Conditionally move mail items according to sender's domain - vba

I would like to move all received emails that are not from my company's domain (Ex. and does not have my company's name in the subject field to the spam folder.
Here is what I have so far but it gives me a type mismatch error after a couple of hundred iterations:
Sub SpamHunter()
Dim inBox As Folder
Set inBox = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
MsgBox ("Items Found: " & inBox.Items.count)
Dim mailItem As mailItem
Dim b As Long
Dim mailAddress As String
Dim mailSubject As String
Dim mailReceived As Date
Dim c As Integer
c = 0
For Each mailItem In inBox.Items
c = c + 1
mailAddress = mailItem.SenderEmailAddress
mailSubject = mailItem.Subject
mailReceived = mailItem.ReceivedTime
b = InStr(mailAddress, "mycompany")
b = b + InStr(mailAddress, "myothercompany")
If b < 1 Then
mailItem.Move (Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("_Junk"))
End If
End Sub

Not everything in the inbox is a MailItem. For example a meeting request is not a MailItem.
You need to check that the item is a mailitem before you cast it to that type.
Dim o as Object
Dim ixItems as Integer
For ixItems = inBox.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Set o = inBox.Items.Item(ixItems)
if TypeName(o) = "MailItem" Then
Set mailItem = o
' loop goes here
c = c + 1
mailAddress = mailItem.SenderEmailAddress
mailSubject = mailItem.Subject
mailReceived = mailItem.ReceivedTime
b = InStr(mailAddress, "mycompany")
b = b + InStr(mailAddress, "myothercompany")
If b < 1 Then
mailItem.Move (Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("_Junk"))
End If
End If
Also, a tip: don't let your variable names clash with type names. I suggest calling your variable oMailItem or similar so it is obvious it is a variable not a type.


extract multiple recipient email address from the Lotus Notes using VBA

I edited a VBA code that I got from the internet in order to fetch recipient email address and all email addresses from CC field. The code below is just showing only one email address, however there are multiple recipients. How can I edit the below program to get all recipients from SendTo and CopyTo fields.
Public Sub Get_Notes_Email_Address()
Dim NSession As Object 'NotesSession
Dim NMailDb As Object 'NotesDatabase
Dim NDocs As Object 'NotesDocumentCollection
Dim NDoc As Object 'NotesDocument
Dim NNextDoc As Object 'NotesDocument
Dim NItem As Object 'NotesItem
Dim view As String
Dim vn As Integer
Dim filterText As String
filterText = "text to search"
Set NSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
'Set NMailDb = NSession.CurrentDatabase
Set NMailDb = NSession.getDatabase("<SERVERNAME>", "<LOCATION>")
'MsgBox NMailDb.AllEntries()
If Not NMailDb.IsOpen Then
End If
Set NDocs = NMailDb.AllDocuments
If filterText <> "" Then
NDocs.FTSEARCH filterText, 0
End If
'MsgBox NDocs.Count
Set NDoc = NDocs.GetFirstDocument
'MsgBox NDocs.GetFirstDocument
vn = 2
Do Until NDoc Is Nothing
Set NNextDoc = NDocs.GetNextDocument(NDoc)
Set NItem = NDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("Body")
If Not NItem Is Nothing Then
Cells(vn, 3) = NDoc.GETITEMVALUE("Subject")(0)
'MsgBox prompt:=NDoc.GETITEMVALUE("CopyTo")(0), Title:="CopyTo"
Cells(vn, 4) = NDoc.GETITEMVALUE("CopyTo")
'MsgBox prompt:=NDoc.GETITEMVALUE("SendTo")(0), Title:="SendTo"
Cells(vn, 5) = NDoc.GETITEMVALUE("SendTo")
End If
Set NDoc = NNextDoc
vn = vn + 1
'reset all objects to null
Set NMailDb = Nothing
Set NSession = Nothing
End Sub
You are calling GetItemValue in this line:
Cells(vn, 4) = NDoc.GETITEMVALUE("CopyTo")
This function returns an array. Instead of retrieving it directly into the cell, you need to read it into a variable. You need to write a loop that examines this variable as an array -- copying the entries of this array, starting at subscript zero, into your cell.

