How do I use Strategy Pattern in this context? - oop

Let me begin by saying I am a mathematician and not a coder. I am trying to code a linear solver. There are 10 methods which I coded. I want the user to choose which solver she wishes to use, like options.solver_choice='CG'.
Now, I have all 10 methods coded in a single class. How do I use the strategy pattern in this case?
Previously, I had 10 different function files which I used to use in the main program using a switch case.
if options.solver_choice=='CG'
if options.solver_choice=='GMRES'

This isn't the most exact of answers, but you should get the idea.
Using the strategy pattern, you would have a solver interface that implements a solver method:
public interface ISolver {
int Solve();
You would implement each solver class as necessary:
public class Solver1 : ISolver {
int Solve() {
return 1;
You would then pass the appropriate solver class when it's time to do the solving:
public int DoSolve(ISolver solver) {
return solver.solve();
Foo.DoSolve(new Solver1());

As I've always understood the strategy pattern, the idea is basically that you perform composition of a class or object at run-time. The implementation details vary by language, but you should be able to swap out pieces of behavior by "plugging in" different modules that share an interface. Here I present an example in Ruby.
Ruby Example
Let's say you want to use select a strategy for how the #action method will return a set of results. You might begin by composing some modules named CG and GMRES. For example:
module CG
def action a, x, b
{ a: a, x: x, b: b }
module GMRES
def action a, x, b
[a, x, b]
You then instantiate your object:
class StrategyPattern
my_strategy =
Finally, you extend your object with the plug-in behavior that you want. For example:
my_strategy.extend GMRES
my_strategy.action 'q', nil, 1
#=> ["q", nil, 1]
my_strategy.extend GMRES
my_strategy.action 'q', nil, 1
#=> {:a=>"q", :x=>nil, :b=>1}
Some may argue that the Strategy Pattern should be implemented at the class level rather than by extending an instance of a class, but this way strikes me as easier to follow and is less likely to screw up other instances that need to choose other strategies.
A more orthodox alternative would be to pass the name of the module to include into the class constructor. You might want to read Russ Olsen's Design Patterns in Ruby for a more thorough treatment and some additional ways to implement the pattern.

Other answers present the pattern correctly, however I don't feel they are clear enough. Unfortunately the link I've provided does the same, so I'll try to demonstrate what's the Strategy's spirit, IMHO.
Main thing about strategy is to have a general procedure, with some of its details (behaviours) abstracted, allowing them to be changed transparently.
Consider an gradient descent optimization algorithm - basically, it consists of three actions:
gradient estimation
objective function evaluation
Usually one chooses which of these steps they need abstracted and configurable. In this example it seems that evaluation of the objective function is not something that you can do in more than one way - you always just ... evaluate the function.
So, this introduces two different strategy (or policy) families then:
interface GradientStrategy
double[] CalculateGradient(Function objectiveFunction, double[] point);
interface StepStrategy
double[] Step(double[] gradient, double[] point);
where of course Function is something like:
interface Function
double Evaluate(double[] point);
interface FunctionWithDerivative : Function
double[] EvaluateDerivative(double[] point);
Then, a solver using all these strategies would look like:
interface Solver
double[] Maximize(Function objectiveFunction);
class GradientDescentSolver : Solver
public Solver(GradientStrategy gs, StepStrategy ss)
this.gradientStrategy = gs;
this.stepStrategy = ss;
public double[] Maximize(Function objectiveFunction)
// choosing starting point could also be abstracted into a strategy
double[] currentPoint = ChooseStartingPoint(objectiveFunction);
double[] bestPoint = currentPoint;
double bestValue = objectiveFunction.Evaluate(bestPoint);
while (...) // termination condition could also
// be abstracted into a strategy
double[] gradient = this.gradientStrategy.CalculateGradient(
currentPoint = this.stepStrategy.Step(gradient, currentPoint);
double currentValue = objectiveFunction.Evaluate(currentPoint);
if (currentValue > bestValue)
bestValue = currentValue;
bestPoint = currentPoint;
// terminate or step back and reduce step size etc.
// this could also be abstracted into a strategy
return bestPoint;
private GradientStrategy gradientStrategy;
private StepStrategy stepStrategy;
So the main point is that you have some algorithm's outline, and you delegate particular, general steps of this algorithm to strategies or policies. Now you could implement GradientStrategy which works only for FunctionWithDerivative (casts down) and just uses function's analytical derivative to obtain the gradient. Or you could have another one implementing stochastic version of gradient estimation. Note, that the main solver does not need to know about how the gradient is being calculated, it just needs the gradient. The same thing goes for the StepStrategy - it can be a typical step policy with single step-size:
class SimpleStepStrategy : StepStrategy
public SimpleStepStrategy(double stepSize)
this.stepSize = stepSize;
double[] Step(double[] gradient, double[] point)
double[] result = new double[point.Length];
for (int i = 0;i < result.Length;++i)
result[i] = point[i] + this.stepSize * gradient[i];
return result;
private double stepSize;
, or a complicated algorithm adjusting the step-size as it goes.
Also think about the behaviours noted in the comments in the code: TerminationStrategy, DeteriorationPolicy.
Names are just examples - they're probably not the best, but I hope they give the intent. Also, usually best to stick with one version (Strategy or Policy).

