Importing Data from Outlook 2010 into Excel 2010 - vba

I have form on my website which gets emailed when the customer completes it, then looks like this:-
You got mail from Mr Kelley McIntyre.
Here is the form data:
First Name : Mr XXXXX
Last Name : XXXXXX
Company Name : Army
Email Address :
Telephone/Mobile No : 0123456789
Date of Event : 14/12/2013
Number of Guests : 80
Budget : 6500-7000
Type of Event : Other
Catering Required : Yes
Drinks and Entertainment Requirements : christmas meal, welcome drink, wine at table
British Army Warrant Officers & Sergeants plus wives and partners
How Did You Hear About Us? : Google
As you can see its fairly simple form, however I need to export this data into Excel every time I get one of these emails, so I can keep a record of all the enquiries we get.
Can someone help?
I know how to do a Macro, but if its VBA, then I'm lost, so its needs to be in idiot format if possible!

You can start with writing a macro to process an mail item. And setup Outlook Rule to pickup this type of email from Subject/Account then run the macro. Change sExcelFile, sRecordSheet, iC as you see fit. I have made assumptions.
This Code below is for Outlook, please note you need a running Outlook all the time to have this automation. It should get you started half way. Note you need "Microsoft Excel x.0 Object Library" in your References.
Public Sub Rules_WebSiteFormRecord(oMail As MailItem)
Const sExcelFile As String = "C:\Test\Record.xlsx"
Const sRecordSheet As String = "Record" ' Worksheet name
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application, oWB As Excel.Workbook, oWS As Excel.worksheet
Dim arrTxt As Variant, oLine As Variant, iR As Long, iC As Long, bWrite As Boolean
Set oExcel = CreateObject("excel.application")
Set oWB = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(FileName:=sExcelFile)
Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets(sRecordSheet)
' Make Excel visible for Debug purpose:
oExcel.Visible = True
' Find next row of Last used row in Excel worksheet
iR = oWS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
' Process email body and store it into columns of worksheet "sRecordSheet"
'Debug.Print oMail.Body
' Store received time of email in Column A
oWS.Cells(iR, 1).Value = oMail.ReceivedTime
' Split the email body into lines then process each
arrTxt = Split(oMail.Body, vbCrLf)
For Each oLine In arrTxt
bWrite = False
' store data according to text in line
If InStr(1, oLine, "First Name", vbTextCompare) Then
iC = 2 ' Column of First Name
bWrite = True
ElseIf InStr(1, oLine, "Last Name", vbTextCompare) Then
iC = 3 ' Column of First Name
bWrite = True
' Add the rest of the fields...
End If
If bWrite Then
oWS.Cells(iR, iC).Value = Split(oLine, ":")(1)
iR = iR + 1
End If
Set oWS = Nothing
' Close the workbook with saving changes
oWB.Close True
Set oWB = Nothing
Set oExcel = Nothing
' mark it as Read if no error occurred
If Err.Number = 0 Then
oMail.UnRead = False
MsgBox "ERR(" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description & ") while processing " & oMail.Subject
End If
End Sub


Extract email attachments from date received

I have code to extract all email attachments from specific email folder.
I want to change to extract email attachments starting from a date which I enter in a dialog box. I want to extract email attachments from emails received in the last seven days.
Sub Extract_emails()
Dim OlApp As Object
Dim OlMail As Object
Dim OlItems As Object
Dim Olfolder As Object
Dim J As Integer
Dim strFolder As String
Set OlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
strFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Extract"
Set Olfolder = OlApp.getnamespace("MAPI").Folders("MyEmailAddress").Folders("Inbox")
Set OlItems = Olfolder.Items
For Each OlMail In OlItems
If OlMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
For J = 1 To OlMail.Attachments.Count
OlMail.Attachments.Item(J).SaveAsFile strFolder & "\" & OlMail.Attachments.Item(J).Filename
Next J
End If
Set OlApp = Nothing
Set OlMail = Nothing
Set OlItems = Nothing
Set Olfolder = Nothing
MsgBox ("Done")
End Sub
I need to extract only xlsx attachments (vendor sends Excel and pdf documents) and to save them in folder. After I need to open saved Excel file and to copy data in base and to close saved xlsx. I don't know name of xlsx file (usually it is our company name and some numbers) but every report has sheets "shipped" from which I copy data in base. No one reads these emails that's why I tried with unread emails.
Code which works with F8 but not with F5.
Set OlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
strFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Extract"
Set Olfolder = OlApp.getnamespace("MAPI").Folders("").Folders("Inbox")
Set OlItems = Olfolder.Items
For Each OlMail In OlItems
If OlMail.UnRead = True Then
If OlMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
For J = 1 To OlMail.Attachments.Count
FilePath = strFolder & "\" & OlMail.Attachments.Item(J).FileName
OlMail.Attachments.Item(J).SaveAsFile FilePath
If Right(FilePath, 4) = "xlsx" Then
runit FilePath
For I = 1 To Worksheets.Count
If Worksheets(I).Name = "Shipped" Then
Set wsCopy = Worksheets("Shipped")
Set wsDest = Workbooks("Extract
lCopyLastRow = wsCopy.Cells(wsCopy.Rows.Count,
lDestLastRow = wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count,
wsCopy.Range("B4:K" & lCopyLastRow).Copy _
wsDest.Range("B" & lDestLastRow)
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
End If
End If
Next J
End If
End If
For Each OlMail In OlItems
If OlMail.UnRead = True Then
OlMail.UnRead = False
End If
Set OlApp = Nothing
Set OlMail = Nothing
Set OlItems = Nothing
Set Olfolder = Nothing
MsgBox ("Done")
End Sub
Sub runit(FilePath As String)
Dim Shex As Object
Dim wsCopy As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lCopyLastRow As Long
Dim lDestLastRow As Long
Set Shex = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Shex.Open (FilePath)
End Sub
This is a tutorial rather than a direct answer to your question. I cover everything you need to know. I believe you will find this approach more useful than “a run this code and it will work” answer. I hope I have explained everything adequately. Come back with questions if necessary.
You need to compare an email’s ReceivedTime against the oldest required date. You say you intend to enter the oldest required date and you also say you want the last seven days. There may be an alternative. Type the following commands (except the comments) in you Immediate Window.
