Reset SelectedItem in LongListSelector after selection - xaml

I'm using Caliburn.Micro and the LongListSelector. Because binding SelectedItem is a problem I act on the SelectionChanged event. Problem is, after returning to the list, when I click the same item again, it is already selected. So the event doesn't fire. I could set the SelectedIndex to -1 or something, but in Caliburn.Micro I can't access UI controls. That's the point of MVVM, isn't it?! :)
Here's my XAML
<LongListSelector x:Name="NewsItems"
ItemsSource="{Binding NewsItems}"
cal:Message.Attach="[Event SelectionChanged] = [NavigateToArticle($eventArgs)]" />
How to solve this? How can I reset the SelectedItem when I can't access the LongListSelector from code?

You have to put your LongListSelector SelctionMode="Multiple",
You can get it using Gesture Tap event.

Did not understood real problem but
I think you can solve your problem if selection change event fire every time when user select item-
private void productList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
LongListSelector productList= (LongListSelector)sender;
if (productList.SelectedItem == null)
//Write your code here
//For Tapping many times..
productList.SelectedItem = null;
The above code will make selection change event to fire on selection of same item every time.


How to make a default button in UWP app using XAML?

I'm trying to declare a button as default in UWP app but receive an error:
The property 'IsDefault' was not found in type 'Button'
How can I make a default button in UWP app?
I down know what IsDefault is in WPF but to get if a button is pressed in UWP you can use CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().KeyDown. Create a Method that will be called from when the button is pressed or VirtualKey.Enter is clicked.
public MainPage()
CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().KeyDown += MainPage_KeyDown; ;
private void MainPage_KeyDown(CoreWindow sender, KeyEventArgs args)
switch (args.VirtualKey)
case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Enter:
// handler for enter key
You can use key down event which you can place on any textbox for example if you are making a login page then probably there will be 2 textboxes for username and password then just add key down event handler to textbox as it will be the last mandatory field like this:
<PasswordBox KeyDown="PasswordKeyDown"/>
then you can handle this event as:
using System.Windows.Input;
private void PasswordKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
Hope it will help you :)
There is not easy or clean way to solve your problem because IsDefault is not available for uwp apps.
if you are using MVVM or you want to reuse your code I recommend you to use Behaviors and follow the examples that the other guys posted.
I need a Button which user can invoke by pressing the ENTER key.
In an UWP app, by default a Button can be invoked by pressing the Enter key. So I guess what you want is setting the focus on this Button when there are some other UIElements in your page.
You can refer to Keyboard navigation among UI elements,
By default, the tab order of controls is the same as the order in which they are added to a design surface, listed in XAML, or programmatically added to a container.
To focus on the Button which is not the first element, you can just give the TabIndex="1" property to your Button, this property can make your Button get focus whenever the page is loaded, but if you change the focus on other controls in this page, you will need to reselect this button by mouse clicking, touching or TAB key.

Mutually exclusive selection of two listviews

I've implemented a UWP SplitView similar to the one made by Diederik Krols. I prefer the approach of using a ListView over using RadioButtons as shown by Jerry Nixon's implementation of the SplitView.
However, I have a problem when I add secondary commands at the bottom of the SplitView, which Diederik doesn't do. These secondary commands are implemented by another ListView bound to a collection of Commands. So I have TWO ListViews that should only allow ONE item to be selected among them at a time.
I've tried two things:
I've bound the SelectedItem property of both ListViews to the same object. The idea was that maybe ListView doesn't display a selection if SelectedItem is not in the list bound to ItemsSource. Sadly, it simply goes on displaying the last selected item.
I've bound each ListView's SelectedItem to its own property. When one of the ListViews' item is selected, the SelectedItem of the other property is set to 'null' by the ViewModel. This produces the same result as in 1.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
I had the same problem.
I have a fix, but I'm not that proud of it ;) it's a dirty hack and I'm hoping other solutions will present itself so I can change it too.
But here it is:
First the listviews hook up to the SelectionChanged event even though we also bind the selected item to the viewmodel ( full code shown here )
<ListView x:Name="TopMenu"
ItemsSource="{x:Bind ViewModel.TopMenuItems}"
ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource MenuItemTemplateSelector}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource MenuItemContainerStyle}"
SelectedItem="{x:Bind ViewModel.SelectedTopMenuItem, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource XBindItemCastingConverter}}"
Grid.Row="0" />
In that SelectionChanged, we'll deselect the 'other' listviews selection! ( full code shown here )
Note that we need to keep track that we are already in a deselecting process otherwise we'll end up with an endless loop. This is done with the _listViewChanging field.
private void OnBottomMenuSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (!_listViewChanging)
_listViewChanging = true;
TopMenu.SelectedIndex = -1;
_listViewChanging = false;
Last thing to do is making sure we handle the selection and clear it again in the viewmodel for next itteration ( full code shown here )
public MenuItem SelectedBottomMenuItem
get { return _selectedBottomMenuItem; }
if (Set(() => SelectedBottomMenuItem, ref _selectedBottomMenuItem, value))
if (value != null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedBottomMenuItem.Title))
if (SelectedBottomMenuItem.Title.Equals("settings", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
SelectedBottomMenuItem = null;

