How do you map a HasOne relationship with nHibernate Fluent mapping and avoid N+1? - nhibernate

I have 2 tables ATable and AATable where both have a shared Primary Key - ATable.aKey and AATable.aKey to represent a one-to-one relationship. For my Fluent mapping I have a HasOne Relationship defined within my Fluent ATableMapping, all of which works fine. However I have noticed that querying for ATable generates a 2nd query (N+1) for the child Table AATable. My understanding is that Hasone eager loads by default, and I had assumed this would be part of the query for ATable, but I may well have this wrong?
I have researched various solutions including using .Not.LazyLoad().Fetch.Join(), PropertyRef, ForeignKey but I cannot seem to resolve the n+1 so that either it is Eager loaded with 1 query, or Lazy loaded and I can fetch the child with my queries.
Has anyone had any issues with this or have an example they know to work with no n+1? Grateful for any advice.

You have two options:
Not.LazyLoad() which disables possibility to provide lazy loaded related entity and it would enforce NHB to provide corresponding subselect within original query
Use component mapping so both entities point to the same table. This is better approach as once you decided to fetch both entities together, generated queries hit only one table - not two like within first option. This is definitely better for performance.


Fluent Mapping Many-Many with sorting

I'm trying to get a many to many relationship to work using Fluent Nhibernate.
I have a Product and a RelatedProduct Table
Product {Id, Name...}
ProductRelated{Id, ProductId, RelatedProductId, relOrder}
and a Product class
The mapping looks like
HasManyToMany(x => x.RelatedProducts)
.ChildOrderBy("relOrder asc")
When a query is done for Product and the RelatedProducts are lazy loaded I can see that the sorting is applied correctly using the relOrder on the join table.
.FetchMany(p => p.Categories)
.FetchMany(p => p.Departments)
Once I add in eager loading of the related products NHibernate tries to sort by a relOrder column on the product itself instead of on the join table.
.FetchMany(p => p.Categories)
.FetchMany(p => p.Departments)
.FetchMany(p => p.RelatedProducts)
Any ideas of whats going on here?
Well to answer your question what's going on here?, I would say, you are using: "not-together fitting features" of NHibernate.
A snippet from documentation 6.6. Sorted Collections:
Setting the order-by attribute tells NHibernate ...
Note: that lookup operations on these collections are very slow if they contain more than a few elements.
Note: that the value of the order-by attribute is an SQL ordering, not a HQL ordering!
So, this could be applied only for "standard" lazy loading, becuase this kind of a feature is applied only on a DB side. It is not managing order in the memory.
And the eager fetching, as the counter-part, is a different way how to generate and issue the SQL Statement to DB.
So, eager and order-by will never work together.
My NOTE: I simply have to append this. I can't help myself
The Eager fetching is the feature which should be avoided (I never use it, but it's me). There is a better solution and it is setting the BatchSize(), which will reduce the 1+N into 1+(a few) and will keep all the (lazy) featrues, including order-by. Check these if interested:
NHibernate QueryOver with Fetch resulting multiple sql queries and db hits
Is this the right way to eager load child collections in NHibernate
BatchSize() is supported for HasManyToMany as well: ToManyBase:
/// <summary>Specify the select batch size </summary>
/// <param name="size">Batch size</param>
public T BatchSize(int size) { ...
The many-to-many mapping, while fancy at first look, is not the way I'd suggest. Try to rethink your model and introduce the first-level-citizen: PairingEntity - for the pairing object. It will then use many-to-one and one-to-many mapping which could give us more... e.g. improved querying like Subqueries... try to check these:
How to create NHibernate HasManyToMany relation
many-to-many with extra columns nhibernate
Nhibernate: How to represent Many-To-Many relationships with One-to-Many relationships?

Nhibernate Query with multiple one to many mappings

I'm a beginner in NHibernate. I have to write a complex query on say an "Employee" to populate all the associations for Employee based on the where clause. What I'm looking for is similar to this - when you do a Employee.FindById(10) should fill up OwnedDepartment, SubscribedGroups etc.
The Employee model I need to populate is really heavy (many associations with other objects)
but I need to populate only few associations. How do I achieve it using a query over? or any other approaches?
I was reading about eager loading just now, has it something to do with the loading ? In my map I have not mentioned any loading techniques, so by default all of my employee's child element are getting loaded already. There is a bunch of queries getting triggered underneath.
All the associations are lazy loaded by default. That means that the load is triggered when you access it - that's why so many queries are issued. If you want to eagerly load the data (which means either joining the tables or - rarely - doing additional select queries at once), you have to specify it in your mapping or query, depending how you fetch your data. The concept is generally called "eager fetching".
If you want to get a single Employee by ID, the standard way to do it is using session.Get<Employee>(10) - but that approach means that eager loads need to be specified in the mapping. For mapping by code it will be c.Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy); for collections or c.Lazy(LazyRelation.NoProxy) for many-to-one - see here or here for details.
I prefer specifying that kind of things in the query - just where it is used, not globally for the whole entity, regardless who is fetching and what for. In LINQ provider you have FetchMany(x => x.SubscribedGroups) for collections and Fetch(x => x.OwnedDepartment) for many-to-one relations. You can find similiar options in QueryOver, if that's your choice.

