iOS: is there a way to use a single class to hold common variables and not break Object Oriented principles? - objective-c

I want to separate the data from the implementation in several classes, for many reasons.
One reason, for example, is that I have a few different menu screens that display text. I want to have one class that lists all the text for all the menus in one place, and then have the different menu objects read from that class when they initialize.
That way, whenever I want to make changes, I know exactly where the text variables are, and if I want to, I can change a bunch of them all at once.
I want to use the same principle in a lot of different ways, for example, setting the color and alpha values of various UIViews; having them all in one place would enable me to coordinate their settings and make small adjustments very easily.
Added to these reasons is that I'm working with a small team of other developers, and if we all know we're storing this kind of information in one place it's easier to understand each other's code.
So basically I want one big UberData class that every other class can read from and write to.
As far as I can figure, the only way to do this is make each of the needed variables a property, so I'll basically have a big methodless class with a heck of a lot of properties. But to my understanding, that's kind of bending the OO rules, because as much as possible classes should hide their innards. Not to mention the whole things seems really kludgey.
So the question is: is there a better way to do this than having the class with a million properties, and is it even proper to do it, from an OO perspective, at all?

One big UberData class (and really, if you are thinking properties, you mean one instance of that class) is the wrong approach.
What do menu strings and view colors have to do with each other? Nothing. Therefore they don't belong in the same class.
For your menu strings, look into the NSLocalizedString macro and creating a strings file. You could create a CommonStrings class that wraps all of your calls to NSLocalizedString:
#interface CommonStrings : NSObject
+ (NSString *)open;
+ (NSString *)save;
// etc.
#implementation CommonStrings
+ (NSString *)open {
return NSLocalizedString(#"open", #"menu item title for opening a file");
+ (NSString *)save {
return NSLocalizedString(#"save", #"menu item title for saving a file");
// etc.
This approach means you only write #"open" in one place, and then you refer to [CommonStrings open] when you need the (localized) string. The compiler checks that you've spelled [CommonStrings open] correctly, which is nice.
However, it's still probably better to break this into multiple helpers (one for each independent part of your app), rather than one giant helper for your entire app. If you use one giant catch-all class, then compiling your app takes longer because so much has to be recompiled every time you add or remove a method in this class.
UIView colors
First, watch the appearance customization videos from WWDC 2012 and WWDC 2013 and read up on UIAppearance. Maybe you can just use that to customize your app's colors.
If that doesn't suffice, create a category on UIColor for your app's colors:
#interface UIColor (MyApp)
+ (UIColor *)MyApp_menuBackgroundColor;
+ (UIColor *)MyApp_menuTextColor;
// etc.
#implementation UIColor (MyApp)
+ (UIColor *)MyApp_menuBackgroundColor {
return [self colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"menuBackgroundPattern"]];
+ (UIColor *)MyApp_menuTextColor {
return [self colorWithWhite:0.0 alpha:1.0];
// etc.
Again, it may be better to have multiple helper categories for different parts of your app, so you don't have to recompile as much when you add or remove a category method.

First off, forget "propriety". What is proper is what works, works reliably and efficiently, is easy to understand, and easy to maintain. Adhering to "object-oriented principles", while to some degree a worthwhile goal, should not cause you to do awkward, error-prone, and inefficient things. Just about any "programming rule" can be followed too literally.
Having dozens (or hundreds) of properties is clumsy and hard to maintain from several standpoints, so that's basically a non-starter.
More appropriate is having a few queryable interfaces that return the values you want. The "right" scheme often depends on the characteristics of the data, but one can, eg, have a method with a simple switch statement or "if ladder" that returns value Y given value X (where X is, eg, an enumeration value).
One can also have what is either actually or conceptually an NSDictionary which you query with a character "key" value.
A variation of that is a property list, which allows you to describe the data in a data file, vs having to code it into source. You can also put the data in a JSON file, if that suits your design and habits better.
And there are several other schemes that I've used in the past that aren't occurring to me just now.
OK, I'll give an example of something that is basically impossible with "macros" and "extern variables". In several cases, in some of the code I work on, there are objects that contain information about specific events. There may be 50 different categories of events, each with a different set of properties (sub-category, display color, text for various conditions, etc).
One could, of course, have several hundred declared constants, of the style "kXyzCategoryAbcSubCategory", "kXyzCategoryAbcColorMode", "kXyzCategoryAbcTitleText", etc, but maintaining is a PITA, and typos in use are routine. Plus it's not really usable, since you can't take "category" from the object and "index" the attributes.
Instead, I use one of two schemes:
A set of callable interfaces where you pass in the constant "kXyzCategoryAbc" (or the category value dynamically extracted from the object) and call one of several methods -- xyzSubCategory, xyzColorMode, xyzTitleText -- and the method returns the required data.
A callable interface where you pass in the category value and it returns an NSArray (with keys, eg, of "subCategory", "colorMode", and "titleText").
Both of these techniques work pretty well, though one or the other may be preferred depending on circumstances. Both allow you to maintain the data as a table of some sort, and allow you to use the same constant to fetch multiple values, vs having to introduce 50 new constants when you add one new attribute to one of your category objects.