click a textblock without selecting the parent listview item

I'm developing a windows store application with C# and XAML. I am using a ListView to display the collection of data.
Inside the ListView I have a data template which has grids and a TextBlock in the grid. I want to tap/click the TextBlock and give action without selecting the parent ListView item as I already have event to handle the selected ListView item. I don't want both to overlap.
Thanks in advance for any response.
So you want to be able to select the ListViewItem when tapping one part of it, but not the TextBlock? If this is the case, in the TextBlock's Tapped event add e.Handled = true;. This should make it so that it isn't further routed up to the parent ListView.
The other thing you can do (which will likely be a more general solution to whatever you want to do with your ListViewItems) is to not use thing SelectionChanged event and instead handle everything with ItemClick. You can then deduce whether the OriginalSource of the event is indeed your TextBlock. Then, if it's not the TextBlock, change the parent ListView's SelectedItem.
An example for chceking the OriginalSource
public static void ItemClickEvent(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
if(e.OriginalSource is TextBlock)
ListView.SelectedItem = e.ClickedItem;
Hope this helps.
Edit: Added some example code for the OriginalSource check

How to disable right-button selection on List View Item (ListViewItem)?

I want to prevent the ability to deselect a list view item if it is already selected. Therefore how do I prevent right mouse click ability to deselect an item?
I have prevented the ability to deselect via swiping by using IsSwipeEnabled="False" on the List View. I didn't require swipe ability on the list view.
I'm happy to completely prevent right mouse click on the list view items if needed.
If I am reading your question correctly, it sounds like you want the ability for the user to select items, but to not be able to de-select. If that is the case, it seems like a strange requirement - it goes against normal UI convention and does something that the user is not expecting.
Having said that, you can do so by handling the SelectionChanged event in the ListView.
When the event is triggered, it gives you a list of removed (de-selected) items. You then just need to add those items back into the ListView's selected items list:
private void itemListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
foreach (var item in e.RemovedItems)
Note that if you use the above code, you do not have to handle any swipe or mouse events.
Edit - Per OP's comment, the requirement is slightly different than what I thought:
I want the selected item to deselect if a different item is selected. however what I dont want is an already selected item to be (manually) deselected
Assuming that you have a single select ListView, you can still use the SelectionChanged event and the SelectionChangedEventArgs to do what you are asking for:
private void itemListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.RemovedItems.Count > 0 && e.AddedItems.Count == 0)
var removed = e.RemovedItems[0];
itemListView.SelectedItem = removed;
I have found a simple solution on the following forum.
You simply add a RightTapped event to the ListView DataTemplate content.
<ContentPresenter RightTapped="daves_RightTapped" />
And then in the code behind:
private void daves_RightTapped(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.RightTappedRoutedEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
This works fine on an outlook style ListView.

how to add items to flip view dynamically?

I have a problem with adding Item to FlipView dynamically, I have a very simple FlipView and I put these codes in SelectionChanged event:
private void myFlipView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
the strange is when I try to swipe between pages with mouse rapidly it works, but if I swipe with finger it stops working and I have to swipe on the page slowly to make it work.
I wish I could express the problem clearly....
I am not sure if I understood correctly? What exactly do you want to achieve?
In your case you are adding a new FlipViewItem which contains a TextBlock every time you navigate throught the FlipView. So theoretically you will never reach the end of a FlipView.