Convert IHTMLDOMNode to HTMLAnchorElement -

In parseing a web page, the following function works fine when I run it locally:
Public Function GetElement(ByVal IHTMLDOMNode As mshtml.IHTMLDOMNode, ByVal InnerText As String) As mshtml.IHTMLElement
Dim objIHTMLAnchorElement As mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass
Dim s As String
s = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.TypeName(IHTMLDOMNode)
If s = "HTMLAnchorElementClass" Then
t = GetType(mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass)
objIHTMLAnchorElement = Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType(IHTMLDOMNode, t)
If objIHTMLAnchorElement.innerText.Trim() = InnerText Then
Return objIHTMLAnchorElement
End If
End if
' code that loks at child nodes and makes a recursive call
When it is deployed at the web host provider however, the same input results in the string s being "HTMLAnchorElement" instead of "HTMLAnchorElementClass".
If I change the code to
Dim objIHTMLAnchorElement As mshtml.HTMLAnchorElement
Dim s As String
s = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.TypeName(IHTMLDOMNode)
If s = "HTMLAnchorElement" Then
t = GetType(mshtml.HTMLAnchorElement)
objIHTMLAnchorElement = Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType(IHTMLDOMNode, t)
If objIHTMLAnchorElement.innerText.Trim() = InnerText Then
Return objIHTMLAnchorElement
End If
End if
I get an "The type must be __ComObject or be derived from __ComObject" error
What may be the cause of this behavior and/or what can I do about it?

Without understanding why (someone please shed light on this), the following works:
Dim objIHTMLAnchorElement As mshtml.HTMLAnchorElement
Dim s As String
s = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.TypeName(IHTMLDOMNode)
If s = "HTMLAnchorElement" Then
t = GetType(mshtml.HTMLAnchorElementClass)
objIHTMLAnchorElement = Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType(IHTMLDOMNode, t)
If objIHTMLAnchorElement.innerText.Trim() = InnerText Then
Return objIHTMLAnchorElement
End If
End if


YoBit tapi problems with authetincation

I am trying to write simple application for myself and when i try to call
getInfo method i always get a error into the response. Key, sign, method or nonce is incorrect. I found a number of examples but i still can't find mistake in my code. Could anyone help me with it?
The code works fine for hitbtc. I know yobit is a bit different but I think I have accomodate that.
My code:
Protected Shared Function readStrings(signatureheader As String, host As String, pathandQuery As String, post As String, secret As String, hasher As System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC, otherHeaders As Tuple(Of String, String)()) As String
hasher.Key = exchanges.getBytes(secret)
Dim url = host + pathandQuery ' url = ""
Dim wc = New CookieAwareWebClient()
Dim sigHash2 = ""
If post = "" Then
sigHash2 = CalculateSignature2(pathandQuery, hasher)
'post = "method=getInfo&nonce=636431012620"
sigHash2 = CalculateSignature2(post, hasher) 'sighash2= "ece0a3c4af0c68dedb1f840d0aef0fd5fb9fc5e808105c4e6590aa39f4643679af5da52b97d595cd2277642eb27b8a357793082007abe1a3bab8de8df24f80d2"
End If
wc.Headers.Add(signatureheader, sigHash2) ' SignatureHeader ="Sign"
Dim response = ""
For Each oh In otherHeaders ' otherHeaders =(0) {(Key, 98998BEEB8796455044F02E4864984F4)} System.Tuple(Of String, String)
wc.Headers.Add(oh.Item1, oh.Item2)
'- wc.Headers {Sign: ece0a3c4af0c68dedb1f840d0aef0fd5fb9fc5e808105c4e6590aa39f4643679af5da52b97d595cd2277642eb27b8a357793082007abe1a3bab8de8df24f80d2 Key: 98998BEEB8796455044F02E4864984F4 } System.Net.WebHeaderCollection
'url = ""
'post = "method=getInfo&nonce=636431012620"
If post = "" Then
response = wc.DownloadString(url)
response = wc.UploadString(url, post) 'response = response "{"success":0,"error":"invalid key, sign, method or nonce"}" String
End If
Return response
End Function
The code has been tested succesfully for hitbtc.
So the crypto part is correct. I put it here anyway for completeness
Protected Shared Function CalculateSignature2(text As String, hasher As System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC) As String
Dim siginhash = hasher.ComputeHash(exchanges.getBytes(text))
Dim sighash = exchanges.getString(siginhash)
Return sighash
End Function
for sanity check
This code works
Public Overrides Sub readbalances()
Dim response = readStrings("X-Signature", "", "/api/1/trading/balance?nonce=" + exchanges.getNonce().ToString + "&apikey=" + _apiKey, "", _secret, New System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512(), {})
End Sub
With yobit things are different. I got to use post instead of get. I got to add more headers. However, I think I have fixed that.
It doesn't work.
The python function for yobit API is this I just need to translate that to which I think I have done faithfully
API Call Authentication in Python ( Working PHP example )
I think the mistake is around here
request_url = "";
request_body = "method=TradeHistory&pair=ltc_btc&nonce=123";
signature = hmac_sha512(request_body,yobit_secret);
http_headers = {
response = http_post_request(request_url,request_body,http_headers);
result = json_decode(response.text);
There the stuff that I copied is method=getInfo&nonce=636431012620 which is what I put in post.
So that seems right.
Looks like it works.
I just need to change the nonce so that it's between 0 to 2^31
So this is the error
post = "method=getInfo&nonce=636431012620
The nonce shouldn't be that big. At most it should be
Also though not documented, I must add
content type as one of the header. This is the final solution
Dim nonce = exchanges.getNonce().ToString
Dim content = hashObject("", nonce, "method=getInfo&nonce=")
Dim sighash = computeSig(content)
Dim result = CookieAwareWebClient.downloadString1("", content, {New Tuple(Of String, String)("Key", _apiKey), New Tuple(Of String, String)("Sign", sighash), New Tuple(Of String, String)("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")})
So I added New Tuple(Of String, String)("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") as one of the headers
Protected Overridable Function computeSig(content As String) As String
Dim hasher = New System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_secret))
Return CalculateSignature2(content, hasher)
End Function
Public Shared Function CalculateSignature2(content As String, hasher As System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC) As String
Dim siginhash = hasher.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content))
Dim sighash = exchanges.getString(siginhash) 'convert bytes to string
Return sighash
End Function
Public Shared Function downloadString1(url As String, post As String, otherHeaders As Tuple(Of String, String)()) As String
Dim wc = New CookieAwareWebClient()
For Each oh In otherHeaders
wc.Headers.Add(oh.Item1, oh.Item2)
Dim response = String.Empty
If post = "" Then
response = wc.DownloadString(url)
response = wc.UploadString(url, post)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Dim a = 1
End Try
Return response
End Function

