Use and Access Global/Extern Variables in Objective C - objective-c

I know this question has been asked a billion times, but my particular question hasn't been answered. So sorry about the repetitiveness.
So I know how to declare and define extern variables (correct me if I'm wrong):
in foo.h file:
extern NSString *foo;
in foo.m file:
NSString *foo = #"fooey";
But then say I want to access/change the variable in the hoo.m file. How would I do that?

In .h
#interface SOViewController : UIViewController{
NSString * variable;
in .m you can set it wherever.
For example, viewDidLoad.
You can also declare this in the .m file by putting the declaration
#interface SOViewController(){
NSString * variable;
// #property (strong, nonatomic) NSString * myString; might be appropriate here instead
Before the #implementation.
Ideally, since this is object-oriented programming, though, best practice would be to make the string a property of the class.
If you are really set on the extern keyword here is a stackoverflow post on how to use it Objective C - How to use extern variables?
The question came down to how to pass variables around. You can look at this article How to pass prepareForSegue: an object to see an example of how to do that with seguing.


Simple Class Extension / Inheritance Clarification

I've been writing Objective-C for a few years now, and decided to go back and learn the very basics to help me write even better code. I'm trying to learn all about instance variables, inheritance and class extensions. I've been reading up on all three, but there is one thing that boggles my mind. I have a simple app that contains 2 classes, Person, Male (inherits from Person), and of course Main (which imports the Male class, therefore being able to access the instance variables found in both Person and Male).
The code is simple, and for the sake of space I won't post all of it. Basically Main takes these variables and plays around with them. This is the part that is boggling my mind:
#interface Person : NSObject {
float heightInMeters;
int weightInKilos;
#property float heightInMeters;
#property int weightInKilos;
When I delete the brackets and variable declarations, leaving it like this:
#interface Person : NSObject
#property float heightInMeters;
#property int weightInKilos;
The code still inherits and executes just fine.
1. What is the point of even declaring them there in the first place if we can just create two properties?
2. why create two instance variables AND properties to correspond with them?
3. I know that we can declare the variables in the .m instead to keep them private to the class and everything that subclasses it. like this:
#implementation Person {
float heightInMeters;
int weightInKilos;
What is the difference here? I feel like I'm missing a lot of basics. Is there a simplistic way of putting this all in perspective?
When you declare a #property, the compiler will automatically synthesize the variable prefixed with an underscore, a getter method, and a setter method.
#interface MyClass ()
#property(strong, nonatomic) NSString *myString;
In this example the compiler would syhtnesize the variable as _myString, the getter as
-(NSString *)myString
and the setter as
-(void)setMyString:(NSString *)string
The keywords after "#property" (strong, nonatomic) define the property's attributes. strong, the default, implies ownership, meaning that in this case MyClass instances will essentially be responsible for the retain/release of their respective myString objects. nonatomic means the variable is not guaranteed to always be a valid value in a multithreaded environment, for example if the getter is called at the same time as the setter.
Additionally, the compiler will treat dot syntax used to retrieve/set instance variables as calls to the appropriate getter/setter methods. Therefore, given an instance of MyClass
MyClass *exampleClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
Both of the following are equivalent statements:
NSString *string1 = example.myString; // dot syntax
NSString *string1 = [example myString]; // explicit call to the getter method
For further reading, take a look at Apple's Programming with Objective-C Guide.
As for your specific questions:
1. What is the point of even declaring them there in the first place if we can just create two properties?
It's actually not a good idea to declare variables explicitly as public variables in your MyClass.h file (or in most other cases). Instead, declaring them as properties automatically creates a private variable (and accessor methods), making adhering to OOP best practices a little easier. So there is no point in declaring
// MyClass.h
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *myString // public variables not good
Also because of what I stated above regarding dot syntax, if you use self.myString internally in MyClass.m or instanceOfMyClass.myString externally, the public variable myString will never even be touched because the synthesized variable is named _myString.
2. Why create two instance variables AND properties to correspond with them?
See above--you don't need two instance variables, only one.
3. I know that we can declare the variables in the .m instead to keep them private to the class and everything that subclasses it. What is the difference here? I feel like I'm missing a lot of basics. Is there a simplistic way of putting this all in perspective?
If you declare your variables privately in the #implementation part of your .m file, the compiler won't be able to help you by synthesizing the getters and setters. Even as private methods, getters and setters can help reduce complexity in your code, for example checking for the validity of variable values. (Note: you can override accessor methods.)
// MyClass.m
#interface MyClass () // private interface
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *myString;
#implementation MyClass {
// no more need for private variables!
// compiler will synthesize NSString *_myString and accessors
-(void)setMyString:(NSString *)string { // overwrite setter
// no empty strings allowed in our object (for the sake of example)
NSAssert([string length] > 0, #"String must not be empty");
// assign private instance variable in setter
_myString = string;
This way, even when you subclass MyClass, the subclass will inherit the getter and setter methods that were synthesized for us by the compiler.

