nested If statement in excel - excel-2007

I am trying to find out how many rows on a worksheet satisfy multiple conditions in different columns. This formula
gives me the correct answer when I am looking at the result in the formula dialog box, but when I close this dialog the answer on the worksheet is either 1 or zero. The same thing happens using SUM. What am I doing wrong?
note: using excel 2007

This is an array formula. As such, use: Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make it work.
Otherwise, the formula will work only for the row in which the formula was put in.
E.g. if the formula is in cell B2, it will evaluate for cells F2 and A2 only.

If you are using Excel 2007 you can use the COUNTIFS formula.
COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]...)


VBA Search Two Ranges and Execute action

I tried searching for some potential answers to this question but I suppose my issue is too specific and I can't apply solutions I found.
With above source I need to scan Column A and identify all John Doe's and afterwards for all John Doe I need to scan corresponding cells in Column B and if there is Date in any of them take the newest date and paste it into all corresponding cells.
So expected result would be:
Any hints on how to achieve this? I'm afraid my VBA skills are too weak.
In Excel 2013 and prior versions, this can be achieved without macros with an array formula. To use an array formula, type the formula in a cell (without { and }), then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
May I propose simple formula solution to your problem? if you have your email name in column A , and Dates in column B, enter this formula =MAXIFS($B$2:$B$100,$A$2:$A$100,A2) in cell B2 and drag it to the bottom. You should get this result. Adjust range inside formula to your needs.

IfError, leave formula in place/don't do anything?

I have a spreadsheet, where I'd like to drag down a particular index/match formula, but where the formula does not return a value, I'd like it to keep the formula that is already in place (which sums up a few of the items below it).
I know that you could just use the cell reference for the if_error part of the formula, but this would return the value of the cell as it is now, and wouldn't use the current formula to generate a new value based on the values returned by the index match formula.
I have attached pictures below. Basically, I want to leave the sum formulas as is, but just be able to drag down that first index formula (the actual spreadsheet I'm dealing with has many different spaces, and is very long, otherwise I'd just copy the formula manually).
If this isn't possible, are there any other solutions? Another thing I tried was for each index/match that didn't return a value, I had it return the formula as a string, and then I'd copy/paste special with values, replace the column in the formula that is a string to the column I'm looking for, and then it would evaluate the formula that was, before, a string. But then you lose the formulas for all the other cells.
So the issue is that some cells are used to sum, and I don't want to drag the formula over those cells, but at the same time, I do need to use the formula over the whole range, otherwise it would just take too long.
Once you put a formula in G1, the previous formula in that cell is no longer available, so referencing G1 in your new formula would just produce a circular reference.
Instead think of a formula that combines both formulas into one: it should detect in which situation it is and then perform the appropriate calculation.
In your case, I think this formula will do what you want:
=IFERROR(INDEX($M$3:$M$9, MATCH(F1,$L$3:$L$9)), IF(E1="", "", SUM(G2:G4)))
Put it in cell G1 and copy it down.
Note how it looks at column E to decide whether it should do the sum. I also adapted a bit the part you already had, by making some references absolute (adding some $), because the area in the L and M columns is positioned at fixed rows.
Add a helper column in row H for your Index-Match formula and copy it all the way down. Then, in row I do an if statement. If row H meets the criteria you want, do that, else use row G.
So I think I found a good solution, especially in the case where you are going to be using the spreadsheet over and over, and the format won't change much. This might be too specific for anyone to use, but posting it just in case someone gets some use out of it.
First I created two macros, one to hide the sum rows, and another to unhide all the sum rows. I got the sum rows from another column by copying all the formulas across to the new column I'm looking at. Numbers will of course be wrong, but the sum formulas will be what we want to keep. You can speed this up by finding "sum" in formulas and then selecting all of the results.
Next, use the macro which hides all the sum rows.
Next, create the index formula in the first row. Control shift down to select all rows beneath. Then, "find", and "go to special" and select "only visible cells", and then hit F2, and control enter, and this will copy the formula down to all the visible cells, ie the non-sum cells.
Then use your unhide macro, and it should be golden!
You can use this technique for any spreadsheet where the source data format is different from target, and where you have fixed formulas in the target which you always will need.

Excel Formula to VBA code Conversion

I am trying to create a macro that allows me to scan columns and rows of data and insert a formula into the blank cells. I am able to complete this task with the following excel formula:
My question is, is there a way I can put this into vba code so that I can run a macro that will automatically apply this formula in a column of my excel sheet across 30 rows? Therefore, the next row would read:
Thanks in advance for the help!
You can use
Range("RangeToCopyFormulaTo").Formula = Range("CellToCopyFormulaFrom").Formula
Excel will take care of updating the cell references, same as when you copy/paste

Changing Formula sheet reference with Macro

Hello everyone i'm new to this site! i wanted to see if anyone could assist with a concept i believe is possible but don't know how to achieve it.
Essentially i have a formula that has Vlookups and references other sheets, this formula is the same but the sheet referenced changes for each column as each column references a different sheet. this is going to be done 135 times over 8 times.
=IF((IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D3,'[2015_Big_Book_Communication_10_19_15.xlsx]**Credit P-1**'!$C$2:$O$5000,9,FALSE),"Not Scheduled"))=0,1,IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D3,'[2015_Big_Book_Communication_10_19_15.xlsx]**Credit P-1**'!$C$2:$O$5000,9,FALSE),"Not Scheduled"))
I want to use a macro to change the bolded sheet reference based upon a cell.
my idea is to have all the sheet names listed in a column and have the macro edit the equation for each row and then just paste the formulas transposed.
Is this possible?
Use the following formula:
=IF((IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D3,INDIRECT("'[2015_Big_Book_Communication_10_19_15.xlsx]"&H3&"'!$C$2:$O$5000"),9,FALSE),"Not Scheduled"))=0,1,IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D3,INDIRECT("'[2015_Big_Book_Communication_10_19_15.xlsx]"&H3&"'!$C$2:$O$5000"),9,FALSE),"Not Scheduled"))
In a column ("col H" in this example) write the sheet names and use indirect formula to refer to those names.

How do I select specific cells in VBA?

Basically I need to select specific cells on an excel sheet in vba. For example the code should be able to select a5, a10, a15. I do not want the cells in between them, just the ones I listed. Is there a specific function that will do this? It seems like .Range could only take start cell and ending cell.
You'd use this: Range("A5,A10,A15").Select
To add additional cells, just use more commas.
Alternately, you can utilize the Union method to join multiple range objects into a single Range object.
Note that it is generally not a good idea to select cells in VBA as nearly everything can be done without selection. This is a frequent mistake made by people new to VBA due to generated macros (Record Macro) recreating what you do rather than the result you want.