SQL Server 2012 ORDER BY works differently? - sql
I have used the following code in SQL Server 2005 for years and recently upgraded to SQL Server 2012 and it has seemingly broken the ORDER BY clause. The code is supposed to display like so:
But is grouping all the lines of the same type together. Any ideas why?
SELECT #PeriodEnd = Getdate(),
#PeriodStart = Dateadd(hour, -96, Getdate());
WITH outpq
AS (SELECT 1 AS grpOrd,
Cast(NULL AS VARCHAR(255)) AS posInGrp,
'A' AS Ord,
'A|' + clientskey + '|'
+ Cast(brtnumber AS VARCHAR(11)) + '|'
+ Isnull(Replace(CONVERT(CHAR(10), coverdate, 101), '/', ''), ''
+ '|'
+ Isnull(Replace(CONVERT(CHAR(10), coverdate, 101), '/', ''), ''
+ '|' + Isnull(parcelnumber, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(assessedbeg, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(assesseddim, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(abbrlegal, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(waterfrom, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(waterto, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(Cast(wateropen AS VARCHAR(50)), '')
+ '|' + Isnull(taxfrom, '') + '|' + Isnull(taxto, '')
+ '|'
+ Isnull(Cast(taxopen AS VARCHAR(50)), '') AS Extract
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation
WHERE datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
SELECT 1 AS grpOrd,
NULL AS posInGrp,
'A1|' + '|' + '|' + B.liennumber + '|'
+ Isnull(Cast(B.lienamt AS VARCHAR(50)), '')
+ '|' + Isnull(Replace(liendate, '/', ''), '')
+ '|' + Isnull(B.lienreason, '') AS Extract
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation A
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.muniliens B
ON B.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
WHERE A.datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
SELECT 2 AS grpOrd,
Cast(C.interestskey AS VARCHAR(11)) AS posInGrp,
'B|' + '|' + Isnull(C.first, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(C.middle, '') + '|' + Isnull(C.last, '')
+ '|' + Isnull(C.alias, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(C.comname, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(C.docrel, '') + '|'
+ Cast(C.interestskey AS VARCHAR(11)) AS Extract
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation A
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.interests C
ON C.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
WHERE A.datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
SELECT 2 AS grpOrd,
Cast(C.interestskey AS VARCHAR(11)) AS posInGrp,
'B1|' + Isnull(fulladd, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(D.city, '') + '|' + Isnull(D.state, '')
+ '|' + Isnull(D.zip, '') AS Extract
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation A
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.interests C
ON C.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.interestadd D
ON D.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
AND D.interestskey = C.interestskey
WHERE A.datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
SELECT 2 AS grpOrd,
Cast(C.interestskey AS VARCHAR(11)) AS posInGrp,
'B2|' + '|' + Isnull(E.suitnumber, '') + '|'
+ Cast(E.bdate AS VARCHAR(11)) + '|'
+ Isnull(E.chapter, '') + '|' + Isnull(E.vs, '') AS Extract
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation A
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.interests C
ON C.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.banks E
ON E.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
AND E.interestskey = C.interestskey
WHERE A.datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
SELECT 3 AS grpOrd3,
NULL AS posInGrp,
'B3|' + '|' + F.doctype + '|'
+ Isnull(Cast(F.docamt AS VARCHAR(50)), '')
+ '|'
+ Isnull(Replace(CONVERT(CHAR(10), docdate, 101), '/', ''), '')
+ '|'
+ Isnull(Replace(CONVERT(CHAR(10), recdate, 101), '/', ''), '')
+ '|' + Isnull(F.docid, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(F.grantee, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(F.grantor, '')
+ Cast(F.docidkey AS VARCHAR(11)) AS Extract
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation A
JOIN newcitycollection.dbo.documents F
ON F.casenumberkey = A.casenumberkey
WHERE A.datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
AS grpOrd
AS posInGrp,
'C|' + Isnull(J.ctype, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.plaintiffname, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.plaintiffadd1, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.plaintiffcity, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.plaintiffstate, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.plaintiffzip, '') + '|' + '|'