Objective-C propreties and private variable

I'm a debutant to objective-c and I don't understand something.
I practiced c++ so some practices are not instinctif ..
#implementation Car {
// Private instance variables
double _odometer;
Why a private attribute is in the .m file ?
#interface Car : NSObject {
// Protected instance variables (not recommended)
#property (copy) NSString *model;
a)It seems model is declared like an attribute, but why it's not recommended to do it in the #interface ?
b) why the drive method is not in the interface ?
What if i'm not use function allocation for exemple for a NString and initialise it directly with #"..." ?
I don't understand the difference between + and - before method declaration too..
Thanks in advance
1.>Why a private attribute is in the .m file
Why not? Everything that is declared inside *.m is private because *.m file could not be imported (included) somewhere. In objective C you can declare instance variables in both files - *.h and *.m
2.a Recommended way is to use accessors (#properties in Objective C). For each property setter, getter and instance variable are generated. Default names for
#property (copy)NSString *str;
- (void)setStr:(NSString*)obj; // setter
- (NSString*)str; //getter
NSString *_str; //instance variable
You can modify accessors names
#property (copy, setter = NewSetterName, getter = NewGetterName )NSString *str;
and instance variable name (should be done #implementation section)
#synthesize str = _newStingInstanceVariable;
Ofcource you can rewrite setters and getters that are generated by default.
2.b Interface is everything between #implementation and #end. {} area after #interface - is a place were you can declare instance variables.
3.It is ok for NSStrings
NSString *str = #"some text";
but for most classes it will not work as you expect:
NSMutableString *str = #"some text";
// You will receive warning here! And str will be NSString, not NSMutableString
4."+" - class methods (static in C++), "-" - instance methods.
There's a general principle in programming that you should make the smallest possible amount of information available to the outside. Anything that's in the .h file, anyone in the world can see, access, and mess up. If there's something wrong with an _odometer and it is in the header file, you have to go through all of your source code to find if something is using it wrong. If it's only in the .m file, you know that if there's a problem, it is in the .m file.
The other reason to not make things public is that you are free to change them if nobody knows about them. For some reason, you decide next month that having _odometer wasn't a good idea in the first place. By now three programmers have changed a dozen files to use _odometer because it was there. So removing that _odometer is now a lot, lot of work. If it was never in the .h file, nobody is using it so you only need to change your own .m file.

In Objective-C, why does the variable's type has to be repeated for #property?

For Objective-C, in the following header file:
#interface Peg : NSObject {
char color;
#property char color;
I wonder if the member variable is already said to be a char type, then why does the #property has to repeat it? (or else it won't compile). Couldn't the compiler tell that it is char? It couldn't be anything else, could it?
That is because generaly properties don't have to be related to any declared instance variable of your class. You may have a property and not include a variable into your class header. That's why you have to declare it's type.
Using properties instead of variables makes your headers clean, hiding the implementation.
So, you can just declare a property and then #synthesize it
#interface Peg : NSObject
#property char color;
#implementation Peg
#synthesize color;
Actually, it's no longer needed, at least when compiling for x64 with clang. If you omit instance variable, #synthesize will create one for you.
Just use The following
#interface Peg : NSObject {}
#property char color;

Do I need to declare a property in the instance variables section, too? What do I gain?