Get selected Appointment folder's email adress

I have two calendars, one is mine and the other is shared. Both are opened in outlook as below.
How can i get selected apointment calendar's email adress?
I saw AppointmentItem has GetOrganizer to find who created the appointment but I don't find any method or property about the user of the calendar in witch the appointment is...
So I tried Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder to get the selected folder and then get the AdressEntry but I can't get the folder's store because it's a shared calendar (and then returns null).
Following Dmitry's advices there, I did :
Dim appointment_item As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim mapiFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim folderStore As Outlook.Store
Dim mailOwnerEntryId As String
Dim entryAddress As Outlook.AddressEntry
Dim smtpAdress As String
appointment_item = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
mapiFolder = appointment_item.Parent
folderStore = mapiFolder.Store
mailOwnerEntryId = folderStore.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_ENTRYID)
entryAddress = Application.Session.GetAddressEntryFromID(mailOwnerEntryId)
smtpAdress = entryAddress.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
The issue is i can't get .Store of a shared folder as written here in the MS Documentation.
This property returns a Store object except in the case where the Folder is a shared folder (returned by NameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder). In this case, one user has delegated access to a default folder to another user; a call to Folder.Store will return Null.
I finally found a way to do it, this topic helped me.
The code below, parses the shared folder storeID to get the shared folder SMTP address.
Public Sub test()
Dim smtpAddress As String
Dim selectedItem As Outlook.Folder
smtpAddress = ""
TryGetSmtpAddress(Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Parent, smtpAddress)
End Sub
Public Shared Function TryGetSmtpAddress(ByVal folder As MAPIFolder, ByRef smtpAddress As String) As Boolean
smtpAddress = "default"
Dim storeId = HexToBytes(folder.StoreID)
If BitConverter.ToUInt64(storeId, 4) <> &H1A10E50510BBA138UL OrElse BitConverter.ToUInt64(storeId, 12) <> &HC2562A2B0008BBA1UL Then
Return False
End If
Dim indexDn = Array.IndexOf(storeId, CByte(&H0), 60) + 1
Dim indexV3Block = Array.IndexOf(storeId, CByte(&H0), indexDn) + 1
If BitConverter.ToUInt32(storeId, indexV3Block) <> &HF43246E9UL Then
Return False
End If
Dim offsetSmtpAddress = BitConverter.ToUInt32(storeId, indexV3Block + 12)
smtpAddress = BytesToUnicode(storeId, indexV3Block + CInt(offsetSmtpAddress))
Return True
End Function
Private Shared Function HexToBytes(ByVal input As String) As Byte()
Dim bytesLength = input.Length / 2
Dim bytes = New Byte(bytesLength - 1) {}
For i = 0 To bytesLength - 1
bytes(i) = Convert.ToByte(input.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16)
Return bytes
End Function
Private Shared Function BytesToUnicode(ByVal value As Byte(), ByVal startIndex As Integer) As String
Dim charsLength = (value.Length - startIndex) / 2
Dim chars = New Char(charsLength - 1) {}
For i = 0 To charsLength - 1
Dim c = CSharpImpl.__Assign(chars(i), BitConverter.ToChar(value, startIndex + i * 2))
If c = vbNullChar Then
Return New String(chars, 0, i)
End If
Return New String(chars)
End Function
Private Class CSharpImpl
<Obsolete("Please refactor calling code to use normal Visual Basic assignment")>
Shared Function __Assign(Of T)(ByRef target As T, value As T) As T
target = value
Return value
End Function
End Class
It may be possible to get to the top of the folder tree of a shared calendar the long way, without built-in shortcuts.
Tested on my own calendar, not a shared calendar.
Option Explicit
Sub appointment_sourceFolder()
' VBA code
Dim obj_item As Object
Dim appointment_item As AppointmentItem
Dim parentOfAppointment As Variant
Dim parentParentFolder As Folder
Dim sourceFolder As Folder
Set obj_item = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
If obj_item.Class <> olAppointment Then Exit Sub
Set appointment_item = obj_item
' Recurring appointment leads to
' the parent of the recurring appointment item then the calendar folder.
' Single appointment leads to
' the calendar folder then the mailbox name.
Set parentOfAppointment = appointment_item.Parent
Set parentParentFolder = parentOfAppointment.Parent
Debug.Print vbCr & " parentParentFolder: " & parentParentFolder.Name
Set sourceFolder = parentParentFolder
' Error bypass for a specific purpose
On Error Resume Next
' If parentParentFolder is the shared calendar,
' walking up one folder is the mailbox.
' If parentParentFolder is the mailbox,
' walking up one folder is an error that is bypassed,
' so no change in sourceFolder.
' Assumption:
' The shared calendar is directly under the mailbox
' otherwise add more Set sourceFolder = sourceFolder.Parent
Set sourceFolder = sourceFolder.Parent
' Return to normal error handling immediately
On Error GoTo 0
Debug.Print " sourceFolder should be smtp address: " & sourceFolder
'MsgBox " sourceFolder should be smtp address: " & sourceFolder
End Sub