+ Isnull(J.defendantname, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.defendantadd1, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.defcity, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.defstate, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(J.defzip, '') + '|' + '|'
+ Isnull(J.court, '') + '|' + Isnull(J.caseid, '')
+ '|' + Isnull(J.jamt, '') + '|'
+ Isnull(Replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), jdate, 101), '/', ''), '')
+ '|'
+ Isnull(Replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), reviveddate, 101), '/', ''
), ''
FROM newcitycollection.dbo.propertyinformation A
JOIN acme.new_judgment_system.dbo.selected_compiled_clean J
ON J.casenumber = A.casenumberkey
WHERE A.datefinished BETWEEN #PeriodStart AND #PeriodEnd
AND clientkey = 2
AND J.plaintiffname NOT IN (SELECT plaintiff
--Extract data set into a table -- dump table in .txt with current date as part of name then delete that table
SELECT extract
INTO datadump
FROM outpq
ORDER BY casenumberkey,
#bcpCommand VARCHAR(2000)
SET #FileName = Replace('D:\LDExport\Argosy_import_'
+ CONVERT(CHAR(8), Getdate(), 1) + '_0001.txt', '/', '')
SET #bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT Extract FROM datadump" QUERYOUT "'
SET #bcpCommand = #bcpCommand + #FileName
+ '" -U sa -P $%^&*() -T -c'
EXEC master..Xp_cmdshell
DROP TABLE datadump
Your final query...
SELECT Extract FROM datadump
...doesn't have an ORDER BY. What do you expect?
Add an ORDER BY there. What you ordered by when you inserted has no bearing on future queries.
LEFT JOIN question - Pervasive SQL - combining multiple records from one table into a single column
I am having some trouble with getting data into a column from a combination of two tables. I'm using pervasive SQL and don't have access to pivot tables. I did a left join and tried union but am not getting the results I want. I have a primary table - table A - That for a given contract has 10 summary 'colors'. I am using a select statement and a case clause to string the 10 unique colors together with commas to properly determine the number of commas I am checking for values in those color fields. This works well - I get a single row with all of the colors listed (10 fields into 1) Table B contains records for the same contract and can have almost up to 2000 colors (detail colors). If table B has colors then Table A doesn't. Is there a way to select all of the colors in Table B into a single row and column and show all of the other column data in Table A? What I want : Contract +---------+ PHONENO +----------+ Color +------+------+ TEST 555-555-5555 BLUE,RED,GREEN,YELLOW Instead of what I'm currently getting: Contract+---------+ PHONENO +----------+ Color +------+------+ TEST 555-555-5555 BLUE TEST 555-555-5555 RED TEST 555-555-5555 GREEN TEST 555-555-5555 YELLOW SELECT TableA.ContractNo AS Contract, TableA.PhoneNo, CASE WHEN TableA.Color10 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4 + ',' + TableA.Color5 + ',' + TableA.Color6 + ',' + TableA.Color7 + ',' + TableA.Color8 + ',' + TableA.Color9 + ',' + TableA.Color10) WHEN TableA.Color9 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4 + ',' + TableA.Color5 + ',' + TableA.Color6 + ',' + TableA.Color7 + ',' + TableA.Color8 + ',' + TableA.Color9) WHEN TableA.Color8 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4 + ',' + TableA.Color5 + ',' + TableA.Color6 + ',' + TableA.Color7 + ',' + TableA.Color8) WHEN TableA.Color7 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4 + ',' + TableA.Color5 + ',' + TableA.Color6 + ',' + TableA.Color7) WHEN TableA.Color6 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4 + ',' + TableA.Color5 + ',' + TableA.Color6) WHEN TableA.Color5 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4 + ',' + TableA.Color5) WHEN TableA.Color4 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3 + ',' + TableA.Color4) WHEN TableA.Color3 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2 + ',' + TableA.Color3) WHEN TableA.Color2 <> '' then (TableA.Color1 + ',' + TableA.Color2) WHEN TableA.Color1 <> '' then (TableA.Color1) WHEN TableB.Color <> '' then TableB.Color ELSE 'n/a' end as Color FROM TableA LEFT JOIN TableB ON (TableA.ContractNo = TableB.ContractNo) ORDER BY TableA.ContractNo Can anyone help out with this?
