localhost configuration in offline mode - apache

I'm in a very stupid situation and if I didn't get to resolve it my project will be rejected.
I doing a project for a company that they have hard network security and I can't publish the project online or in a local server.
I'm using on my project PHP and MySQL using usbwebserver program "it's offline Apache server".
now the problem is:
my project should to be on a network as a folder example: \server1\project
and to open the project on my computer I have to access the path and run usbwebserver.exe , so it is open perfect for 1 user but if I try to access the same project in other computer when the first user using the program the Apache not running and I think because the port of apache already in use."maybe I'm wrong"
my question is if there any solution that when other users on the network click on usbwebserver.exe
the apache become running on it .. because I have to use the same DB.
If there is other program that can solve my situation to everyone can work on same apache and same DB offline also I will appreciate!!

I thinking in this way if it possible:
Install Apache on your machine and call mysql from server folder that doesn't run Apache!!!
it is possible ? and if yes how can done it ?


I want to turn my localhost server into a real website

I created an application that runs on a localhost server using expressjs. And I also bought a domain.
I'm wondering if there is a way to take that localhost server and turn it into a real shared server
I tried once to use a hosting service like hostgator but I still don't know how I can turn the express app into a real website.
I have no experience with any web development services so please don't tell me to use ....... whatever because I will have no idea what that is.
For one thing it is not clear how your website actually works: if it is only express does it generate HTML or is it purely JSON passed to browser clients via get requests (to each their own).
There are so many options as to how you might do this: one of the best options is to first make sure your server runs on Docker. Find a tutorial on YouTube/google/Stack Overflow/Blogs on how to run your Express server with docker. If you do that you can deploy it to a Container manager like Google/Amazon/Digital Ocean. If this seems hard to you there are other options.
Presumably you run your server with something like npm start. This guide can show you how to do essentially that but on a cloud computer.
Before you begin make sure that you're locally working server is checked in to a cloud Git provider like Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.
Since Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud have free tier or options for hosting for free for a certain amount of time (AWS 1 year) or for a certain amount of money (Google Cloud). These two seem like viable place to start.
If you find the option that you'd like you'll need to:
create an account
Create a server (choose a cheap one especially initially like mice/small/cheap etc).
Find a tutorial on how to "SSH" into that server (which basically means remotely control the terminal on that server). Google actually makes this fairly easy there's a big button that says SSH into this server.
Once you've logged into that Computer you'll be able to run the same commands you probably normally do on your home computer:
The computer you'll be getting is likely to be a virtual Linux Computer probably something like Linux Ubuntu. Find a tutorial on how to get git and node installed there (but it's something like sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git node).
Once you have git and node try mkdir www and cd into that: mkdir www && cd project (This isn't critical but conventional.)
Copy the link that allows you to "Clone your repo using HTTPS" (there's a link at the top right of your GitHub (or others) repo that allows you to do that. You'll need to enter your password
Now all the files that you had on your computer are on this new computer.
Next you'll have to probably npm i to install your dependent NPM packages. (This assumes you properly used .gitignore to prevent GitHub from being filled with extra copies of your npm packages.)
Now you should be able to run your code as usual: npm run start
If all those steps work you'll want to get something that will run these "forever" like https://www.npmjs.com/package/forever npm i -g forever or even better: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pm2 will allow you to continuously run your express server.
Finally, you'll need to configure this server on AWS/Google/whatever service you're using to push traffic coming in on port 80 and 443 to port 3000 and open traffic to all. And depending on the service you chose that's different so find a tutorial for doing just that part.
This will only allow people across the internet to see your service on an AWS URL or a google URL. But it's a good chance to make sure everything works perfectly. Once you're happy with everything associate your purchased domain with that special AWS/Google domain. You can do that on the AWS side, or the GoDaddy/NameCheap/where-ever you bought your domain side.
For the docker option you can download aws-cli tools and upload your built docker container to AWS and have it available. Find a tutorial to do that.
Essentially your question is very broad so I sometimes brushed over some details, but this is essentially what you have to do.