NHibernate double fetching for non-existent many-to-one relationship

I have an entity with several Many to One relationships and I've found I can eagerly fetch them in one query like such:
public Accommodation GetEager(int id)
IList<Accommodation> query = NHibernateSession.CurrentFor(NHibernateSession.DefaultFactoryKey)
select a from Accommodation as a
left join fetch a.AccommodationType
left join fetch a.AccommodationUnitType
left join fetch a.CollectionType
where a.Id = :id
.SetProperties(new {id})
return query.SingleOrDefault();
However, the relationships don't always exist, and I've defined the mappings like so:
mapping.References(x => x.AccommodationUnitType).NotFound.Ignore();
I've found that when a relationship doesn't exist, NHibernate generated a second SQL query looking for it, presumably because it's found that the property is null.
My first question is, how can I prevent this second sql query?
My second question is, is there an easier way to do this fetching into one query? It seems very basic behaviour that one would want to fetch everything in one query rather than a seperate query for each many-to-one relationship (which seems to be the default behaviour).
Are you sure you're using NotFound().Ignore() correctly? This setting determines what NHibernate will do if there is an invalid foreign key. In that case NotFound().Ignore() prevents throwing an EntityNotFoundException. With the setting, if the related object is not found then the value will be null. If you have referential integrity for this relationship then you do not need NotFound().Ignore().
The behavior you're seeing is apparently expected and well known and unlikely to change.
As for your second question, I would advise always starting with the default behavior of lazy loading and only optimizing with eager loads as needed for real world performance problems. Lazy loading is frequently more efficient than eager fetching because a) the object may already be in cache (no db trip required) and b) selecting by primary key is very fast. It's very possible that your query with three joins performs worse than four selects by primary key.

How can one delete an entity in nhibernate having only its id and type?

I am wondering how can one delete an entity having just its ID and type (as in mapping) using NHibernate 2.1?
If you are using lazy loading, Load only creates a proxy.
session.Delete(session.Load(type, id));
With NH 2.1 you can use HQL. Not sure how it actually looks like, but something like this: note that this is subject to SQL injection - if possible use parametrized queries instead with SetParameter()
session.Delete(string.Format("from {0} where id = {1}", type, id));
For Load, you don't need to know the name of the Id column.
If you need to know it, you can get it by the NH metadata:
Another edit.
session.Delete() is instantiating the entity
When using session.Delete(), NH loads the entity anyway. At the beginning I didn't like it. Then I realized the advantages. If the entity is part of a complex structure using inheritance, collections or "any"-references, it is actually more efficient.
For instance, if class A and B both inherit from Base, it doesn't try to delete data in table B when the actual entity is of type A. This wouldn't be possible without loading the actual object. This is particularly important when there are many inherited types which also consist of many additional tables each.
The same situation is given when you have a collection of Bases, which happen to be all instances of A. When loading the collection in memory, NH knows that it doesn't need to remove any B-stuff.
If the entity A has a collection of Bs, which contains Cs (and so on), it doesn't try to delete any Cs when the collection of Bs is empty. This is only possible when reading the collection. This is particularly important when C is complex of its own, aggregating even more tables and so on.
The more complex and dynamic the structure is, the more efficient is it to load actual data instead of "blindly" deleting it.
HQL Deletes have pitfalls
HQL deletes to not load data to memory. But HQL-deletes aren't that smart. They basically translate the entity name to the corresponding table name and remove that from the database. Additionally, it deletes some aggregated collection data.
In simple structures, this may work well and efficient. In complex structures, not everything is deleted, leading to constraint violations or "database memory leaks".
I also tried to optimize deletion with NH. I gave up in most of the cases, because NH is still smarter, it "just works" and is usually fast enough. One of the most complex deletion algorithms I wrote is analyzing NH mapping definitions and building delete statements from that. And - no surprise - it is not possible without reading data from the database before deleting. (I just reduced it to only load primary keys.)

Fluent Nhibernate and Dynamic Table Name

I've got a parent and child object. Depending on a value in the parent object changes the table for the child object. So for example if the parent object had a reference "01" then it will look in the following table "Child01" whereas if the reference was "02" then it would look in the table "Child02". All the child tables are the same as in number of columns/names/etc.
My question is that how can I tell Fluent Nhibernate or nhibernate which table to look at as each parent object is unique and can reference a number of different child tables?
I've looked at the IClassConvention in Fluent but this seems to only be called when the session is created rather than each time an object is created.
I found only two methods to do this.
Close and recreate the nhibernate session every time another dynamic table needs to be looked at. On creating the session use IClassConvention to dynamically calculate the name based on user data. I found this very intensive as its a large database and a costly operation to create the session every time.
Use POCO object for these tables with custom data access.
As statichippo stated I could use a basechild object and have multiple child object. Due to the database size and the number of dynamic table this wasn't really a valid option.
Neither of my two solutions I was particularly happy with but the POCO's seemed the best way for my problem.
NHibernate is intended to be an object relational mappers. It sounds like you're doing more of a scripting style and hoping to map your data instead of working in an OOP manner.
It sounds like you have the makings of an class hierarchy though. What it sounds like you're trying to create in your code (and then map accordingly) is a hierarchy of different kinds of children:
--> SmartChild
--> DumbChild
Each child is either smart or dumb, but since they all have a FirstName, LastName, Age, etc, they all are instances of the BaseChild class which defines these. The only differences might be that the SmartChild has an IQ and the DumbChild has a FavoriteFootballTeam (this is just an example, no offense to anyone of course ;).
NHibernate will let you map this sort of relationship in many ways. There could be 1 table that encompasses all classes or (what it sounds like you want in your case), one table per class.
Did I understand the issue/what you're looking for?