Why the retain cycle warning not thrown? - objective-c

I use Xcode 5 and have some code
#interface Controller {
__weak IBOutlet UIView *someView;
#implementation Controller {
- (void)doSomething
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
someView.hidden = YES;
- (void)doSomething1
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
[self doSomething];
Why the retain cycle warning not thrown there? Should I use weak references on self every time I use self in blocks?
Also I enabled Implicit retain of self within blocks warning and it gave me 100 warnings with advice to write self->ivar.prop (not ivar.prop) in blocks. Should I do so after that warning is disabled by default?

Why the retain cycle warning not thrown there?
The block retains you, but you don't retain the block. It'll be destroyed after animation is complete. So, no cycles.
Should I use weak references on self every time I use self in blocks?
If your block doesn't get destroyed automatically (e.g. a recurring timer), then you should.
Should I do so after that warning is disabled by default?
Depends upon the context. Again, if your blocks live for a long time, you might want to declare non-retained weakSelf.
But basically you're fine if your blocks don't get saved somewhere.
See also How do I avoid capturing self in blocks when implementing an API?

This is not a retain cycle. This is two methods calling each other in a loop. A retain cycle happens when two object instances have strong (retained) references to each other that are never broken, and those two objects remain in memory unnecessarily.
Example with code: Retain cycle in ARC

Should I use weak references on self every time I use self in blocks?
Absolutely not. Blocks retain captured object pointers for a reason -- to keep the objects alive until so that they'll still be there when the block is run. If there is no retain cycle and there is no other thing keeping a reference to the object pointed to by self, it could be deallocated before the block is run (asynchronously, for example).


Increased retain count when converting to ARC

I'm converting a library to ARC atm. where I have an NSViewController descendant that loads a xib the usual way:
- (instancetype)initWithModule: ...
self = [super initWithNibName: #"mynib" bundle: [NSBundle bundleForClass: [self class]]];
if (self != nil) {
[self view];
return self;
When I executed this without ARC the retain count of that controller is 2 after the call to view (which loads the nib and connects the outlets, as you know). However with ARC enabled this increases the retain count to 3, which later causes this controller to leak, because the count never goes back to 0.
I changed all outlets to use weak references (except for NSTextView instances, but they never appear as top level objects). But this doesn't seem to help.
Update: It seems to affect every view controller I have, at least all those I checked. So this seems to be a fundamental problem, not related to the xib content.
How can I find out what causes the additional retain on load?
The absolute retain count is meaningless. You need to find all the spots where retain is called (or called by implication, in the case of ARC).
To do that, use the Allocations instrument and turn on reference count tracking. That'll give you access to the backtrace of every single retain and you can find the extra one.
More likely than not it'll be a strong reference to self in a block held by something in self. Or it'll be a cycle of strong references; self -> other -> self kinda thing.

Possible deallocation of UIKit object on the non-main queue

I've faced several times in public APIs the following code style:
#interface UITextField (SomeFunctionalitySupport)
- (void) someMethod {
dispatch_async(someConcurrentQueue, ^{
self.text = #"Some text"
Given that UITextField is UIKit object it should be deallocated on the main queue. As I understand, weakify/strongify macros are just a neat way to not declare __weak and __strong local variables manually and perform conditional check on the strong one.
But __strong increments reference counting, right? So, until the block completes we'll have one more strong reference. And block runs on the non-main queue. What if during execution of the block the strong reference became the last one? Logically, self'd be deallocated upon completion of the block. But this wouldn't happen on the main queue which could cause significant problems.
Was API creators wrong or I'm missing something?
self will not be deallocated while the block is running, because it holds a strong reference on it.
It will be deallocated after the block execution finished, because in your case it is the last strong reference. Who should care about this, since no one else has a strong reference on it?

How to enforce using `-retainCount` method and `-dealloc` selector under ARC?