You shouldn't use a class for this at all. Use macros for code internal constants, and extern variables for values that can change.
Note: User visible strings should be done through localization files -- see the other answers.
When it comes to constants, I usually have a CPConstants.h (CP being my class prefix) file that looks something like this:
#define kCLConstant1 42
#define kCLColorConstant [UIColor blackColor]
And so on.
If you need values to be changeable, first create a CLConstants.m file, like this:
#import "CLConstants.h"
int some_global_var = 42;
UIColor* some_global_changable_color = [UIColor blackColor];
And so on. Then, in CLConstants.h, add a line like this for every variable you declared in CLConstants.m:
extern type varname;
Now all files that include/import CLConstants.h can use and change those variables, and changes will be visible to all other files in the project.

Yes, the common response to a single, shared configuration object is the Singleton pattern. Briefly, a class method knows how to make or return an instance of the class and the instance knows how to configure the needed things. I think you will find many results from stack overflow by searching although What should my Objective-C singleton look like? is one easy example.
Beyond that, I would encourage you to look into how localization works in iOS - the problem you initially reference of having a source for menu titles and things is one that the localization library has solved for you, and in an extensible way.
You may also want to look at property lists (aka, plists) which is a structured data file that can be easily read in iOS applications.

You basically have two choices in sharing data across several controllers:
1) Use a singleton
In this instance, a singleton data model sounds appropriate. (A singleton data model is a single, shared instance of a data model used by several controllers.)
As you mentioned, however, you may indeed wind up with a class that has lots of properties by doing this... there's nothing wrong per se about this, however. Just be choosy in the properties that you have on the singleton... if it's not shared by several controllers, it probably shouldn't be there.
See Apple's documentation on how to create such here.
Here's another SO post about Singletons in iOS.
2) Use a header (.h) file in which you define all your shared variables, then import this wherever you need them (or put into the .pch file to be automatically imported everywhere in your project).
Typically, this is done using static constant variables. I'd imagine you could possibly do this via just static variables so that you can edit them, but at least the last I checked, the compiler may give incorrect unused variable warnings.


Choosing a Singleton or a Category?