How to change my email account sender "From" in outlook on vba

I have 2 email box account in my outlook so How can I change email account when I'm sending Email
Enter image description here
I need to send from my email address ""
Sub Test_for_using()
'MVP OShon from
Dim oMail As MailItem
On Error GoTo blad
Select Case TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer": Set oMail = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(2)
Case "Inspector": Set oMail = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else: Exit Sub
End Select
Call odpowiedz_do_nadawcy(oMail)
End Sub
Sub odpowiedz_do_nadawcy(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim oReply As MailItem
With Item
Set oReply = .Forward
Dim MyValue As Integer
Dim x As String
Dim emailNames(19) As String
emailNames(1) = ""
emailNames(2) = ""
emailNames(3) = ""
emailNames(4) = ""
emailNames(5) = ""
emailNames(6) = ""
emailNames(7) = ""
emailNames(8) = ""
emailNames(9) = ""
emailNames(10) = ""
emailNames(11) = ""
emailNames(12) = ""
emailNames(13) = ""
emailNames(14) = ""
emailNames(15) = ""
emailNames(16) = ""
emailNames(19) = ""
MyValue = CInt(Int((19 * rnd()) + 1)) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.
x = emailNames(MyValue)
oReply.Recipients.Add (x)
Set oReply = Item
End With
End Sub
MailItem.SendUsingAccount Property
Returns or sets an Account object that represents the account under
which the MailItem is to be sent. (Read/write.)
expression . SendUsingAccount
expression : An expression that returns a MailItem object.
The SendUsingAccount property can be used to specify the account
that should be used to send the MailItem when the Send method is
called. This property returns Null if the account specified for the
MailItem no longer exists.
More information at the Source.

VBA-Excel How to find an email address from an exchange user in Outlook

I have been trying to import a contact's email based on an input name. I am not that good at macro programming but have found a code that works. However it only works by looking up the information in the contacts folder and I need it to lookup a contact in the Global Address List give me back the email associated with that person. I have searched through other posts and they all want to take every contact from outlook and paste it to excel. I only want to search the Global Address List for a person based on the input name and have it return the email of that person.
Here is what I have:
Function GrabContactInfo(rRng As Range, iWanted As Integer) As String
Dim olA As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As Namespace
Dim olAB As MAPIFolder
Dim lItem As Long
Dim sNameWanted As String
Dim sRetValue As String
Set olA = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olA.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olAB = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
sNameWanted = rRng.Value
sRetValue = "Not Found"
On Error Resume Next
For lItem = 1 To olAB.Items.Count
With olAB.Items(lItem)
If sNameWanted = .FullName Then
Select Case iWanted
Case 1
sRetValue = .CompanyName
Case 2
sRetValue = .BusinessAddress
Case 3
sRetValue = .BusinessAddressCity
Case 4
sRetValue = .BusinessAddressState
Case 5
sRetValue = .BusinessAddressPostalCode
Case 6
sRetValue = .BusinessTelephoneNumber
Case 7
sRetValue = .Email1Address
End Select
End If
End With
Next lItem
GrabContactInfo = sRetValue
End Function
Any information is helpful
Instead of looping through all the items in the Contacts folder, you can use Namespace.CreateRecipient / Recipient.Resolve to resolve a name to an instance of the Recipient object. You can then use AddressEntry.GetContact to resolve it to an instance of the ContactItem object or AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser to get an instance of the ExchangeUser object:
Set olA = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olA.GetNamespace("MAPI")
set olRecip = olNS.CreateRecipient("Dmitry Streblechenko")
set olAddrEntry = olRecip.AddressEntry
set olCont = olAddrEntry.GetContact
if not (olCont Is Nothing) Then
'this is a contact
'olCont is ContactItem object
MsgBox olCont.FullName
set olExchUser = olAddrEntry.GetExchangeUser
if not (olExchUser Is Nothing) Then
'olExchUser is ExchangeUser object
MsgBox olExchUser.StreetAddress
End If
End If

Getting mailaddresses out of recipients of an mailItem

I been trying to find out a way to find out which mail addresses a mail has been sent to. Consider the following:
Private Sub Application_NewMailEx(ByVal EntryIDCollection As String)
Dim mai As MailItem
Dim intInitial As Integer
Dim intFinal As Integer
Dim strEntryId As String
Dim intLength As Integer
intInitial = 1
intLength = Len(EntryIDCollection)
intFinal = InStr(intInitial, EntryIDCollection, ",")
Do While intFinal <> 0
strEntryId = Strings.Mid(EntryIDCollection, intInitial, (intFinal - intInitial))
Set mai = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strEntryId)
intInitial = intFinal + 1
intFinal = InStr(intInitial, EntryIDCollection, ",")
strEntryId = Strings.Mid(EntryIDCollection, intInitial, (intLength - intInitial) + 1)
MsgBox strEntryId
Set mai = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strEntryId)
For Each Recipient In mai.Recipients
MsgBox Recipient
End sub
In those msgBoxes I get the "nice name", Like "John Doe" - but I want to get the mail address, "".
How can I achieve this?
I assume this is Outlook 2007+. Have you tried the Address Property?
For Each Recipient In mai.Recipients
MsgBox Recipient.Address
Next Recipient
This should print the email address of each recipient.