Processing XML Hierarchy with MS SQL - sql

How would I specify the following XML Hierarchy into readable columns in Microsoft SQL?
<transaction id=1>
<item id=1>
<item id=2>
<item id=1>
for instance
x.i.value('(????)','Varchar(max)') [TransId]
x.i.value('(????)','Varchar(max)') [ItemId]
x.i.value('(????)','Varchar(max)') [PriceId]
from #xml.nodes('/transaction') x(i)
Thanks in advance.

Attribute values must always appear in quotation marks in XML.
Not sure about the desired output. An example would be:
declare #xml xml
Select #xml=
'<transaction id="1">
<item id="1">
<item id="2">
<item id="1">
y.value('../#id','int') as TransactionID,
y.value('#id','int') as ItemID,
y.value('(./price/text())[1]', 'Varchar(max)') as Price
FROM #xml.nodes('/transaction/item') as x(y)
order by TransactionID,ItemID
with the output:
NULL 1 3
1 1 1
1 2 2

Actually usually it's faster to shred XML from parent to child using apply, like this:
t.c.value('#id','int') as TransId,
i.c.value('#id','int') as ItemId,
i.c.value('(price/text())[1]', 'int') as PriceId
from #xml.nodes('transaction') as t(c)
outer apply t.c.nodes('item') as i(c)
order by TransId, ItemID
sql fiddle demo


Save XML with attribute to Table in SQL Server

Hi I have XML data with attribute as input for SQL, i need this to be inserted in my table.
XML Data is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<GUID GUID="kfafb30" SUBMITDATE="2015-10-15 11:30:29" ID="1">
<ERROR SEQ="1" CODE="28681" />
<GUID GUID="kfafb3" SUBMITDATE="2015-10-15 11:30:29" ID="1">
<ERROR SEQ="2" CODE="286381" />
I want this to be inserted in below Format
kfafb3 2015-10-15 11:30:29 1 1 28681
kfafb3 2015-10-15 11:30:29 1 1 2868
please help.
Look into XPath and xml Data Type Methods in MSDN. This is one possible way :
declare #xml As XML = ' XML string here...'
guid.value('#GUID', 'varchar(100)') as 'GUID'
,guid.value('#SUBMITDATE', 'datetime') as 'SUBMIT DATE'
,guid.value('#ID', 'int') as 'ID'
,guid.value('ERROR[1]/#SEQ', 'int') as 'SEQ'
,guid.value('ERROR[1]/#CODE', 'int') as 'CODE'
FROM #xml.nodes('/MESSAGEACK/GUID') as x(guid)
Result :
just paste this into an empty query window and execute. Adapt to your needs:
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<GUID GUID="kfafb30" SUBMITDATE="2015-10-15 11:30:29" ID="1">
<ERROR SEQ="1" CODE="28681" />
<GUID GUID="kfafb3" SUBMITDATE="2015-10-15 11:30:29" ID="1">
<ERROR SEQ="2" CODE="286381" />
SELECT Msg.Node.value('#GUID','varchar(max)') AS [GUID] --The value is no GUID, if the original values are, you could use uniqueidentifier instead of varchar(max)
,Msg.Node.value('#SUBMITDATE','datetime') AS SUBMITDATE
,Msg.Node.value('#ID','int') AS ID
,Msg.Node.value('(ERROR/#SEQ)[1]','int') AS [ERROR SEQ]
,Msg.Node.value('(ERROR/#CODE)[1]','int') AS CODE
FROM #xml.nodes('/MESSAGEACK/GUID') AS Msg(Node)