Move files from node.js to apache server

Is there any possible for moving files from platform like Heroku to second server like Apache? I want to create application and push it to Heroku, but I have also Apache server and I want send to this server all images which I upload from frontend forms.
ok so You want to use Heroku as the main application server. But then Heroku makes HTTP/HTTPS requests to the Apache server?
I think thats what you are asking.
Yeah no issues with that. if you want to set up API id go with Laravel 5.3 and use its passport function on your Apache server ( but this is not required, this is only for security.)
what the web server is really does not matter at all.
Its about if the server has internet access and im pretty sure they do.
Easiest way is ftp,SSH,or git. unless they both have a web server then id just zip up your app without the node_modules folder and move it into the web directory. then go to the address of your server in a web browser. eg. http://mywebsite.com/files-i-just-zipped.zip and download them. (i normally log onto the new server via SSH and do wget http://mywebsite.com/files-i-just-zipped.zip)
I need more info but yeah. once you unzip then you need to install node but my guess is they already have it.
then do npm install in the package.json directory.

Laravel - connect to development server

I just installed laravel and need some clues regarding "development server" and how I can run a project.
I connected to laravel development center which opened port 8000 on localhost. So I access my project at
It wouldn't work if I typed in localhost/thelaravelproject/somepage , as I do with other php projects during development.
After closing the command line tool, localhost:8000 became inactive, so I opened the command line again, entered the path, and then
php artisan serve
and then it was running again. Does this mean that I have to do this every time?
On this page laravel.com/docs/4.2/quick it says something about "Local Development Environment" and it mentions Laravel Homestead. Is this something that is needed to run laravel using localhost the way I normally work with php?
I follow tutorials, but it's strange how they leave out very important details.
I found out that localhost works the normal way, I just have to add the 'public' directory.
So if I type in
it shows the 'you have arrived' page.
In laravel project Directory every things first goes to the public/index.php.
so it have to be in that directory.
you have to start from this
following link will help you.

Odoo v8 fails to load from remote server installation

I downloaded latest version of Odoo (Openerp v8) from GitHub. When installed on my localhost (my pc) it works fine. Now whenever I tried to install it on my remote server, database is created but not loaded and I have a blank page when it comes to my-remote-ip:8072/web (I launched it openerp-gevent along my config file but the same happens with the openerp-server command too).
When I check the log file, the process is stuck at:
.... INFO my-db-username openerp.addons.base.ir.ir_http: Generating
routing map
The last request processed by the system is:
'werkzeug.request': http://my-remote-ip:8072/web/js/web.assets_backend/77f77e2' [GET]>
This request is not served and leads to a blank page. I'm on ubuntu 14.04.
I wonder if there is protection in the coding that prevents odoo to be used from a remote server.
Please, can someone help me how to bypass this issue?
Use different DB for your remote server not same as localhost.
try to run remote server using this command
./openerp-server --xmlrpc-port=8072
you can change the port number.
Hope this will help... :)
I've been testing in virtual machines recently. IMHO check the postgress database and if all is working fine, then check python dependences, perhaps you missed some?
I've used this quick guide with success for my ubuntu 14.04 Vm with odoo 8
Thanks but your answer is not satisfying. I said that it works well on a local installation. And I know quite well about the installation process whatsoever.
Now, try to install Odoo on a remote server using your IP adress (which is my case as I haven't given a domain name to my VPS yet). You will notice that the installation process is not going to its end and points to a blank screen. I need to have feedbacks from persons who have tried the same operation. Again, thanks for all your valuable contributions to this issue.

Apache running MongoDB and PHP

I'm using XAMPP in my Mac OSX. I've installed mongodb and copied the .so file into xampp plugins folder. My phpinfo() of the page shows that MongoDB section which is installed.
After i start Apache of XAMPP server, when i code
m = new MongoClient();
$db = $m->mydatabase;
$collection = $db->myCollection;
Its saying some Fatal Error.
If i run mongod command in Terminal window, its working. Then what is the use of installing mongodb in XAMPP server. My Questions are
Why its working like that..?
Is there any way to start mongod when we start Apache server.
Why its working like that..?
Installing the PHP driver and the MongoDB server are two completely different things.
This is very basic driver stuff; you require a library or communication layer that can route your PHP programming to the MongoDB server (basically).
Is there any way to start mongod when we start Apache server.
You could make an sh script that looks like:
/etc/init.d/xammp_service_dunno_what_it_is_called start
/etc/init.d/mongodb start
Then you could just attach to the startup, or even better you can just attach both services (XAMPP and MongoDB) to the startup of your computer.
However, as far as I know, there is no way to create a sort of trigger mechanism that will load up MongoDB when the OS detects that you have started running Apache.