Can the Google Map API be used with an external map file ? - api

If the detail level of the area I want to display in my application is not good enough (like large private properties such has harbours or airports), can I replace the original Google Map with own data ? Using with Google Map enterprise/business version.

You want a custom map type, that uses your tiles when the zoom is greater than that supported by Google Maps tiles natively.


Elevation API/database without using Google?

I need to find the maximum elevation along a given path (defined by start and end latitude/longitude), but in searching the internet the only option I seem to find is the Google elevation api. Unfortunately, that's not an option because the google terms of service explicitly state that:
The Google Maps Elevation API may only be used in conjunction with displaying results on a Google map. It is prohibited to use Google Maps Elevation API data without displaying a Google map.
Since my usage does not involve a google map (I'm using Open streetmap data combined with FAA sectional charts), using the Google Maps Elevation API would directly violate this. Additionally, I want to say that Google prohibits commercial usage, which this is (although we may be able to pay an exorbitant fee to get around that restriction).
In any case, given that the Google Maps Elevation API isn't an option, what other options do I have, either in a web-based API similar to Google, or in some sort of a local database download that I can query?
The USGS offers downloads of elevation data in various formats at I was able to download a GeoTIFF of the area of interest, load it into a PostgreSQL database, and use the PostGIS extension to perform queries against the data to retrieve the desired information. No licensing issues or number of data point restrictions, plus it's all local.

Get address by location

I'm using Bing Maps on Windows store app (XAML).
I have the longitude and the latitude and I want to get the address (if it exists) of the location.
How can I do it?
You want to do what is called reverse geocoding. Take a look at the SearchManager class: This will let you reverse geocode your coordinates and get the address.
Alternatively you can also use the Bing Maps REST services:
This would be more work than using the search manager, but wouldn't require loading an interactive map first.
Since it sounds like you are new to using Bing Maps in Windows Store apps I'd recommend downloading a free copy of my eBook on creating location intelligent Windows Store apps. It shows how to do this an a lot more. You can get a copy of it here:

ARCGIS for javascript : TPK data retrieval

Is it possible to retrieve the data from a tpk?Means, is there a way to embed some information in tpk like address, region etc. and retrieve that information by means of querying
No, this wouldn't be possible.
Firstly according to the ESRI Documentation Tile Packages are solely for storing raster tiles, when displayed these tiles would show a user a map image but could not be queried interactively to identify or search for addresses / regions.
Additionally tile packages would not be practically accessible to web applications designed with the ArcGIS Javascript API. Tile packages are zipped file systems containing a large number of images, the usual way of making these tiles available to an application would be through a map service.
I would recommend for this type of functionality you view the examples on querying map services as a demonstration of what is available with the API.

Modify google maps api

Is it possible to add more functions for google map by using Google map API?
For example, I would like to add more indicators including stairs, elevators and etc in Google Map, is it possible?
Besides, I would like to add one more function, let's say create a new route without stairs based on the Google Map API, will it work?
It depends on what you mean.
If you are using Google Maps in your own website/application you can add custom markers/overlay based on your own data. (see: You can add markers/overlays for pretty much anything you can think of.
If you mean add it to the usual site, then no you can't as far as I'm aware.
You can't change the API as Google control that, but you can use the API on your site however you like.

iphone - How to add a heat map to a google map

Im looking for an SDK that provides the tools to draw a heat map over a google map given a set of points with values.
I've seen Locomatix, but we prefer a site that doesnt require an API key to use the service.
Do you know any?