? now() The current date and time
? datevalue(now()) The current date
? dateadd("d",-7,now()) Seven days before now
? dateadd("d",-7,datevalue(now())) Seven days ago
? dateadd("ww",-1,datevalue(now())) One week ago
Do any of these expressions give you the date you want? In DateAdd, “d” and “ww” are intervals with “d” meaning days and “ww” meaning weeks. There are other values such as “w” meaning weekdays. Experiment if one of these expressions gives you almost what you want.
Other possibilities include setting a category or a custom property when the attachments are saved.
If you have not done so already, open your workbook and the VBA Editor. Click [Tools] then [References…]. Is “Microsoft Outlook nn.n Object Library” near the top of the list and ticked? Note: “nn.n” depends on the version of Office you are using. If this library is not listed and ticked, scroll down until you find it and click the little box to tick it. This gives your workbook access to Outlook data items so you do not have to specify so many Objects.
Now create a new module and copy the code below to it. If you run macro Demo(), you will get output like this:
Oldest additions to Inbox
[14/12/2019 18:21:21] [28/12/2019 05:05:00] [08/01/2020 18:37:09] [28/03/2019 16:16:12] [21/03/2019 14:00:08]
[14/06/2018 21:02:34] [03/02/2020 09:29:38] [06/03/2020 17:03:50] [11/03/2020 13:43:33] [12/03/2020 00:07:53]
[13/03/2020 08:46:58] [13/03/2020 17:31:23] [14/03/2020 03:42:53] [14/03/2020 08:07:35] [14/03/2020 08:58:11]
[15/03/2020 19:43:16] [16/03/2020 16:48:40] [16/03/2020 20:39:58] [17/03/2020 11:14:29] [18/03/2020 01:43:37]
Newest additions to Inbox
[18/03/2020 01:43:37] [17/03/2020 11:14:29] [16/03/2020 20:39:58] [16/03/2020 16:48:40] [15/03/2020 19:43:16]
[14/03/2020 08:58:11] [14/03/2020 08:07:35] [14/03/2020 03:42:53] [13/03/2020 17:31:23] [13/03/2020 08:46:58]
[12/03/2020 00:07:53] [11/03/2020 13:43:33] [06/03/2020 17:03:50] [03/02/2020 09:29:38] [14/06/2018 21:02:34]
[21/03/2019 14:00:08] [28/03/2019 16:16:12] [08/01/2020 18:37:09] [28/12/2019 05:05:00] [14/12/2019 18:21:21]
Newest emails in Inbox
[20/03/2020 12:16:47] [20/03/2020 00:00:14] [19/03/2020 17:51:21] [19/03/2020 17:06:38] [19/03/2020 10:19:36]
[18/03/2020 16:21:25] [18/03/2020 01:43:37] [17/03/2020 11:14:29] [16/03/2020 20:39:58] [16/03/2020 16:48:40]
[15/03/2020 19:43:16] [14/03/2020 08:58:11] [14/03/2020 08:07:35] [14/03/2020 03:42:53] [13/03/2020 17:31:23]
[13/03/2020 08:46:58] [12/03/2020 00:07:53] [11/03/2020 13:43:33] [06/03/2020 17:03:50] [03/02/2020 09:29:38]
Oldest emails in Inbox
[14/06/2018 21:02:34] [21/03/2019 14:00:08] [28/03/2019 16:16:12] [14/12/2019 18:21:21] [28/12/2019 05:05:00]
[08/01/2020 18:37:09] [03/02/2020 09:29:38] [06/03/2020 17:03:50] [11/03/2020 13:43:33] [12/03/2020 00:07:53]
[13/03/2020 08:46:58] [13/03/2020 17:31:23] [14/03/2020 03:42:53] [14/03/2020 08:07:35] [14/03/2020 08:58:11]
[15/03/2020 19:43:16] [16/03/2020 16:48:40] [16/03/2020 20:39:58] [17/03/2020 11:14:29] [18/03/2020 01:43:37]
Things to note:
I have Dim OutApp As New Outlook.Application. The “New” says create the reference rather than just create a data item for a reference. This means I do not need GetObject or CreateObject. Outlook will only allow one occurrence of itself at a time so my “New” or your CreateObject will reference an existing occurrence or create a new one as necessary. I also have OutApp.Quit at the end. This closes Outlook whether or not it was already open. I don’t use Outlook while using Excel workbooks to access Outlook, so I want Outlook to be closed. If you care, use your Get or Create code but record which was successful, so you know if Quit is needed.
I have named my data item OutApp instead of olApp. Outlook uses the prefix “ol” for its constants, so I avoid this prefix in case my name matches one of Outlook’s.
I have used Session instead of GetNamespace("MAPI"). They are just different ways of achieving the same effect.
ItemsInbox is a “Collection”; what other languages call a “List”. A collection is like an array except you can add new entries before any existing entries, in the middle or after any existing entries. Any existing entries can be removed.
Outlook adds new emails at the end of the collection. So, if you read from first to last, the first email is the one that has been in Inbox longest first. If you read from last to first, the first email is the one that was added to Inbox most recently. This suggests that you can read from last to first and see the most recent emails first and you can stop when you reach an out-of-range email. However, if you move an old email from Inbox to another folder then move it back, it will not be returned to its old position; instead it will be added to the end.
In the macro below, I first list the ReceivedTime of twenty emails from first to last then from last to first. You may see that some are out of sequence.
I then list ReceivedTime of twenty emails after sorting by ReceivedTime in descending then ascending sequence.
Study the four blocks of dates. In particular, note the different sequences. I believe the code behind the third block of dates will be the most suitable for you.
I think I have covered everything but, as I said, come back will questions if necessary and I will repair any deficiencies.
Option Explicit
' Needs reference to "Microsoft Outlook n.nn Object Library"
' where n.nn depends on the version of Outlook you are using.
