SQL Select Query - "Pairing" Records Together - sql

Here's my data:
Table1 holds records that cannot themselves be updated though I built a mechanism for my users to be able to "update" them... they select a record, make changes, and those changes are actually submitted as a new record. For conversation's sake let's assume there are currently 10 records in Table1 with IDs 1 through 10. User submits an update to ID 3. ID 3 remains as it was and a new record, ID 11, is added to Table1. Along with this new record, Table2 gets a new record, with ID = 1, t1_original_id = 3 and t1_new_id = 11.
What would be by SQL select to retrieve the "pairs" of records from Table1... in this case the query would provide me with... IDs 3 and 11.
scratching head
I don't think it matters much by DB platform is Postgres 8.4 and I'm retrieving the data via PHP to be processed in jqGrid. Bonus points if you can point me in the direction of displaying each pair of records in a separate jqGrid!
Thanks for your time and effort.
=== EDIT ===
The following is a sample of what I need returned from the query based on the scenario above:
id field1 field2
3 blah stuff
11 more things
Once I have these pairs back I can process them further, as necessary, on the PHP side.

Standard SQL solution
To get two separate rows (as later specified in the Q update) use a UNION query:
SELECT 'old' AS version, t1.id, t1.field1, t1.field2
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2 ON t2.table1_original_id = t1.id
WHERE t2.id = $some_t2_id -- your t2.id here!
SELECT 'new' as version, t1.id, t1.field1, t1.field2
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2 ON t2.table1_new_id = t1.id
WHERE t2.id = $some_t2_id; -- your t2.id here!
Note: this is one query.
Returns as requested, plus a column version to distinguish the rows reliably:
version | id | field1 | field2
old | 3 | blah | stuff
new | 11 | more | things
Faster Postgres-specific solution
A more sophisticated, but shorter and faster solution:
SELECT version, id, field1, field2
SELECT unnest(ARRAY['old', 'new']) AS version
,unnest(ARRAY[table1_original_id, table1_new_id]) AS id
FROM table2 t2 WHERE t2.id = $some_t2_id -- your t2.id here!
) t2
JOIN table1 USING (id);
Same result.
-> SQLfiddle demo for both.

You'll need to JOIN to Table1 twice, something like:
SELECT orig.id AS Orig_ID
, orig.value AS Orig_Value
, n.id AS New_ID
, n.value AS New_Value
FROM Table2 a
JOIN Table1 AS orig
ON a.table1_original_id = orig.id
JOIN Table1 AS n
ON a.table1_new_id = n.id
Demo: SQL Fiddle
To get them paired as you want without manually choosing a set you'll need something like this:
SELECT sub.id,sub.value
FROM (SELECT a.id as Update_ID,o.id,o.value, '1' AS sort
FROM Table2 a
JOIN Table1 AS o
ON a.table1_original_id = o.id
SELECT a.id as Update_ID, n.id,n.value, '2' AS sort
FROM Table2 a
JOIN Table1 AS n
ON a.table1_new_id = n.id
) AS sub
ORDER BY Update_ID,sort
Demo: Sql Fiddle
Notes: Change UNION to UNION + ALL, can't post those words next to each other due to firewall limitation.
The hard-coded '1' and '2' are so that original always appear before new.


Finding closest value in another table

I'm quite new to SQL so bare with me. What I'm trying to do is return the value closest to another value in a different table for every record.
I'll show a simplified example of my two tables for clarification
First table is the one that I want the value ENTRY_YEAR matched to:
And the second table:
So the end result I'm looking for is:
I have currently only managed to link the id's together but can't find a way to compare the ENTRY_VALUE in both tables and return the one closest to the Table1 entry.
So only this:
SELECT * from Table2
INNER JOIN Table1 ON (Table2.ID = Table1.ID)
Once again my bad for the basic question, I have googled right about everything but can't get it to work so any help is very welcome!
First attempt
This is a (slower performing) query. First attempt! This is an approach using a "correlated subquery" so it runs the inner query for each row of the outer query. The strategy is, for each row, to determine what the min value is we are looking for, and then select only the rows that fit that criteria. But such queries can be slow at runtime, although the logic is very clean.
Foo a
inner join Bar b
on a.id = b.id
abs(a.entry_value - b.entry_value) =
(select min(abs(t1.entry_value-t2.entry_value))
from Foo t1
inner join Bar t2
on t1.id = t2.id
t1.id = a.id
group by t1.id)
Second attempt
If you have many rows (in the tens of thousands or in any case if the previous query is just too slow), then this next one should be better performing. Second Attempt! If you run the two inner queries by themselves, you will probably see the strategy here of how we are joining them to get the desired result.
select A.Id, A.entry_value, A.[status]
select t1.id, t2.entry_value, abs(t1.entry_value-t2.entry_value) as diff, t2.[status]
from Foo t1
inner join Bar t2
on t1.id = t2.id
) A
inner join
select t3.id, min(abs(t3.entry_value-t4.entry_value)) as diff
from Foo t3
inner join Bar t4
on t3.id = t4.id
group by t3.id
) B
on A.id = B.id
and A.diff = B.diff
I would probably not try to write either of these queries in MSAccess "Design view" although if I had too I am sure I could. But generally, this is a case where I would write the query "by hand" and paste it into your query directly using MSAccess "SQL view".
Beware that ties will result in two rows! Example:
First table has (1003,2000)
Second table has (1003, 1990, 'success') and (1003, 2010, 'fail')
You will have a result with two rows, one with success and the other with fail (!)
So you really should test with your data and look for such cases that might produce such ties (and decide what to do, if necessary).
just for fun, here's how you might go for it in SQL Server.
But I think this will NOT work in MSAccess, unfortunately.
abs(t1.entry_value-t2.entry_value) as diff,
rank() over (partition by t1.id order by abs(t1.entry_value-t2.entry_value)) as seq
from #Foo t1
inner join #Bar t2
on t1.id = t2.id
) T
where T.seq = 1;
Use a simple subquery to find the minimum offset:
Inner Join
tbl2 On tbl1.ID = tbl2.ID
Abs([tbl1].[ENTRY_VALUE] - [tbl2].[ENTRY_VALUE]) =
(Select Min(Abs([tbl1].[ENTRY_VALUE] - [T2].[ENTRY_VALUE])) As Offset
From tbl2 As T2
Where T2.ID = tbl1.ID);
Note, that if the minimum offset for an ID exists twice, both records having this offset will be returned. Thus, you may have to aggregate the output.

