Is there tools to define Rest API in document ? [closed] - api

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Many questions being asked about generate Rest API to html documents.
But eggs comes from chicken.
In many cases , the architecture needs to define the API . It's a connection between web developers and iOS/Android client developers.
So is there such kind of tool or web , we can do follow things:
New a API
write the subURL
write the POST/GET method
write the post parameters
write the returned answers
write the sample request , any kinds of condition, error codes.
After all this, there is a doc or Online doc html there.
We can edit , update it after times pass by. The web/client developer , just need to watch the document ,then they are ready to go.
Is there any kind of tool can archive this ? Thank you.

There are a couple of specs for documents that allow clients to discover RESTful APIs.
Swagger (demo)
Google use their own Discovery Service, however unlike the others, unfortunately I don't think there are open sourced libraries that help you use expose it from your own APIs.
I have used swagger and it works well. The spec handles the things you have mentioned:
JSON Schema to describe request/responses
A list of error codes/conditions
A codegen library to generate client side code for a number of languages such as Javascript, Java, Objective-C, Scala, PHP, Python, Ruby, and more.


Documenting a Spring HATEOAS API [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are there any plugins out there (similar to Swagger) which provide the ability to document HATEOAS APIs?
The Swagger interface is quite good but it doesn't have level 3 REST support.
I use spring-restdocs in combination with the HAL-browser.
You don't necessarily need HAL for restdocs though, although it is recommended.
Restdocs will generate code samples and link & field descriptors in the asciidoc format. You can then link to these asciidocs from inside the HAL-browser.
To see the result in action (although this is hardcoded), check this out: foxycart. Click on the little doc links next to the rels.
After further investigation I discovered HAL-browser ( which is quite good. Although, your API must return content-type of HAL for it.
You don't need to configure anything on the server for this tool. Just open it in a browser and point to your API.

API for Contributing to Google Translate [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to be able to contribute to Google Translate on my native language (Sinhala).
Although there is an online portal ( where we can contribute to the translator by translating new phrases or validating existing translations, I would like to create my own, lightweight portal (maybe an Android app) for the contribution service. However, I was unable to find any public API for the translate contribution platform, despite a thorough Google search and a full search through the Google Translator Toolkit API forum (!categories/translator-toolkit-api) (which seems to have been closed down since the end of 2012).
Currently my best hope is to mimic the request-response sequence followed by the online portal itself. For example, the following request is used by the online portal to fetch a question list for manual translation:
However, it requires that all the related cookies are properly initialized and passed with the request, which would probably not be easy to mimic in a non-browser environment (such as an Android app). Hence I believe there's a better approach (maybe a yet undocumented API?) somewhere out there.
Does anyone know of any API for accessing this translation contribution feature?
Thanks in advance.
Please note: I am NOT looking for a way to improve Google Translate itself, but for contributing to the actual translation content as described under "How can I help?" in the Google Translate Community FAQ (
P.S. I was initially planning to post this question on the Web Apps Stack Exchange, but after reading this post I decided to first try it here.
I'm one of the engineers behind Translate Community and I'm really excited that you want to see it on more platforms. We're currently under active development of the site and making it more accessible on mobile platforms without having to create dedicated native apps.
For the time being, we don't anticipate releasing a public API as the platform is under active development. Until we do release a public API, please don't use any http commands you find to create a separate app. Instead, just let us know how we can make the app a better experience for you and we'll work on making it better.

Web-based REST API browser (explorer, navigator, rambler)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm teaching a lecture about APIs and would love to find a nice, free, Web-based tool to "browse" open REST APIs in a generic way, rendering XML and/or JSON payloads to the screen and speculatively turning anything that looks like a hyperlink into a hyperlink. So, for example, I could point it to:
and see a nicely-rendered version of the data with clickable links.
Anybody know of a useful resource?
The Apigee Console is great. It supports a number of predefined APIs and a generic mode for any API. Apigee has a nice snapshot feature where you can make a request and then send a link to anyone and they can view the request/response you made.
There is also Hurl but it isn't always working.
I really like the Chrome HTTP Dev Client for exploring REST API's. Works great!
I use XML Tree for Chrome.
Highlights and formats XML and has the option to turn URLs into links.
This is an interesting way to show web api's

Working example Coldfusion and Linkedin API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Has anyone managed to get the LinkedIn API working from within a coldfusion application?
There are some threads in the Linkedin Developer's community, but any actual working examples or complete code are missing.
In the end I'm looking for a solution to import LinkedIn profiles to our recruitment solution - and also fetch updated profiles regularly - ofcourse after the user gives us access to his/her profile.
Any help appreciated, especially with some kind of working setup (even if only basic)
Since ColdFusion can create and use Java objects, the easiest solution is to use a Java API to access LinkedIn. One option is linkedin-j.
I haven't found any evidence of a CF-based wrapper so unfortunately you're going to have to figure this part out.
You don't need to really know how Java works to use Java objects in ColdFusion; you just have to know what the classes are in the API in question and then create the necessary objects and then call the relevant functions. I assume linkedin-j offers some kind of .jar file. You need to add that to your classpath; there are plenty of resources on line on how to do this (if that link breaks, just search for coldfusion jar classpath). Then, figure out which object you need, create an instance of that object you need using CreateObject.
The getting started page talks about a LinkedInApiClientFactory object. You'd create this in ColdFusion by doing something like
<cfset factory = CreateObject('').newInstance(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue)>
<cfset client = factory.createLinkedInApiClient(accessTokenValue, tokenSecretValue)>
At which point you can use all of the functions available to the LinkedInApiClient, such as getProfileByUrl.
Use the documentation available at the linkedin-j site to find out about the functions you can call on the LinkedInApiClient, and work from there.

Platform Independent Tool for Creating API Documentation / Proposal [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What tools exist for developing platform indepedent API Documentation?
I'm in the process of designing a proposed API, and want to write documentation in a structured and easily editable way. A lot of the answers I've seen have basically been "Use built in language specific documentation tools", but since I'm designing the API from a 'top-level', rather than implementing it, this isn't so useful. I'm looking for a CMS for API Documentation
I've seen a few suggestions to use PBWiki or Confluence, but I'm not convinced that a plain wiki is the best option, though the version control aspects are nice.
In theory, a Drupal build with CCK for API calls and Views for reading the API, but that's a bit of heavy lifting for what I'm looking for.
Is there a API Documentation Management System out there? What are the best options for writing and managing platform-independent documentation for APIs?
I've seen the related questions for this, but there has yet to be a satisfactory answer.
Any structured text language will do. I'd use latex, and troff is old school.
But you may have missed the point of the suggestion to use doxygen or whatever. If you do that, then writing the documentation is also laying down the scaffold for the eventual implementation. Better still, the example documentation will be in the same format as the eventual real documentation and, you will--of course---use source control on it, won't you? So you'll have a potted history of changes to the spec.