Under ARC, compiler will forbid using any method or selector of -retainCount, -retain, -dealloc, -release, and -autorelease.
But sometimes I want to know the retain counts at runtime, or using method swizzling to swap the -dealloc method of NSObject to do something.
Is it possible to suppress (or bypass) the compiler complaining just a couple of lines of code? I don't want to modify ARC environment for whole project or whole file. I think preprocessor can do it, but how?
Thanks guys to give me a lesson about the use of -retainCount. But I wonder whether it is possible to enforce invoking/using those forbidden methods/selectors.
I know Instruments is a powerful tool to do this job. But I am still curious about those question.
Why do I want to use -retainCount:
When using block, if you don't specify a __weak identifier on the outside variables, the block will automatically retain those outside objects in the block after the block is copied into the heap. So you need to use a weak self to avoid retain cycle, for example:
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.completionBlock = ^{
[weakSelf doSomething];
However, it will still cause retain cycle when you only use instance variables in the copied block (YES, although you didn't use any keyword self in the block).
For example, under Non-ARC:
// Current self's retain count is 1
NSLog(#"self retainCount: %d", [self retainCount]);
// Create a completion block
CompletionBlock completionBlock = ^{
// Using instance vaiable in the block will strongly retain the `self` object after copying this block into heap.
[_delegate doSomething];
// Current self's retain count is still 1
NSLog(#"self retainCount: %d", [self retainCount]);
// This will cuase retain cycle after copying the block.
self.completionBlock = completionBlock;
// Current self's retain count is 2 now.
NSLog(#"self retainCount: %d", [self retainCount]);
Without using -retainCount before/after the copied block code, I don't think this retain cycle caused by using instance variables in the completion block will be discovered easily.
Why do I want to use -dealloc:
I want to know whether I can use method swizzling to monitor which object will be deallocated by logging messages on the Xcode console when the -dealloc is invoked. I want to replace the original implementation of -dealloc of NSObject.
That's not recommened at all, I dont know your intentions but they dont sound very safe.
The use of retainCount is not recommended.
From AppleDocs:
This method is of no value in debugging memory management issues.
Because any number of framework objects may have retained an object in
order to hold references to it, while at the same time autorelease
pools may be holding any number of deferred releases on an object, it
is very unlikely that you can get useful information from this method
And, if there's any doubt, check this link:
Whatever you are trying to do, please dont.
For future references, I'm going to add some linsk to help you understand the process of how memory works in iOS. Even if you use ARC, this is a must know (remember that ARC is NOT a garbage collector)
Beginning ARC in iOS 5 Tutorial Part 1
Understand memory management under ARC
Memory Management Tutorial for iOS
Advance Memory Managment
And, of course, once you understand how memory works is time to learn how to profile it with instruments:
Instruments User Guide
Agreed 100% with the other commenters about the fact that you do not want to use -retainCount. To your other question, however, about -dealloc:
You also do not want to swizzle -dealloc. If you think you want to swizzle it, you don't understand how it works. There are a lot of optimizations going on there; you can't just mess with it. But, as #bbum hints at, you can easily get notifications when objects are deallocated, and this can be very useful.
You attach an associated object to the thing you want to watch. When the thing you want to watch goes away, so does the associated object, and you can override its dealloc to perform whatever action you want. Obviously you need to be a little careful, because you're in the middle of a dealloc, but you can generally do most anything you'd need to here. Most importantly for many cases, you can put a breakpoint here or add a logging statement, so you can see where the object was released. Here's a simple example.
With ARC
const char kWatcherKey;
#interface Watcher : NSObject
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation Watcher
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"HEY! The thing I was watching is going away!");
NSObject *something = [NSObject new];
objc_setAssociatedObject(something, &kWatcherKey, [Watcher new],
Without ARC
const char kWatcherKey;
#interface Watcher : NSObject
- (void)lastRetainDone;
#import <objc/runtime.h>
// turn off ARC!
#implementation Watcher
BOOL noMoreRetainsAllowed;
- (void)lastRetainDone {
noMoreRetainsAllowed = YES;
- (id) retain {
if (noMoreRetainsAllowed) abort();
return [super retain];
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"HEY! The thing I was watching is going away!");
[super dealloc];
NSObject *something = [NSObject new];
Watcher *watcher = [Watcher new];
objc_setAssociatedObject(something, &kWatcherKey, watcher,
[watcher lastRetainDone];
[watcher release];
Now, when something goes away, -[Watcher dealloc] will fire and log for you. Very easy. Completely supported and documented.
Without using -retainCount before/after the copied block code, I don't think this retain cycle caused by using instance variables in the completion block will be discovered easily.
You are somewhat correct here, but there are two lessons to be learned, and neither is to use retainCount (which won't actually help you in this case anyway because retainCount can very often be something you don't expect).
The first lesson is: Do not allow any warnings in ObjC code. The situation you're describing will generally create a compiler warning in recent versions of clang. So it's actually quite easy to discover in many cases. The way you've separated it into multiple assignments, the compiler may miss it, but the lesson there is to change your coding style to help the compiler help you.
The second lesson is: don't access ivars directly outside of init and dealloc. This is one of the many little surprises that can cause. Use accessors.