How to determine if there is a missing value in joined table

I am trying to find the "users" that are missing a value in a 2nd table with the value of column "A" = 16 and then column "B" = 0.
I am looking for these values because that would give me the ability to run a query adding a row for each user that is missing the row with the values of A = 16 and B = 0.
So here is the relevant structure of the tables that we would be joining on.
There are two tables, table 1 and table 2
Table 1
parent id
table 2
The problem I am running into is that table2 can have records associated with the table1_id but still needing to verify if the table2 if there is not a row with table1_id, A missing value 16 while B is missing value 0.
Here is the current idea I am working off of for the sql query
table2 ON table1.id = table2.table1_id
table1.id IS NOT NULL
AND table2.id IS NULL;
This will give me all the table1_ids that are missing records from table2 but does however would not pull the rows where there are rows for the table1_id but however does not determine if there are missing rows with the column A with value 16 or Column B = 0.
If you are able to answer that would be greatly appreciated. I just currently cannot think of a way I can logically create a query that would do this.
So, you want all rows from table 1
And you want rows from table 2 that are A=16, B=0
And you want to know where the relationship breaks down between table1 and table2:
table1 t1
SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE A=16 and B=0
) a16b0
t1.id = a16b0.table1_id
a16b0.table1_id IS NULL
There are more ways to skin this cat, but this should be fairly understandable in the sense of "join table1 to (just the a16/b0 rows from table2)"
Another form you might get on with uses EXISTS:
SELECT * FROM table1 t1
SELECT null FROM table2 t2
WHERE t2.table1_id = t1.id AND t2.A = 16 AND t2.B = 0
In english it's "Select all from table 1 where, for any particular t1 row, there does not exist a t2 row that has: a matching id in table1_id, a 16 in a, a 0 in b"
A slightly less popular form (historical performance reasons probably) would be perhaps:
SELECT * FROM table1 t1
SELECT table1_id FROM table2 WHERE A = 16 AND B = 0
"select everything from table1 where the row's id is not in the list of IDs that are a16/b0 from table 2" - in essence this forms a "big list of everything we dont want" and then says "get me everything that isn't in the list of don't-wants"
This is the solution.
table1.id = table2.table1_id AND table2.A = 16 AND table2.B = 0
table2.id IS NULL;
#jon Armstrong, thanks for the help.

How do I generate combinations based on column values in SQL? (Is this even possible?)

I'm trying to make a new column in a table whose contents are based off values of an existing pair of columns.
Specifically if I have table like(ID is not the primary key)
ID | Value | New Column(The column I want)
1 A A:apple
1 B A:orange
2 apple B:apple
2 orange B:orange
Im a novice to SQL, so any insight here would be really helpful.
Btw, Im using Oracle if that matters.
Additional Details: Im looking to pair Values:Values based on the fact that their ID's dont match
Assuming you want all values for ID1 paired up with all values for ID2, you can cross-join the table to itself, but filtered on ID:
select t1.value ||':'|| t2.value
from my_table t1
cross join my_table t2
where t1.id = 1
and t2.id = 2;
SQL Fiddle.
SQL fiddle is here
select t1.value||':'||t2.value
from mytable t1
cross join
mytable t2
where t1.id = 1
and t2.id = 2

