Element not being added when running test through webdriver - selenium

I am working on writing a story for a bdd framework which uses jbehave/selenium/webdriver and am having a problem where the test encounters an error while running the story but appears to be fine when running manually. I'm having a problem where javascript for the functionality I'm testing behaves slightly different when I'm running tests manually on firefox vs through selenium web driver on the same system/version of firefox and this difference is causing a js error.
I've debugged and basically the root of the problem appears to be that var request_XML_container = $('div_appendpoint_id'); returns something different when I'm running the test manually vs when I run through the bdd framework.
var request_XML_container = $('div_appendpoint_id');
request_XML_container.innerHTML = encoded_xml_from_request;
var pos = method_to_get_position('id_of_place_div_should_be_appended_to');
// JS exception is thrown saying that style is not defined **ONLY**
// when running through web driver. Running test manually on
// same system and same browser works fine.
request_XML_container.style.left = (pos[0] - 300) + 'px';
request_XML_container.style.top = (pos[1] + 25) + 'px';
request_XML_container.style.display = "block";
Why this would work fine when running manually that var request_XML_container = $('div_appendpoint_id'); would return an item with style defined, but when running through webdriver that the style attribute of the element would not be defined?
UPDATE: I had originally thought that this was updating an iframe, but I read the markup wrong and the iframe I saw is a sibling - not a parent - of the element where the response is being appended to. I'm trying to simply append the response to a div. To be honest, this only makes things more confusing as grabbing a div by id should be pretty straight forward and I'm now sure why webdriver would be producing a different return element in this situation.
UPDATE 2: Steps to reproduce and information about the system I'm on:
Use webdriver to navigate to this url: http://fiddle.jshell.net/C3VB5/11/show/
Have webdriver click the button. It should not work
Run your test again, but pause put a breakpoint at your code to click the driver
Click the button on the browser that webdriver opened. It should not work
Refresh the browser page on the browser that webdriver opened. Now, it should work.
System details:
OS : OS X 10.8.5 (12F37)
IDE : Eclipse Kepler: Build id: 20130614-0229
Browser (used manually and by webdriver) : Firefox 23.0.1
Selenium version: 2.35.0
UPDATE 3: I have provided this maven project on github to aid in reproducing: https://github.com/dkwestbr/WebdriverBug/tree/master/Webdriver
Synopsis/tl:dr; Basically, in certain situations it appears as though webdriver is overwriting the '$()' javascript method with a method that does not return an HTMLElement with innerHTML or style defined (among other things). This post details the issue and how to reproduce.
I have opened this ticket to track the issue: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=6287&thanks=6287&ts=1379519170

I have confirmed that this is a bug with the Thucydides framework (understandable since they still aren't at a 1.0 release).
Issue can be tracked here: https://java.net/jira/browse/THUCYDIDES-203


Why does Selenium ExecuteScript method doesn't work anymore in Salesforce application but ExecuteAsyncScript works

Hi I've been trying to figure this for the past couple of days. I wrote the code below that use to work but doesn't work any more using the ExecuteScript method. The only thing i have changed was update my chrome driver because it was not launching chrome since the driver wasn't working with the older chrome version I have. So once I updated the chrome driver it began to work until i had to run this piece of code. I modified it below not to what the actual link text is.
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)WebActions.One;
js.ExecuteScript("alert('Welcome to Guru99');"); // This was added for testing purpose
IWebElement somelink = WebActions.One.FindElement(By.XPath("//span[text()='Some Text']"));
js.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", somelink );
When i changed the method to be ExecuteAsyncScript it started working again. Is this something that has changed with the app or is this something i'm doing wrong. I tried reading up on ExecuteAsyncScript vs ExecuteScript to see the difference but all i was able to get was something about the call back telling
when its finished which i'm not experienced in java script.
I would just like to understand more then anything or should i just start using ExecuteAsyncScript method. Thanks
There's a chromedriver ticket about this issue here:
It states:
The cause of the issue is this website modifies the constructor of the
built-in AsyncFunction object. This causes difficulty when
ChromeDriver tries to create an AsyncFunction to wrap the script being
chromedriver 78 fixes the issue. For testing with Chrome 77, the ticket recommends switching to executeAsyncScript, or using chromedriver 76 since "ChromeDriver vX will run with Chrome vX+1".

