Unable to tap on switch inside webView for ios hybrid app - ios-ui-automation

currently i am working with the hybrid ios app which contains the webview, inside the webview there is a switch(checkbox), this switch contains two links in it's name. So, whenever i am trying to tap on this switch one of the link gets tapped and navigates me to the next page.So, is there any way to tap on this particular switch(checkbox).?


Navigating back from react native page to native: how?

I'm working on a native app that I want to display some pages in using React Native. I'm using react-navigation to handle a stack, and launching that in an Android activity (built according to the documentation for integrating React Native code into native apps) and from the similar instructions for iOS.
Once I enter the stack, I can navigate around it just fine - back navigation works with both an on-screen button calling navigation.goBack()/navigation.pop() and the Android hardware back button. The problem comes when I reach the top of the RN stack - I'd expect another attempt to pop from the stack or another press of the hardware back button to exit the app, but it doesn't; instead nothing happens when pressing the back button, and the on-screen button gives an error like:
The action 'GO_BACK' was not handled by any navigator.
and doesn't do anything.
How can I make back navigation from the top level of my React Native content seamlessly return me to the native app on both iOS and Android?

React navigation: manually change screen with swipe up effect

I have a screen with WebView (react-native-webview) which has scrollable content. If user continues scrolling after reaching the end of WebView, I want to take user to a different screen with a swipe up animation. With WebView's onScroll function property, I am able to determine if the user has reached end of content or not. But I am not able to take user to a different screen with an animation effect.
Since WebView acts different for android and ios platform (you can continue scrolling even after reaching end of content on ios), I had to use PanGestureHandler to identify if the user is performing swipe up action after reaching end of web content. But when I manually try to navigate user to a different screen, I am unable to create swipe up effect similar to one in GIF below.
I am using react-navigation v5 in my app.
I have already tried using react-native-swiper. It does not work well in Android because it internally uses Scrollable and WebView stop scrolling inside a Scrollable component.
I am using custom HTML content here, so replacing WebView is not really a choice. Is there a way to utilize Stack Navigator to create such an effect?
Thank you.

Is it possible to programmatically force an ios ap in split view to go full screen in ios9?

I am developing this app for ipad and ios9 and at some point the user will click on a button to watch a video. But I wouldn't want the user to just see it in the split view size he's currently on (like 1/3rd or 14th) instead I would like the app to close the other open app and for it to take over the entire screen.
Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks.
By-default, the video always get played in full-screen mode. When video playing is finished, the player gets dismissed and you will see your screen (from where you played the video). In your case, in split view controller.
Do let me know if you need further details.

Using MediaElement in Windows Phone 8.1 app

I'm developing a Windows Phone 8.1 app that plays a video using the MediaElement control. I'm facing some problems for which I've not been able to find information. I've uploaded an example app here: https://mega.co.nz/#!s9sFiQDK!JDI9ar8qWqWIZ_Ot-Q8K8X0qfQ5YG7ATLAiHypOs5Ow
If a click the button in the default page, the app navigates to a second page that contains a MediaElement to play a video. My app is configured to be Portrait only, but I want the video to be displayed in Landscape. For this, I'm changing the screen orientation when clicking on the button and before navigating to the video page with this line: Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation.AutoRotationPreferences = Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations.Landscape; The problem with this is that I can see in the app when the orientation is changing which looks ugly. How can I do to make the video display in landscape without having to change the orientation of the screen? I've seen in the Facebook app that when a video opens, the app does navigate to another page (or at least it seems so from the transition animation that I see) but even though, videos open and play in landscape, there is no screen rotation.
I want to hide the StatusBar before the page with the video is displayed. I've put this line statusBar.HideAsync(); in various places but regardless, I always see that the StatusBar is still hiding when the video is already visible and playing. Again, the Facebook app does hide the StatusBar before the video is shown in the screen.
When the video is playing, if I press and hold the back hardware button, the app is minimized. Now, if I click on its screenshot to go back to it, the app comes to the foreground, but the video is not playing anymore. If I tap on the video to see the video controls, I can see that the video progress line is moving, but the video is like frozen. If I pause the video and play it again, the video resumes. How do I do to make the video to continue to play when the app comes to the foreground? In the Facebook app when I do this, the app comes to the foreground, but the video page is closed and the app takes me to the timeline page. Is this the only way of doing it? If so, how do I detect that when the app comes to the foreground there is a video playing so I can close the page and navigate to the previous one.
If you always want the video page in landscape mode, you can call
Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation.AutoRotationPreferences = Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations.Landscape;
in the page constructor, after InitializeComponent();
in the main page constructor is working fine for me.
I still have the same problem, I've tried different approaches, but I can't even get App.Resuming event (and unfortunately in Windows Phone 8.1 WinRT OnNavigatedTo is not triggered on app resuming).

Rubymotion implementation of the previous/next buttons in the webview

I'm new to iOS development and recently started out with rubymotion.
Im currently working on a "start page" kind of application that loads an in app html/css/js file in a webview. The "start page" then links to different sections/pages on (a to be released) responsive design version of http://hiof.no .
My current build of the app is based on the PaintHTML example:
The feature I'm stuck on at the moment is previous/next page navigation to navigate back and forth in the webview history.
The idea of the navigation feature is to have previous/forward buttons positioned fixed on the bottom left side of the app similar to the Path app "new content" button.
Any ideas how I can implement access to the webview history with "native" rubymotion code?
the UIWebView have to methods UIWebView#goBack and UIWebView#goForward,
create two button and set the action to #webView.goBack and #webView.goForward; and you can enable the button with the methods [UIWebView#canGoForward and UIWebView#canGoBack]