how to configure phabricator with a non root url? - apache

I am trying to install phabricator behind apache http server. The problem is that i would like to have an url like and not
i have tried several configuration in apache but i am not able to have phabricator working correctly (alias,redirect).
Is there any solution with a tricky apache configuration or phabricator future release to handle this ?

This is not supported, and we do not plan to support it. The install documentation should probably make this more clear, although it is mentioned in the Configuration Guide:
You can either install Phabricator on a subdomain (like or an entire domain, but you can not install
it in some subdirectory of an existing website.
We don't plan to support this because support would be complex and have security implications, and only a tiny number of very small installs would benefit.

I'm using the following in the root of my apache config file:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/phabricator/rsrc/(.*) - [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/phabricator/favicon.ico - [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/phabricator/(.+)$ /phabricator/index.php?__path__=$1 [B,L,QSA]
However, I can't fully test it because my computer doesn't seem to think ./bin/storage is a valid executable so I can't setup the database behind it.
It seems to work so far, but I'm not sure if the phabricator php code will just work or of it will need some modification as well. (when I visit MYHOST/phabricator/index.php, I get a phabricator error page related to the missing mysql setup)


HTACCESS ignores images

I have the following very simple htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule a.jpg b.jpg
RewriteRule c.php d.php
All four resources are in the root folder.
The PHP rule works as expected, however, the JPG rule is just ignored as if it were not there. The image a.jpg continues to display.
I am completely clueless on why that would happen.
The only explanation I could think of is that Apache is somehow configured not to INVOKE htaccess at all if the requested resource is an image. Is that even possible?
I found out the reason and I am posting my answer in case anyone faces the same issue.
It appears that both Nginx and Apache are configured on the server. Nginx is internet facing and Apache is internal.
It appears that the web hosting company has done so to benefit from Nginx's better performance and to provide compatibility to anyone coming from Apache environment at the same time.
When Nginx receives a PHP request from the internet it allows the request to pass through and reach Apache but when the resource is a static resource (image, css, js) Nginx delivers the resource itself for optimum performance.
The htaccess image rule above is not processed because the request is not even reaching Apache.
I temporarily solved the problem by not allowing Nginx to handle the images itself and allowing them to proceed to Apache.
The better solution of course is to remove htaccess dependency and handle everything within Nginx configuration file, which I will be doing soon.
The best solution of course is to remove Apache completely but it is a shared server and I don't have full control.

Finding Mod_Rewrite Rules on Cent OS Server

I am having a bit of a problem finding some mod_rewrite details. I am taking over from another PHP web developer. I am used to Ubuntu servers and I am migrating a few sites onto a new Ubuntu server. The old server is CentOS. The old developer used mod_rewrite rules and as they're rather specific, I'm trying to track them down on the server but cannot find them for the life of me. I know it's a bit of a needle in a haystack question but does anyone know where they could be? I've looked within the individual sites var/www/vhost/SITENAME/ config. Not in there. I've looked in the etc/httpd config files too and they're not there. They are also not stored on the file server within htaccess. Thanks for any guidance
Usually the VirtualHost config files are under /etc/httpd/conf.d/.
What you could do is grep -ri rewriterule /etc/httpd/conf*|more to see if the RewriteRules are defined anywhere within the configuration directories.
You should also check grep -i include /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to see if configurations are included from somewhere besides the default Include conf.d/*.conf.

How to set root directory to a subfolder (local php development environment)

