dojo Query the first matching element - dojo

Is there a specific syntax to query the first matching element in dojo?
I am currently using:
require (["dojo/query"], function (query) {
var foundNode = query (".className")[0];
Is there a more efficient way?

If you just want the first node of the NodeList as a DOM node object, then I think tha's the correct way to do it.
If you want to return the first DOM node as a NodeList, then you can use the first() function of dojo/NodeList-traverse. This means you can use further NodeList-operations. Read more about them at the reference guide.
The example below gives the first node of the NodeList a yellow background:
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-traverse", "dojo/NodeList-dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(query) {
"backgroundColor": "#FF0"
I also made a JSFiddle to demonstrate this.


Iterating elements using NightWatchJS

How do i click a button returned by elements command in night watch
client.elements('xpath', ".//a[#class='abcd')]", function (allButtons){
console.log('Element value is '+element)
allButtons.value.forEach(function (element) {
this.elementIdClick(element, function(res){});
While running i am getting an error as
Element value is [object Object]
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'elementIdClick'
So how do i get each element from the element list returned by client.elements
I realized the parameters for elementIdClick is wrong, i updated the code as
client.elements('xpath', ".//a[#class='abcd')]", function (allButtons){
allButtons.value.forEach(function (element) {
console.log('Element value is '+element)
this.elementIdClick(this.elementIdAttribute(allButtons.value[element].ELEMENT, 'id'), function(res){});
Now the error is
Element value is [object Object]
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ELEMENT' of undefined
So again back to original question. How do i get individual elements from a list of webelements using nightwatchJS
The following worked for me:
function iter(elems) {
elems.value.forEach(function(element) {
client.elements('css selector', '', iter);
Each element is a JSON object of the form { ELEMENT: string } (so, has no method itself.)
this in forEach does not point to the element, nor client: you need to invoke client.elementIdClick() or will get a TypeError.
Hope it helps.
I used the following strategy to iterate over DOM elements using Nightwatch:
// Executing a function in the application context.
client.execute(function () {
// Get elements by CSS selector.
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.elements');
// Iterate over them.
[], function (element) {
// Manipulate each element.;
That snippet is inside a test of course.
If you use jQuery or something similar you can use that too.
I think the error is getting generated by your console.log() statement.
From the elements() command, allButtons.value will be an array of several objects. To access key pairs in that array, you need need to specify where in the array and then reference the object: allButtons.value[index].ELEMENT
Because you gave your .forEach() loop only one arg, it's interpreting that as the index for the array, and in my code sample below I replaced your local variable element with index for clarity. There is also no need to use the .elementIdAttribute() function; the number returned by allButtons.value[0].ELEMENT will work as the id.
client.elements('xpath', ".//a[#class='abcd')]", function (allButtons){
allButtons.value.forEach(function (index) {
console.log('Element value is '+index.ELEMENT)
Hope that helps.

How can I hide a dijit/form/button?

I think it is a common sense that providing a simple way to hide/show and enable/disable a button, but I cannot find any document that describe dojo has done such thing.
Any way, I hope it is my fault that I have missed out something while googling, thanks!
The following coding is what I have tried but they just make the button's text invisible:, {'visibility':'hidden'});, {'display':'none'});
UPDATE Question:
To oborden2:
I have tried your code, the result is same as the above code, here is the captured screen:
To MiBrock:
I have also tried your code and also get the result that same as the above code:
Form widgets in Dijit are special. For all normal Dijit widgets, the domNode (outermost node) of the widget receives the id property. However, with form widgets, the focusNode (which corresponds to the <input> element) receives the ID instead, so that things like <label for="foo"> work properly. In this case, the outermost node has no ID, and you’re actually just hiding the inner HTML input element.
If you already have reference to the widget:
require([ 'dojo/dom-style' ], function (domStyle) {
domStyle.set(widget.domNode, 'display', 'none');
If you only have a reference to the ID of the widget/original DOM node:
require([ 'dojo/dom-style', 'dijit/registry' ], function (domStyle, registry) {
domStyle.set(registry.byId(nodeId).domNode, 'display', 'none');
require(["dojo/dom-style","dojo/domReady!"], function(domStyle){
The variable "domNode" stays for the id of the Node that should be influenced. This is the way we make it.
Regards, Miriam
Try using the Toggler module
require(["dojo/fx/Toggler"], function(Toggler),{
// Create a new Toggler with default options
var toggler = new Toggler({
node: "btnInsert"
// Hide the node
// Show the node;
I imagine you would want to link this to some event using Dojo's on module. Link it up to whatever condition triggers the button's need to be hidden.

How do I delete all div with an id that begins with xyz with dojo 1.8.3?