PHP Examples
You'd define your strategies that implement only singular method called solve()
class CG
public function solve($a, $x, $y)
class GMRES
public function solve($a, $x, $y)
// implementation..
$solver = new Solver();
$solver->setStratery(new CG());
$solver->solve(1,2,3); // the result of CG
$solver->setStrategy(new GMRES());
$solver->solve(1,2,3); // the result of GMRES
class Solver
private $strategy;
public function setStrategy($strategy)
$this->strategy = $strategy;
public function solve($a, $x, $y)
return $this->strategy->solve($a, $x, $y);


Testing state machine transitions implemented as Map

I have a state machine with a relatively small set of states and inputs and I want to test the transitions exhaustively.
Transitions are coded using a Map<State, Map<Input, State>>, the code is something like this:
enum State {
// ...
enum Input {
// ...
class StateMachine {
State current;
Map<State, Map<Input, State>> transitions = {
S1: {
I1: S2,
// ...
// ...
State changeState(Input x) {
if (transitions[current] == null)
throw Error('Unknows state ${current}');
if (transitions[current][x] == null)
throw Error('Unknown transition from state ${current} with input ${x}');
current = transitions[current][x];
return current;
void execute() {
// ...
To test it I see 3 approaches:
1) Write lot of boilerplate code to check every single combination
2) Automate the tests creation: this seems a better approach to me, but this would end up using a structure that is identical to the Map used in the StateMachine. What should I do? Copy the Map in the test file or import it from the implementation file? The latter would make the test file depend on the implementation and doesn't seem a good idea.
3) Test Map for equality, same problem as before: equality with itself or with a copy? This approach is essentially what I do with the other 2 but doesn't seem like a canonical test
Maybe you want to have a look at this:
It shows, how you can do a model based and test driven development of state machines including the option to generate unit test code and measuring the test coverage.

Whats the best way to write an iterator supporting multiple logic branches?

In Rust I've started writing iterators, converting them from code which took a callback function.
I ran into the problem where the code that used a callback in multiple branches of the function didn't convert so cleanly into a Rust iterator.
To give some pseudo-code.
// function using callbacks where the caller can exit at any time,
// can be used in a similar way to an iterator.
fn do_stuff(args, callback_fn(cb_args)) {
// define a, b, c... args
if callback_fn(a, b, 0) == false { return; }
for i in 0..n {
if callback_fn(c, d, i) == false { return; }
if callback_fn(e, f, -1) == false { return; }
Converting this to an iterator was rather awkward since I needed to store some state representing each branch.
impl Iterator for MyStruct {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<MyResult> {
let out = match (self.state) {
0 => {
self.state += 1;
Some(MyResult(self.a, self.b, 0))
1 => {
self.i += 1;
if self.i == self.n {
self.state += 1;
Some(MyResult(self.c, self.d, self.i - 1))
2 => {
self.state += 1;
Some(MyResult(self.e, self.f, -1))
_ => {
return out;
// --- snip
With the example above, this is arguably acceptable, (if a little awkward). Consider cases with multiple for loops, variable scopes, where its much harder to track state.
While I didn't try these, I imagine there are some ways to achieve this which in most cases are less-then-ideal workarounds:
Using the callback version, building a vector, then iterating over it... (works but defeats the purpose of using an iterator, no way to early exit and avoid creating the entire data set for eg).
Writing an iterator which communicates with a thread that uses similar logic to the callback version.(while possible, the overhead of creating OS threads makes it a poor choice in many cases).
Besides the workarounds above:
Are there ways to write iterators like the example given, with less convoluted logic?Ideally more like the example that uses callbacks.
Otherwise are there other ways to handle this?
Or is this simply not supported in Rust?
Note, the same logic applies coming from Python generators (using yield instead of a callback, using callbacks as an example here since they're ubiquitous with first class functions).
Languages like C# and Python provide a way to generate iterators from methods written using a special yield keyword. As of Rust 1.11, there is no such feature in the language. However, such a feature is planned (see RFC) (indeed, yield is a reserved keyword!) and would likely work as in C# (i.e. the compiler would generate a struct with the necessary state and implementation for Iterator).
In the meantime, you could try Stateful, a project that attempts to provide this feature. (This blog post explains how Stateful works, and the challenges involved.)

How to perform ECKA and have an ECPoint returned?