I'm just starting to learn web dev, but got myself a bit confused when setting up my local development environment.
I had a php site on shared hosting for some time. I would edit local files and upload them, then refresh to ensure everything worked. A naughty practice I know!
So I have tried to set up a local dev environment and installed AMPPS for a local webserver (PHP5).
I have ambitiously set up the folder structure below so that I can code up a range of websites to try out different languages and frameworks whilst keeping them all seperate. (Square brackets denote folders). Note sure if this is the correct approach... (?)
---> [AMPPS]
----> [www]
-----> [PROJECTS]
------> [project_name]
-------> index.php
-------> .htaccess
-------> [images]
-------> [section1]
--------> page1.php
-------> [etc...]
------> [project_name]
------> [project_name]
--> [RUBY]
--> [PYTHON]
My first hurdle however is that all of my links were relative, and I had of course uploaded my site at root with my host. Root in my local dev enironment is now www, which as you can see is several folders up from where I have installed my site.
Links (e.g. Page 1) now display as: "localhost/section1/page1.php" when I believe they should in fact show as "localhost/PROJECTS/project_name/section1/page1.php".
I don't think that telling APACHE that my root directory is [project_name] is the correct approach, because then it wont work for other projects I create. I assume that I should be doing something on a project by project basis to specify it's own root directory.
I thought that I could specify root by adding an .htaccess file to the project_name folder:
From my online research I thought it would go something like:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ /PROJECTS/project_name/
or perhaps
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ .;C/PHP/AMPSS/www/PROJECTS/project_name/
However I can't get these to work.
When the site was online, I had also coded <?php set_include_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); //Look for includes starting from ROOT location ?> at the top every page, thinking I was doing the right thing.
Now I am not so sure that I correctly understood what I was doing there. It doesn't seem to have any impact with or without it in my development environment. And I haven't been able to edit it in any way successfully to resolve my relative links issue.
Sorry for the long post.
I'm grateful for any and all feedback/assistance. Thanks in advance :)
[Resolved] - The advice below was perfect. Thank you all. :)
A tip for Chrome users:
If you are using a custom domain, like I did with .dev, either proceed the address with http://, or end it with a trailing /.
For example I now visit my dev site in Chrome by visiting (without the last / it tries to search).
At first I thought I had set up VirtualHost or hosts incorrectly, when in reality it was this Chrome behaviour that that was clouding the issue. At the time of writing, other browsers like Firefox don't share this concern.
Hope that helps someone else out.
You're correct that configuring Apache for each project is the way forward. It's best done with virtual hosts. Define a virtual host for each project and give it a domain name or subdomain for development. In my case I use for all my local development and configure, etc so all my relative paths work as expected. For this I also edit my hosts file so the DNS lookup for and sub projects resolve to my local machine.
Rewriting URLs is something I reserve for a project-by-project basis, without setting global rewrites for a specific server setup. That way my local development environment is close to the actual server environment and project-specific rewrites will work as expected.
Hope that helps
I recommend using method mentioned by #Tak, but I know there might be problems with pre-configured WAMP packs to add virtual hosts, so there is also a solution to use BASE tag in head section of your html:
<base href="http://localhost/PROJECTS/project_name/">

Problem in apache2 with mod rewrite when setting rules in .conf files instead of .htaccess

Because of weird security policies of my hosting provider I have to define my rewrite rules in /etc/apache2/conf.d/examplesite.conf instead of writing them on an .htaccess on the www folder of that site.
What I'm trying to do is setup a Wordpress Mu server ( ) and so far its working on a 50%.
The main blog loads perfectly but other sub blogs (located for example at ) don't.
I'm guessing the problem is that the rewrite rules behave differently when declared at .conf files for each virtual host instead of using .htaccess files.
Has anybody else had this problem? How can you fix it?
This doesn't sound like a rewrite problem to me but maybe it is. You don't say what the error is when you try to load one of the sub blogs. Perhaps posting up what your rewrite rule is would be helpful. Also would you be able to set up a scenario where you did them in .htaccess files on a localhost or something and seeing if there was a difference?
If pretty permalinks work, then mod_rewrite is enabled, and rewriting URLs to WordPress successfully.
If this is the case, then it's a problem with your MU install.
Did you choose paths over sub-domains during the MU install? If you didn't, but then later switched, that's where the problem is - are you in a position to fresh install?

Configuring Mass Virtual Hosting + SSL on development machine

Is there a way to use this, or something like it, for SSL enabled hosts?
VirtualDocumentRoot /www/vhosts/%0/public
I want to avoid having to configure Apache every time I start working with a new domain on my development box. It would be nice to just add a directory, follow standard naming conventions, and be able to automatically access the site with HTTP or HTTPS.
I realize this definitely isn't the route to go for a production server, but it should be ok just for development.
One example came pretty close using mod_rewrite, but it still requires updating a configuration mapping file when you add a host (which I'm trying to avoid).
Any ideas?
The author of the article I referenced above was nice enough to come up with a solution.
This is working on Apache 2.2:
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /var/www/%{HTTP_HOST}/htdocs/$1 [E=VHOST:${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}]