What happened to control arrays - vb.net

Few years ago I used to program with Visual Basic 6, I was able to create objects with the same name, then differ them by the index.
for example, we can create TextBox1 and another TextBox1 but with a different index.
now this feature is not available anymore!
Currently, I'm using Visual Studio 2012.
Is there anyway to manipulate VS2012 to enable that feature again, or is there something similar to it, because it was really helpful.

The easier way to accomplish a similar thing today is to place all of these controls in a common parent control. This parent could be a groupbox, a panel, or even the form itself.
So if, say, all of the checkboxes on your form need to be indexed, with no exception, you don't have to do anything special. If just one checkbox is different, you need that checkbox to have a different parent control than your indexed checkboxes. In this case, you could layer a panel control under the checkbox group, or you can layer a panel control under the single checkbox that is different. Either will work.
Later on, you will still not be able to access these checkboxes by index, but you will be able to treat them as a collection. Here's how you can do that:
For Each box As CheckBox In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Checkbox)()
'Do something with each checkbox
Or if you want to know which ones are checked:
Dim checkedBoxes As IEnumerable(Of Checkbox) = Me.Controls.OfType(Of Checkbox)().Where(Function(b) b.Checked)
If you really want an array of the checkboxes, you can use this technique to get one. Just put code like this in your form's load event:
Dim checkBoxes() CheckBox = Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)().OrderBy(Function(b) b.Name).ToArray()

It's horrible painful now.
MSDN covers this subject now: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa289500%28v=vs.71%29.aspx
Long live VB6!


How to know if the item of a TabControl is a listbox?

I was thinking on something like:
If TabControl1.Controls.Item(1) = ListBox Then
End If
Anyway to get if the item is a ListBox or a Button or something like that ?
There are two obvious ways can test the class of an Object.
If you want to know if the object is literally a ListBox, and nothing else, you can do:
If myObject.GetType() = GetType(ListBox) Then
If you want to know if the object is a ListBox or is inheriting from ListBox at some point (I often use this form since a lot of the controls I use at work are wrapped into proprietary class):
If TypeOf myObject Is ListBox Then
There's not a "better method" between the two, it depends on what you're doing and what you need to know.
Now, in your specific case, there's something important that G3nt_M3caj pointed out: all the controls in the TabControl1.Controls collection will be of the TabPage class. You probably want to test a control from a specific TabPage, so you'll have to find it through your stuff, making sure that you don't create instability with nullPointerExceptions or the like. I gave you the mean to test your objects, but you'll still have to apply these tools to your current situation (which I have not enough info about to help much).

Vba activate grid control as additional control

I want to add control to user GUI that would represent excel like table but I cannot find additional control that would do that. Control like that would be used for easier data entry.
I believe that VBA has control like that and I am missing something obvious.
Does anyone know where to activate control like that?
If you have VB6 installed then, this should work:
Microsoft Flex Grid Control
However, if you do not have (vb6) then, another option is to create one yourself by dynamically adding controls to your UserForm (such as a textbox) and then tracking those object. It would take some work, but it would be an option.