Querying XML data in SQL Server 2012

I have a database that has a table Parameters_XML with columns.
id, application, parameter_nr flag, value
The parameter_nr is for example 1 and the value for that parameter is the following:
<Item id="341" flags="1">
<Item id="342" flags="1">
<Item id="2196" flags="1">
I need to retrieve the values for all the applications where the item is 341, 342 and 2196.
Eg: for the application 1 the value for the item 341 is 2 and so on.
I have written the following query:
SELECT cast (value as XML).value('data(/Root/Row/Item[#id="431"],')
FROM Parameters_Xml x
WHERE parameter_nr = 1
I get the following error:
Msg 174, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
The value function requires 2 argument(s).
Why my query is not valid?
Try someting like this:
CAST(x.Value AS XML).value('(/Root/Row/Item[#id="341"]/Str)[1]', 'nvarchar(100)')
FROM dbo.Parameters_Xml x
WHERE parameter_nr = 1
You're telling SQL Server to go find the <Item> node (under <Root> / <Row>) with and id=341 (that what I'm assuming - your value in the question doesn't even exist) and then get the first <Str> node under <Item> and return that value
Also: why do you need CAST(x.Value as XML) - if that column contains only XML - why isn't it defined with datatype XML to begin with? If you have this, you don't need any CAST ...
SET #str = '<Root>
<Item id="341" flags="1">
<Item id="342" flags="1">
<Item id="2196" flags="1">
-- if you want specific values then
xmlData.Col.value('#id','varchar(max)') Item
,xmlData.Col.value('(Str/text())[1]','varchar(max)') Value
FROM #str.nodes('//Root/Row/Item') xmlData(Col)
where xmlData.Col.value('#id','varchar(max)') = 342
--if you want all values then
xmlData.Col.value('#id','varchar(max)') Item
,xmlData.Col.value('(Str/text())[1]','varchar(max)') Value
FROM #str.nodes('//Root/Row/Item') xmlData(Col)
--where xmlData.Col.value('#id','varchar(max)') = 342
Edit After CommentIf i query my db: select * from parameters_xml where parameter_nr = 1 i will receive over 10000 rows, each row is like the following: Id app param value 1 1 1 11 I need for all the 10000 apps to retrieve the item id and the value from the XML value - like you did for my eg.
-- declare temp table
declare #temp table
(val xml)
insert into #temp values ('<Root>
<Item id="341" flags="1">
<Item id="342" flags="1">
<Item id="2196" flags="1">
insert into #temp values ('<Root>
<Item id="3411" flags="1">
<Item id="3421" flags="1">
<Item id="21961" flags="1">
xmlData.Col.value('#id','varchar(max)') Item
,xmlData.Col.value('(Str/text())[1]','varchar(max)') Value
FROM #temp AS T
outer apply T.val.nodes('/Root/Row/Item') as xmlData(Col)
Try this:
select cast (value as
data type is 2nd parameter.

Pull out Attributes from TSQL XML

I have the following XML:
<item field="field1" help="helptext" />
<item field="field2" help="helptext" />
<item field="field3" help="helptext" />
I have this stored in an XML DataType in SQL server and would like to pull out the fields and help text seperately. I.e a results set similar to:
| field1 | helptext |
| field2 | helptext |
| field3 | helptext |
Does anybody know how to achieve this?
Kindest Regards,
DECLARE #xml AS XML = '<help>
<item field="field1" help="helptext" />
<item field="field2" help="helptext" />
<item field="field3" help="helptext" />
select c.value('#field', 'varchar(max)') field, c.value('#help', 'varchar(max)') help
from #xml.nodes('/help/item') T(c);
To achieve the same when xml data is in a table field use:
SELECT c.value('#field', 'varchar(max)') field, c.value('#help', 'varchar(max)') help
FROM MyTable A CROSS APPLY A.MyXmlField.nodes('/help/item') T(c)
Where MyTable is the table with field MyXmlField containing xml data.
See if following helps:
DECLARE #processedXmlDoc int
DECLARE #inputDoc varchar(1000)
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument #processedXmlDoc OUTPUT, #inputDoc
FROM OPENXML (#processedXmlDoc , '/help/item',1)
WITH (field varchar(20) 'field',
help varchar(20) 'helpText')
EXECUTE sp_xml_removedocument #idoc
Hope that helps.
Try something like this:
DECLARE #input XML = '<help>
<item field="field1" help="helptext" />
<item field="field2" help="helptext" />
<item field="field3" help="helptext" />
Field = Item.value('#field', 'varchar(25)'),
HELP = Item.value('#help', 'varchar(50)')
#input.nodes('/help/item') AS XTbl(Item)