Dynamically Add UserControl to Form

I would like to dynamically add a usercontrol to a form in VB.Net. I will be pulling the UserControl name (String) from a database and if that UserControl exists in the project I would like it to be added to the form.
I know how to programmatically add usercontrols to a form, but I am not sure how when using a string for the name.
Dim userContName As UserControl = dtModules.Rows(k).Item("uc_Name")
I attempted this soultion
Public Sub LoadGroups()
dtModules = Tbl_GroupModulesTableAdapter1.GetDataBy_spGetModuleByGroup(grp.Name)
For k = 0 To dtModules.Rows.Count - 1
If grp.Name = dtModules.Rows(k).Item("Module_Group") Then
Dim fullyQualifiedClassName As String = dtModules.Rows(k).Item("Module_Name")
If fullyQualifiedClassName = Nothing Then
Dim o = fetchInstance(fullyQualifiedClassName)
Dim b = CType(o, Control)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function fetchInstance(ByVal fullyQualifiedClassName As String) As Object
Dim nspc As String = fullyQualifiedClassName.Substring(0, fullyQualifiedClassName.LastIndexOf("."c))
Dim o As Object = Nothing
For Each ay In Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies()
If (ay.Name = nspc) Then
o = Assembly.Load(ay).CreateInstance(fullyQualifiedClassName)
Exit For
End If
End Try
Return o
End Function
Ok got it to work with this;
Dim ucName As String = Projectname.UserControlName
Dim newType As Type = Type.[GetType](ucName, True, True)
Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(newType)
Once I got this it was pretty simple! thanks for the feedback!