When make concatenation sql string query , error has occurred because single quote
SET #InventoryQuery = N'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT Inven.Inventory_ID As ID,Inven.Inventory_ID As Number, Inventory_Date As ActionDate, ''Inventory'' AS [ActionType], IsNull(Sum(Product_Qty),0) Product_Qty, P.Product_Desc_ENG + '' ('' + P.Product_Weight + '')'' Product_Desc_ENG FROM CRM.Product P INNER JOIN [crm].[InventoryDetail] InvenDet ON P.Product_ID = InvenDet.Product_ID INNER JOIN [crm].[Inventory] Inven ON Inven.Inventory_ID = InvenDet.Inventory_ID WHERE Inven.Customer_Id = ' + CAST(#CustomerID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' AND ( Inven.Inventory_Date BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), #StartDate, 121) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), #EndDate, 121) + ' ) GROUP BY Inven.Inventory_ID, Inventory_Date,P.Product_Desc_ENG,P.Product_Weight ) y pivot ( sum(Product_Qty) for Product_Desc_ENG in (' + #cols + N') ) p2 '
SQL multiple where clauses
I have a procedure that has the options to take in Ids from three different columns I am concatenating all the where clauses together and then I EXEC the command. Just wanted to see if there is a better way to do this? IF ((ISNULL(#GuidelineIds, '')) <> '') BEGIN SET #whereClause = #whereClause + ' AND glinks.GuidelineId IN (SELECT val AS linkType FROM dbo.Split(''' + #GuidelineIds + ''','',''))' END IF ((ISNULL(#SubCategories, '')) <> '') BEGIN SET #whereClause = #whereClause + ' AND lt.LinkTypeID IN (SELECT val As subCategories FROM dbo.Split(''' + #SubCategories + ''', '',''))' END IF ((ISNULL(#LanguageIds, '')) <> '') BEGIN SET #whereClause = #whereClause + ' AND glinks.LanguageId IN (SELECT val As languages FROM dbo.Split(''' + #LanguageIds + ''', '',''))' END
You can achieve it by this way Select * From ... WHERE 1 = 1 AND ((ISNULL(#GuidelineIds, '')) = '' OR glinks.GuidelineId IN (SELECT val AS linkType FROM dbo.Split(''' + #GuidelineIds + ''','',''))) AND ((ISNULL(#SubCategories, '')) = '' OR lt.LinkTypeID IN (SELECT val As subCategories FROM dbo.Split(''' + #SubCategories + ''', '',''))) AND ((ISNULL(#LanguageIds, '')) = '' OR glinks.LanguageId IN (SELECT val As languages FROM dbo.Split(''' + #LanguageIds + ''', '','')))
SQL results to Outlook VCard?
I need to export SQL records to outlook vcards, so 1 vcard per result row returned. Does anyone know how to do this?
Maybe something like this: DECLARE #crlf char(2) SET #crlf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) SELECT 'BEGIN:VCARD' + #crlf + COALESCE ('N:' + COALESCE (Last, '') + ';' + COALESCE (First, '') + ';' + COALESCE (Mi, '') + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('FN:' + FullName + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TITLE:' + Title + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('ORG:' + Company + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TEL;WORK;VOICE:' + PhoneWork + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TEL;WORK;FAX:' + FaxWork + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TEL;HOME;VOICE:' + [PhoneHome] + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TEL;HOME;FAX:' + [FaxHome] + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TEL;CELL;VOICE:' + [PhoneMobile] + #crlf, '') + COALESCE ('TEL;PAGER;VOICE:' + [Pager] + #crlf, '') + 'ADR;WORK:;;' + COALESCE ([Address], '') + ';' + COALESCE ([City], '') + ';' + COALESCE ([State], '') + ';' + COALESCE ([Zip], '') + #crlf + COALESCE ('EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:' + [email] + #crlf, '') + 'REV:' + { fn REPLACE({ fn REPLACE( { fn REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 120), '-', '') }, ':', '') }, ' ', 'T') } + 'Z'+ #crlf + 'END:VCARD' + #crlf AS vcard FROM yourTable
How to concatenate strings and commas in SQL Server?