Fairly early on in my app, when I was a lot less experienced than I am now, I wanted to spice up some transitions between view controllers with my own custom animations. Having no idea where to start, I looked around SO for a pattern like MVC that could be accessed from nearly any controller at any time, and as it turns out, a singleton was the way to go.
What I didn't realize is that there seems to be a strong and well-defended hatred of the singleton pattern, and I myself am starting to see why, but that is beside the point.
So, a while later, I decided to move my very same implementation into a category on UINavigationController (after all, it handles transitions!), kept the original classes around for comparison, and am wondering which method would work best. Having thoroughly tested both implementations, I can say without a doubt that they are equal in every way, including speed, accuracy, smoothness, frame-rate, memory usage, etc. so which one is 'better' in the sense of overall maintainability?
EDIT: after reading the well-written arguments you all have made, I have decided to use a singleton. #JustinXXVII has made the most convincing argument (IMHO), although I consider every answer here equally worthy of merit. Thank you all for your opinions, I have upvoted all answers in the question.
I believe the best option is use the category.
Because if you are already using UINavigationController, do not make sense create a new class that will only manage the transition, like you told: (after all, it handles transitions!)
This will be a better option to maintain your code, and you will be sure that the thing do what they expect to do, and if you already have an instance that do the transitions, why create another?
The design patterns, like singleton, factory, and others, need to be used with responsibility. In your case, I do not see why use a singleton, you use it only to no instantiate new objects, you do not really need to have only one instance of it, but you do it because you want only one.
I'll make the case for a singleton object. Singletons are used all over UIKit and iOS. One thing you can't do with categories is add instance variables. There are two things about this:
MVC workflows don't tolerate objects with intimate knowledge of other objects
Sometimes you just need a place to reference an object that doesn't really belong anywhere else
These things go against each other, but the added ability to be able to keep an instance variable that doesn't really have an "owner" is why I favor the singleton.
I usually have one singleton class in all of my XCode projects, which is used to store "global" objects and do mundane things that I don't want to burden my AppDelegate with.
An example would be serializing/archiving objects and unarchiving/restoring. I have to use the same method throughout several classes, I don't want to extend UIViewController with some serializing method to write and read arbitrary files. Maybe it's just my personal preference.
I also might need a quick way to lookup information in NSUserDefaults but not want to always be writing [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]stringForKey:#"blah"], so I will just declare a method in my singleton that takes a string argument.
Until now i've not really thought too much about using a category for these things. One thing is sure though, I'd rather not be instantiating a new object a hundred times to do the same task when I can have just one living object that sticks around and will take care of stuff for me. (Without burdening the AppDelegate)
I think that the real question is in "design" (as you said, both codes work fine), and by writing down your problem in simple sentences, you will find your answer :
singleton's purpose is to have only one instance of a class running in your app. So you can share things between objects. (one available to many objects)
category purpose is to extend the methods available to a class. (available to one class of objects only ! ok...objects from subclasses too)
what you really want is to make a new transition available to UINavigationController class. UINavigationController, which has already some method available to change view (present modal views, addsubviews, etc.) is built to manage views with transitions (you said it yourself, it handles transitions), all you want to do is adding another way of handling transitions for your navigation controllers thus you would preferably use a category.
My opinion is that what you want to achieve is covered by the category and by doing this you ensure that the only objects which are accessing this method are entitled to use it. With the singleton pattern, any object of any class could call your singleton and its methods (and... it could work nobody knowing how for an OS version n but your app could be broken in n+1 version).
In this implementation, for which there is no need to use a Singleton, there may be no difference at all. That doesn't mean that there isn't one.
A plastic bucket holds as much water as a metal bucket does, and it does it just as well. In that aspect there seems to be no difference between the two. However, if you try to transport something extremely hot, the plastic bucket might not do the job so well..
What I'm trying to say is, they both serve their purposes but in your case there seemed to be no difference because the task was too generic. You wanted a method that was available from multiple classes, and both solutions can do that.
In your case, however, it might be a whole of a lot simpler to use a Category. The implementation is easier and you (possibly) need less code.
But if you were to create a data manager that holds an array of objects that you ONLY want available at one place, a Category will not be up to the task. That's a typical Singleton task.
Singeltons are single-instance objects (and if made static, available from nearly everywhere). Categories are extensions to your existing classes and limited to the class it extends.
To answer your question; choose a Category.
*A subclass might also work, but has its own pros and cons
Why don't you simply create a base UIViewController subclass and extend all of your view controllers from this object? A category doesn't make sense for this purpose.
Singletons, as the name suggests, has to be used when there is a need to be exactly one object in your application. The pattern for the accessor method ensures only this requirement being a class method:
+ (MyClass*) sharedInstance
static MyClass *instance = nil;
if (instance == nil) instance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return instance;
If implemented well, the class also ensures that its constructor is private thus nobody else can instantiate the class but the accessor method: this ensures that at any time at most one instance of the class exists. The best example of such class is UIApplication since at any time there might be only one object of this class.
The point here is that this is the only requirement towards singleton. The role of the accessor method is to ensure that there is only one instance, and not that it would provide access to that instance from everywhere. It is only a side effect of the pattern that, the accessor method being static, everybody can access this single object without having a reference (pointer) to it a priori. Unfortunately this fact is widely abused by Objective C programmers and this leads to messed up design and the hatred towards singleton pattern you mentioned. But all in all it is not the fault the singleton patter but the misuse of their accessor method.
Now turning back to your question: if you don't need static / global variables in your custom transition code (I guess you don't) then the answer is definitely go for categories. In C++ you would subclass from some parent BaseTransition class and implement your actual drawing methods. Objective C has categories (that in my opinion is another way that easily messes up the design, but they are much more convenient) where you can add custom functionality even accessing the variables of your host class. Use them whenever you can redeem singletons with them and don't use singletons when the main requirement towards your class is not that it would be only one instance of it.

