How to change controls list on excited videojs instance? - video.js

I need a play an advertising before a main video in videojs player, when i playing an advertsing i need have no controls in my video.
How to change controls list on excited videojs instance ?

videojs("video_id").controls(false) will disable the controls (where "video_id" is the id of your video element).


How to automatically play unmuted video when changing slides

I have a video slideshow that is created using Swiper JS. Ideally I'd like to make the videos automatically play without muting them when changing slides. I have a play button on top of the video. I don't want users to keep clicking the play button when they change the slides. Is there a way to achieve this without muting the videos? I see the web-based Tiktok site has been doing it. Not sure how they managed to do it.
Thanks in advance!

Video.js for Vimeo

I use video.js for vimeo. Played on the desktop in a custom player with my styles, it's good, but on the tablets and mobiles played in a default browse player. Why? I want custom player in mobile too. Can you help me?
In a recent version video.js was updated to use the custom skin on touch devices, so you might try updating your version. But this will still only make a difference on tablets that don't go to fullscreen video. On iOS devices and most(?) android devices, whenever the video goes to fullscreen it uses the native controls, and there's nothing we can do in the browser to change that. Hopefully in the future the devices will adopt the requestFullscreen browser API so we can use custom controls in that context.

Video.js need to make full screen without adding allowfullscreen to parent iframe

I'm working in an environment where I can't add allowfullscreen to the parent iframe of the page that contains the videojs videos. Currently, the full screen button does not make the video go full screen.
If I embed a youtube video for instance on the same page it has the ability to go fullscreen.
Is there a way to modify the videojs code to work in a similar way? My javascript knowledge is average so this might be too big for my britches.

HTML5 Video - Auto select correct resolution

I'm working on a page that has a list of houses for sale. Each listing has a short video with the option of watching in the page or full screen.
I'm struggling a little with having the videos on the page at one resolution and the fullscreen at a higher resolution - this is needed especially for devices that automatically go fullscreen when the play icon is pressed.
I've had good results with video.js ( for the page resolution but it doesn't appear to support resolution change on fullscreen. I found this thread with comments about the HTML spec and changing resolution mid-stream:
I'm told the embedded Youtube player selects the correct resolution automatically but the branded player makes this a non-starter.
Also I've found that in IE10 without Flash that the embedded Vimeo player doesn't function and in Chrome without Flash the Vimeo and Youtube players fail as well... so much for HTML5!
So anyone have a solution for showing video at the correct resolution (low/high) for the state of the player (contained/fullscreen)?
Your question answered a query of mine. It looks like auto switching resolution is still not implemented in videoJS other than for YouTube videos. There is a demo at videoJS Resolution Switcher and you can see in the console that changing window resolution to full screen has no effect.
I've been using the JWPlayer for several years with no problems at all. It reliably supports auto switching has many features and very good support.

Ooyala video player (iOS): how to ALWAYS hide video control?

I use Ooyala video player in my project, and I need to have my own video control, so I need a way to hind its built-in video control, I found that the OOOoyalaPlayerViewController has method showControls, but the control appears when you tap the video, so is there a way to explicitly hide the controls? I've tried subclassing OOOoyalaPlayerViewController and overwrite showControls to do nothing but it did not work.
If you are creating custom controls, you probably want to use an OOOoyalaPlayer directly versus going through the OOOoyalaPlayerViewController- all the viewcontroller does is add controls on top of the player.
If you must use an OOOoyalaPlayerViewController, try subclassing OOControlsViewController and overwriting - (void)onTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)sender. The source for this is bundled with our SDK.