I'm relatively new to MSSQL, so sorry if the question might sounds trivial. I want to concatenate multiple fields with a delimiter ,. However, when the field is empty, the extra , will be included in the result string as well. So is there an easy way to solve this problem? For example, SELECT VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier + ',' + VRI.Street_Direction + ',' + VRI.Street_Name + ',' + VRI.Street_Direction + ',' + VRI.Street_Suffix + ',' + VRI.Street_Post_Direction + ',' + VRI.Unit FROM View_Report_Information_Tables VRI
This modified version of Lamak's handles NULL or strings containing only space/empty: SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier, '') + ',', '') + COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Street_Direction, '') + ',', '') + COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Street_Name, '') + ',', '') + COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Street_Direction, '') + ',', '') + COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Street_Suffix, '') + ',', '') + COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Street_Post_Direction, '') + ',', '') + COALESCE(NULLIF(VRI.Unit, ''), '') FROM View_Report_Information_Tables VRI
I was able to get it to work with a slightly different approach. Putting the commas at the beginning of each field and then removing the first one with the STUFF function worked for me: SELECT STUFF((COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier, ''), '') + COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Street_Direction, ''), '') + COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Street_Name, ''), '')) + COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Street_Direction, ''), '')) + COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Street_Suffix, ''), '')) + COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Street_Post_Direction, ''), '')) + COALESCE(', ' + NULLIF(VRI.Unit, ''), '')) , 1, 2, '') FROM View_Report_Information_Tables AS VRI
If the columns are empty instead of null, you can try this: SELECT VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier + CASE WHEN VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier <> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + VRI.Street_Direction + CASE WHEN VRI.Street_Direction <> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + VRI.Street_Name + CASE WHEN VRI.Street_Name <> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + VRI.Street_Direction + CASE WHEN VRI.Street_Direction <> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + VRI.Street_Suffix + CASE WHEN VRI.Street_Suffix <> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + VRI.Street_Post_Direction + CASE WHEN VRI.Street_Post_Direction <> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + VRI.Unit + CASE WHEN VRI.Unit<> '' THEN ', ' ELSE '' END FROM View_Report_Information_Tables VRI
For SQL 2008+ Using ISNULL(Colmn1 + ', ', '') Will always result with a leading comma in the end, so you'll have to handle it. Example: DECLARE #Column1 NVARCHAR(10) = 'Column1' , #Column2 NVARCHAR(10) = 'Column2' SELECT SUBSTRING( ISNULL(#Column1 + ', ', '') + ISNULL(#Column2 + ', ', '') , 0 --Starting from 0 not 1 to remove leading comma , LEN(ISNULL(#Column1 + ', ', '') + ISNULL(#Column2 + ', ', ''))) Or we could approach this the other way around and use the STUFF function to remove our beginning comma which looks cleaner, example: SELECT STUFF (ISNULL(( ', ' + #Column1), '') + ISNULL(( ', ' + #Column2), ''), 1, 2, N'') For SQL 2012+ we could use the CONCAT function and remove beginning comma using STUFF similar to our previous example but avoiding ISNULL: SELECT STUFF(CONCAT( ', ' + #Column1, ', ' + #Column2), 1, 2, N'') For SQL 2017+ CONCAT_WS was introduced where you can concatinate/join multiple string columns with a delimiter specified in the first argument of the function: MS Documents CONCAT_WS MS Doc Example: SELECT CONCAT_WS(',' --delimiter ,'1 Microsoft Way', NULL, NULL, 'Redmond', 'WA', 98052) AS Address;