Stateless static methods vs. C functions in Objective-C

In terms of good Objective-C coding practices, if I create a function that has no state, is it better to write it as a static method of some class or as a C function?
For example, I have a special filepath retrieval method that checks the Caches directory before proceeding to the main NSBundle. I currently have it as a static method under an otherwise empty Utils class. Should this be a C function instead?
The reason I've chosen to use a static method (for now) is that a) it's consistent with Objective-C syntax, and b) the class helps to categorize the method. However, I feel like I'm cheating a little, since I could easily fill up my Util class with these stateless static methods and end up with an ugly "shell class", whose sole purpose would be to hold them.
What convention do you use? Is one "better" than the other, by some objective metric? Thank you!
If you can think of an existing class of which this might make a good method, you can inject your method into it by making an Objective-C category. This keeps your two reasons for using a static method while not polluting the class space with an extra class.
For example:
#interface NSString (MyStringCategories)
- (NSString*) myCoolMethod;
// [StringCategories.m]
#import "StringCategories.h"
#implementation NSString (MyStringCategories)
- (NSString*) myCoolMethod {
// do cool stuff here
return whateverYouLike;
Now you can send myCoolMethod to any string. Cool!
In your particular case, it sounds like a method on NSBundle might be an appropriate architecture. And don't forget, it can be a class method, so you don't need to instantiate anything in order to call your method.
This is quite a difficult question to answer because for a lot of people the answer will depend on what their personal preferences and tastes are. I personally think that if you have a function that is a function, i.e. it has nothing to do with an object, it has no internal state etc. pp. please let it be a function and do not try to wrap everything you possibly can into an object just because you are using an OO language and you can.
In order to keep my answer short let me refer to a (imo) quite good book:
I know that this is for C++, but there are quite a few insights that can be shared with other languages (esp. Objective-C and Objective-C++) especially from the part called "Class Design and Inheritance". There you will find an item titeled "Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions".
Bottom line: "Nonmember nonfriend functions improve encapsulation by minimizing dependencies[...] They also break apart monolithic classes[...] [and] improve genericity[...]".
I think there is quite some truth in that item.
If there's no class to clearly bind it to, then I use a function. I also use functions for these utility bits because they can be stripped if not used or referenced. In that regard, it's also helpful to use a function because a link error is better than a runtime error (in the even the .m was accidentally omitted from the build, or if was referenced from another externally updated method). One problem with ObjC symbols is that they do not get stripped, so they naturally carry a high amount of dependency -- all the objc methods and classes, and required category methods must exist in the final binary. That's not an issue with really small programs or libraries, but it quickly gains weight with medium/large systems and libraries.
Everything does not need to be declared in an #interface - especially with larger systems where all those declarations will really turn your interdependencies into spaghetti. Compared to methods, functions are faster, smaller, may be optimized better by the compiler or during linking, and may be stripped if not referenced.
If you need polymorphism, it just belongs in a class for organization or convenience, then a class or instance method is often a better choice.
I also minimize declaring category methods for the same reasons. When you're using functions, you can easily write a wrapper method where you need it and get the best of both worlds.

When to use Categories

I've recently discovered categories and was wondering when it might be appropriate to use them in a user defined class/new class. For example, I can see the benefits of adding a category to an existing class like NSString, but when creating a new class what would be the advantage of adding a category to this rather than just implementing a normal method?
Hope this makes sense.
Many thanks
The answer isn't really any different for your own classes than it is for framework classes. If you have multiple projects, you'll likely end up sharing some classes between them. However, you may want to extend some of your classes so that they work more easily with a specific project, but not want to include those extra methods in your other projects, where they might not make sense. You can use a category to extend your class without needing to subclass.
If I understand your question correctly, creating a "new class" is always "subclassing" because you're subclassing NSObject at the very least.
You could use categories on a new class to separate out sections of responsibility of a complex class. For example, all the basic functionality (instance variables, accessors, description, etc.) can go in one file (the "main" class file) while all methods to support a protocol (such as NSTableViewDataSource) can go in another.
Some take this approach to keep things "neat". I'm a firm believer in "if it's my own custom class, all its code should be in one file" so I do not personally do this. I demarcate different logical aspects of the class' code with "#pragma mark Some Section Name" to help navigation and readability. Your mileage may vary.
Adding a Category on NSString is useful when you want to call a method on every single NSString instance you will encounter. This is a real improvement over inheritance for this kind of object because they are used by the core framework and you don't have to convert a NSString object to your subclass when you want to call your custom method.
On the other hand, you can just put methods in, no instance variables.
In the book Refactoring by Martin Fowler, he has a section titled "Introduce Foreign Method" (A server class you are using needs an additional method, but you can't modify the class.) That's what categories are good for.
That said, there are times when using a category, instead of changing the class, is appropriate. A good example on using a category, even though you could change the server class, is how Apple handled the UIViewController MediaPlayer Additions. They could have put these two methods in UIViewController itself but since the only people who would ever use them are people who are using the Media Player framework, it made more sense to keep the methods there.