Objective C Blocks: Is there a way to avoid 'self' being retained?

I'm trying to write this down as concisely as possible, but it's not easy to describe -- so thanks for reading =)
I'm the main developer of the Open Source iPhone Framework Sparrow. Sparrow is modeled after the Flash AS3 Library, and thus has an event system just like AS3. Currently, that system works by specifying selectors - but I would love to expand that system by allowing the use of blocks for event listeners. However, I'm stumbling over memory management issues.
I will show you a typical use-case of events - as they are handled now.
// init-method of a display object, inheriting from
// the base event dispatcher class
- (id)init
if (self = [super init])
// the method 'addEventListener...' is defined in the base class
[self addEventListener:#selector(onAddedToStage:)
return self;
// the corresponding event listener
- (void)onAddedToStage:(SPEvent *)event
[self startAnimations]; // call some method of self
That's quite straight-forward: When an object is added to the display list, it receives an event. Currently, the base class records the event listeners in an array of NSInvocation-objects. The NSInvocation is created in a way that it does not retain its target and arguments. (The user can make it do that, but in 99% of the cases, it's not necessary).
That these objects are not retained was a conscious choice: otherwise, the code above would cause a memory leek, even if the user removed the event listener in the dealloc-method! Here is why:
- (id)init
if (self = [super init])
// [self addEventListener: ...] would somehow cause:
[self retain]; // (A)
return self;
// the corresponding event listener
- (void)dealloc
// [self removeEventListener...] would cause:
[self release]; // (B)
[super dealloc];
On first sight, that seems fine: the retain in the init-method is paired by a release in the dealloc method. However, that does not work, since the dealloc method will never be called, because the retain count never reaches zero!
As I said, the 'addEventListener...'-method does, for exactly this reason, not retain anything in its default version. Because of the way events work (they are almost always dispatched by 'self' or child objects, which are retained anyway), that is not a problem.
However, and now we come to the central part of the question: I cannot do that with blocks. Look at the block-variant of event handling, as I would like it to have:
- (id)init
if (self = [super init])
[self addEventListenerForType:ADDED_TO_STAGE block:^(SPEvent *event)
[self startAnimations];
return self;
That looks great and would be very easy to use. However: when the user calls a method on 'self' or uses a member variable within the block -- which will be, well, almost always -- the block will automatically retain 'self', and the object will never be dealloc'ed.
Now, I know that any user could rectify this by making a __block reference to self, like this:
__block id blockSelf = self;
[self addEventListenerForType:ADDED_TO_STAGE block:^(SPEvent *event)
[blockSelf startAnimations];
But, honestly, I am sure almost all of the users would not know to do so or forget to do so. An API should be not only easy to use, but also hard to misuse, and this clearly violates that principle. Users of the API would most definitely misuse it.
What bugs me is that I know that 'self' does not have to be retained -- it works in my current implementation without retaining it. So I want to tell the block that he does not need to retain self -- me, the library, should tell the block that, so that the user does not have to think about it.
In my research, I have not found a way to do so. And I can't think of a way to change my architecture to fit that limitation of blocks.
Has anybody got an idea what I could do about it?
Even if you have not, thanks for reading this far -- I know it was a verbose question ;-)
I discussed this topic with Apple support, and they told me what I had expected: currently, there is no way that would let me tell the block that it should not retain self. However, they offered two ways to work around the problem.
The first would be to pass self as an argument to the block rather than a block variable. The API would become:
[self addEventListenerForType:ADDED_TO_STAGE
block:^(id selfReference, SPEvent *event)
The API would thus be responsible for passing in the (non-retained) self. Developers would still have to be told that they have to use this reference instead of self, but at least it would be easy to use.
The other solution that Apple has used in this sort of situation is to provide a separate method from release/dealloc for shutting down the listener. A good example of this is the "invalidate" method of NSTimer. It was created because of a memory cycle between NSRunLoop and NSTimer (by design).
I think the design is fundamentally flawed, blocks or no blocks. You are adding objects as event listeners before they are fully initialised. Similarly, the object could still receive events while it is being dealloced. The adding and removing of event listeners should be decoupled from allocation/deallocation IMO.
As for your immediate issue, you may not need to worry about it. You are having a problem because you are implicitly adding a reference to an object to itself (indirectly) by referencing it in the block. Bear in mind that anybody else supplying a block is unlikely to be referencing the object that generates the event or its instance variables because they won't be in scope where the block is defined. If they are (in a subclass, for instance), there's nothing you can do except document the issue.
One way to reduce the likelihood of a problem is to supply the object generating the event as a property on your SPEvent parameter and use that in the block instead of referencing self. You'll need to do that anyway because a block need not be created in a context where the object generating the event is in scope.

Is it necessary to release the ivar and set the synthesized ivar to nil at the same time?

I have seen code (probably Apple's own sample code) written in such a way where it releases the ivar in dealloc and setting the property in viewDidUnload.
- (void)viewDidUnload
self.navigationController = nil;
- (void)dealloc
[_navigationController release];
Why do them in two places? Also, why set nil in one and release in another. It seems that self.property = nil would just take care of everything since it would release and set the ivar to nil.
You're right: you can indeed do self.property = nil everywhere, including dealloc. The only downside is that if the setter method does anything more complicated than just releasing the ivar, you might end up trying to access other fields that have already been released, etc.
As for why you also release the outlet in viewDidUnload, that's a memory optimization. Since the stuff you release in viewDidUnload are things that will be reinstantiated when the view is loaded again, releasing them there frees up memory in low-memory situations.
Apple recomments that you not call setters in the init and especially dealloc routines.
This is due to the fact that the object is only partially set up at this time, and setters could have observers attached to them, or could be overridden by subclasses, and otherwise have undesirable affects during dealloc, or could be confused during init with a partially configured object.
Hence, you normally use:
_navigationController = [[NavController alloc] init];
style code in your init routine,
[_navigationController release];
style code in your dealloc, and setters in other code where the object is known to be fully complete.
Some cases to consider:
Subclass overrides setNavigationController and references its own ivars allocated by init. Crash on init.
Subclass overrides setNavigationController and references its own ivars released in dealloc. Crash on dealloc.
Subclass overrides setNavigationController and redraws some parts of the screen. Pointless waste of cycles, or glitchy display.
Other objects being deallocated at the same time observe navigationController and those observers fire during dealloc
If you're relying on garbage collection (available in Objective-C 2.0) then setting the ivar to nil and calling release will achieve the same end.
I'm guessing that the code you're looking at is managing the memory with release and only setting it to nil so that you don't later try to access an object that is no longer there. The nil is more bookkeeping than memory management when you're not relying on the GC.