Referencing a previous used Class in a Intellij Live Template - intellij-idea

I'm currently developing Android applications on Android
I was getting tired of writing SomeView view = (SomeView) findViewById(; over and over again and decided to try and write a template for it.
I discovered Live Templates and decided to try and write on for this code snippet. I've managed to write the following:
= ($CLASS_NAME$) findViewById($END$);
This will start the cursor at $CLASS_NAME$ and jump it to $END$ when I press Tab.
Which is nice but I'd like it to insert the first class name it finds, working backwards, and insert that into $CLASS_NAME$. Thus writing SomeView view and then calling the template would insert SomeView at $CLASS_NAME$.
I realise that the solution, if there is one, is probably to write a custom expression for the variable but I just don't know how to go about that.

I don' think you easily make a backward reference, but you can try someting like this:
$CLASS_NAME$ $END$ = ($CLASS_NAME$) findViewById($END$);
$CLASS_NAME$ $VAR$ = ($CLASS_NAME$) findViewById($END$);


Karate UI automation, is it possible to make locators dynamic

Thanks Peter for API,Perf karate framework.
Now I am trying UI automation and it looks perfect as of now.
I have below question:
I have a menu bar with 15 items in it. they are named as following:
etc etc.
Locator for each one is like this "a[name=Home]" , "a[name=Account]", "a[name=groups]" . So ony the part after name= is something that is dynamic in nature. So my question is that is it possible to somehow make this dynamic locator?
I have written a called feature in which i have written steps to login and select a menu item. and I want to pass the menu item from calling feature in json like below:
if I want to click on Account menu
* call read(menuItem.feature) {menuItem: Account}
menuItem.feature looks something like below:
Given url 'xyz'
And input (username, userID)
And input (password, password)
And click("button[name=login]")
And click("a[name=Home]")
Here I want to make Home as dynamic in last click step on menuItem.feature so that I can pass other menu items and reuse all above steps/feature file to login everytime with different menu items passed from calling feature file in json{.
Again its just a query. I have currently written multiple scenarios to click on menu item and then in calling feature I call the called feature with tags like #Home,#account etc. and this works perfectly fine.
Also if there is any other better way to achieve this then please suggest
Yes. Let me put it this way, the things you see such as input('foo', 'bar') is pure JS behind the scenes. So normal programming-language rules apply. For example:
* def dynamic = 'foo'
* def locator = 'a[name=' + dynamic + ']'
* input(locator, 'some value')

logd shortcut doesn't work in Intellij with Kotlin

Logging Java in Intellij is easy with shortcuts such as 'logt', 'logd', 'loge'... and so on. But I moved to Kotlin, I noticed that those shortcuts doesn't work anymore. I don't know if it has something to do with my configuration, but if not, how can I fix this?
You should create separate templates to make them work correctly.
Here is the step-by-step guide:
Firstly, Copy and paste AndroidLog templates to Kotlin (Just select them and use CMD+C, CMD+V (or Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)
Secondly, You have to adjust them manually:
1. logd (and others)
Select the logd item and press "Edit variables"
Change expression to: kotlinFunctionName()
Also, remove ; from the end of the template, as you don't need it in Kotlin.
Now your method name will be shown correctly
This one is a bit trickier.
Solution 1 TAG = class name.
Template text :
private val TAG = "$className$"
Edit variables -> Expression:
groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", kotlinClassName())
Solution 2 TAG = file name (can be used inside Companion)
Template text :
private const val TAG = "$className$
companion object {
private const val TAG = "$className$"
Edit variables -> Expression:
groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", fileNameWithoutExtension())
Edit 19.02.19
Also, it might be useful for someone.
In order to avoid creating the TAG variable, you can use the class name as a variable, for instance:
Log.d("BaseActivity", "onCreate: ")
Where BaseActivity is the class name.
The template will look now as:
android.util.Log.d("$CLASS_NAME$", "$METHOD_NAME$: $content$")
Where CLASS_NAME variable is:
groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", fileNameWithoutExtension())
These are provided in IntelliJ as a Live Template configuration for AndroidLog (found in Preferences -> Editor -> Live Templates), and are applicable specifically to Java code:
There isn't anything broken in your configuration, but if you want to make these Live Templates available for Kotlin you will need to add new Live Template for AndroidLog and make them applicable to Kotlin code.
There's an open feature request to have them added as defaults here:
Change the scope of the template in the applicable option.
In Android Studio 4.0 there's new AndroidLogKotlin block. You can implement #LeoDroidcoder's solution there.

InteliJ - How to create shortcuts for code samples

I am using InteliJ and really love using it. One of the questions I have is this:
Is there a way to create code short cuts?
For instance, while bug testing, I am forever writing:
<?php die(var_dump($var)); ?>
and figured it would be great to have a shortcut key to automate this. i.e.
"Cmd Option D"
or something similar to dump the pre-defined statement into my code...
Any thoughts on this?
You can use Live Templates:
To define a template go to Settings/Live templates, then select group or create new group of templates and hit the green plus button and select Live Template.
In the abbreviation field type for example vd which will be the trigger for your snippet, define context, which represents the languages this template will be available for and put this in the Template Text field:
<?php die(var_dump($SELECTION$)); ?>
The $SELECTION$ part is a variable which represents current selection.
Now when you are in editor, you can just type vd and hit Tab. That will expand your snippet and put your cursor inside var_dump().
You can event type the variable name you want to dump, select it, hit CTRL+ALT+T, which will show you a Surround with dialog, where you can choose your template. After you select it your variable name will be surrounded with the var_dump snippet.
Another way to invoke a live template is to hit CTRL+J which will show you autocomplete popup with the available templates.

django-autocomplete-light doesn't show 'add-another' button

I wasted a lot of time trying to solve this problem but didn't find any solution. I wanted to use django-autocomplete-light in Admin-interface not only selecting values existing in another table but adding new values. If I use it like this:
class MeaningAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin):
form = autocomplete_light.modelform_factory( Meaning)
everything is Ok and I can see and use 'add-another'-button on the form, but when I use it like following:
class MeaningAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin):
form = MeaningForm
'add-another'-button disappears. Does anybody know how to force get this button back in the 2nd case?

ExtJS/Sencha Touch 2 - How to grab an element/component with multiple classes in

I'm not sure if I'm going crazy. I've tested this on Kitchen sink also so it's not just me.
I've tried:
But after it has a second class, it seems you can't get ahold of something by a class that it has.
Am I missing something or is this not possible?
If you go to
// returns element
// returns element
// returns undefined
// returns undefined
Because of what I expect and how the documentation words their DomQuery I think the above should work but is bugged.
I got around this by creating a new xtype and using that instead in ComponentQuery like so:
Ext.define('App.view.Deposit', {
extend: 'Ext.Container'
I guess I was trying to go about it like you would in jQuery, add a class and retrieve it using that, but with the Component stuff it's confusing.
I think this SHOULD have worked but it does not (tested in, 2.1.0b3):