query an exchange distribution list

I'm trying to find some code that I can use in 4.0 to query the our exchange 2013 server. It will be housed on a web server and that server does not have outlook installed on it. Looks like I need to use EWS to do this but I've tried a lot of code snippets and still have not been able to figure this out. The distribution list i'm trying to query is in the public folders/Office Contacts. I've tried examples that use nesting to go through the public folder seen there is no deep traversal but I'm not doing something right there. I am not posting code because i'm not sure it would help. I was hoping someone has already done this and would give me some nuggest of info to get me started.
The examples I've found do not query the distribution list but rather add to it. It's not that I haven't tried... I've got hundreds of lines of code from different places that I've tried and tried to learn from.. but i'm not getting it done. Anyway.. help would be great.
Sorry about not posting any code.. I actually thought I deleted this post.. but i'll post the code that is now working for me. This code does a query to the public folder and then grabs some of the data about each contact in that contact list.
Public Sub MS()
Dim oTheListS As New List(Of TheList)
Dim service As New ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1)
service.Credentials = New WebCredentials("userid", "password")
'Get Public Folder
Dim sf As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "Office Contacts")
Dim rrRes As FindFoldersResults = service.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot, sf, New FolderView(1))
Dim OfficeContacts As Folder = rrRes.Folders(0)
'Find the Distribution List
Dim dlSearch As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ContactGroupSchema.DisplayName, "Merit Board")
Dim ivItemView As New ItemView(1)
Dim fiResults As FindItemsResults(Of Item) = OfficeContacts.FindItems(dlSearch, ivItemView)
If fiResults.Items.Count = 1 Then
'Enumeate Members
Dim cg As ContactGroup = DirectCast(fiResults.Items(0), ContactGroup)
For Each gm As GroupMember In cg.Members
Dim o As New TheList
o = MS2(gm.AddressInformation.Address)
'Dim o As New TheList
'Dim ncCol As NameResolutionCollection = service.ResolveName(gm.AddressInformation.Address, ResolveNameSearchLocation.ContactsOnly, True)
'With o
' .Name = gm.AddressInformation.Name
' .Email = gm.AddressInformation.Address
'End With
End If
End Sub
Public Function MS2(pEmail As String) As TheList
Dim o As New TheList
Dim service As New ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1)
service.Credentials = New WebCredentials("userid", "password")
Dim sf As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "Office Contacts")
Dim rrRes As FindFoldersResults = service.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot, sf, New FolderView(1))
Dim OfficeContacts As Folder = rrRes.Folders(0)
'Find the Distribution List
Dim dlSearch As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ContactSchema.EmailAddress1, pEmail)
Dim ivItemView As New ItemView(1)
Dim fiResults As FindItemsResults(Of Item) = OfficeContacts.FindItems(dlSearch, ivItemView)
If fiResults.Items.Count = 1 Then
Dim con As Contact = fiResults.Items(0)
'Dim ncCol As NameResolutionCollection = service.ResolveName(gm.AddressInformation.Address, ResolveNameSearchLocation.ContactsOnly, True)
With o
If con.DisplayName IsNot Nothing Then
.Name = con.DisplayName
End If
Dim em As New EmailAddress
If con.EmailAddresses.TryGetValue(EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1, em) = True Then
.Email = con.EmailAddresses(EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1).ToString
End If
If con.JobTitle IsNot Nothing Then
.Title = con.JobTitle
End If
Dim phy As New PhysicalAddressEntry
If con.PhysicalAddresses.TryGetValue(PhysicalAddressKey.Business, phy) = True Then
.Address = con.PhysicalAddresses(PhysicalAddressKey.Business)
End If
If con.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone, String.Empty) = True Then
.PhoneBusiness = con.PhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone)
End If
If con.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone, String.Empty) = True Then
.PhoneMobile = con.PhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone)
End If
If con.CompanyName IsNot Nothing Then
.Comapny = con.CompanyName
End If
End With
End If
Return o
End Function
Public Class TheList
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Email As String
Public Property PhoneMobile As String
Public Property PhoneBusiness As String
Public Property Comapny As String
Public Property Title As String
Public Property Address As PhysicalAddressEntry
End Class
I just got it working so I haven't started to refine it yet.. but hopefully this will help someone else as I didn't find any code that did this