How to break up a large class

I have a large Shape class, instances of which can (should) be able to do lots of things. I have many "domain" shape classes which inherit from this class, but do not provide any different functionality other than drawing themselves.
I have tried subclassing the Shape class, but then all of the "domain" objects will still inherit this subclass.
How do I break up the class? (it is 300 text lines, C#)
300 lines seems reasonable to me.
post the code if you really want better help
A couple of ideas (more like heuristics):
1) Examine the fields of the class. If a group of fields is only used in a few methods, that might be a sign that that group of fields and the methods that use it might belong in another class.
2) Assuming a well-named class, compare the name of the class to what the class actually does. If you find methods that do things above and beyond what you'd expect from the class' name, that might be a sign that those methods belong in a different class. For example, if your class represents a Customer but also opens, closes, and writes to a log file, break out the log file code into a Logger class. See also: Single Responsibility Principle (PDF) for some interesting ideas .
3) If some of the methods primarily call methods on one other class, that could be a sign that those methods should be moved to the class they're frequently using (e.g. Feature Envy).
CAUTION: Like they say, breaking up is hard to do. If there is risk in breaking up the class, you may want to put some tests in place so that you know you're not breaking anything as you refactor. Consider reading "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" and the "Refactoring" book.
you could break up by delegating functions to other helper classes.
but I agree that 300 lines of code isn't terrible.
+1 for posting the code
Thanks for the code.
Here are a few things you might try:
1) Refactor duplicate code. This kind of code was duplicated about seven times:
Visio.Cell pinX = GetLayoutCell(Visio.VisCellIndices.visXFormPinX);
if (pinX != null)
pinX.set_Result("cm", value);
Note: PinY also calculates pinX but doesn't use its value.
Similar duplication exists in: Pos{X,Y}{Start,End}
What makes this class more challenging to break up is that it's a wrapper around an already complex class.
Not knowing the domain very well (although I'm an expert with the Shape, Circle, Square concept), I'd be tempted to break the class into several classes that each share the same core Shape object.
Here is a sketch:
class EnvironShape {
private ShapeProperties _properties; // contains property management code
private ShapeCollection _children; // contains code for acting on children
private Decorators _decorators; // code for accessing decorators
private Layers _layers; // layer management code
private Position _position; // code for working with the shape's position
// Other code omitted
I would not immediately and directly expose these objects (e.g. public ShapeCollection GetChildren()) but I would start off making the EnvironShape delegate to these objects.

