Adding ' at the start of each row of a table through sql - sql

I have a column called "product-code". These are all populated. I am wanting to do a query that will insert a ' at the start of each field and then another query to add a ' at the end of the field.
So for example at the moment a product code might be fmx-2, after the query I would want it to look like 'fmx-22'
I am looking to do this for all the data sets within the table. I am using Microsoft Access

In Microsoft Access you can use & char to concatenate string, and your query could be something similar:
update my_table set product_code = "'" & product_code & "'";


Operation must use and updatable query. (Error 3073)

What is wrong with my logic below, is there any alternative to get calculatable column which will sum Balances for every unique KEY ?
Purpose: To create a summary column, calculation of Balances for each unique Key created ( Sort Code + Source Account) which will be used later to define whether acc type is Dr/Cr.
Code: below code should create summary column , but every time it triggers error depicted in attached screenshot.
***' Creating Sum of Balances based on Key , to differtiate Dr/Cr Account types
DoCmd.RunSQL "ALTER TABLE Output_File ADD Summing varchar(255)"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE Output_File SET Summing =" _
& "(SELECT SUM(Output_File.CURR_VALUE)" _
& " FROM Output_File GROUP BY Output_File.`UNIQUE KEYS`)"***
In MS Access SQL, update queries must be updateable or not read-only. Any use of subqueries renders the query read-only. See Allen Browne's Why is my query read-only? One workaround is to use domain aggregates such as DSum available in Access SQL and VBA.
Ideally, too, consider using a saved query and avoid the need of building long SQL statements in VBA and have to worry about line breaks and concatenations. Below assumes UNIQUE KEYS is a number field. If text field, wrap in single quotes. If a date field, wrap in hashtags/pound symbols.
SQL (save as stored query)
UPDATE Output_File o
SET Summing = DSum("CURR_VALUE", "Output_File", "`UNIQUE KEYS` = " & o.`UNIQUE KEYS`)
VBA (reference above saved query)
DoCmd.OpenQuery "mySavedQuery" ' NO NEED TO CLOSE ACTION QUERIES
CurrentDb.Execute "mySavedQuery" ' ALTERNATIVE CALL

Access VBA Putting name of a Field as a Record

I am with a little bit of a coding problem that I don't know how to solve. I want to put in the table as a record a field name of another table in the same Database.
I will give you an example:
What I have
Table 2
What I want
The table 1 is update weekly from an external source so I need to record the field name as a record in the second table using VBA language. Does anybody knows if it's possible?
Thank You in advance
You could do something like this
Dim db As Database
Dim fld As Field
Dim sql As String
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each fld In db.TableDefs("YourTable").Fields
sql = "Insert into YourSummaryTable([Date], Hours) select '" & fld.Name & "', sum([" & fld.Name & "]) as s from YourTable"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
Next fld
Note that you've used a reserved word Date as a fieldname, which isn't best practice and requires the use of the square brackets in the query.

SQL Query in Access to prompt with Message Box asking to change table name

Is there a way to be prompted before you a run an SQL query in Access, to enter in the table name that you wish to query? For example, lets say the columns will always stay constant. The columns could be called "Fruit" and "Date." But, the table name could change depending on the batch number. Ie. table name could be "BatchNO_1" or "BatchNO_2" or "BatchNO_3" etc. So Lets say i have an SQL like:
select Fruit, Date from BatchNO_1 where Fruit = "Apples"
Is there a way that I can be prompted to enter in the table name and have the SQL use the table name i enter to perform the query?
No. The table name cannot be passed as parameter to a query. You will have to construct the query yourself.
Dim tableName as String, sql As String
tableName = InputBox("Please enter the table name")
If tableName <> "" Then
sql = "SELECT Fruit, Date FROM [" & tableName & "] WHERE Fruit = 'Apples'"
'TODO: execute the query here
End If
For instance, you could change the query text of an existing query like this:
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("myQuery").SQL = sql
Or you could execute the query like this
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql)
Do Until rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs!Fruit & " " & rs!Date
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
db.Close: set db = Nothing
By putting the batch number in the table name instead of as a column, you are encoding data in the schema. This is not best practice, so in my opinion, the correct answer is to change your database design.
Make a single Batch table with all the columns from your current BatchNo tables, but add a column named BatchNo as part of the primary key. Load all the data from your BatchNo tables into this one, and then delete those tables. Then your query will straightforwardly look like this:
SELECT Fruit, Date
FROM Batch
Fruit = "Apples"
AND BatchNo = [Enter Batch No];
Don't put data in table names. That is not the way databases are supposed to be made.
Just to explain a little bit, the reason that your current design violates best practice is due to exactly the problem you are facing now--the shenanigans and weird things you have to do to work with such a design and try to perform operations in a reasonable, data-driven, way.
By having the user enter the table name, you also create the danger of SQL injection if you aren't also careful to compare the user-provided table name to a whitelist of allowed table names. While this may not be such a big deal in Access, it is still heading down the wrong path and is training for something else besides professional database work. If you would ever like to grow your career, it would be regrettable to first have to unlearn a bunch of stuff before you could even start with a "clean slate" to learn the right way to do things.

I want to go to last record of access database without using ID

I have been trying to find this. I am using access 2010 and I have some data in a few tables and I want to select the last row from each one and add them to a new database. All the databases have random ID so I can't use the Sort by ID function.
If the table is small, you can pass it to a datatable in the frontend and use something like this,
lastRow = datatable.rows(datatable.rows.count-1)
Else, You can add a 'created_datetime' field in database which holds the inserted datetime and retrieve its maximum date since your ID field has random number...
open vba (alt + F11)
dim rst as recordset
set rst = docmd.runsql (sql statement here) e.g. (select * from tablename)
you've gotten to your last record in vba
you can add it to a new table database by using an insert statement.

LogiXML Cross-Tab Table Headers not concatenating

I have a crosstab data table, and my CrossTabColumnLabel consists of data from a lookup table in my oracle database. (By way of a Label)
I pull it out like so:
in the Label Caption. Now when I do something like this:
It acts as you would suspect and prints the name twice.
However, when I do try to concatenate a number, it does not print the number, only the & sign
I have tried to pull it out of the database as a text value using Oracle's CAST function:
cast( NUMBER_COLUMN AS varchar2(30) ) as NEWVALUE
and tried this:
But still no luck. Any ideas?
In order to use values in the CrosstabLabelColumn, these Data Columns must be included in your Crosstab Filter as elements so that you can reference the token values in your Crosstab table.
For more details, you might find this article helpful: