I have a UPnP client and UPnP server, UPnP client discovers the UPnP server and its contents by requesting, now, I want the discovered content to be played in the 3rd device which is initiated by the UPnP client.
Should the 3rd device also discover the UPnP Server? or It can just stream the content from the server based on the URI given by the UPnP Client. (Check the image)
The third device (commonly referred to as the Media Renderer) does not need to discover the Media Server. It relies on the Client (aka Control Point) to select media and just plays whatever url it is passed.
If this doesn't work for you, please update your question to note the services/actions you are using.
Suppose I have 2 peers exchanging video with webRTC. Now I need both of the streams to be saved as video files in the central server. Is is possible to do it realtime? (Storing/Uploading the video from peers is not an option).
I thought of making a 3 node webRTC connection, with the 3rd node being the server. This way, I can screen record the 3rd node's stream or save it using some other way. But I am not sure about the reliability/feasibility of the implementation.
This is for a mobile application, and I would avoid any method that involves uploading/saving.
PS: I'm using Agora.io for the purpose of video-conference.
in my opinion
you can do it like the record demo:https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/getusermedia/record/.
record each stream to blobs and push them to your server with websocket.
then convert the blobs to a webm file or just add in a video
Agora doesn't offer on-premise recording out of the box but they do provide thee code for you to be able to launch your own on-premise recording using your own server. Agora has the code and instructions to deploy on GitHub: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Basic-Recording
The way it works, once you have set up the Agora Recording SDK, the client would trigger the recording to start, via user interaction (button tap) or some other event (i.e. peer-joined or stream-subscribed) this will trigger the recording service to join the channel and record the streams. _The service outputs the video file once recording has stopped.
you need a WebRTC media server.
WebRTC media servers makes it possible to support more complex
scenarios WebRTC media servers are servers that act as WebRTC clients
but run on the server side. They are termination points for the media
where we’d like to take action. Popular tasks done on WebRTC media
servers include:
Group calling Recording Broadcast and live streaming Gateway to other
networks/protocols Server-side machine learning Cloud rendering
(gaming or 3D) The adventurous and strong hearted will go and develop
their own WebRTC media server. Most would pick a commercial service or
an open source one. For the latter, check out these tips for choosing
WebRTC open source media server framework.
In many cases, the thing developers are looking for is support for
group calling, something that almost always requires a media server.
In that case, you need to decide if you’d go with the classing (and
now somewhat old) MCU mixing model or with the more accepted and
modern SFU routing model. You will also need to think a lot about the
sizing of your WebRTC media server.
For recording WebRTC sessions, you can either do that on the client
side or the server side. In both cases you’ll be needing a server, but
what that server is and how it works will be very different in each
If it is broadcasting you’re after, then you need to think about the
broadcast size of your WebRTC session.
Is there a simple guide from where I can start creating a stun / turn and signaling server ?
I spend over a week searching for those things and couldn't find any guide where I can say:
okay, I am on the right track now - this is clear.
So far, everything is so abstract without any examples.
This is what I'm trying to achieve: a simple video stream on my local network where I'll have a server with installed usb camera on it, and an application on my iis which will connect to the usb camera and stream it to the clients, and every time when a client opens the application, will see the video stream from the server camera.
Note: since I want to use it on my local network do I really need a stun/turn server, or is there a guide that shows how to avoid it ?
Media streamed over dedicated servers HTTP/HTTPS rarely needs a NAT traversal solution. Instead, just have your web server with camera attached, on the public Internet or behind your NAT with port-forwarding enabled.
There are LOTS of streaming media solutions available as open source, free downloads, or commercially sold. A good list is here:
I currently have a video chat app working on web(Flash) and android via Adobe AIR, it uses Adobe Media Server (RTMP) as backend for video streaming and shared objects, my question is, if there is another server or solution that provides many to many live video broadcast maybe using H.264 codec from android and iOS, have some sort of user list and room list stored in a database or similar, I want to move away from Adobe as it has many limitations on mobile devices.
Live video is crucial in 1 to many broadcasts that will have hundreds of viewers at the same time.
Thanks for reading!
Ulex.fr created an RTMP connector for Asterisk (the free PBX platform).