What is the difference between inheritance and Categories in Objective-C

Can some one explain to me the difference between categories and inheritance in Objective C? I've read the entry in Wikipedia and the discussion on categories there doesn't look any different to that of inheritance. I also looked at the discussion on the topic in the book "Open iPhone Development" and I still don't get it.
Sometimes, inheritance just seems like more trouble than it is worth. It is correctly used when you want to add something to an existing class that is a change in the behaviour of that class.
With a Category, you just want the existing object to do a little more. As already given, if you just want to have a string class that handles compression, you don't need to subclass the string class, you just create a category that handles the compression. That way, you don't need to change the type of the string classes that you already use.
The clue is in the restriction that categories only add methods, you can't add variables to a class using categories. If the class needs more properties, then it has to be subclassed.(edit: you can use associative storage, I believe).
Categories are a nice way to add functionality while at the same time conforming to an object oriented principle to prefer composition over inheritance.
Edit January 2012
Things have changed now. With the current LLVM compiler, and the modern, 64-bit runtime, you can add iVars and properties to class extensions (not categories). This lets you keep private iVars out of the public interface. But, if you declare properties for the iVars, they can still be accessed / changed via KVC, because there is still no such thing as a private method in Objective-C.
Categories allow you to add methods to existing classes. So rather than subclass NSData to add your funky new encryption methods, you can add them directly to the NSData class. Every NSData object in your app now has access to those methods.
To see how useful this can be, look at: CocoaDev
One of favorite illustrations of Objective-c categories in action is NSString. NSString is defined in the Foundation framework, which has no notion of views or windows. However, if you use an NSString in a Cocoa application you'll notice it responds to messages like – drawInRect:withAttributes:.
AppKit defines a category for NSString that provides additional drawing methods. The category allows new methods to be added to an existing class, so we're still just dealing with NSStrings. If AppKit instead implemented drawing by subclassing we'd have to deal with 'AppKitStrings' or 'NSSDrawableStrings' or something like that.
Categories let you add application or domain specific methods to existing classes. It can be quite powerful and convenient.
If you as a programmer are given a complete set of source code for a code library or application, you can go nuts and change whatever you need to achieve your programming goal with that code.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case or even desirable. A lot of times you are given a binary library/object kit and a set of headers to make do with.
Then a new functionality is needed for a class so you could do a couple of things:
create a new class whole instead of a stock class -- replicating all its functions and members then rewrite all the code to use the new class.
create a new wrapper class that contains the stock class as a member (compositing) and rewrite the codebase to utilize the new class.
binary patches of the library to change the code (good luck)
force the compiler to see your new class as the old one and hope it does not depend on a certain size or place in memory and specific entry points.
subclass specialization -- create subclasses to add functionality and modify driver code to use the subclass instead -- theoretically there should be few problems and if you need to add data members it is necessary, but the memory footprint will be different. You have the advantage of having both the new code and the old code available in the subclass and choosing which to use, the base class method or the overridden method.
modify the necessary objc class with a category definition containing methods to do what you want and/or override the old methods in the stock classes.
This can also fix errors in the library or customize methods for new hardware devices or whatever. It is not a panacea, but it allows for class method adding without recompiling the class/library that is unchanged. The original class is the same in code, memory size, and entry points, so legacy apps don't break. The compiler simply puts the new method(s) into the runtime as belonging to that class, and overrides methods with the same signature as in the original code.
an example:
You have a class Bing that outputs to a terminal, but not to a serial port, and now that is what you need. (for some reason). You have Bing.h and, but not Bing.m in your kit.
The Bing class does all kinds of stuff internally, you don't even know all what, you just have the public api in the header.
You are smart, so you create a (SerialOutput) category for the Bing class.
#interface Bing (SerialOutput) // a category
- (void)ToSerial: (SerialPort*) port ;
#implementation Bing (SerialOutput)
- (void)ToSerial: (SerialPort*) port
... /// serial output code ///
The compiler obliges to create an object that can be linked in with your app and the runtime now knows that Bing responds to #selector(ToSerial:) and you can use it as if the Bing class was built with that method. You cannot add data members only methods and this was not intended to create giant tumors of code attached to base classes but it does have its advantages over strictly typed languages.
I think some of these answers at least point to the idea that inheritance is a heavier way of adding functionality to an existing class, while categories are more lightweight.
Inheritance is used when you're creating a new class hierarchy (all the bells and whistles) and arguably brings alot of work when chosen as the method of adding functionality to existing classes.
As someone else here put it... If you are using inheritance to add a new method for example to NSString, you have to go and change the type you're using in any other code where you want to use this new method. If, however, you use categories, you can simply call the method on existing NSString types, without subclassing.
The same ends can be achieved with either, but categories seem to give us an option that is simpler and requires less maintenance (probably).
Anyone know if there are situations where categories are absolutely necessary?
A Category is like a mixin: a module in Ruby, or somewhat like an interface in Java. You can think of it as "naked methods". When you add a Category, you're adding methods to the class. The Wikipedia article has good stuff.
The best way to look at this difference is that:
1. inheritance : when want to turn it exactly in your way.
example : AsyncImageView to implement lazy loading. Which is done by inheriting UIView.
2. category : Just want to add a extra flavor to it.
example : We want to replace all spaces from a textfield's text
#interface UITextField(setText)
- (NSString *)replaceEscape;
#implementation UITextField(setText)
- (NSString *)replaceEscape
self.text=[self.text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
return self.text;
--- It will add a new property to textfield for you to escape all white spaces. Just like adding a new dimension to it without completely changing its way.