Matlab - Catia connection error

I need to set up live connection between Catia and Matlab so I can send parameters values to my parametric design in Catia and read some other parameters and measures.
This is my sollution:
First I create:
VB NET (*.dll)
Public Class CatiaLinkLibrary
Dim CATIA As Object
Dim rootproduct
Sub StartCatia()
CATIA = CreateObject("CATIA.Application")
End Sub
Sub CloseCatia()
End Sub
Sub Visible(ByRef mode As Integer)
If mode = 1 Or mode = 0 Then
CATIA.Visible = mode
End If
End Sub
Sub OpenFile(ByRef filename As String)
rootproduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product()
End Sub
Function GetMass() As Double
Return rootproduct.Analyze.Mass()
End Function
Function GetVolume() As Double
Return rootproduct.Analyze.Volume()
End Function
Function GetArea() As Double
Return rootproduct.Analyze.WetArea()
End Function
Function GetGravityCenter()
Dim gravitycenter(2)
GetGravityCenter = gravitycenter
End Function
Function GetIntertia()
Dim inertia(8)
GetIntertia = inertia
End Function
Sub ChangeParameter(ByRef parameterName As String, ByRef Value As Double)
Dim pd As Object
Dim part As Object
Dim parameters As Object
Dim length As Object
pd = CATIA.ActiveDocument
part = pd.Part
parameters = part.Parameters
length = parameters.Item(parameterName)
length.Value = Value
End Sub
Function GetParameter(ByRef parameterName As String) As Double
Dim pd As Object
Dim part As Object
Dim parameters As Object
Dim length As Object
pd = CATIA.ActiveDocument
part = pd.Part
parameters = part.Parameters
length = parameters.Item(parameterName)
Return length.Value()
End Function
Sub closeDoc(ByRef name As String)
Dim windows As Object
Dim window As Object
Dim doc As Object
windows = CATIA.Windows
window = windows.Item(name)
doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
End Sub
Sub activeDoc(ByRef name As String)
Dim windows As Object
Dim window As Object
Dim doc As Object
windows = CATIA.Windows
window = windows.Item(name)
doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
End Sub
Function GetArea2() As Double
Dim pd As Object
Dim part As Object
Dim bodys As Object
Dim body As Object
Dim spabench As Object
Dim mymeas As Object
pd = CATIA.ActiveDocument
part = pd.Part
bodys = part.Bodies
body = bodys.Item("PartBody")
spabench = pd.GetWorkbench("SPAWorkbench")
mymeas = spabench.GetMeasurable(body)
Return mymeas.Area
End Function
End Class
Then, in Matlab I have class that wraps around this *dll:
Matlab class:
classdef CatiaLink < handle
function obj = CatiaLink()
%modify this path to your .NET DLL
NET.addAssembly('C:\DOKTORAT\Modele Geometryczne\CatiaLinkLibrary\CatiaLinkLibrary\bin\Debug\CatiaLinkLibrary.dll');
obj.catia = CatiaLinkLibrary.CatiaLinkLibrary;
disp('Catia started')
function Visible(obj,mode)
function Quit(obj)
function Open(obj,filename)
function mass = GetMass(obj)
mass = obj.catia.GetMass;
function vol = GetVolume(obj)
vol = obj.catia.GetVolume;
function area = GetArea(obj)
area = obj.catia.GetArea;
function cog = GetCenterOfGravity(obj)
tmp = obj.catia.GetGravityCenter;
cog = [tmp(1),tmp(2),tmp(3)];
function inertia = GetInertia(obj)
tmp = obj.catia.GetIntertia;
inertia = [tmp(1), tmp(2), tmp(3); ...
tmp(4), tmp(5), tmp(6); ...
tmp(7), tmp(8), tmp(9)];
function setParameter(obj, parameterName, Value)
obj.catia.ChangeParameter(parameterName, Value);
function val = getParameter(obj, parameterName)
val = obj.catia.GetParameter(parameterName);
function closeDoc(obj, name)
function activeDoc(obj, name)
function area = getArea2(obj)
area = obj.catia.GetArea2;
So in my program I create Catia object by Catia = CatiaLink.
And than I use it like 10000 or even more times to set and get parameters.
Everything works just fine up to around couple thousand times and than I get error:
Error using CatiaLink/setParameter (line 42)
Message: No more threads can be created in the system. (Exception from
HRESULT: 0x800700A4)
Source: mscorlib
Can someone explain what is happening? And how to prevent this?
It looks like you're never calling Catia.Quit()

