My Helpers.vbhtml file results in "Type 'ASP.global_asax' is not defined" -

I created the ASP.NET special folder called App_Code in my MVC project. I added a new file Helpers.vbhtml that will contain repeatedly-used razor code snippets.
#Helper GetTime()
End Helper
But this results in the error Type 'ASP.global_asax' is not defined. (x2)
Nothing seems to be affected - the application still compiles and runs. What's this error mean?

This error is caused by a naming conflict; there is a namespace called System.Web.Helpers.
The problem appears to be VB.NET-specific. I can't reproduce the problem in C#.
Rename the .vbhtml file to Snippets.vbhtml or something else that won't cause a naming conflict.


Webforms Error shows TWO projects although solution shows ONE project

In a VS-2019 webforms solution I get this error that shows TWO projects although the solution only has ONE project.
Severity: Error
Code Description : BC30456 'prpPageCaption' is not a member of 'MasterPage'.
Project: 7_SessionExpired.aspx, repo_TripManagement
File: C:\Users...\SessionExpired.aspx.vb
Line: 100
Suppression State: Active
It appears that the error shows TWO projects and I did not create a project named 7_SessionExpired.aspx
The vb-page "SessionExpired.aspx and .vb" was copied from a similar project in VS-2017. This is confusing to me and I don't have any way to know what this error is saying.
Here is the LINE=100 from the source VB file:
100| | Master.prpPageCaption = "Session has Expired"
Here is the property in the master-page:
Public Property prpPageCaption() As String
Return Me.lblCaption.Text
End Get
Set(ByVal p_sCaption As String)
Me.lblCaption.Text = p_sCaption
End Set
End Property
The vb-page "SessionExpired.aspx and .vb" was copied from a similar project in VS-2017. This is confusing to me and I don't have any way to know what this error is saying. I need your help. Thanks...John
Think the IDE/VS-2019 is confused and I cut ALL of the files for SessionExpired.aspx (.vb) and pasted them in a my-documents-folder.
I then added a webform-page with Master-page (WebForm1.aspx) into the project.
I then added the ASPX objects as UI for the page. I performed a "View Code" option and the / VB-code structure is shown. I only added "Option Explicit ON". Saved both modified files and closed the SOLUTION.
I then re-opened the solution and the code compiled -- even though the full VB-functionality was not coded.
From the 'Solution Explorer' I then renamed the WebForm1.aspx to "SessionExpired" and compiled again -- all ok.
Finally I added the VB-code from the saved-off original SessionExpired.vb code.
All of the errors shown above were cleared and things are working.
IMHO, bringing in an older webform brings with it the old-style of 'designer' and by starting with a VS-2019 webform-page conforms to the VS-2019 designer pattern.
I apologize to those that viewed this question.
Thanks. John.

I have two types of Errors in Blazor Server that appear in razor.g.cs files (upgrading to preview 9)

I created a preview 9 server blazor project and attempted to convert an existing preview 6 to it, Using a guide that is public in the internet. I get two types of errors (35 errors) that appears in razor.g.cs files:
Error CS1662 Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type BlazorStore9 C:...\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Razor\Pages\Admin\EditProductComponents\AddEditProductDescriptionImage.razor.g.cs
Error CS1503 Argument 6: cannot convert from 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback' to 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback' BlazorStore9 C:...\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Razor\Pages\Admin\EditProductComponents\AddEditProductDescriptionImage.razor.g.cs 326 Active
I managed to solve all the errors (thousands) based on that guide, but finally stop here, how do I solve this?
The error raised because new Radzen file input version expects a TValue="string" attribute for setting up its callback.

