SQL, Find node value in xml variable, if it exists insert additional nodes into xml variable - sql

I've got a Stored Procedure in SQL, where I have the following declaration:
Declare #fields xml
My SP gets passed values from the front end and then gets executed. The values it gets passed looks like this depending on what the user selects from the front end. For the purpose of this example I have included only 3 ID's.
My question is this:
How can I find the node = 1000 and if that is present (exists) then insert (add) to 2 additional nodes,
to my existing '<F><ID>979</ID><ID>1000</ID><ID>989</ID></F>' xml.
If <ID>1000</ID> isn't present do nothing.
So, end result should be something like this if 1000 is present.
If not, the result should stay:
I just can't get my head around this?

Check this:
declare #fields xml = '<F><ID>979</ID><ID>1000</ID><ID>989</ID></F>'
, #add xml = '<ID>992</ID><ID>993</ID>'
if #fields.exist('/F[1]/ID[text()="1000"]') = 1
set #fields.modify('insert sql:variable("#add") as last into /F[1]');
select #fields


Searching through XML in T-SQL with conditions

I am trying to get the correct info from an XML data type into regular scalar variables based on conditions, however I am having trouble getting the correct info back.
Here is the XML I am searching through:
<F166>81715 DOCTOR CARRE</F166>
<F166>51250 MECCA AVE</F166>
Basically I need to get the numbers from <'F116'> but only if <'F98_1'> is equal to 'PW'.
I have tried:
declare #zip varchar(30)
select #zip = T.value('(F116)[1]','varchar(30)')
from #TransactionXML.nodes('/Loop2420/N4') Trans(T)
where T.value('(/Loop2420/NM1/F98_1)[1]','varchar(30)') = 'PW'
But that sometimes returns the value from <'F116'> even if <'F98_1'> is equal to '45'.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Put the test in the XQuery itself and clamp it to the node you're checking:
SELECT #zip = T.value('(N4/F116)[1]', 'varchar(30)')
FROM #TransactionXML.nodes('/Loop2420') Trans(T)
WHERE T.exist('NM1/F98_1[text()="PW"]') = 1
If PW is not a static value, use the sql:variable() or sql:column() function to incorporate it in the query.

Execute SQL Task in SSIS string parameter

I created two string variables (tot and tot_value) and assigned a value (tot = MyVal) for testing. Then I created an Execute SQL Task which takes (tot) as parameter and the value returned is saved in tot_value.
In the General Tab, i set:
ResultSet to Single row. SQL Source Type to Direct input Query is listed below.
In Parameter Mapping I selected my tot variable with Input DirectionSQL_VARCHAR Data Type 1 as Parameter Name (Since i am using ODBC)Size set to default -1.
In Result SetResult Name to 1Variable Name to tot_value.
If in the query I hard code 'MyVal' i get the correct result, however when I use ? to use my variable as a parameter, I always get a 0 returned.
Note that my tot variable is set to MyVal
Any clue of what I might be missing? Thanks in advance
select TOP 1 CAST('' + ISNULL((SELECT distinct type_of_transfer_code
FROM SYSTEM.history_program_transfer
WHERE type_of_transfer_value = ?),'') AS VARCHAR(100)) as type_of_transfer_code
FROM SYSTEM.table_facility_defaults

Reading dynamic XML nodes in SQL Server

I have the following XML structure:
set #MailXML =
<Age> 24 </Age>
<DestinationAddress> 440 Mountain View Parade </DestinationAddress>
<DestinationCountry> USA </DestinationCountry>
<OriginCountry> Australia </OriginCountry>
<OriginAddress> 120 St Kilda Road </OriginAddress>
My SQL currently looks like this:
-- Mail Insertion
INSERT INTO mailDB.dbo.Mailman
m.value('Name[1]','varchar(50)') as Name,
m.value('Age[1]','varchar(50)') as Age
#MailXML.nodes('/MailingCompany/Mailman') as A(m)
-- Letter Insertion
INSERT INTO mailDB.dbo.Letter
l.value('DestinationAddress[1]', 'varchar(50)') as DestinationAddress,
l.value('DestinationCountry[1]', 'varchar(50)') as DestinationCountry,
l.value('OriginCountry[1]', 'varchar(50)') as OriginCountry,
l.value('OriginAddress[1]', 'varchar(50)') as OriginAddress
#MailPersonFK as MailID
#MailXML.nodes('MailingCompany/Mailman/Letter') as B(l)
I am trying to extract the Mailman and Letter data into their own respective tables. I have got that working however my issue is that the MailCompany node is dynamic. Sometimes it may be MailVehicle, for example, and I still need
to read the corresponding Mailman and Letter node data and insert them into their own respective tables.
So both
FROM #MailXML.nodes('/MailingCompany/Mailman') as A(t)
FROM #MailXML.nodes('MailingCompany/Mailman/Letter') as B(l)
Will need to be changed to allow MailingCompany to be dynamic.
I have tried to extract the parent node and concatenate it into a string to put into the .nodes function like the following:
set #DynXML = '/' + #parentNodeVar + '/Mailman'
FROM #MailXML.nodes(#DynXML) as A(t)
However I get the following error:
The argument 1 of the XML data type method "nodes" must be a string literal.
How can I overcome this dynamic XML issue?
Thank you very much in advance
Look at this reduced example:
<DestinationAddress> 440 Mountain View Parade </DestinationAddress>
<DestinationAddress> This is the other address </DestinationAddress>
SELECT #xml1.value(N'(*/Mailman/Name)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Mailman_Name
,#xml1.value(N'(*/Mailman/Letter/DestinationAddress)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS DestinationAddress
SELECT #xml2.value(N'(*/Mailman/Name)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Mailman_Name
,#xml2.value(N'(*/Mailman/Letter/DestinationAddress)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS DestinationAddress
You can replace a node's name with *.
Another trick is the deep search with // (same result as before):
SELECT #xml1.value(N'(//Name)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Mailman_Name
,#xml1.value(N'(//DestinationAddress)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS DestinationAddress
SELECT #xml2.value(N'(//Name)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Mailman_Name
,#xml2.value(N'(//DestinationAddress)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS DestinationAddress
The general rule: Be as specific as possible.