Sub Demo()
Dim FldrInbox As Outlook.Folder
Dim InxICrnt As Long
Dim InxIMax As Long
Dim ItemsInbox As Outlook.Items
Dim NumOnLine As Long
Dim OutApp As New Outlook.Application
Set FldrInbox = OutApp.Session.Folders("").Folders("Inbox")
Set ItemsInbox = FldrInbox.Items
If ItemsInbox.Count > 20 Then
InxIMax = 20
InxIMax = ItemsInbox.Count
End If
Debug.Print "Oldest additions to Inbox"
NumOnLine = 0
For InxICrnt = 1 To InxIMax
Debug.Print " [" & ItemsInbox(InxICrnt).ReceivedTime & "]";
NumOnLine = NumOnLine + 1
If NumOnLine = 5 Then
NumOnLine = 0
End If
Debug.Print "Newest additions to Inbox"
NumOnLine = 0
For InxICrnt = InxIMax To 1 Step -1
Debug.Print " [" & ItemsInbox(InxICrnt).ReceivedTime & "]";
NumOnLine = NumOnLine + 1
If NumOnLine = 5 Then
NumOnLine = 0
End If
ItemsInbox.Sort "ReceivedTime", True
Debug.Print "Newest emails in Inbox"
NumOnLine = 0
For InxICrnt = 1 To InxIMax
Debug.Print " [" & ItemsInbox(InxICrnt).ReceivedTime & "]";
NumOnLine = NumOnLine + 1
If NumOnLine = 5 Then
NumOnLine = 0
End If
ItemsInbox.Sort "ReceivedTime", False
Debug.Print "Oldest emails in Inbox"
NumOnLine = 0
For InxICrnt = 1 To InxIMax
Debug.Print " [" & ItemsInbox(InxICrnt).ReceivedTime & "]";
NumOnLine = NumOnLine + 1
If NumOnLine = 5 Then
NumOnLine = 0
End If
Set ItemsInbox = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub
Revised requirement
Every week or so, you receive an email from a vendor containing an invoice in both PDF and XLSX formats. An Outlook rule recognises that email and moves it to a dedicated folder. Your team is not interested in the PDF version. The XLSX workbook does not have a consistent name. However, it consistently contains a worksheet “Shipped” that contains data that would be useful to your team. At present, you will not attempt to process that data by macro but you would like it consolidated into your own workbook so it can be viewed conveniently by the team. At present, the desired format is:
Columns B to K of row 4+ of worksheet “Shipped” for week starting 1Mar20
: : : : :
Columns B to K of row 4+ of worksheet “Shipped” for week starting 8Mar20
: : : : :
Columns B to K of row 4+ of worksheet “Shipped” for week starting 15Mar20
: : : : :
Reviewed ideas on achieving requirement
If you had asked a few months ago, I would have suggested linking the macro to the rule with “Run a script”. Microsoft has decided that “Run a script” is dangerous and it is no longer available by default. There is online help which explains how to make “Run a script” available but I suggest you wait until you are more experienced before attempting this.
I would suggest a revised format for the consolidated data:
Data from email received 2Mar20 9:10
Entire contents of worksheet “Shipped”
Data from email received 9Mar20 9:30
Entire contents of worksheet “Shipped”
Data from email received 16Mar20 9:20
Entire contents of worksheet “Shipped”
The heading rows mean there is no possible confusion about where one week’s data ends and another starts. Including the heading rows from the worksheet and all columns means that if they add another column it will still be included in your consolidation and you will have a warning if they change the sequence.
The macro does not have to be in the same workbook as the data. I usually keep the macro and the data separate for this type of task. The data is updated regularly, but the macro is only updated occasionally. For example, I download my bank statements every month and merge them into a continuous statement running back years. I only change the macro when they change the format of the download.
You do not need code that recognises the email by, for example, testing the UnRead property because the email of interest will be the latest in the dedicated folder. There is a possibility that you will call the macro before the new email has arrived, so the macro looks at last week’s email. If it checks the latest header within the consolidated worksheet, it will know it has an old workbook and can exit without making changes.
The following is my suggestion. Do not worry if you do not know how to achieve some of my ideas because I do know how to.
You have two workbooks with names like “Consolidation Macros V02.xlsm” and “Consolidated Data V25.xlsx”. Whenever a new invoice arrives, you open the latest consolidation macros workbook and start the consolidate macro. It is possible to start macros automatically when a workbook is opened but I suggest we leave that for the moment. The macro opens the latest data workbook and notes the date of the most recent addition. It accesses Outlook, finds the latest invoice email and checks its date against the date of the most recent addition. Unless the date of the latest invoice email is later that the latest addition, the macro terminates. If the date is satisfactory, the macro finds the XLSX attachment and saves it to disc. It opens that workbook, checks for worksheet “Shipped” and adds its contents to the bottom of worksheet “Shipped” within the latest consolidated data worksheet and saves the workbook with the next version number.
You will have noticed that I have a version number for each workbook. During my working life I saw too many disasters because people did not save a new version whenever they updated a file. I can drop the version numbers if you do not want them.
Do you think the above matches your requirement?
I have finished testing the system I proposed in my original answer. It is not exactly the same, for reasons I will explain later, but it matches in all important details. I am posting it as new answer so there is no confusion.
To test it, I created some workbooks which I named Test1, Test2, Test3 and so on. Within each workbook I created a worksheet “Shipped”. Each of these worksheets had a different number of rows and columns. Each cell contained “T-R-C” where T was the test number, R was the row and C was the column. These values made it very easy to check that data was copied correctly from the attachments to the consolidated worksheet. After deleting most of the rows so the structure was visible, the result of consolidation was:
You can see that my code can combine all the rows and all the columns from as many emails as required. My emails are not a week apart but that is not important.
My recommendation is that you try my macro as it is. You can then discuss the appearance with your colleagues, and we can then discuss how to change my macro to match your exact requirements.
Create a new disc folder and within it create two new workbooks: one ordinary (xlsx) and one macro-enabled (xlsm).
Name the ordinary workbook “Consolidated Data.xlsx”. Within it, rename the default worksheet as “Shipped”.
The name of the macro-enabled workbook is unimportant as is the name of the worksheet. Within the VBA Editor, create three modules and name then "LibExcel", "LibOutlook" and "ModConsolidate". Naming modules is not essential but dividing macros up by purpose and naming modules for those purposes makes life much easier.
I will tell you to move the code below to one of these three modules.
Module "ModConsolidate" is for code I have written specifically for your requirement. Module "LibExcel" is for code from my library of Excel related routines. Module "LibOutlook" is for code from my library of Outlook related routines.
When I end a project, I look through it to see if there is any code I might wish to use again. If there is, I extract it and save it in "PERSONAL.XLSB" which I use as my library. Any macro saved in this workbook is available to all other workbooks. Don’t bother today but when you have some spare time look up how to create "PERSONAL.XLSB". When you have created it, move modules "LibExcel" and "LibOutlook" to it. In "LibExcel", I have routines to find the last used row and column of a worksheet and to check is a named worksheet exists. In "LibOutlook" I have routines for opening and closing an instance of Outlook from Excel.
When I start a project, I look through my library for routines that might be appropriate. If necessary, a routine will be enhanced to provide functionality that I had not needed before. The result is I have a library of useful functions that get more powerful, and larger, as I complete each project.