How can I get hourly weather forecast in

I've seen some questions similar to this on here, but none of them seem to help me. I don't really care what API is used, be it Google, Yahoo!, The Weather Channel, or any other. I've got code that will get the high and low of the current day, based on the location given by the user, but I can't seem to get the hourly predictions for temperature or weather condition, which is what I'm really looking for. I don't really care for wind speeds, humidity, or the "feels like" temperature, though I'll add them if I can figure out how to. I'm trying to get data that will look something like what is here. (
I'm pretty new to parsing XML so that may be part of my problem, too. Thanks in advance for any help. I greatly appreciate it.
I have something you might enjoy:
Module Weather
Public Structure WeatherInfo_Forecast
Dim DayOfWeek As String
Dim low As Double
Dim high As Double
Dim icon As String
End Structure
Public Structure WeatherInfo_Wind
Dim direction As String
Dim speed As Double
Dim unit As String
End Structure
Public Structure WeatherInfo_Typed
Dim Failed As Boolean
Dim errormessage As Exception
Dim location As String
Dim forcast_date As DateTime
Dim checked_time_date As DateTime
Dim humidity As Double
Dim highf As Double
Dim lowf As Double
Dim highc As Double
Dim lowc As Double
Dim currenttempC As Double
Dim currenttempF As Double
Dim predicted_icon As String
Dim current_icon As String
Dim current_condition As String
Dim predicted_condition As IEnumerable(Of WeatherInfo_Forecast)
Dim wind_condition As WeatherInfo_Wind
Dim day As String
End Structure
<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function ToC(ByVal F As Double) As Double
Return ((F - 32) / 9) * 5
End Function
<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function TryParseAsDouble(ByVal s As String) As Double
Dim rv As Double
If Double.TryParse(s, rv) = False Then rv = Double.NaN
Return rv
End Function
<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function TryParseAsDate(ByVal s As String) As DateTime
Dim rv As DateTime
If DateTime.TryParse(s, rv) = False Then rv = Nothing
Return rv
End Function
Private Function ParseHumidity(ByVal s As String) As Double
If Not s Is Nothing Then
Dim humRegEx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("Humidity: (?<Value>\d+)\w*\%")
Dim m = humRegEx.Match(s)
If m.Length = 0 Then Return Double.NaN
Return Double.Parse(m.Groups("Value").Value)
End If
End Function
Private Function ParseWind(ByVal s As String) As WeatherInfo_Wind
Dim rv As New WeatherInfo_Wind
If Not s Is Nothing Then
Dim humRegEx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("Wind\:\s+(?<Direction>[NEWSnews]{1,2})\s+at\s+(?<speed>(?<value>\d+)\s(?<units>\w+)){1}")
Dim m = humRegEx.Match(s)
rv.speed = Double.NaN
If m.Length = 0 Then Return rv
With rv
.direction = m.Groups("Direction").Value
If Double.TryParse(m.Groups("value").Value, .speed) = False Then .speed = Double.NaN
.unit = m.Groups("units").Value
End With
End If
Return rv
End Function
Public Function Grab_Weather(ByVal Location As String) As WeatherInfo_Typed
Dim GrabWeather As New WeatherInfo_Typed
With GrabWeather
.Failed = True
Dim xml As XDocument = XDocument.Load("" & Location)
Dim xp = xml.<problem_cause>
If xp.Any Then Return GrabWeather
.location = xml...<city>.#data
.forcast_date = xml...<forecast_date>.#data.TryParseAsDate
.checked_time_date = xml...<current_date_time>.#data.TryParseAsDate
.humidity = ParseHumidity(xml...<humidity>.#data)
.highf = xml...<high>.#data.TryParseAsDouble
.lowf = xml...<low>.#data.TryParseAsDouble
.highc = GrabWeather.highf.ToC
.lowc = GrabWeather.highc.ToC
.currenttempC = xml...<temp_c>.#data.TryParseAsDouble
.currenttempF = xml...<temp_f>.#data.TryParseAsDouble
'.current_icon = "" & xml...<icon>.#data
'.predicted_icon = "" & xml...<high>.#data
.current_condition = xml...<condition>.#data
.predicted_condition = From f In xml...<forecast_conditions> _
Select New WeatherInfo_Forecast With { _
.DayOfWeek = f.<day_of_week>.Value, _
.high = f.<high>.#data.TryParseAsDouble, _
.low = f.<low>.#data.TryParseAsDouble}
'.icon = "" & f.<icon>.#data}
.wind_condition = ParseWind(xml...<wind_condition>.#data)
.day = xml...<day_of_week>.#data
.Failed = False
Return GrabWeather
Catch ex As Exception
.errormessage = ex
Return GrabWeather
End Try
End With
End Function
End Module
I finally found what I was looking for from Weather Underground. They have three APIs, and, starting with the middle one, gives hourly forecasts for 36 hours. You get English and Metric predicted statistics for temperature, "feels like" temperature, dew point, wind speed, and wind direction. There's also wind chill and heat index, but every result for both in English and Metric was -9998, so I'm pretty sure those results are a bit off! Also there are qpf, snow, pop, and mslp. Unfortunately qpf and snow have not results and I'm not sure what pop and mslp are. All results are available in JSON and XML. They have some image requests, too, but I haven't looked into them yet.
Link Updated