I read some tutorials here about properties ,but i still have some doubts to clarify, is there a difference between
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *temp;
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *temp;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *temp;
The difference is that in the first version, the compiler will automatically create an instance variable (IIRC, it will be named _temp but I don't know for sure). This is only supported on iOS and Mac 64 bit.
In the second example, you provide the variable.
There's actually a way to tell the compiler which variable to use for the property, which I use a lot:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *temp_;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *temp;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize temp = temp_;
This way the variable and the property have different names and you can't confuse them (e.g. by forgetting to prefix self.).
Minor side-note: it's often desirable to use copy instead of retain for NSString *, since you might assign an NSMutableString * to the property. Now if you would change that mutable string unexpected things might happen.
Does the first one even work? If there is no instance variable its a bit hard to have a property to access it.
#properties are meant for you, so you can be lazy, they write the following 2 methods for you ( if not set to readonly ):
- (void)setYourVariable:(id)new;
- (id)yourVariable;
it also allows you to use "someClass.itsVariable;" instead of "[someClass itsVariable];"
Another thing, when you create your header files make sure that the biggest variables ( like pointers ) are on the top and the smallest on the bottom, this saves ram.
NSObject *someObject;
NSObject *someOtherObject;
int anInt;
short aShort;
BOOL fakeBool;
instead of:
BOOL fakeBool;
NSObject *someObject;
short aShort;
NSObject *someOtherObject;
int anInt;
This has to do with the compiler, you can check this by using sizeof()
In the modern runtime (Objective-C 2.0) it is the same because the compiler will generate the variable for you. See Question about #synthesize
Quoting The Objective-C Programming Language > Declared Properties > Property Implementation Directives:
There are differences in the behavior of accessor synthesis that
depend on the runtime:
For the legacy runtimes, instance variables must already be declared in the #interface block of the current class. If an instance
variable of the same name as the property exists, and if its type is
compatible with the property’s type, it is used—otherwise, you get a
compiler error.
For the modern runtimes, instance variables are synthesized as needed. If an instance variable of the same name already exists, it is
The practical difference that I've found is that the debugger doesn't appear to show you the value of properties, just instance variables.
Therefore, your first example, which (assuming you use the #synthesize directive to create your getter/setter) automatically creates the ivar, will not have a value that you can easily retrieve during debug. You'll end up having to send a lot of NSLog messages, rather than just looking at the values while stepping through your code.
As an aside, which seems to relate to this topic, I typically prepend my ivars with "iv" and change my color settings in XCode preferences so that I'm never unsure whether I'm accessing a property or an ivar.
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *ivName;
NSString *ivTitle;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *Name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *Title;
Now, this then requires a small trick (to tie the two together) when synthesizing the properties, which I show below:
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize Name = ivName;
#synthesize Title = ivTitle;
This way, it's always very easy for me to know exactly what's going on at a glance. Yes, context can also tell you whether you're accessing an ivar/property, but why not make it easier?

Global NSString

I need to create an NSString, so I can set its value in one class and get it in another. How can I do it?
if you write:
NSString *globalString = #"someString";
anywhere outside a method, class definition, function, etc... it will be able to be referenced anywhere. (it is global!)
The file that accesses it will declare it as external
extern NSString *globalString;
This declaration signifies that it is being accessed from another file.
Make it a global variable.
In one file in global scope:
NSMutableString *myString = #"some funny string";
In the other file:
extern NSMutableString *myString;
Global NSString Variable for Complete iPhone Project/Apps
For Declare/Define/Use a global variable follow these easy steps:-
Create a NSObject File with named "GlobalVars.h and .m" or as u wish
Declare your global variable in GlobalVars.h file after #import and before #implementation like-
extern NSString *Var_name;
initialize it in GlobalVars.m file after #import and before #implementation like-
NSString *Var_name = #"";
Define its property in AppDelegate.h File
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *Var_name;
synthesize it in AppDelegate.m File like-
#synthesize Var_name;
Now where you want to use this variable (in .m file) just import/inclue GlobalVars.h file in that all .h files, and you can access easily this variable as Globally.
Carefully follow these Steps and it'll work Surely.
If you're creating a global NSString variable, you should use probably use a class method.
In MyClass.h:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {}
+ (NSString *)myGlobalVariable;
+ (void)setMyGlobalVariable:(NSString *)val;
In MyClass.m:
#implementation MyClass
NSString *myGlobalVariable = #"default value";
+ (NSString *)myGlobalVariable {
return myGlobalVariable;
+ (void)setMyGlobalVariable:(NSString *)val {
myGlobalVariable = val;
Remember that you should keep memory allocation and freeing in mind. This is not the same thing as a global int value - you need to manage the memory with any NSObject.
Repeatedly just setting the global to new strings will leak. Accessing through threads will create all manner of issues. Then there is shutdown where the last string will still be around.
I think you should use a singleton. A good article that discusses this is Singletons, AppDelegates and top-level data.
Additional information on a singleton class is at MVC on the iPhone: The Model