I said I would have version numbers on the workbook I created for you. Unfortunately, the macros that handle this and related functionality are too large to post to Stack Overflow.
This code should go in LibExcel:
' Routines useful with Excel
Option Explicit
Public Sub FindLastRowCol(ByRef Wsht As Worksheet, ByRef RowLast As Long, _
ByRef ColLast As Long)
' Sets RowLast and ColLast to the last row and column with a value
' in worksheet Wsht
' The motivation for coding this routine was the discovery that Find by
' previous row found a cell formatted as Merge and Center but Find by
' previous column did not.
' I had known the Find would miss merged cells but this was new to me.
' Dec16 Coded
' 31Dec16 Corrected handling of UserRange
' 15Feb17 SpecialCells was giving a higher row number than Find for
' no reason I could determine. Added code to check for a
' value on rows and columns above those returned by Find
' 25Jun17 Found column with value about that found by Find
Dim ColCrnt As Long
Dim ColLastFind As Long
Dim ColLastOther As Long
Dim ColLastTemp As Long
Dim ColLeft As Long
Dim ColRight As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Dim RowIncludesMerged As Boolean
Dim RowBot As Long
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowLastFind As Long
Dim RowLastOther As Long
Dim RowLastTemp As Long
Dim RowTop As Long
With Wsht
Set Rng = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
RowLastFind = 0
ColLastFind = 0
RowLastFind = Rng.Row
ColLastFind = Rng.Column
End If
Set Rng = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlValues, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
If RowLastFind < Rng.Row Then
RowLastFind = Rng.Row
End If
If ColLastFind < Rng.Column Then
ColLastFind = Rng.Column
End If
End If
Set Rng = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
RowLastOther = 0
ColLastOther = 0
RowLastOther = Rng.Row
ColLastOther = Rng.Column
End If
Set Rng = .UsedRange
If Rng Is Nothing Then
If RowLastOther < Rng.Row + Rng.Rows.Count - 1 Then
RowLastOther = Rng.Row + Rng.Rows.Count - 1
End If
If ColLastOther < Rng.Column + Rng.Columns.Count - 1 Then
ColLastOther = Rng.Column + Rng.Columns.Count - 1
End If
End If
If RowLastFind < RowLastOther Then
' Higher row found by SpecialCells or UserRange
Do While RowLastOther > RowLastFind
ColLastTemp = .Cells(RowLastOther, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If ColLastTemp > 1 Or .Cells(RowLastOther, 1).Value <> "" Then
Debug.Assert False
' Is this possible
' Row after RowLastFind has value
RowLastFind = RowLastOther
Exit Do
End If
RowLastOther = RowLastOther - 1
ElseIf RowLastFind > RowLastOther Then
Debug.Assert False
' Is this possible
End If
RowLast = RowLastFind
If ColLastFind < ColLastOther Then
' Higher column found by SpecialCells or UserRange
Do While ColLastOther > ColLastFind
RowLastTemp = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ColLastOther).End(xlUp).Row
If RowLastTemp > 1 Or .Cells(1, ColLastOther).Value <> "" Then
'Debug.Assert False
' Column after ColLastFind has value
' Possible causes:
' * Find does not recognise merged cells
' ' Find does not examine hidden cells
ColLastFind = ColLastOther
Exit Do
End If
ColLastOther = ColLastOther - 1
ElseIf ColLastFind > ColLastOther Then
Debug.Assert False
' Is this possible
End If
ColLast = ColLastFind
End With
End Sub
Public Function WshtExists(ByRef Wbk As Workbook, ByVal WshtName As String) As Boolean
' Returns True if Worksheet WshtName exists within
' * if Wbk Is Nothing the workbook containing the macros
' * else workbook Wbk
' 21Aug16 Coded by Tony Dallimore
' 14Feb17 Coded alternative routine that cycled through the existing worksheets
' matching their names against WshtName to check if use of "On Error Resume Next"
' was the faster option. I needed to call the routines 6,000,000 times each to
' get an adequate duration for comparison. This version took 33 seconds while
' the alternative took 75 seconds.
' 21Feb20 Added "As Boolean" to declaration. Do not understand how routine worked
' without it.
Dim WbkLocal As Workbook
Dim Wsht As Worksheet
If Wbk Is Nothing Then
Set WbkLocal = ThisWorkbook
Set WbkLocal = Wbk
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set Wsht = WbkLocal.Worksheets(WshtName)
On Error GoTo 0
If Wsht Is Nothing Then
WshtExists = False
WshtExists = True
End If
End Function
This code should go in LibOutlook
' Routines useful with Outlook.
Option Explicit
Public Sub OutAppClose(ByRef OutApp As Outlook.Application, ByVal Created As Boolean)
' If Created is True, quit the current instance if Outlook.
If Created Then
End If
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function OutAppGetCreate(ByRef Created As Boolean) As Outlook.Application
' Return a reference to the Outlook Application.
' Set Created to True if the reference is to a new application and to
' False if the reference is to an existing application.
' If Nothing is returned, the routine has been unable to get or create a reference.
' Only one instance of Outlook can be running. CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
' will return a reference to the existing instance if one is already running or
' will start a new instance if one is not running. The disadvantage of using
' CreateObject, is the caller does not know if Outlook was running so does not know
' whether or not to quit Outlook when it has finished using Outlook. By setting
' Created, this routine allows the caller to only quit if this is appropriate.
Set OutAppGetCreate = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set OutAppGetCreate = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
If OutAppGetCreate Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Set OutAppGetCreate = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
If OutAppGetCreate Is Nothing Then
Call MsgBox("I am unable to access Outlook", vbOKOnly)
Exit Function
End If
Created = True
Created = False
End If
End Function
This code should go in ModConsolidate:
Option Explicit
' * Need reference to "Microsoft Outlook nn.n Object Library"
' where nn.n depends on the version of Office being used.
' * Needs reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
Const HeaderForData As String = "Data from email received"
Const WbkConName As String = "Consolidated Data.xlsx"
Const WshtName As String = "Shipped" ' Also used for name of workbooks
Sub ConsolidateDataFromShippedWshts() ()
' Outlook used "ol" as a prefix for its constants. I do not use the same
' prefix to avoid a clash.
