How to change "activity in window" color in byobu - statusbar

Given the following byobu (with tmux backend) status bar, how can the window activity notification colors be adjusted? Since they are currently the same as the "active" window, it is difficult to tell the difference.

Sure! You can set it like this, in your ~/.byobu/.tmux.conf:
set -g window-status-activity-bg red
For a complete list of color options, refer to tmux.1 and specifically its OPTIONS section
Full disclosure: I am the author and maintainer of Byobu.


how to make the editor gutter show lines changes against another branch, such as origin/main?

As shown in the screen cap below, the gutter to the left of the editor shows line numbers and color indicators for which lines have changed (and what kind of change):
It shows the changes against the current HEAD.
How could I make it show changes against another branch, such as main or even a remote branch such as origin/main?
For example, if the same change was already made on origin/mainline, I want no color indicator to show at all.
Thank you!!!!!
You can do this with the Git Scope plugin
It adds a Git Scope tool window that looks much like the built-in Git tool window (or the Commit tool window if you have the Git non-modal interface enabled). In the Git Scope window you can select a different branch to be the basis of file change indictors:
Not only that:
If you click on the color indicators, you can see the actual diff against the chosen branch.
The Git Scope window shows all changed files against the chosen branch (much like the built-in git window shows all changed files against HEAD).
As with the built-in window, you can right click on any file to or press ⌘D to see a full diff, or the Show Diff button to iterate over all file changes.
In fact, as far as I can tell, Git-Scope changes the diff context for even the built-in commands for showing the diff of the currently open file.
The Git Scope window has a toggle button to conveniently switch back and forth between normal mode (diffs against HEAD) and the Git Scope mode.

Remove PhpStorm blue tab underline

How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.

Textexpander 5 optional section keyboard shortcut

I'm using TextExpander 5. Is it possible to use a keyboard instead of a mouse then working with a popup window with importing choices? Like, if I don't want to include a section I'd rather use my keyboard to uncheck a checkbox then reaching out for a mouse.
Actually completed such task by using Mac OS X built-in ability to TAB focusing on non-inputable UI elements.
You can change it at System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.
At a bottom of a window you will found «Full Keyboard Access». This guy will help you to do that I was hoping to get (and finally got).
If you are interested in following my adventures on this, go here
tldr version of the link above;
Found somewhat "almost-there" solution. I can check current status of this option by typing in terminal:
defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
It will return 0 (off) or 2 (on) dependent of current setting.
Right now, I'm using Keyboard Maestro Macro for doing this.

Multiple "right margins" or guides in PHPStorm

PHPStorm has a vertical line on what they call the "right margin" which is set by default to 120 characters or columns...
Given that PSR standards state There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length; the soft limit MUST be 120 characters; lines SHOULD be 80 characters or less., it'd be nice if I could get another visual indicator at the 80 character mark...
I'm well aware that it says what line/column you're on in the status bar, but I typically hide most panels (status bar included) while coding.
Therefore, is there a way (feature or plugin) that would allow me to add a 2nd vertical line to indicate the 80th column?
It is not currently possible .. and no plugin comes into my mind. -- star/vote/comment to get notified on progress.
P.S. Considering that this is rather PHP/Python specific (other languages do not care about this) .. I would not expect JB to have it implemented in nearest future...
I suggest the following workaround, it works for me on PhpStorm 9.0:
Open Settings page (usually Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Plugins -> Browse Repositories
Find and install BackgroundImage plugin
Restart IDE, it may output an error, something like "unknown protocol d" - don't worry, go forth
Make an image with height=1px, and width=(desired width of additional margin). Give it, say, white background and paint one rightmost pixel to say, black. I took a screenshot of an editor and cropped it in PS, to avoid annoying search and adjustment of the image width. Every change of background image requires to restart PhpStorm.
Open Settings again, goto Other settings -> BackgroundImage
Set Enabled checkbox, browse your created image, and check the FileSystem radio button
Restart IDE again and change the margin and you will get two margins
The image is left-aligned, so when you resize an editor on x-axis (move the splitter between Editor and Project View or File System View, etc.), the margin will remain truthy.
Some side-effects - it appears also on console window, event log, perhaps somewhere else.
If the plugin doesn't work, check out this page (there said that most JetBrains plugins should work on all products on IntelliJ Platform, and some workaround if they does not):
ADDED: Doesn't work with scaling an editor (Ctrl + MouseWheel) - the scale of the image (fake margin), remains the same and the margin becomes not truthy.
In the latest PHPStorm, this is now possible. This would be PHPStorm 2017.3. The instructions on the ticket mentioned in the accepted answer explains it quite well:
Will be available in the next EAP build. You can set it up at
Settings|Editor|Code Style|Visual guides for all languages or on
"Wrapping and Braces" tab for a specific language ("Other" tab for
XML/HTML). You can change the visual indent guide color at
Settings|Editor|Color Scheme|General|Guides|Visual guides. Please
submit separate reports if you find any problems.
I personally found the setting in Settings|Editor|Code Style|PHP|Wrapping and Braces|Visual guides. It should be there for every language.

Is there a way to dynamically update a window name in Gnu Screen?

I want to Gnu Screen to dynamically rename the current Screen window after the current directory. Is there any way to get Screen to do this? If it requires patching the source, I'd like to know that's the only option.
This is indeed seems to be possible, check out Automagic screen window titles and Dynamic Titles section from the screen manual.
This function will give you a command call title which you can then use to change the screen window title.
title() { printf $'\ek%s\e\\' "$1"; }
If you're using a decent shell (like zsh) you have precmd and prexec hooks from which you can run any command before and after a prompt. I suggest you use these to update the window title.
Patched the above together from info found on: GNU Screen: Title Examples
(Sorry, brief answer, I'm in a bit of a hurry and might expand this later.)