retrieving controls from database

I am creating an application which requires dynamically loaded controls (to be precise buttons). These buttons are exactly the same, therefore the problem is not creating controls programatically, but making them work somehow. Each button should open a form, the form is being based on some data from the button. I'd like to have all the buttons use one event handler and open forms accordingly to the data it contains. Is there any way to do so? I don't know the types of these forms yet, therefore I can't use pre-defined "select case" or anything that would limit possibilities.
Another problem is that I would like to have some of the forms (modules) being "installed" independently. Is there any way to make that possible? I believe that could be completed using dlls, but I'm not sure. Is there any information on that, I've been looking for that for a while, but found nothing.
Regarding your first problem: You can create buttons in code; the answers to the following question should be enough to get you started (it's C#, but the principle is the same):
How to add Buttons in WinForm in Runtime?
In a nutshell:
Read your button configuration data from the database (or configuration file or whatever),
add the buttons to your user interface (see above),
use AddHandler to add an event handler to each of the buttons. For example:
AddHandler myButton.Click, Sub(sender, e)
' Do something
End Sub
(Regarding your second question: 1. It is unclear to me what you are asking and 2. you shouldn't ask two questions in the same SO question. I suggest that you open a new SO question for that and try to explain your requirement more clearly.)
Maybe i have not understand well your answer... But for your buttons:
1) Create a custom control, inheriting the Button control, and add the properties used for the creation of your forms.
2) In the Sub referenced by your eventHandler, the first argument is the control (the button) who raises the event, so you can use it's own properties to create your forms...
Adding to Heinzi's post:
Keep a list of the button names you created for use with AddHandler().
This code isn't exactly on point but it shows how the AddHandler() can be used at runtime:
' hook TextChanged/CheckedChanged for dirty logic
Dim chk As CheckBox
Dim rdo As RadioButton
For Each c As Control In FormDataControls
If c.Name.StartsWith("chk") Then
chk = c
AddHandler chk.CheckedChanged, AddressOf SetDirty
ElseIf c.Name.StartsWith("rdo") Then
rdo = c
AddHandler rdo.CheckedChanged, AddressOf SetDirty
AddHandler c.TextChanged, AddressOf SetDirty
End If
FormDataControls is my list of controls to target. In my case I use the Tag property to designate data controls.

Print ListBox Control Contents

I have a listbox control (in a WinForms application) that lists a bunch of statistics about records selected from a database.
Is there an easy way using VB .NET to take the contents of this listbox and send it all to the printer, or at least have one of those standard windows print dialogs come up, prompting the user for which printer to send the listbox contents to? Doesn't have to be fancy or anything.
You can take a look here:
The first answer has a solution for printing a panel in Winforms that should be applicable to your situation.
Take a look at this MSDN article:
If you can't use the method shown in the other question, you can always handle the PrintPage event of the PrintDocument object. Particularly look at the pd_PrintPage sub in that example, as it is the sub that handles the PrintPage event. You should be able to modify that sub to use the contents of your ListBox. You will iterate through your ListBox and "draw" each string onto the ev.Graphics object. The only tricky part is deciding how much will fit on one page, but the example covers that also.

WPF User Control is causing Out of Memory Exception

Looking for a free spell checking solution, I thought I was so smart in doing this but I guess not.
I have created a windows form based application and I want the form to add a user specified amount of user controls (with textboxes) on to a panel. The user can then click some button and the controls on this panel are cleared and new ones are added. The user does something and the process is repeated. Now, I wanted these textboxes to support spell checking and looked all over for a free solution.
WPF textboxes support spell checking where the ones in regular win forms do not. I thought I would be able to use these WPF textboxes by adding them to an ElementHost object which is, in turn, within a panel. This panel would be a user control.
So, in my application, I would be able to add instances of these user controls onto the form and make use of .NET's spell checking goodness. This actually worked but after using the application for a while, found that the application would eventually freeze on me due to out of memory errors. I have pinpointed the memory errors to these WPF controls since this problem does not happen with normal textboxes.
When the window is opened and the number of controls is specified, this is pretty much how the controls are added:
Dim xOffset As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To theNumber
Dim myUserControl As New SpecialUserControl()
myUserControl.Location = New Point(7, 7)
myUserControl.Location = New Point(xOffset, 7)
xOffset = xOffset + 207
Note that:
myPanel is a panel on a form
SpecialUserControl is the user control with WPF textbox (within an ElementHost object)
When the user pressed a button, the panel is cleared:
The user can then repeat the process.
There are a lot of results on the internet when I tried to find a solution and I'm thinking that the problem I am having is due to the fact that the WPF control is not going away even after clearing the panel. Following this conclusion, I have tried different solutions regarding disposing these controls or setting them to nothing but the memory problem keeps occurring. If someone could give me some advice or ideas here, I'd really appreciate it.
I've decided that this may just be due to the fact that these user controls are being created faster than they can be collected. I've changed the program so that it doesn't create any of these special user controls if it isn't necessary. The program works fine with a more manageable number of WPF controls.