I want to delete all <div> which id begins with xyz from the dom tree.
I know that this can be done with dojo.query and dojo.destroy but I never used this combination before.
I tried this but it doesn't work:
var divNodesWidgets = dijit.findWidgets('[id^="divNodes"]');
dojo.forEach(divNodesWidgets, function(d) {
var UlWidgets = dijit.findWidgets('[id^="ulNodes"]');
dojo.forEach(UlWidgets, function(u) {
var headingWidgets = dijit.findWidgets('[id^="h1Nodes"]');
dojo.forEach(headingWidgets, function(h) {
Is what you are destroying a widget or just an Element, if its just an element try with:
dojo.forEach(dojo.query('[id^="xyz"]'), function(entry,idx){
alert(entry + " Destroyed");
You have to use Jquery Attribute Starts With Selector [name^="value"]
Please go through this and you will get to know what you have to do
I just add this answer for the sake of using AMD syntax, since you are using dojo 1.8.3, otherwise I would go for tik27's second proposal.
], function(query, domConstruct){

Search for an Item inside an Dojo Store

Is there any way to find an "item" inside an Dojo Store (Version 1.1!!).
The Format of the Json Data is like: name/id.
So far if tryed it with:
var storeItem ={query: {name: "Alpha"}});
But fetch does not return the item? Btw. i need the "ID" of the Item to set an default value for the filteringSelect (but the id can change from time to time...)
Let me preface my answer in that I can't speak to 1.1 specifically. But in 1.6...
store.fetch is coded in an asynchronous manner. It does not return the item. You must provide a callback that will iterate over the items returned from the query.
query: {/*queryParams*/},
onComplete: function(items, findResult){
dojo.forEach(items, function(item){
// work with your item
I don't believe this API had changed much over time, so if it is present in 1.1, then I think this should help.

Using dijit.InlineEditBox with dijit.form.Select

I'm trying to use a dijit.form.Select as the editor for my dijit.InlineEditBox. Two problems / unexpected behavior seem to occur:
Inconsistently, the InLineEditBox doesn't have the initial value set as selected
Consistently, after selecting a choice, the value that should be hidden is shown instead of the label.
The width isn't set to 130px
Here's working code:
The jist
<span dojoType="dijit.InlineEditBox" editor="dijit.form.Select"
options: [
editorStyle="width: 1000px;"
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Okay, after a few MORE hours struggling with the mess that is dijit.InlineEditBox, I think I have the solution to the remaining issue (#2).
EDIT: My first solution to #2 is still flawed; the implementation at will never return the actual internal value when get('value') is called.
EDIT #2: I've revamped the solution so that value still retains the real (hidden) value, keeping displayedValue separate. See if this works better:
First, to recap for those who weren't on IRC:
Issue #1 was happening due to value not being properly set as a top-level property of the InlineEditBox itself; it didn't pick it up properly from the wrapped widget.
Issue #3 was happening due to some pretty crazy logic that InlineEditBox executes to try to resolve styles. Turns out though that InlineEditBox makes setting width particularly easy by also exposing it as a top-level numeric attribute. (Though IINM you can also specify a percentage as a string e.g. "50%")
Now, issue #2...that was the killer. The problem is, while InlineEditBox seems to have some logic to account for widgets that have a displayedValue attribute, that logic is sometimes wrong (it expects a displayedValue property to actually exist on the widget, which isn't necessarily the case), and other times missing entirely (when the InlineEditBox initializes). I've worked around those as best I could in my own dojo.declared extensions to InlineEditBox and the internal widget it uses, _InlineEditor - since generally it's a good idea to leave the original distribution untouched.
It's not pretty (neither is the underlying code I dug through to understand and come up with this), but it seems to be doing its job.
But man, this was rather interesting. And potentially pertinent to my interests as well, as we have used this widget in our UIs as well, and will be using it more in the future.
Let me know if anything backfires.
<span dojoType="dijit.InlineEditBox" editor="dijit.form.Select"
options: [
{label:'Professor',value:'prof',selected:true},**<<<<** and this comma is for?
style:'width:1000px;',**<<<<** and this comma is for?
editorStyle="width: 1000px;"
Also, when using dijit.form.Select, selected value is not attr "selected" but value.
And if you enter prof inside <span ...blah > prof </span> than your proper selected option will be selected ;)
Dijit select checks for VALUE, not attr.
This may be fixed in recent Dojo - see - but using 1.7.3 I found this worked:
In my app directory, at the same level as dojo, dijit and dojox, I created a file InlineSelectBox.js which extends InlineEditBox with code to set the HTML on the associated domNode from the value of the Dijit, and which wires up that code to the onChange() event:
function(InlineEditBox, Select, on, declare, array){
return declare(InlineEditBox, {
_setLabel: function() {
array.some(this.editorParams.options, function(option, i){
if (option.value == this.value) {
this.domNode.innerHTML = option.label;
return true;
return false;
}, this);
postMixInProperties: function(){
this.connect(this, "onChange", "_setLabel");
postCreate: function(){
Then, in my view script:
function(ready, InlineSelectBox, Select){
// Add code to set the options array
var options = [];
// Add code to set the initial value
var initialValue = '';
var inlineSelect = new InlineSelectBox({
editor: Select,
editorParams: {options: options},
autoSave: true,
value: initialValue
}, "domNodeToAttachTo");
I was dealing with this situation a few months ago, and not finding a resolution i made my own algorithm.
I put a div with an event on Onclick that build programatically a Filtering Select on that div with the store i want to use.
function create(id,value){
var name = dojo.byId(id).innerHTML;
dojo.byId(id).parentNode.innerHTML = '<div id="select"></div>';
new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
store: store,
autoComplete: true,
invalidMessage:"Invalid Selection",
style: "width: 80px;",
onBlur: function(){ },
onChange: function(){ },
required: true,
value: value,
disabled: false,
searchAttr: "name",
id: "status"+id,
name: "status"
I used the onBlur event to destroy the widget and the onchange to save by xhr the new value.
The focus is below because the onBlur was not working properly.
note: the function is not complete.