using scope with calculated member - ssas

I have problem in my calculated member. Whenever this member involve in calculation or query it take large time to execute. I am trying to narrow down execution time.
I have to remove IIF condition from the members and start using scope instead.
CREATE Member CurrentCube.[Measures].[AvgAmount] as
(SUM([CCube^Customer].[ParentCustomer].CURRENTMEMBER.CHILDREN) /
) ,
Format_String = "#.0000000;-#.0000000;0;0",
Non_Empty_Behavior = [Measures].[Amout];
I have created hierarchy of customer which is [ParentCustomer] here. I want to see avg amount of all the children under the parent customer but when I am looking child level which does not have any children in it should only show the [Measures].[Amout].
Thanks in advance

From your question, I assume you really want to have the average of the children, and not the average of all leaf level descendants. The latter could be implemented as follows:
Create a new measure group on the customer dimension table which has a single measure 'customer count' which would just be implemented as count - or of your customer dimension as a granularity that is finer than a single customer - countdistinct of the customer key or something like this.
Then just define your measure as
CREATE Member CurrentCube.[Measures].[AvgAmount] as
[Measures].[Value] / [Measures].[customer count],
Format_String = "#.0000000;-#.0000000;0;0",
Non_Empty_Behavior = [Measures].[Amout];
This assumes that the aggregation of [Measures].[Value] is defined as sum or one of the semi additive aggregations, but not max or min or something similar.
However, I assume from your question that this is not what you want. Instead you want to see the average of the children at each level. And I assume that [Customer].[ParentCustomer] is a standard user hierarchy and not a parent child hierarchy. Then, the approach suggested in the title, using SCOPE, would work. Let's assume you have three levels in your [Customer].[ParentCustomer] hierarchy:
The (implicitly defined) All level, just containing the All member
level A, built from attribute A of the dimension
level B, which is the leaf level and built from attribute B of the dimension
Then, under similar assumptions about the [Measures].[Value] aggregation, you could define the AvgAmount measure as follows:
// create the measure as it is correct for level B:
CREATE Member CurrentCube.[Measures].[AvgAmount] as
Format_String = "#.0000000;-#.0000000;0;0",
Non_Empty_Behavior = [Measures].[Amout];
// overwrite the definition for level A:
[Measures].[AvgAmount] = [Measures].[Value] / (EXISTING [Customer].[B].[B].Members).Count
// overwrite the definition for the ALl level:
[Measures].[AvgAmount] = [Measures].[Value] / (EXISTING [Customer].[A].[A].Members).Count
This approach, using SCOPE, would not work for a parent child hierarchy, buta syou do not write you have one, I just assume you don`t.


Total Sum of Calculated member is wrong

I have there tables:
Artikal (eng. Item)
Grupa (eng. Group)
Potrosnja (eng. Consumption)
Potrosnja is my Measure table and Artikal is Dimension. Grupa contains also a parent-child relationship between groups. For now, is only one level. Inside the Artikal dimension I created
Hierarchy: Grupa.ParentId, Grupa.GrupaId, Artikal.Id. Name of Hierarhcy is PGA.
This shows well in Power BI. I also create some calculated Members: Cijena LY and Vrijednost LY.
I need to create a calculated member and the formula goes
(Cijena - Cijena LY)* Kolicina
First I tried to create like a calculated member but I saw that my total was also creating like the formula of totals of formulas. I want that my total for this member is SUM of calculated member column
I trying to do this with SCOPE, but I don't get the right result. Here is my script:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Suma razlike] AS null,
SCOPE([Measures].[Suma razlike],[Artikal].[PGA].members);
This =sum(
(([Measures].[Cijena]-[Measures].[Cijena LY])*[Measures].[Kolicina]));
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? I creating this in Analysis services by Microsoft.
The solution was provided on the different blog by Alexei Stoyanovsky:
The problem was that was created hidden subselect. I needed to create a Dynamic set of Artikal. Here is solution:
CREATE DYNAMIC SET CURRENTCUBE.[MyTestSet] AS [Artikal].[Id].[Id].members;
SCOPE([Measures].[Suma razlike], [Artikal].[Id].members); --Includes All +
other members
This = case when [Artikal].[Id].currentmember.level.ordinal>0 then
([Measures].[Cijena]-[Measures].[Cijena LY])*[Measures].[Kolicina]
sum(existing [MyTestSet], ([Measures].[Cijena]-[Measures].[Cijena LY])*
[Measures].[Kolicina]) --All member is not included
FORMAT_STRING([Measures].[Vrijednost - CPI])='Percent';
FORMAT_STRING([Measures].[Postotak razlike])='Percent';
FORMAT_STRING([Measures].[Razlika artikal - CPI])='Percent';

MDX calculated member dimension context

I have the following calculated member which represents the quantity of "overstocked" products:
MEMBER [Measures].[Overstocked Items Count] AS
[Items].[Item No].CHILDREN,
[Measures].[Overstocked Qty] > 0
It works just fine for any linked to the measure group dimension except for the Items dimension itself and the reasons are obvious. Is there a way to create a calculated member that would respect the context it is evaluated in? So basically if this member is evaluated against an item group code I need items count by those groups, not the entire items set.
EXISTING is a useful keyword that can add the current context to your measure:
MEMBER [Measures].[Overstocked Items Count] AS
[Measures].[Overstocked Qty] > 0
EXISTING is very good when you want to know the members present from a different hierarchy within the same dimension. e.g. say you have U.S.A selected from the country hierarchy (in geography dimension) and you need to count state/county members from a stateCounty hierarchy that is also part of the geography dimension then EXISTING is the correct choice.
If you want to go across dimensions so say you have U.S.A selected and you'd like to count customer, from the customer dimension who are associated with the U.S.A then I don't think EXISTING will work - you'll need to explore either EXISTS or NONEMPTY.