SQL nested query

I have a table like below
id name dependency
1 xxxx 0
2 yyyy 1
3 zzzz 2
4 aaaaaa 0
5 bbbbbb 4
6 cccccc 5
the list goes on. I want to select group of rows from this table , by giving the name of 0 dependency in where clause of SQL and till it reaches a condition where there is no more dependency. (For ex. rows 1,2, 3 forms a group, and rows 4,5,6 is another group) .please help
Since you did not specify a product, I'll go with features available in the SQL specification. In this case, I'm using a common-table expression which are supported by many database products including SQL Server 2005+ and Oracle (but not MySQL):
With MyDependents As
Select id, name, 0 As level
From MyTable
Where dependency = 0
And name = 'some value'
Union All
Select T.id, T.name, T.Level + 1
From MyDependents As D
Join MyTable As T
On T.id = D.dependency
Select id, name, level
From MyDependents
Another solution which does not rely on common-table expressions but does assume a maximum level of depth (in this case two levels below level 0) would something like
Select T1.id, T1.name, 0 As level
From MyTable As T1
Where T1.name = 'some value'
Union All
Select T2.id, T2.name, 1
From MyTable As T1
Join MyTable As T2
On T2.Id = T1.Dependency
Where T1.name = 'some value'
Union All
Select T3.id, T3.name, 2
From MyTable As T1
Join MyTable As T2
On T2.Id = T1.Dependency
Join MyTable As T3
On T3.Id = T2.Dependency
Where T1.name = 'some value'
Sounds like you want to recursively query your table, for which you will need a Common Table Expression (CTE)
This MSDN article explains CTEs very well. They are confusing at first but surprisingly easy to implement.
BTW this is obviously only for SQL Server, I'm not sure how you'd achieve that in MySQL.
This is the first thing that came to mind. It can be probably done more directly/succinctly, I'll try to dwell on it a little.
FROM table T1
WHERE T1.id >=
(SELECT T2.id FROM table T2 WHERE T2.name = '---NAME HERE---')
AND T1.id <
FROM table T3
WHERE T3.dependency = 0 AND T3.id > T2.id)
If you can estimate a max depth, this works out to something like:
COALESCE(t4.field1, t3.field1, t2.field1, t1.field1, t.field1),
COALESCE(t4.field2, t3.field2, t2.field2, t1.field2, t.field2),
COALESCE(t4.field3, t3.field3, t2.field3, t1.field3, t.field3),
FROM table AS t
LEFT JOIN table AS t1 ON t.dependency = t1.id
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 ON t1.dependency = t2.id
LEFT JOIN table AS t3 ON t2.dependency = t3.id
LEFT JOIN table AS t4 ON t3.dependency = t4.id
This is a wild guess just to be different, but I think it's kind of pretty, anyway. And it's at least as portable as any of the others. But I don't want to look to closely; I'd want to use sensible data, start testing, and check for sensible results.
Hierarchical query will do:
FROM your_table
START WITH id = :id_of_group_header_row
CONNECT BY dependency = PRIOR id
Query works like this:
1. select all rows satisfying START WITH condition (this rows are roots now)
2. select all rows satisfying CONNECT BY condition,
keyword PRIOR means this column's value will be taken from the root row
3. consider rows selected on step 2 to be roots
4. go to step 2 until there are no more rows

How do I Write a SQL Query With a Condition Involving a Second Table?

LogEntryID *PrimaryKey*
ThresholdID - - - Link to the appropriate threshold being applied to this log entry.
ThresholdID *PrimaryKey*
All fields are integers.
The "..." thingies are there to show that these tables hold a lot more imformation than just this. They are set up this way for a reason, and I can't change it at this point.
I need write a SQL statement to select every record from Table1 where the Value field in that particular log record is less than the Threshold field in the linked record of Table2.
I'm newish to SQL, so I know this is a basic question.
If anyone can show me how this SQL statement would be structured, it would be greatly appreciated.
FROM Table1 T1
JOIN Table2 T2 ON T2.ThresholdID = T1.ThresholdID
WHERE T2.Threshold > T1.Value
FROM dbo.Table1 t1 INNER JOIN dbo.Table2 t2 ON t1.ThresholdID = t2.ThresholdID
WHERE t2.Threshold > t1.Value
SELECT * from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on (t1.thresholdId = t2.thresholdId)
where t1.value < t2.threshold;
SELECT t1.LogEntryID, t1.Value, t1.ThresholdID
FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2 ON t1.ThresholdID = t2.ThresholdID
WHERE t1.Value < t2.threshold
JOIN Table2
ON table1.ThresholdID = table2.ThresholdID --(assuming table 2 holds the same value to link them together)
value < thresholdvalue
A 'JOIN' connects 2 tables based on the 'ON' clause (which can be multipart, using 'AND' and 'OR')
If you have 3 entries in table 2 which share table1's primary key (a one-to-many association) you will receive 3 rows in your result set.
for the tables below, for example:
Table 1:
Key Value
1 Hi
2 Bye
Table 2:
Table1Key 2nd_word
1 You
1 fellow
1 friend
2 now
this query:
JOIN Table2
on table1.key = table2.table1key
gets this result set:
Key Value Table1Key 2nd_word
1 Hi 1 You
1 Hi 1 fellow
1 Hi 1 friend
2 Bye 2 now
Note that JOIN will only return results when there is a match in the 2nd table, it will not return a result if there is no match. You can LEFT JOIN for that (all fields from the second table will be NULL).
JOINs can also be strung together, the result from the previous JOIN is used in place of the original table.