Try this: SELECT COALESCE(VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier + ',','') + COALESCE(VRI.Street_Direction + ',','') + COALESCE(VRI.Street_Name + ',','') + COALESCE(VRI.Street_Direction + ',','') + COALESCE(VRI.Street_Suffix + ',','') + COALESCE(VRI.Street_Post_Direction + ',','') + COALESCE(VRI.Unit,'') FROM View_Report_Information_Tables VRI
Short or long answer? Short answer - dont. This is a formatting issue, not a database issue. Long answer - When you concatenate a string and a null in sql server, the result is null. So you can use combinations of ISNULL SELECT ISNULL(afield + ',','') + ISNULL(bfield + ',','')
You have to use select case when IsNull(fieldname, '')= '' or ltrim(rtrim(fieldname))='') Then ... Else... end +... Edit: Was written from Android mobile. Below your example. The following translations (from German) apply, FYI: Vorname: given name Name: surname Benutzer: User And here's the example code: CREATE VIEW [dbo].[V_RPT_SEL_Benutzer] AS SELECT BE_ID AS RPT_UID, CASE WHEN (ISNULL(BE_Name, '0') = '0' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(BE_Name)) = '') AND (ISNULL(BE_Vorname, '0') = '0' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(BE_Vorname)) = '') THEN '' WHEN (ISNULL(BE_Name, '0') = '0' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(BE_Name)) = '') THEN ISNULL(BE_Vorname, '') WHEN (ISNULL(BE_Vorname, '0') = '0' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(BE_Vorname)) = '') THEN ISNULL(BE_Name, '') ELSE ISNULL(BE_Name, '') + ', ' + ISNULL(BE_Vorname, '') END AS RPT_Name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY BE_Name, BE_Vorname ASC) AS RPT_Sort FROM T_Benutzer
You could use the ISNULL(field + ',', '')
SELECT isnull(VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier + ',','')+ isnull(VRI.Street_Direction + ',','')+ isnull(VRI.Street_Name + ',','')+ isnull(VRI.Street_Direction + ',','')+ isnull(VRI.Street_Suffix + ',','')+ isnull(VRI.Street_Post_Direction + ',','')+ isnull(VRI.Unit,'') FROM View_Report_Information_Tables VRI
I would agree completely with Jamiec's short answer. Otherwise, I would look at a nasty solution of using a REPLACE([concat], ',,', ',') everywhere you concatenate two columns, and then figure out how to trim commas from the beginning and end of the string where the first and last columns might be empty. Very very messy.
Wanted to see if I can get it without using CASE but could not. A long-winded way of mine: SELECT case when isnull(nullif(VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier, ''),'')='' then '' else VRI.Street_Number_and_Modifier end + case when isnull(nullif(VRI.Street_Direction, ''),'')='' then '' else ',' + VRI.Street_Direction end + case when isnull(nullif(VRI.Street_Name, ''),'')='' then '' else ',' + VRI.Street_Name end + case when isnull(nullif(VRI.Street_Suffix, ''),'')='' then '' else ',' + VRI.Street_Suffix end + case when isnull(nullif(VRI.Street_Post_Direction, ''),'')='' then '' else ',' + VRI.Street_Post_Direction end + case when isnull(nullif(VRI.Street_Post_Direction, ''),'')='' then '' else ',' + VRI.Street_Post_Direction end FROM View_Report_Information_Tables VRI
This will not add any commas if null-strings SELECT CONCAT_WS(', ', IFNULL(column1, NULL), IFNULL(column2, NULL), IFNULL(column3, NULL), IFNULL(column4, NULL), IFNULL(column5, NULL)) FROM yourtable