SSAS MDX Calculated Measure Based on Related Dimension Attribute Value

I have a measure [Measures].[myMeasure] that I would like to create several derivatives of based on the related attribute values.
e.g. if the related [Location].[City].[City].Value = "Austin" then I want the new calculated measure to return the value of [Measures].[myMeasure], otherwise, I want the new calculated measure to return 0.
Also, I need the measure to aggregate correctly meaning sum all of the leaf level values to create a total.
The below works at the leaf level or as long as the current member is set to Austin...
Create Member CurrentCube.[Measures].[NewMeasure] as
[Location].[City].currentmember = [Location].[City].&[Austin],
This has 2 problems.
1 - I don't always have [Location].[City] in context.
2. When multiple cities are selected this return 0.
I'm looking for a solution that would work regardless of whether the related dimension is in context and will roll up by summing the atomic values based on a formula similar to above.
To add more context consider a transaction table with an amount field. I want to convert that amount into measures such as payments, deposits, return, etc... based on the related account.
I don't know the answer but just a couple of general helpers:
1 You should use IS rather than = when comparing to a member
2 You should use null rather than 0 - 0/NULL are effecitvely the same but using 0 will slow things up a lot as the calculation will be fired many more times. (this might help with the second section of your question)
Create Member CurrentCube.[Measures].[NewMeasure] as
[Location].[City].currentmember IS [Location].[City].&[Austin],

How can i create and use generic calculation for statistical function Stdev ?

How can create generic calculated member which i can reuse in order to calculate the statistical deviation on any logical related dimension(s) and measurement ? I need to be able to select any dimension and measure.
I found related discussion here from which i took stdDev function example.
I've created the calculation, but the result it empty.
AS iif(IsEmpty(Axis(0).Item(0)), NULL,
StdDev(Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.Children, Axis(0).Item(0))),
FORMAT_STRING = "#,##0.00;-#,##0.00",
If you want to use it for all measures, you would put your calcTest member to another hierarchy not used in the query, maybe an utility hierarchy (see below), and then reference the Measures.CurrentMember instead of Axis(0).Item(0).
To get the calculation generalized for all hierarchies except the measures is hard, as somewhere you have to tell the calculation which hierarchy to use. And to do this in the cube before the query is defined cannot be done. Hence, the approach to use the leftmost hierarchy in the rows (Axis(1).Item(0)) taken in your question can be changed to reference something different in the query, but cannot be completely flexible. Of course, an approach could be to define, say, three similar members, one for the first, one for the second, and one for the third hierarchy in the rows.
For the utility hierarchy, you would create a dimension table with just one row and one column. Let's say the data content of this column in the single row is "-standard-"and reference this single member in all fact tables from an additional foreign key. Then you build the dimension into the cube with the references from all measure groups. Lets say the attribute hierarchy is called [Utility].[Utility]. Make the attribute hierarchy non aggregatable, and set the default member to the "-standard-" member. In the calculation script, you can then add members to this utility dimension like
CREATE MEMBER [Utility].[Utility].StdDevRows1 // StdDev for leftmost hierarchy in the rows
AS StdDev(Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.Children, Measures.CurrentMember),
FORMAT_STRING = "#,##0.00;-#,##0.00",
CREATE MEMBER [Utility].[Utility].StdDevRows2 // StdDev for second hierarchy in the rows
AS StdDev(Axis(1).Item(1).Item(0).Dimension.Children, Measures.CurrentMember),
FORMAT_STRING = "#,##0.00;-#,##0.00",
CREATE MEMBER [Utility].[Utility].StdDevRows3 // StdDev for third hierarchy in the rows
AS StdDev(Axis(1).Item(2).Item(0).Dimension.Children, Measures.CurrentMember),
FORMAT_STRING = "#,##0.00;-#,##0.00",
The advantage of a separate utility hierarchy is that you can combine it with all measures, times, etc., as it is not itself a member of these.

MDX calculated dimension attribute

Is it possible to create a query scoped dimension attribute (as is done with measures) using the WITH statement.
I'm trying to do something like this:
MEMBER [Customer].[Has Child At Home] AS
IIF( [Customer].[Number of Cars Owned] > 0,
And then use the above attribute in a select statement however it is giving me an error saying that the customer dimension has more than one hierarchy and that one needs to be specified.
In this format it requires a hierarchy, to build on your code example [Number of Cars Owned] would need to be a hierarchy:
MEMBER [Customer].[Number of Cars Owned].[Has Child At Home] AS
IIF([Customer].[Number of Cars Owned] > 0, "True", "False")
{[Customer].[Has Child at Home]} ON COLUMNS,
[DimExample].[AttributeExample].Members ON ROWS,
FROM [CubeExample]
See Creating Query-Scoped Calculated Members (MDX)