Powershell v2 - The correct way to load an assembly as part of a module

I have a Powershell (v2.0) script that I am working on.
One of the first things it does is loads a Module (runMySQLQuery.psm1) which includes (amongst other bits) a function to connect to a MySQL Database.
Import-Module runMySQLQuery.psm1
However, this requires that an assembly MySQL.Data.DLL is loaded in order for this to work.
If I place the line:
at the top of my script (separate to the Import-Module entry), then the whole thing works fine.
But I want to be able to load this assembly at the same time as the module, so that I don't have to worry about forgetting to including the assembly each time I use this module.
I tried placing it at the top of the .psm1 file, but that didn't work.
I then added it to my manifest file as:
RequiredAssemblies = #("C:\PowerShell\modules\runMySQLQuery\MySql.Data.dll")
This also didn't work.
Am I missing something here, is there a proper way to include assemblies as part of a module?
n.b. the error I get when it hasn't loaded properly is:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression
Can you just try to assign a varialbe a the beginig of you module :
$dumy = [system.reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\PowerShell\modules\runMySQLQuery\MySql.Data.dll")

ConfigurationManager not declared - Have dll

Quick background: I have a VB.NET application in which I was previously using ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings to read from app.config, and got an error message to change it to System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings (as the first way is now obsolete)
I did so, and I even have a reference to System.Configuration.dll AND the Imports statement at the top, but I am getting a "Name ConfigurationManager not declared" error message. Any suggestions?
It's pretty straightforward - I'm just checking if something exists, and if it does, I read from it:
If Not Exists(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(rep & "Email")) Then
Return False
End If
message = ReadAllText(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(rep & "Email"))
The project template doesn't have the reference you need. Project + Add Reference, select "System.Configuration".
For more insight, click the "Show All Files" icon at the top of the Solution Explorer window and open the References node.
Another issue that causes this is the reference being the wrong case.
System.configuration was in the .vbproj, instead of System.Configuration.
For me, compiling with the above mistake worked on Windows but not on Linux, but fixing it to the latter made it work on both.
If you are using visual studio 2015 and Visual Basic language. Go to Project + Add Reference > Select Assemblies > Framework. Search for System.configuration. Add the DLL file. After it. On your form, add this in the first line without quotations "Imports System.Configuration" go to your connection string declaration then put this value without quotation "ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("'string configuration name'").ConnectionString" like this.
Public constr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("string configuration name").ConnectionString
This one works for me. Just now. Hope this one helps others. ^_^

Code Analysis Error: Declare types in namespaces

Is VS2010, I analyzed my code and got this error:
Warning 64 CA1050 : Microsoft.Design : 'ApplicationVariables' should be declared inside a namespace. C:\My\Code\BESI\BESI\App_Code\ApplicationVariables.vb 10 C:\...\BESI\
Here is some reference info on the error. Essentially, I tried to create a class to be used to access data in the Application object in a typed way.
The warning message said unless I put my (ApplicationVariables) class in a Namespace, that I wouldn't be able to use it. But I am using it, so what gives?
Also, here is a link to another StackOverflow article that talks about how to disable this warning in VS2008, but how would you disable it for 2010? There is no GlobalSuppressions.vb file for VS2010.
Here is the code it is complaining a bout:
Public Class ApplicationVariables
'Shared Sub New()
'End Sub 'New
Public Shared Property PaymentMethods() As PaymentMethods
Return CType(HttpContext.Current.Application.Item("PaymentMethods"), PaymentMethods)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As PaymentMethods)
HttpContext.Current.Application.Item("PaymentMethods") = value
End Set
End Property
'Etc, Etc...
End Class
I suspect that the code you entered is in your App_Code fodler of your web app. This code is accessible from your web code as you have deomnstrated but is not accessible from any other assembly.
You can suppress the instance of the error by right mouse clicking on the particular error and selecting "Suppress Message In Source." That'll result in code being added to your source that says "the next time you check this error-fuggedabodit!"
When to Suppress Warnings
While it is never necessary to suppress a warning from this rule, it is safe to do this when the assembly will never be used with other assemblies.
To suppress the error on all occurences, select "Suppress in Project Suppression File"