output data
Dim QuLines As New Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
Dim Reader As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(LotFilePath, OldStudy & ".LOT"))
Dim SLine As String = Nothing
While Not Reader.EndOfStream
SLine = Reader.ReadLine()
If SLine.StartsWith("*QU") Then
' This line is desired; add it to our output list
End If
End While
' Concatenate the existing data and the output; uses the system defined NewLine
LotText &= Environment.NewLine & String.Join(Environment.Newline, QuLines)
Dim TempPath As String = Path.Combine(LotFilePath, "BackEnd", StudyID & ".LOT")
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(TempPath, LotText, 0)

Related overwrite everything in a text file

in my Application id like to overwrite and add new content of a text file
What Code do I need to use?
Read (ie: load) everything in the TXT file into your program.
Dim sFullPathToFile As String = Application.StartupPath & "\Sample.txt"
Dim sAllText As String = ""
Using xStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(sFullPathToFile)
sAllText = xStreamReader.ReadToEnd
End Using
Dim arNames As String() = Split(sAllText, vbCrLf)
'Just for fun, display the found entries in a ListBox
For iNum As Integer = 0 To UBound(arNames)
If arNames(iNum) > "" Then lstPeople.Items.Add(arNames(iNum))
Next iNum
Because you wanted to overwrite everything in the file, we now use StreamWriter (not a StreamReader like before).
'Use the True to indicate it is to be appended to existing file
'Or use False to open the file in Overwrite mode
Dim xStreamWRITER As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(sFullPathToFile, False)
'Use the carriage return character or else each entry is on the same line
xStreamWRITER.Write("I have overwritten everything!" & vbCrLf)

Strange symbols stopping my batch file running in

I am trying to create and run a batch file from, then get the output and print it out. But when it runs it is appended by these symbols '´╗┐. Causing this error '´╗┐cd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. When I look at the batch file in notepad++ there is no symbol there! What is happening! Thanks James.
Dim path As String = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Dim command As String = "cd " & path & " & " & argument
Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(tempFile, False)
file.WriteLine("#ECHO OFF")
Dim objProcess As New Process()
Dim SROutput As System.IO.StreamReader
With objProcess.StartInfo
.FileName = tempFile
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.UseShellExecute = False
.Arguments = ""
End With
SROutput = objProcess.StandardOutput
Do While SROutput.Peek <> -1
rtbOutput.Text = rtbOutput.Text & SROutput.ReadLine & vbNewLine
rtbOutput.Text = rtbOutput.Text & message & vbNewLine
That's a Byte Order Mark.
It means the OpenTextFileWriter() method is using a different encoding than you expect. You can fix the problem by using OpenTextFileWriter() overload that allows you pick an encoding like ASCII with no byte order mark or use the encoding with the byte order mark that matches what the DOS subsystem is expecting.
Solved, Im not entirely sure what was happening when it was writing the file, but I have changed it to this
Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(tempFile)
End Using
and its now running fine!. Thanks for any time spent on this and feel free to post an explination as to why this was happening.

Is it possible to Dim a variable in using values from an array?

I need to create several text files in based on values entered in a spreadsheet. Each text file will be named 'valuename.txt'.
I populate an array with the value names as they are entered:
issues(j) = Grid1.Cells(1, j).Value
Now I need to open text files with their names. I would like to do something along the lines of:
Dim Filename As String = "C:\" & Grid1.Cells(1, j).Value & ".txt"
Dim issues(j) As New System.IO.StreamWriter(Filename)
When I enter this in Visual Studio, it says it does not like:
Do I have any other options?
It seems like the code you have posted is inside a for loop with j being the counting variable.
You are already building a filename from the cell values, so just declare the streamwriter as a new variable and use it:
For j = 0 To Grid1.Rows.Count - 1 'Assumed by me
'Create the filename for the current row
Dim Filename As String = "C:\" & Grid1.Cells(1, j).Value & ".txt"
'The Using block makes sure that the ressources used by the streamwriter are disposed again.
'It is equivalent as Dim sw As New IO.Streamwriter, but Using should be preferred
Using sw As New IO.StreamWriter(Filename)
'Use the streamwriter to write the data
End Using
'If you additionally want to store the values in an array for whatever reason
issues(j) = Grid1.Cells(1, j).Value
Your Dim issues(j) statement does not make any sense.
To append data to an existing file, use the overload of the StreamWriter constructor:
Using sw As New IO.StreamWriter(Filename, True)
The second parameter defines if data should be added to the file.
You can use Using to declare a new StreamWriter:
Dim Filename As String = "C:\" & Grid1.Cells(1, j).Value & ".txt"
Using fsw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(Filename)
'Do Something
End Using
But if you insist to use a list of StreamWriter (I don't know why) then you can do something like this:
Dim fsw As New List(Of System.IO.StreamWriter)
fsw(j) = New System.IO.StreamWriter(Filename)
'Do Something