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim OutAppCreated As Boolean
Dim ColConLast As Long ' Last column of worksheet "Shipped" in consolidated workbook
Dim ColSrcLast As Long ' Last column of worksheet "Shipped" in source workbook
Dim DateLatestExisting As Date ' Date of last block of data in consolidated workbook
Dim DateStr As String ' Date extracted from header row
Dim FldrShipped As Outlook.Folder ' Outlook Folder containing source emails
Dim InxA As Long ' Index into attachments
Dim InxI As Long ' Index into mail items
Dim InxW As Long ' Into into WbkSrcNames
Dim ItemsShipped As Items ' Items in source folder
Dim Path As String ' Disc folder containing workbooks
Dim Rng As Range ' Various uses
Dim RowConCrnt As Long ' Current row of worksheet "Shipped" in consolidated workbook
Dim RowConLast As Long ' Last row of worksheet "Shipped" in consolidated workbook
Dim RowSrcLast As Long ' Last row of worksheet "Shipped" in source workbook
Dim WbkCon As Workbook ' Consolidated workbook
Dim WbkMacros As Workbook ' This workbook
Dim WbkSrc As Workbook ' Workbook extracted from email
Dim WbkSrcName As String ' Name of workbook extracted from email
Dim WbkSrcNameDates As Collection ' Collection of the names and dates of workbooks extracted from emails
Dim WshtCon As Worksheet ' Worksheet "Shipped" in consolidated workbook
Dim WshtSrc As Worksheet ' Worksheet "Shipped" in source workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set WbkMacros = ThisWorkbook
Path = WbkMacros.Path
' ### Change if you want a different name for consolidated workbook
Set WbkCon = Workbooks.Open(Path & "\" & WbkConName)
Set WshtCon = WbkCon.Worksheets(WshtName)
' Find last used row of consolidated worksheet
Call FindLastRowCol(WshtCon, RowConLast, ColConLast)
If RowConLast = 0 Then
' No data added yet
DateLatestExisting = 0
' Search up for header for last block of data added
With WshtCon
Set Rng = .Columns(1).Find( _
What:=HeaderForData, After:=.Cells(RowConLast + 1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
Debug.Assert False
' It should not be possible to be here. Either the worksheet is empty
' and RowColLast = 0 or one or more blocks of data, each with a header,
' have been added. It appears the worksheet is not as it should be.
DateLatestExisting = 0
DateStr = Mid$(.Cells(Rng.Row, 1).Value, Len(HeaderForData) + 2)
If IsDate(DateStr) Then
DateLatestExisting = DateValue(DateStr) + TimeValue(DateStr)
Debug.Assert False
' It should not be possible to be here. The text after HeaderForData
' should be a valid date. It appears the worksheet is not as it should be.
DateLatestExisting = 0
End If
End If
End With
End If
Set OutApp = OutAppGetCreate(OutAppCreated)
If OutApp Is Nothing Then
' OutAppGetCreated() failed. The user has already been told.
Exit Sub
End If
' ### Change to access folder where you store these emails
Set FldrShipped = OutApp.Session.Folders("MyName#MyIsp").Folders("Test")
' Create list of items in folder sorted by ReceivedTime
Set ItemsShipped = FldrShipped.Items
ItemsShipped.Sort "ReceivedTime", True
Set WbkSrcNameDates = New Collection
' Read items, newest first, until reach an item at or before DateLatestExisting
' Save xlsx attachment, if any, and record names in WbkSrcNames
For InxI = 1 To ItemsShipped.Count
If TypeName(ItemsShipped(InxI)) = "MailItem" Then
If ItemsShipped(InxI).ReceivedTime <= DateLatestExisting Then
' No more unprocessed emails
Exit For
End If
' Save Xlsx attachment, if any
For InxA = 1 To ItemsShipped(InxI).Attachments.Count
If LCase(Right$(ItemsShipped(InxI).Attachments(InxA).FileName, 5)) = ".xlsx" Then
' Have found required attachment. Save with name based on date received
WbkSrcName = WshtName & " " & Format(ItemsShipped(InxI).ReceivedTime, "yymmdd hhmmss") & ".xlsx"
ItemsShipped(InxI).Attachments(InxA).SaveAsFile Path & "\" & WbkSrcName
WbkSrcNameDates.Add VBA.Array(WbkSrcName, ItemsShipped(InxI).ReceivedTime)
Exit For
End If
End If
Call OutAppClose(OutApp, OutAppCreated)
If WbkSrcNameDates.Count = 0 Then
' No new emails with xlsx attachments
WbkCon.Close SaveChanges:=False
Call MsgBox("No new emails containing an xlsx attachment", vbOKOnly)
Set WshtCon = Nothing
Set WbkCon = Nothing
Set WbkMacros = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
' WbkSrcNameDates contains the names and received dates of the new workbooks
' with the newest first.
' Extract names in reverse order (oldest first) and add contents of worksheet
' "Shipped" to bottom of worksheet "Shipped" of consolidated workbook
For InxW = WbkSrcNameDates.Count To 1 Step -1
Set WbkSrc = Workbooks.Open(Path & "\" & WbkSrcNameDates(InxW)(0))
If WshtExists(WbkSrc, WshtName) Then
' Worksheet "Shipped" exists
Set WshtSrc = WbkSrc.Worksheets(WshtName)
Call FindLastRowCol(WshtSrc, RowSrcLast, ColSrcLast)
RowConCrnt = RowConLast + 1 ' Advance to first free row
With WshtCon.Cells(RowConCrnt, 1)
.Value = HeaderForData & " " & Format(WbkSrcNameDates(InxW)(1), "d-mmm-yy h:mm:ss")
.Font.Bold = True
End With
RowConCrnt = RowConCrnt + 1
With WshtSrc
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowSrcLast, ColSrcLast)).Copy _
Destination:=WshtCon.Cells(RowConCrnt, 1)
End With
RowConLast = RowConCrnt + RowSrcLast - 1
End If
WbkSrc.Close SaveChanges:=False
' Position cursor to header for latest data
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
WshtCon.Cells(RowConLast - RowSrcLast, 1).Select
Application.Goto ActiveCell, True
WbkCon.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set WshtCon = Nothing
Set WbkCon = Nothing
Set WbkMacros = Nothing
End Sub
At the top of ModConsolidate, it says it needs references to "Microsoft Outlook nn.n Object Library", where nn.n depends on the version of Office being used, and "Microsoft Scripting Runtime". If you are unsure what that means, ask and I will add an explanation.
Line 173 of ModConsolidate is Set FldrShipped = OutApp.Session.Folders("MyName#MyIsp").Folders("Test"). This references the Outlook folder in which I placed the test emails. Replace my Outlook folder with the one holding these emails on your system. Place as many of these emails as you have in that folder.
