List Of Items Appearing In Another List -

I have a list of Strings. I want to do a query like the following:
SentEmails is another list that comes from the database.
SentEmails.Where(Function(x)x.EmailSentTo = [any of the items in my original email address list]
But I'm not sure how to achieve this. Bascially I want to remove any email addresses from SentEmails that aren't in my original list.

Use Contains extension method:
SentEmails.Where(Function(x) OriginalList.Contains(x.EmailSentTo))


How delete Item from ArrayList in Firestore using Koltin

I want to delete one item from the animeId. For example, if I need to remove the animeId[5] or I want to remove the item that the value is equal 5114, how can I do that? I alredy learned how I remove item like the entire animeIdbut not just one item.
Here's an print how the database is organized:
For updating some fields of a document, use the update() method.
If you want to remove a specific item from an Arraylist, you can use a call to:
.update("arrayfield", FieldValue.arrayRemove("itemtoremove"))
For example if you have an arraylist that contains three items as “abc”, “efg”, “xyz”.
And if you want to remove specific item called “efg” from an arraylist you should use a call to:
.update("arrayfield", FieldValue.arrayRemove("efg"))
Please also take a look at this Stackoverflow Link which explains clearly on
how to remove specific items from the array list in the firestore using kotlin.

How do I exclude form unsubscribes in a dynamic list

We collect the registrations of events via a form in a dynamic list. How can we remove people who have unsubscribed via email or telephone from this list, since you cannot delete form submissions? Help? ‌‌
In an active list, you can exclude unsubscribed contacts by adding a filter for "Unsubscribed from all email is not equal to True":

Domain Names to Webpage Titles in OpenRefine

I have a column in Excel of domain names (like and would like to create a corresponding column with the title of the domains (like "Stack Overflow").
I uploaded the Excel file into OpenRefine. I believe the best way to do this would be to call the "Add column by fetching URLs on column" function. But I don't know what expression to use.
The way I do it is as follows:
(1) Have visitable URLs in the source column. I.e., instead of just the domain name.
(2) Apply "Add column by fetching URLs..." as you said. (If you're hitting pages on the same domain over and over, make sure you set a reasonable delay.)
(3) Using this first new column, create a second new column based on newCol1 by parsing the HTML that's returned:
(a) You need the toString() else you'll see blank values in the new column after you apply the function.
(b) You don't have to create a second new column; you could just apply a transform using the same formula as above.
(c) I've also tried using a split:
I don't have my results handy at the moment, but I believe that also worked.

Magento API Rest filters

So I have this piece of code below which will sucessfully pull a product and give the XML data for my magento store...[1][attribute]=name&filter[1][in]=test%20product%20name
However, it will ONLY pull up the product info if I make the product name perfect. If I try to just put in[1][attribute]=name&filter[1][in]=test
It will not bring ANY products. It was my understanding that if I used the "[in]" filter that it should bring up all products containing the "test" word but it doesnt...
in - "equals any of" - returns items that are equal to the item(s) with the specified attribute(s)
Try to use 'like' ...[1][attribute]=name&filter[1][like]=%test%

How to implement contacts/email address picker like in Apple's mail application?

when sending a mail on the iPhone/iPad you start typing the name of the recipient and list of proposals shows up. Either pick one from those, or continue typing an email address. Adding a new address turns the first one entered into a blue button like thing.
I would like to use this to allow users to select a couple of email addresses. Does anybody know if it is a standard component?
I dont really know if it is a standar UI control but i guess you could figure out something with the help of this video, this one uses the UI Person picker to display the persons name
and with some modifications you could search on contact list and display a modal view with suggestions of the emails in the list
with this example you can get all the emails in the contact list
ABAddressBook ab = new ABAddressBook();
ABMutableMultiValue<string> emails = new ABMutableStringMultiValue();
foreach (ABPerson person in ab) {
ABMultiValue<string> personemails = person.GetEmails();
foreach (ABMultiValueEntry<string> item in personemails) {
emails.Add(item.Value, item.Label);
With this code you will get all the emails on the contact list in the variable "emails" now you just need to access the "emails" variable and look for the email the user is typing.
Hope this helps.