How to Increase sleep time of Pixelsense device , when it is in surface mode - pixelsense

when i am playing with my Pixelsense apps in surface mode OR in Surface Cell (Test mode) , my pixelsense device is active until I play my apps , as I stop playing with apps after 5 min the device goes to sleep mode .
I wants to active my device always, even though user is not interacting with apps . Is it feature of Pixelsense device which make device in sleep mode OR it is part of my application.
Please help me.
Thanks & regards
Anupam Mishra

I got the solution , I would like to share the link
From the above link you can change that on your device to whatever you need with a registry change.


How to simulate the status bar in Codename one?

I am currently trying to get a local notification to work on an example app. I was following the simple guide here and just copied its code to see it working:
However, in the simulation, I cannot see any changes in the status bar. Is the status bar even simulated or just a static image? Do I have to build the app and send it to an actual device every time I want to test it? That would not only be tedious but also crunch on the available monthly builds.
Is there a setting in the simulator to activate this that I missed?
Thanks and best regards
Local notifications happen in the background which isn't supported by the simulator so this is something you will only see on the device. You can simulate the minimizing of the app (pause/resume) but the Codename One simulator is not a full mobile OS simulator.

Play and pause media on windows mobile device from a separate app

I need to make an app for windows mobile devices which will play and pause media despite of the current player in use. Are there any system calls I can use or any API that I can refer?
Thank you in advance.
Use background audio player to achive your functionality, here is step by step implementation of your query
click here:

Windows 8 application Resolution

I have developed Windows 8 application. and when I try to run it , to test it on another laptop ; the design got worst and everything appear in bad way.(Fonts, images, ..)
Is that related to the resolution ? If yes How I can solve it ?
How was your app developed? Is this a xaml/cs app or html/js app for windows 8 store apps? Is it in the store yet or only testing? Are multiple resolutions supported?
You'll want to test out various resolutions to see how your app handles them. Two links to test out here with your application:
Windows Store app Development Snack: Simulator tips & tricks
Scaling to different screensre
Another area to check is pixel density. Follow the guidelines for scaling to pixel density to ensure your app looks great when scaled.

Loop wav file seamleassly in the background on windows 8

I have managed to get seamsless looping of wav files using the SharpDX library.
But this does not seem to work while the app is minimised (in the background).
Using the metro players I do not get a seamless loop this is why I use XAudio2 in the SharpDX library.
Hope someone can help with this.
When your app is in the background it no longer has access to the CPU so your audio will stop playing.
The only way around this is with background agents running the audio component. The issue here is that the certification process will be hard on you if you are just playing looping audio. Playing audio in the background is intended for audio player apps (like the inbuilt "Music" app).
If I were a user of your app I would likely be unhappy that it clogs up the audio system when it isn't in the foreground (if, for example, I went to answer a Lync call). If the only way to stop your app playing audio is to go and turn it off manually or exit the app then my opinion is that the user experience isn't great.
Of course, you may have a different opinion, or your app might be doing something I haven't considered.

Deciding if external display is activated or not

I'd like to be able to decide if the display on the computer where my app is running is currently active or shutdown. I need this for a media center software so I know if I need to activate the display before starting the playback of movies.
So far I tried to use this code:
CGError err0 = CGDisplayNoErr;
CGError err1 = CGDisplayNoErr;
CGDisplayCount dspCount = 0;
err0 = CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, NULL, &dspCount);
CGDisplayCount onlineCount = 0;
err1 = CGGetOnlineDisplayList(0, NULL, &onlineCount);
// Error handling omitted for clarity ;)
NSLog(#"Found %d active and %d online displays", dspCount, onlineCount);
But this code out puts always the same. When I try it on my mac mini, with the display turned off I get the following output:
Found 1 active and 1 online displays
The display is not in a standby mode as I disconnect the power to it when it is not in use. I also tried this on my mac book, which has an internal and an external display. And there it returns:
Found 2 active and 2 online displays
Here it is the same, I deactivate the display and disconnect the power to it but is still returns as beeing active.
The display on the mac mini is a tv-set connected with a dvi to hdmi cable. The display on the mac book is connected with a dvi to vga connector.
I hope somebody has an idea how to solve this. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you want to know whether any connected display is asleep or not?
Have you looked at the CGDisplayIsAsleep function?
To close this open question. My final findings were that as soon as an external monitor is connected to the computer the given methods will return that it is there. And this also works when the monitor is powered of and not connected to the power source.
So as far as I can tell there is no way to find out what I would like to know :(
As I control the event which activates the monitor from my application (in my case its a TV which I control with a usb to ir box) I can get the state of the monitor in this way, but this only has the downside that when the application is crashing, I will lose the state. But thats the best solution I could find.