SQL Server XML Column - Result free of Concat

I have an xml column in my SQL Server database that has records in the following format
<data alias="Number">123N</data>
<data alias="Description">4 Feed Through Terminal block in Grey colour</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">100</data>
<data alias="Number">234N</data>
<data alias="Description">Toy</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">100</data>
<data alias="Number">579N</data>
<data alias="Description">Doll</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">100</data>
<data alias="Catalouge Number">234</data>
<data alias="Description">Vehicle</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">324234</data>
So to extract the data here I use:
CAST(xml as xml).query('//data alias=''Description'']').value('.','nvarchar(225)') [Description],
CAST(xml as xml).query('//data [#alias=''Catalouge Number'']')
CAST(xml as xml).query('//data [#alias=''Standard Packing Quantity'']').value('.','nvarchar(225)')[StdPackingQty]
from [dbo].[cmsContentXml] )as hierarchy
Where CatalogueNo is not null
The problem I face is that the data that is extracted is all concatenated.
I need data in separate rows for each item,so the data needs to be in 3
columns and 4 rows.
Kindly help me resolve the issue asap and help write a query that would fetch data
free of concat
You can use Cross Apply to breakdown the XML into separate data rows, and pull the data from those:
from (
i.value('data[#alias="Description"][1]','nvarchar(225)') [Description],
i.value('data[#alias="Catalouge Number"][1]','nvarchar(225)') [CatalogueNo],
i.value('data[#alias="Standard Packing Quantity"][1]','nvarchar(225)') [StdPackingQty]
from [Connectwell].[dbo].[cmsContentXml]
cross apply xml.nodes('/items/item') x(i)
) as hierarchy
--Where CatalogueNo is not null
Note: I've remmed out the where clause at the end as it will reduce you to just one row, whereas the question state you want 4 rows as the result.
If you know that the order of your elements always are the same you can use position() to get the values:
select X.N.value('data[1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Number,
X.N.value('data[2]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Descritpion,
X.N.value('data[3]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Quanatity
from #T as T
cross apply T.XMLColumn.nodes('/items/item') as X(N)
Otherwise you need to get the value using alias. Your fourth row has an alias "Catalouge Number" that is different from the other rows so you can either have that as a separate column:
select X.N.value('data[#alias="Number"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Number,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Catalouge Number"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as CatalougeNumber,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Description"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Descritpion,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Standard Packing Quantity"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Quanatity
from #T as T
cross apply T.XMLColumn.nodes('/items/item') as X(N)
Or you can combine the two in the same column:
select X.N.value('data[#alias=("Number","Catalouge Number")][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Number,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Description"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Descritpion,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Standard Packing Quantity"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Quanatity
from #T as T
cross apply T.XMLColumn.nodes('/items/item') as X(N)
Your where clause can be added to the queries like this:
where X.N.exist('data[#alias="Catalouge Number"]') = 1
Or if you want to check against both number aliases:
where X.N.exist('data[#alias=("Number","Catalouge Number")]') = 1
Test data:
declare #T table(XMLColumn xml)
insert into #T values
<data alias="Number">123N</data>
<data alias="Description">4 Feed Through Terminal block in Grey colour</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">100</data>
<data alias="Number">234N</data>
<data alias="Description">Toy</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">100</data>
<data alias="Number">579N</data>
<data alias="Description">Doll</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">100</data>
<data alias="Catalouge Number">234</data>
<data alias="Description">Vehicle</data>
<data alias="Standard Packing Quantity">324234</data>
I see that you cast your XML column to XML. That is not necessary if the column already is of data type XML so I guess you have a varchar(max) or something in there. If so you need to do like this to cast the to XML before applying .nodes() function:
select X.N.value('data[#alias=("Number","Catalouge Number")][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Number,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Description"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Descritpion,
X.N.value('data[#alias="Standard Packing Quantity"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Quanatity
from #T as T
cross apply (select cast(XMLColumn as xml)) as X1(XMLColumn)
cross apply X1.XMLColumn.nodes('/items/item') as X(N)
where X.N.exist('data[#alias=("Number","Catalouge Number")]') = 1
Edit 2
select xml.value('data[#alias=("Number","Catalouge Number")][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Number,
xml.value('data[#alias="Description"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Descritpion,
xml.value('data[#alias="Standard Packing Quantity"][1]', 'nvarchar(255)') as Quanatity
from [dbo].[cmsContentXml] as Hierarchy
cross apply (select cast(xml as xml)) as X1(xml)
cross apply X1.xml.nodes('/items/item') as xml(N)
where xml.N.exist('data[#alias=("Number","Catalouge Number")]')=1

SQL Query which deletes an attribute in XML

I have column of XML type.There's a xml like this
<item type="xxx"><items>
<item type="xxx"><items>
I need to delete all type attributes. I know oracle has some functions for xml manipulation, but I don't get how to delete attributes.
How would such query look like ?
Here is an example using the Oracle supplied SQL function deletexml
Acknowledgement to Jonas Lincoln as I am using his XPATH expression
SELECT deleteXML(xmltype.CREATEXML('<items>
<item type="xxx">a</item>
<item type="xxx">b</item>
FROM dual
declare #xml as xml
set #xml = '
<item type="xxx">3</item>
<item type="xxx">4</item>
SET #xml.modify('delete (/items/item[#type="xxx"]/#type)')
select cast(#xml as nvarchar(100))