Run macro ConsolidateDataFromShippedWshts(). This macro will:
Open workbook “Consolidated Data.xlsx”
Check worksheet “Shipped” and find that it is empty.
Open Outlook if not already open.
Access the Outlook folder and extract the workbook from every email because worksheet “Shipped” is empty. Workbooks will be saved with the name “Shipped yymmdd hhmmss.xlsx”. If worksheet “Shipped” had not been empty, it would only have extracted workbooks from the newer emails.
Close Outlook if it was not open.
Open each of the new workbooks in turn and add the contents of their worksheet “Shipped” to worksheet “Shipped” within “Consolidated Data.xlsx”.
I have tested macro ConsolidateDataFromShippedWshts() thoroughly but only with my fake workbooks and emails. It should work properly unless I have misunderstood the nature of your workbooks and emails. If something goes wrong, describe the problem to me and I will try to diagnose the cause.
If everything works as expected. Review “Consolidated Data.xlsx” and discuss it with your colleagues. While you are doing that, I will start adding more information about my macro to this answer.
"... to extract email attachments starting from date which I enter in dialog box (I want to extract email attachments just for emails which I received in last seven day not the whole folder)."
Option Explicit
Sub Extract_attachments_recent_emails()
' code for Excel
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olMail As Object
Dim olItems As Object
Dim olfolder As Object
Dim J As Long
Dim strFolder As String
Dim ageDays As Long
Dim strFilter As String
Dim resItems As Object
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
strFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Extract"
Set Olfolder = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("MyEmailAddress").Folders("Inbox")
Set olItems = olfolder.items
' save time with hardcoded number
'ageDays = 7
' be flexible with InputBox
ageDays = InputBox("ageDays", "Input age of oldest mail in days", "7")
strFilter = "[ReceivedTime]>'" & Format(Date - ageDays, "DDDDD HH:NN") & "'"
Set resItems = olItems.Restrict(strFilter)
For Each olMail In resItems
If olMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
For J = 1 To olMail.Attachments.Count
OlMail.Attachments.Item(J).SaveAsFile strFolder & "\" & OlMail.Attachments.Item(J).Filename
Next J
End If
Set olMail = Nothing
MsgBox ("Done")
End Sub

Automated Export of Access Table-Data to Populate Template Excel Sheet

I am working on exporting filtered table data from Access to an Excel sheet, yet I can only get the table data to export into new Excel files and not into template Excel files (with pre-made graphs to be populated).
I mainly have been using macros on Access to create a switchboard where the user presses a switchboard-button and the filtered data exports from a table in Access to a new Excel file in a Reports folder. I do not know that macros are able to export with template Excel files, so I have turned to learning VBA. I am new to VBA so I apologize for my trivial understanding. I have created some VBA code based off of a tutorial from Access Jujitsu on Youtube.
Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo SubError
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim qtr As String
'Show user work is being performed
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
'SQL statement to retrieve data from database
SQL = "SELECT Obj, Owner, Recom, Goal, Quality of Measure" & _
"FROM Inventory " & _
"WHERE Owner = ASM" &
"ORDER BY Recom "
'Execute query and populate recordset
Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
'If no data, don't bother opening Excel, just quit
If rs1.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No data selected for export", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No data exported"
GoTo SubExit
End If
'Create an instance of Excel and start building a spreadsheet
'Early Binding
Set xlApp = Excel.Application
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("\Users\Desktop to TemplateACC.xlsx")
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
With xlSheet
'Set second page title - pull quarter and year off of first row
'Won't work if you are pulling multiple time periods!
Select Case Nz(rs1!SalesQuarter, "")
Case 1
qtr = "1st"
Case 2
qtr = "2nd"
Case 3
qtr = "3rd"
Case 4
qtr = "4th"
Case Else
qtr = "???"
End Select
.Range("B3").Value = qtr & " Quarter " & Nz(rs1!SalesYear, "????")
'provide initial value to row counter
i = 1
'Loop through recordset and copy data from recordset to sheet
Do While Not rs1.EOF
.Range("I" & i).Value = Nz(rs1!Owner, "")
.Range("J" & i).Value = Nz(rs1!Goal, 0)
.Range("K" & i).Value = Nz(rs1!Recom, 0)
i = i + 1
End With
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.Hourglass False
xlApp.Visible = True
Set rs1 = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & "= " & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _
"An error occurred"
GoTo SubExit
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
My code will not run as it says the "User-defined type is not defined" upon error. I have built this code from a button on a new form, opening the VBA coding template by building the event from the button. I am not sure why the code will not run. It is supposed to export to a pre-existing file called "TemplateACC" but instead this error appears. Thank you for sticking with me on this!
Have you added the Excel object library?
In the VBA editor go to Tools -> References, find Microsoft Excel 1X.0 Object Library and check it.
X depends on the version of Excel installed, but there should only be one, probably 14 to 16.
Binding may be your issue. You can implement early binding by adding the MS Excel Object Library to your References (Tools --> References), or you can implement late binding like below:
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim xlApp As object
Dim xlBook As object
Dim xlSheet As object
''If excel is already Running, grab that instance of the program, if not, create new
set xlApp = GetExcel
set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("\Users\Desktop to TemplateACC.xlsx")
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
''... do other stuff
End sub
Function GetExcel() As Object 'Excel.Application
'Updated: 2009-10-13
'Used to grab the Excel application for automation
If DetectExcel Then
Set GetExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
Set GetExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
End Function
Function DetectExcel() As Boolean
' Procedure dectects a running Excel and registers it.
Const WM_USER = 1024
Dim hwnd As Long
''If Excel is running this API call returns its handle.
hwnd = FindWindow("XLMAIN", 0)
If hwnd = 0 Then ' 0 means Excel not running.
DetectExcel = False
Exit Function
''Excel is running so use the SendMessage API
''function to enter it in the Running Object Table.
DetectExcel = True
SendMessage hwnd, WM_USER + 18, 0, 0
End If
End Function

Writing Excel data to Word content controls without error messages

This question is about using content controls to move data values from Excel to Word in VBA. Please note I have enabled the "Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library" under references in the MSExcel VBA environment.
My project needs to send Excel data to specific places in a Word document.