I'm using Bouncy Castle to perform the Elliptic Curve Key Aggreement using the ECDH protocol in a smart card related software, as defined in the BSI-TR-03111 specs, §3.4 with
The purpose is to perform the Generic Mapping of the nonce in the PACE protocol, as defined in the ICAO SAC Technical Report, §
(I'm using Java but the language is not essential to the matter I guess)
The KeyAgreement class makes it very simple (as exemplified here) but it only allows to output the X coordinate of the generated ECPoint, that is ZAB (which is often, but not always what required.)
Is there any way to have the actual ECPoint (that is SAB) returned without having to reimplement the algorithm? Even tho' the formula in itself is simple, one must check for errors and anomalies and account for variations (e.g. cofactor multiplication)
I completely forgot about this question. This was the solution I implemented:
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BasicAgreement;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECPrivateKeyParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECPublicKeyParameters;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Created by Salvatore on 22/04/2015.
public class ECDHPointAgreement implements BasicAgreement {
private ECPrivateKeyParameters key;
public void init(CipherParameters key) {
this.key = (ECPrivateKeyParameters) key;
public int getFieldSize() {
return (key.getParameters().getCurve().getFieldSize() + 7) / 8;
public BigInteger calculateAgreement(CipherParameters pubKey) {
ECPoint P = calculatePoint(pubKey);
return P.getAffineXCoord().toBigInteger();
public ECPoint calculatePoint(CipherParameters pubKey) {
ECPublicKeyParameters pub = (ECPublicKeyParameters) pubKey;
ECPoint P = pub.getQ().multiply(key.getD()).normalize();
if (P.isInfinity()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Infinity is not a valid agreement value for ECDH");
return P;
Most of the code comes from BouncyCastle's KeyAgreement class.
Solving the curve equation for Y is exactly what I did.
public static BigInteger computeAffineY(BigInteger affineX, ECParameterSpec params) {
ECCurve bcCurve = toBouncyCastleECCurve(params);
ECFieldElement a = bcCurve.getA();
ECFieldElement b = bcCurve.getB();
ECFieldElement x = bcCurve.fromBigInteger(affineX);
ECFieldElement y = x.multiply(x).add(a).multiply(x).add(b).sqrt();
return y.toBigInteger();

Object oriented design patterns for parsing text files?

As part of a software package I'm working on, I need to implement a parser for application specific text files. I've already specified the grammar for these file on paper, but am having a hard time translating it into easily readable/updatable code (right now just it passes each line through a huge number of switch statements).
So, are there any good design patterns for implementing a parser in a Java style OO environment?
Any easy way to break a massive switch into an OO design would be to have
pseudo code
class XTokenType {
public bool isToken(string data);
class TokenParse {
public void parseTokens(string data) {
for each step in data {
for each tokenType in tokenTypess {
if (tokenType.isToken(step)) {
parsedTokens[len] = new tokenType(step);
Here your breaking each switch statement into a method on that token object to detect whether the next bit of the string is of that token type.
class TokenParse {
public void parseTokens(string data) {
for each step in data {
switch (step) {
case x:
case y:
One suggestion is to create property file where you define rules. Load it during run time and use if else loop (since switch statements also does the same internally). This way if you want to change some parsing rules you have to change .property file not code. :)
You need to learn how to express context free grammars. You should be thinking about the GoF Interpreter and parser/generators like Bison, ANTRL, lex/yacc, etc.

AspectJ - Doubt

An aspect can be used to measure the performance of method invocations,
as illustrated in the example below:
public aspect MonitorRequests {
void around() : monitoredRequestO {
PerfStats stats = getPerfStats(thisDoinPointStaticPart);
long start = System-currentTimeMillisO;
stats.time += System.currentTimeMillisC)-start;
pointcut monitoredRequestO :
execution(void*(..)) && if(enabled);
// can expose stats via JMX, dump method, getstats etc.
public static class PerfStats { _. }
private Map<StaticPart,PerfStats> perfStatMap • //...
private boolean enabled;
By default, an aspect instance is associated with the Java Virtual Machine, rather with
specific execution flows, similar to a static class.
Another aspect below uses percflow() to associate an aspect instance differently from
the default:
public aspect MonitorDatabaseRequests
percflow(monitoredRequest() && !cflowbelow(mon-5toredRequest()) {
void around() : monitoredRequestO {
PerfStats stats = getPerfStats(thisJoinPointStaticPart);
long time.= System.currentTimeMi 11 i s O ;
stats.databaseTime += accumulatedoatabaseTime;
stats.time 4= System.currentTimeMi 11 isO-time;
What is the difference that adding the percflow() declaration makes in this example
I'm confused how percflow works and how this is different from not using it....
percflow is the aspect instantiation model. See here:
This means that one instance of this aspect is created for every cflow entered.
The first aspect is a singleton and so it must store a map for all of the performance stats it keeps track of. The second aspect is instantiated as needed, so performance stats are implicitly stored and associated with the proper dynamic call graph.