Selenium click() not working for microsoftEdge webdriver

I've tried the standard
var elementForMs = driver.findElement(By.xpath(selector));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", elementForMs);
var elementForMs = driver.findElement(By.css(selector));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", elementForMs);
And there are simply cases where the element never responds to the click in Microsoft Edge 15.01563.
Each driver has unique bugs. So somethings that work in Firefox, may not work in Chrome or so on. So the only way around is to find what works and use it. And if possible report the issue to the driver owner
In your case since finding the element and clicking on it doesn't work with
var elementForMs = driver.findElement(By.xpath(selector));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", elementForMs);
But works when you use javascript directly in console. that means you should execute the same in your code

Mink and Sahi timing out on getContent

I've written a website scraper for use in a project.
I'm controlling Firefox through Sahi using Mink to visit each site and interact with any elements where necessary. I've managed to get this working perfectly on all sites I've tried except for one...
I'm trying to get the markup from https://www.o2.co.uk/shop/phones/
I'm using the exact same code for this page, as I have for all others:
// Configure driver
$this->driver = new \Behat\Mink\Driver\SahiDriver('firefox',
new \Behat\SahiClient\Client(
new \Behat\SahiClient\Connection(null, CRAWL_SERVER, 9999)
// Init session:
$this->session = new \Behat\Mink\Session($this->driver);
// Start session:
// Open the url
// Get the markup from the page
$markup = $this->session->getPage()->getContent();
When I use this code to attempt to get the markup from https://www.o2.co.uk/shop/phones/ Mink just seems to hang, waiting for something to happen.
It would seem that maybe something on this page is preventing either Sahi or Mink from returning the markup. I've also tried running other functions instead of getContent(), such as $this->session->wait(2000); and attempting to search through getPage using the find command.
If anyone has any idea as to why this is happening I would be very interested in finding out why and how I can make this work.
Why is Mink/Sahi timing out on this site?

Selenium: Can't SendKeys() to an item that was below the visible window but was made visible by Click()

I have this problem with a text field that is visible at the time of the SendKeys. I'm using IEDriverServer.exe and C#.
Here's how I can reproduce the problem:
The text field in question is visible in the window but you have to scroll down to see it. To scroll down I click on the element using code like this:
var element = driver.FindElement(By.Xpath("…"));
This scrolls the window down and makes the text field visible.
But when I try to send text to now-visible window:
I get the exception:
When_applicant_enters_application.Should_be_instantly_approved_on_external threw exception: OpenQA.Selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not displayed
How can I fix or workaround this problem?
Selenium version: 2.32.1
OS: Windows 7
Browser: IE
Browser version: 9.0.15
I've written code demonstrating the problem and submitted it to the Selenium tech support volunteers.
The full discussion is at http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=5620
but the take-home is:
// Doesn't work
// driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
// driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"D:\CGY\selenium\Bug5620\Bug5620\Bug5620.htm");
// Works
// driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"D:\CGY\selenium\Bug5620\Bug5620\Bug5620.htm");
// Works
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"http://localhost:8080/Bug5620/"); // Hosted on Tomcat
so there may be a problem that possibly involves IE, IE security settings, Visual Studio local servers and/or the IE Driver. This may not even be a code problem, but something that needs to be documented, since other people are apparently running into the problem.
I don't know where the problem is exactly but I do have a work-around at this point, which is to use the Firefox Driver.
Thanks for your help, Jim. If you find out a better way of dealing with the problem, please add an answer here for the other folks.

IE is continously maximizing and minimizing when test suite executes

I'm using
Selenium standalone server - 2.25.0
IE - 8.0.7601.17514 (64 - bit edition)
IEDriverServer.exe - 2.28.0 (64-bit)
OS - Windows 7 professional
Java - SDK7
I'm using below code to launch IE and run a simple test.
WebDriver driver = null;
DesiredCapabilities ieCapabilities = null;
ieCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
if (ieCapabilities != null) {
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(ieCapabilities);
// driver.findElement(By.id("anchSighin")).click();
By using above code i was able to launch and run the test, but with a problem.
The actual problem is the browser is continuously maximizing and minimizing until the test suite get finished.
I am struggling with this issue for more than a week. I don't know weather it is a bug or not. If it is a bug please resolve me.
Thanks in advance.
The IE driver is resizing the IE window because you are taking screenshots. It WebDriver, screenshots are, by definition, of the full page. However, in order to take a screenshot of the full page without scrolling (which would screw up absolutely positioned elements), you have to be able to render the full page in IE. The only way to get the full page to render is to resize the IE window so that the full page is visible without scrolling. So, the IE driver does the resize automatically for the screenshot API call, then restores the window to the state it was in before the call.