PROBLEM: It seems I am not using the contentcontrols properly and keep getting runtime errors I'm not finding much information about. Either RTE-438
Object doesen't support this method
or RTE-424
Object Required
Description of what the code does: There are two baseline workbooks with multiple worksheets. Another analysis workbook uses each of these is programmed with VLOOKUP(INDIRECT...),) to generate tables for reports put into a word document. A Variant is used to change the tabs being sourced in the baseline workbook. The analysis is basically CATS-DOGS=PETS. on each cycle through, tables that are not informational (no difference between two baseline workbooks) are skipped and the next tab is analyzed. If a table is informative, then a PDF is produced. The report (a Word document) is updated. Table is added to the report. Upon completion, the next tab or evaluation table is considered.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Tabs(0 To 18) As Variant
Tabs(0) = "01"
Tabs(1) = "02"
Tabs(2) = "03"
Tabs(3) = "03"
Tabs(4) = "04"
Tabs(5) = "05"
Tabs(6) = "06"
Tabs(7) = "07"
Tabs(8) = "08"
Tabs(9) = "09"
Tabs(10) = "10"
Tabs(11) = "11"
Tabs(12) = "12"
Tabs(13) = "13"
Tabs(14) = "14"
Tabs(15) = "15"
Tabs(16) = "16"
Tabs(17) = "17"
Tabs(18) = "18"
Dim xlApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject("excel.applicaiton")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.applicaiton")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Dim controlThis As String ' the controlThis variable is to the address of the particular data unit that should be passed to a word.documents.contentcontrols to update the text in the word document based on the change in the actual data.
Dim NetworkLocation As String
NetworkLocation = "\\myServer\myFolder\mySubfolder\"
Dim CATS As String
CATS = "kittens.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "Other Subforder\ThisWway\" & CATS)
Dim DOGS As String
DOGS = "puppies.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "differentSubfolder\ThatWay\" & DOGS)
'Populates the array with analysis tables
Dim Temples As Object
Dim Template(3 To 9) As Variant
Template(3) = "\3\EVAL Table 3.xlsx"
Template(4) = "\4\EVAL Table 4.xlsx"
Template(5) = "\5\EVAL Table 5.xlsx"
Template(6) = "\6\EVAL Table 6.xlsx"
Template(7) = "\7\EVAL Table 7.xlsx"
Template(8) = "\8\EVAL Table 8.xlsx"
Template(9) = "\9\EVAL Table 9.xlsx"
Dim strXLname As String
Dim opener As Variant
For Each opener In Template
strXLname = NetworkLocation & "Other Subfolder\EVAL Tables\WonderPets" & opener
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strXLname
Dim currentDiffernce As Long
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value
'This code cycles through the different EVAL Table templates
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = CATS
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value = DOGS
Dim k As Variant
For Each k In Tabs
controlThis = k & "-" & eval 'passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
ActiveSheet.Rows.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 4).Value = k 'initialize k
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value 'stop blank tables from being produced using the total delta in the preprogrammed spreadsheet
If currentDifference = 0 Then 'since the total difference in the current analysis is 0 this bit of code skips to the next WonderPet
controlThis = k & "-" & opener '(Was eval as variant used with thisTable array)passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
Call PDFcrate 'Print the Table to a PDF file. Worked well and was made a subroutine.
Dim objWord As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
'Dim cc As Word.Application.ContentControls
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True ' change as needed
With objWord.ActiveDocument
.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4) 'These are the updates to the report for each content control with the title. Substituting SelectContentControlsByTitle() gives RTE-424 'Object Required'
.ContentControls(controlThis & " dogs").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 5)
.ContentControls(controlThis & " pets").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6)
.ContentControls(controlThis & " Table).range. = 'Need to add the PDF to the report, perhaps using an RichTextConentConrols...additional suggestions welcomed (haven't researched it yet).
End With
Set objWord = Nothing
Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Saves and Closes the document
Word.Application.Quit 'quits MS Word
End If
Next 'repeats for each tab with name "k" in the workbooks
Next 'repeat for each evalTable
End Sub
Word's content controls can't be picked up using a string as the index value the way other things can. The following line from the code sample in the question can't work:
.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
The only valid index value for a ContentControl is ID, which is a long number (GUID) assigned by the Word application when a ContentControl is generated.
The reason for this is that more than one content control can have the same Title (name) and/or Tag. Since this information is not unique it can't be used to pick up a single content control.
Instead, code needs to use either Document.SelectContentControlsByTitle or Document.SelectContentControlsByTag. These return an collection of content controls that meet the specified criterium. For example:
Dim cc as Word.ContentControls ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats")
'Now loop all the content controls in the collection to work with individual ones
End With
If it's certain there's only one content control with the Title, or only the first one is wanted, then it's possible to do this:
Dim cc as Word.ContentControl ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats").Item(1)
cc.Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
End With
Tip 1: Using ActiveDocument is not considered good practice for Word. As with ActiveCell (or anything else) in Excel, it's not certain that the "active" thing is the one that should be manipulated. More reliable is to use an object, which in this case can be assigned directly to the document being opened. Based on the code in the question:
Dim wdDoc as Object 'Word.Document
Set wdDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True)
With wdDoc 'instead of objWord.ActiveDocument
Tip 2: Since the code in the question targets multiple content controls, rather than declaring multiple content control objects it might be more efficient to put the titles and values in an array and loop that.
This fixed it... looping through may have been the thing that got me unstuck.
The use of the plural ContentControls or singular ContentControl didn't seem to matter. My next trick is to get the tables into the word document... any thoughts?
Set wdDoc = Word.Application.Documents(wdDocReport)
Dim evalData(0 To 2) As Variant
evalData(0) = " CATS"
evalData(1) = " DOGS"
evalData(2) = " PETS"
Dim j As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 4
For Each j In evalData
Dim cc As Word.ContentControls
With Word.Application.Documents(wdDocReport)
.SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & j).Item (1).Range.Text = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, i).Value
i = i + 1
End With
Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:= True
Only one worksheet ever takes focus so the ActiveWorkbook and ActiveWorksheet didn't hurt me here

How to search for Outlook item subject by Excel range to return email address?

I have minimal experience coding.
I have code to read invoice numbers as range c in one workbook - W1 -
and return corresponding values relating to invoice fees and due dates from another workbook - W2. The code runs as intended.
I would like to use the same range c to search sent items in Outlook for subject lines containing the c values, and return to W1 the recipient's email address and name.
For example, an invoice number could be displayed "201x/xxxx", the subject of the email would read "Invoice from ABC Ltd - 201x/xxxx", the code would return to W1 the required data.
I have attempted to apply the Like function.