Used with the Asterisk Vonference application, it allows you to create conference rooms for 1 to many configuration, with audio and video. The only one limitation is the power of your server. You can plan a scalable architecure in order to broadcast one video to many (many could be unlimited). We developp a specific protocol to connect and manage the connection based on the telephony events. I think we already done a direct RTMP connection that skip this protocol too.
All the project done by ulex.fr is free, OpenSource and GPL.
Get the full project here : https://github.com/voximal/asterisk-rtmp
(a live demo is available)
We already develop an RTMP stack for android with video (using the camera), this allows you to create your own application without using AIR.
You can check Adobe Cirrus, it's still in the beta stage (actually IMHO Adobe forgot about it), but it works on web, desktop and mobile too. Check this Video Phone example, it can handle chat applications without a problem.
You could take a look at Red5 Media Server, which is an open source solution. There are other options like the Wowza's solutions on AWS, but they come a higher cost...
Ok as today, we have decided that we can manage the users,rooms and messages via Google Firebase Real Time Database, and the live video stream using ANT Media Server
I want to develop a VoIP app with Xamarin and Xmpp server.
So far the only things that I have found is the openfire and "jitsi meet" for the server side and matrix for the client side. But the matrix has nothing to do with voice streaming and is just for text messaging and "jitsi meet" doesn’t have any sdk for .net client side.
I also have found the red5pro but this has client sdks just for native android and ios development platform and has nothing for Mono.
So what Should I look for?!
First, let's clarify some basics:
openfire is a XMPP server. Basically, this is all you need on the server side for basic VoIP support.
Alternatives include ejabberd and Prosody.
jitsi meet essentialy already is a VoIP app, so if you want to develop your own, you don't really need that.
"Jitsi Videobridge" on the other hand can be used to provide a relay server for video conferences. For your first steps with a simple VoIP app, you wont need that either, but if you want your users to be able to create video conferences with many participants, then this helps.
(Explanation: Normally, when you create a P2P-Video conference, you
have two options: First, all users send their video data to all
participants (everybody needs lots of bandwidth), or you pick one
participant ("host") that receives the video streams of every
participant end sends them to every other participant. In the second
case, a normal participant only has to upload his stream once and
download n streams, whereas the host does most of the work - so only
that one user needs high bandwidth.
Jitsi Videobridge can run on a server and act as this conference host (usually a server has a much better bandwidth than a home user), so that none of the participants has to act as a host.
In simple VoIP applications (without video), this may not be neccessary, as audio streams are usually much smaller than video streams.)
Now, as I said above, in order to write a VoIP app, you basically only need a XMPP server (openfire, prosody and ejabberd should all be sufficient for this use case), a client library that supports Jingle and client libraries for the RTP media streams (transfer and display).
Jingle is the name of a XMPP protocol extension that enables the negotiation of P2P data streams as they are needed for a VoIP call.
The relevant protocol specifications:
XEP 0166: Jingle
XEP-0167: Jingle RTP Sessions
So what you need to find is a XMPP library with support for the jingle protocol. The C# Matrix XMPP SDK (not to be confused with the "Matrix protocol", which is a different protocol and has nothing to do with XMPP except for having a common goal) is one example of such a library. According to their web site, there is support for Jingle, but I couldn't find any documentation about it.
However, as I mentioned above, Jingle is only about how to negotiate data streams, not the data streams and VoIP itself.
So what that library probably helps you with is parsing of the Jingle XMPP messages that are needed to set up a RTP data stream.
For displaying and transfering the RTP stream, however, you need additional libraries. For that, have a look at the following SO questions and answers:
Open Source .net C# library for Real Time transport Protocol
Streaming Avi files from C# using RTP
I hope I could give you some useful hints...
I am planning a software application where the user will be able to select a given media channel from a list of RTMP streams available on one or more media servers on the internet. The list should ideally be dynamically created through some kind of service that knows about the available and active channels.
My question is: Would this be possible through some kind of protocol between the service and the media server. I understand that RTMP by itself doesn't allow this. A therefore assume that some outbound mechanism will be required.
...there is no native application discovery in RTMP. If you'd like this kind of functionality you'll need to program some sort of discovery service for which ever streaming server you are running.