Querying XML colum for values

I have a SQL Server table with an XML column, and it contains data something like this:
<Value />
Each QueryRule will only have one Attribute, but each QueryGroup can have many QueryRules. Each Query can also have many QueryGroups.
I need to be able to pull all records that have one or more QueryRule with a certain attribute and value.
FROM QueryBuilderQueries
WHERE [the xml contains any value=X where the attribute is either Y or Z]
I've worked out how to check a specific QueryRule, but not "any".
Query.value('(/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Value)[1]', 'varchar(max)') like 'UserToFind'
AND Query.value('(/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Attribute)[1]', 'varchar(max)') in ('FirstName', 'LastName')
You can use two exist(). One to check the value and one to check Attribute.
select Q.Query
from dbo.QueryBuilderQueries as Q
where Q.Query.exist('/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Value/text()[. = "UserToFind"]') = 1 and
Q.Query.exist('/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Attribute/text()[. = ("FirstName", "LastName")]') = 1
If you really want the like equivalence when you search for a Value you can use contains().
select Q.Query
from dbo.QueryBuilderQueries as Q
where Q.Query.exist('/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Value/text()[contains(., "UserToFind")]') = 1 and
Q.Query.exist('/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Attribute/text()[. = ("FirstName", "LastName")]') = 1
According to http://technet.microsoft.com/pl-pl/library/ms178030%28v=sql.110%29.aspx
"The XQuery must return at most one value"
If you are quite certain that for example your XML has let's say maximum 10 QueryRules you could maybe use WHILE to loop everything while droping your results into temporary table?
maybe below can help you anyway
Query type)
SET #i = 1
WHILE #i >= 10
FROM QueryBuilderQueries
WHERE Query.value('(/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Value)[#i]', 'varchar(max)') LIKE 'UserToFind'
AND Query.value('(/Query/QueryGroup/QueryRule/Attribute)[#i]', 'varchar(max)') IN ('FirstName', 'LastName')
#i = #i + 1
FROM #temp
It's a pity that the SQL Server (I'm using 2008) does not support some XQuery functions related to string such as fn:matches, ... If it supported such functions, we could query right inside XQuery expression to determine if there is any. However we still have another approach. That is by turning all the possible values into the corresponding SQL row to use the WHERE and LIKE features of SQL for searching/filtering. After some experiementing with the nodes() method (used on an XML data), I think it's the best choice to go:
select *
from QueryBuilderQueries
where exists( select *
from Query.nodes('//QueryRule') as v(x)
where LOWER(v.x.value('(Attribute)[1]','varchar(max)'))
in ('firstname','lastname')
and v.x.value('(Value)[1]','varchar(max)') like 'UserToFind')

Better way in TSQL to search xml for a node that doesn't exist

We have a source XML file that has an address node, and each node is supposed to have a zip_code node beneath in order to validate. We received a file that failed the schema validation because at least one node was missing it's zip_code (there were several thousand addresses in the file).
We need to find the elements that do not have a zip code, so we can repair the file and send an audit report to the source.
--declare #x xml = bulkcolumn from openrowset(bulk 'x:\file.xml',single_blob) as s
declare #x xml = N'<addresses>
declare #t xml = (
select #x.query('for $a in .//address
if ($a/zip_code)
then <external_address_id />
else $a/external_address_id')
select x.AddressID.value('.', 'int') AddressID
from #t.nodes('./external_address_id') x(AddressID)
where x.AddressID.value('.', 'int') > 0
Really, it's the where clause that bugs me. I feel like I'm depending on a cast for a null value to 0, and it works, but I'm not really sure that it should. I tried a few variations with the .exist function, but I couldn't get the correct result.
If you just want to ensure that you are selecting address elements that have a zip_code element, then adjust your XPATH to include that criteria in a predicate filter:
If you also want to ensure that the zip_code element also has a value, use a predicate filter for the zip_node to select those that have text() nodes:
Actually, I'm looking for the
opposite. I need to identify the nodes
that don't have a zip, so we can
manually correct the source data.
So, if you want to identify all of the address elements that do not have a zip_code, you can specify it in the XPATH like this:
If you just want to locate those nodes that are missing their <zip_code> element, you could use something like this:
ADRS.ADR.value('(external_address_id)[1]', 'int') as 'ExtAdrID'
#x.nodes('/addresses/address') as ADRS(ADR)
ADRS.ADR.exist('zip_code') = 0
It uses the built-in .exist() method in XQuery to check the existence of a subnode inside an XML node.