Below is the code as it stands;
Sub UpdateDunningLog()
'defining source and target workbooks
Dim w1 As Worksheet, w2 As Worksheet
'c will be the matched value (invoice number)
Dim c As Range, FR As Long
'defining debtor log
Dim strfilename As String: strfilename = "xyz.xlsx"
Dim DL As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'sets active worksheet to Dunning Log
Set w2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
'sets debtor log to open (in background)
Set DL = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strfilename, UpdateLinks:=3)
Set w1 = DL.Worksheets("Data")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'c is invoice number, macro begins reading at A4
' and continues until there are no remaining rows
For Each c In w1.Range("A4", w1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
FR = 0
On Error Resume Next
'matches invoice nummbers from debtor log to Dunning Log
FR = Application.Match(c, w2.Columns("E"), 0)
On Error GoTo 0
'if there is a match, client name is extracted
If FR <> 0 Then w2.Range("D" & FR).Value = c.Offset(0, 3)
'if there is a match, invoice value is extracted
If FR <> 0 Then w2.Range("G" & FR).Value = c.Offset(0, 15)
'if there is a match, overdue days are extracted
If FR <> 0 Then w2.Range("H" & FR).Value = c.Offset(0, 41)
Next c 'loops through each invoice number
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'closes debtor log, ensuring it stays in the background throughout the process
DL.Close savechanges:=False
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olNS As Namespace
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim MailBoxName As String, Pst_Folder_Name As String
Dim olMail As Object
MailBoxName = ""
Pst_Folder_Name = "Sent Items"
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Folder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
i = 1
For Each olMail In Folder.Items
If olMail.Subject Like "*c*" Then _
w2.Range("A" & FR).Value = Folder.Items.Item(i).RecipientName
If olMail.Subject Like "*c*" Then _
w2.Range("B" & FR).Value = Folder.Items.Item(i).RecipientEmailAddress
On Error GoTo 0
i = i + 1
Next olMail
End Sub
This line olMail.Subject Like "*c*" is looking for emails that contain the letter C in the subject line. To extract the value from range object c:
Dim SearchFor As String
SearchFor = "*" & c.Value & "*"
If olMail.Subject Like SearchFor Then
In the example, I've used string concatenation to build the search pattern. I've used a separate variable, although you don't have to.
You mentioned that your code is growing in size and becoming muddled. This is a common problem. One way of staying on top is to break your code into a number of smaller units. Rough example:
' Code execution starts here.
Sub EntryPoint
Dim iNums As Range
Dim iNum As Range
Dim CurrentSubject As String
Set iNums = GetInvoiceNumbers()
For Each iNum In iNums
CurrentSubject = GetEmailSubject(iNum)
End Sub
' Returns a list of invoice numbers.
Function GetInvoiceNumbers() As Range
' ...Code here...
End Function
' Checks Outlet mailbox.
Function GetEmailSubject(ByVal InvoiceNumber As String) As String
' ...Code here...
End Function
Make sure each sub/function has one, and only job. Give it a meaningful name and soon you'll be able to speed read your code while looking for the right place to make the next change.
Ok so I missed a few important details in the OPs code. This is my reworked answer:
I've added a new function that extracts email details for the current invoice.
' Checks the xyz mailbox for any items with the supplied
' invoice number in the sent items folder.
' InvoiceNumber Invoice to search for.
' RecipientNameCell Cell to write name to.
' RecipientEmailAddressCell Cell to write email address to.
Sub ExtractEmailDetails(ByVal InvoiceNumber As String, ByRef RecipientNameCell As Range, ByRef RecipientEmailAddressCell As Range)
Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim SentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim OlMail As Object
Set OlApp = New Outlook.Application
Set SentFolder = OlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
For Each OlMail In SentFolder.Items
' Ignore notes and other items that might be stored in the folder.
If TypeName(OlMail) = "MailItem" Then
If OlMail.Subject Like "*" & InvoiceNumber & "*" Then
RecipientNameCell.Value = OlMail.Recipients.Item(1).Name
RecipientEmailAddressCell = OlMail.Recipients.Item(1).Address
End If
End If
End Sub
You can call this from the existing loop in your code:
For Each c In w1.Range("A4", w1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) 'c is invoice number, macro begins reading at A4 and continues until there are no remaining rows
FR = 0
On Error Resume Next
FR = Application.Match(c, w2.Columns("E"), 0) 'matches invoice nummbers from debtor log to Dunning Log
On Error GoTo 0
If FR <> 0 Then w2.Range("D" & FR).Value = c.Offset(0, 3) 'if there is a match, client name is extracted
If FR <> 0 Then w2.Range("G" & FR).Value = c.Offset(0, 15) 'if there is a match, invoice value is extracted
If FR <> 0 Then w2.Range("H" & FR).Value = c.Offset(0, 41) 'if there is a match, overdue days are extracted
ExtractEmailDetails c.Value, w2.Range("A" & FR).Value, w2.Range("B" & FR).Value
Next c 'loops through each invoice number
ExtractEmailDetails is executed once for each matched invoice number. It checks the entire sent box. At the moment if it finds more than 1 match only the last name/address found is written to Excel. To change this you'd need to allow for more rows or columns. Also, an email could have multiple recipients. Here details are extracted for the first. You could extract them all, either into a long field or additional rows/columns.
Without the spreadsheets, I couldn't fully test the code. The new function may require a little tweaking ;).

How to ignore specific word from a group of words in a cell and send one email to group of people?

I am new to VBA. I am working hard and learning it but there is a point where I am stuck now. If someone please help me out then I shall be grateful.
I have a drop down list in excel like
Sales/Acquisition Manager (AM) Alina (
Acquisition Project Manager (APM) Benny(
Manufacturing Julia(
Application please select (drop down list so I can choose)
AE external sensor responsible please select (Drop down list so I can choose)
I have made a separate row (row 59 Col A) where I have combined these values from the above rows.
I have to make a macro to send 1 email to these multiple people. I have written a code for sending email but I am stuck at another point. I have written code which replaces the words please select with “ ” whenever it finds it in row 59 but unfortunately that code changes the line permanently which I don’t want.
What I want is that whenever it finds the words please select in a row it just ignores it and and also doesn't change the format of cell. Means when I again change some new value by drop down list so it got changed.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59") = the_string
MsgBox (Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59"))
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant, lr As Long, x As Variant
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
x = Cells (59, 1).Value
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = x
' .Body = Range("B2").Value
' .Send
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub
Pull the contents of A59 into the string, replace as needed, then just use that string instead of copying it back to the sheet.
Untested, just used your code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Mail_Object as Object
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1")
.To = the_string
' .Body = Range("B2")
' .Send
.Display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
End Sub