Loop to print text files is skipping some files(randomly, it seems)

I have a VB.NET program which lists some text files in a directory and loops through them. For each file, the program calls notepad.exe with the /p parameter and the filename to print the file, then copies the file to a history directory, sleeps for 5 seconds(to allow notepad to open and print), and finally deletes the original file.
What's happening is, instead of printing every single text file, it is only printing "random" files from the directory. Every single text file gets copied to the history directory and deleted from the original however, so I know that it is definitely listing all of the files and attempting to process each one. I've tried adding a call to Thread.Sleep for 5000 milliseconds, then changed it to 10000 milliseconds to be sure that the original file wasn't getting deleted before notepad grabbed it to print.
I'm more curious about what is actually happening than anything (a fix would be nice too!). I manually moved some of the files that did not print to the original directory, removing them from the history directory, and reran the program, where they DID print as they should, so I know it shouldn't be the files themselves, but something to do with the code.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim f() As String = ListFiles("l:\", "997")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To f.Length - 1
If Not f(i) = "" Then
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Notepad.exe", " /p l:\" & f(i))
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("l:\" & f(i), "k:\" & f(i))
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("l:\" & f(i))
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Function ListFiles(ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal strFileFilter As String) As String()
'finds all files in the strFilePath variable and matches them to the strFileFilter variable
'adds to string array strFiles if filename matches filter
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFiles(0) As String
Dim strExclude As String = ""
Dim pos As Integer = 0
Dim posinc As Integer = 0
strFileName = Dir(strFilePath)
Do While Len(strFileName) > 0
'check to see if filename matches filter
If InStr(strFileName, strFileFilter) Then
If InStr(strFileName, "997") Then
FileOpen(1, strFilePath & strFileName, OpenMode.Input)
Do Until EOF(1)
strExclude = InputString(1, LOF(1))
pos = InStr(UCase(strExclude), "MANIFEST")
posinc = posinc + pos
pos = InStr(UCase(strExclude), "INVOICE")
posinc = posinc + pos
Else : posinc = 1
End If
If posinc > 0 Then
'add file to array
ReDim Preserve strFiles(i)
strFiles(i) = strFileName
i += 1
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile("l:\" & strFileName, "k:\" & strFileName)
End If
'MsgBox(strFileName & " " & IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(strFileName).ToString)
pos = 0
posinc = 0
End If
'get the next file
strFileName = Dir()
Return strFiles
End Function
Brief overview of the code above. An automated program fills the "L:\" directory with text files, and this program needs to print out certain files with "997" in the filename (namely files with "997" in the filename and containing the text "INVOICE" or "MANIFEST"). The ListFiles function does exactly this, then back in the Form1_Load() sub it is supposed to print each file, copy it, and delete the original.
Something to note, this code is developed in Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7. The machine that actually runs this program is still on Windows XP.
I can see a few issues. the first and most obvious is the error handling:
You have a Try.. Catch with no error handling. You may be running in to an error without knowing it!! Add some output here, so you know if that is the case.
The second issue is to do with the way you are handling Process classes.
Instead of just calling System.Diagnostics.Process.Start in a loop and sleeping you should use the inbuilt method of handling execution. You are also not disposing of anything, which makes me die a little inside.
Try something like
Using p As New System.Diagnostics.Process
p.Start("Notepad.exe", " /p l:\" & f(i))
End Using
With both of these changes in place you should not have any issues. If you do there should at least be errors for you to look at and provide here, if necessary.

I can't get my program to read the second line of a text document

Alright so I am trying to make my program read a specific line of a text file. I created two labels, designated one as TheFileName and the other as TheText. Everything works, except I can not figure out how to make it read the second line, and only the second line.
Dim Rlo As New IO.StreamReader("C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\RobloxRecruitV1\RobloxRecruitV1\bin\Debug\" & TheFileName.Text & ".txt")
TheText.Text = Rlo.ReadLine(2)
Dim Rlo As New IO.StreamReader("C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\RobloxRecruitV1\RobloxRecruitV1\bin\Debug\" & TheFileName.Text & ".txt")
Dim firstLine As String
'read first line
firstLine = Rlo.ReadLine()
'read secondline
TheText.Text = Rlo.ReadLine()