VB scripting Add hyperlinks - vb.net

I want to add several hyperlinks in a word document using VBscript.
but I am able to add the hyperlinks at the same place everytime overwriting the previous one.
Code Provided by Author
For TRow = 2 To Target_LastRow
Anchor:=SAnchr, _ Address:=getExcelObj.Worksheets(2).Cells(TRow, 4).Value, _
TextToDisplay:="Link" & (TRow - 1)

This is what I could find by the code provided by you. I hope this is a start.
ObjWord.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add(Anchor:=Ank, Address:=M, SubAddress:=SA, ScreenTip:=M, TextToDisplay:=M, Target:=M)
You can go a step simpler and just place it like so Range would be "A1-B2" Or something similar
range.Hyperlinks.Add(range, "http://www.microsoft.com")
I also would recomend you follow This Link
Sources 1,2
To add to your overwriting, you must change the value that you chose to represent the range or area of insertion. A wild hunch of mine tells me that it would be the anchor Variable


Applying a formula to Get From Web URL with VBA Macro

I'm trying to find a way to apply a formula to a get data from web url.
So the url will look like:
I'm new to this, so I tried recording the macro using the Advanced Get From Web function and breaking out the elements of the URL from there and substituting the formula in.
So the section of the code looked like this
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents(""http://www.thisurl.com/"" & text(0.123456,2) & ""/restOfTheUrl""))
Had it worked, the number 2 would have been substituted in place of text(0.123456,2).
Is there another way to do this?
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("http://www.thisurl.com/" & mid("0.123456", 4, 1) & "/restOfTheUrl"))
'possibly (your sample contradicts your code)
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("http://www.thisurl.com/" & mid("0.123456", 4, 1) & "restOfTheUrl"))

Excel: Is that possible to erase names from other files using vba macro?

Note : I am a total newbie in VBA and Excel, but I know my stuff in programming. This is why I am posting this for a friend of mine.
He tried to remove all names he had in his workbook (1 workbook = 1 file, right ?), so he applied this macro he found on the web, without exactly knowing what it does :
Sub Del_Name()
Dim Loop As Integer
For Loop = ActiveWorkbook.Names.Count To 1 Step -1
If MsgBox("Erase: " & ActiveWorkbook.Names(Loop).Name & " - " & ActiveWorkbook.Names(Loop).Value & "?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirm...") = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Then, in his file's name manager there are names referencing to some other files, such as :
He doesn't know where this names come from.
So, his concern, and my question here : is that possible that the vba macro erased names within distant files ? Is that even possible ?
I have looked hours for information about that, some posts I have read suggest this could be possible, but I am still quite confused, any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
no. it is not possible that the vba macro erased names within remote files.
all it did was to delete a list of links that were stored in the excel file.
same as if you delete a favourite link in your web browser, you are not actually changing anything on the website that link pointed to.
it is possible to use a macro to modify remote files. you must have access to the file system that contains the file and you must have "write" permission to that file. then you could open the file and update it. or run an update SQL query. plus some other ways that i cannot think of right now.

VBA Hyperlinks.Add method prepending local folder to Address

I've been lurking here for a while but this is my first post so let me know if I need to change something. Anyways, here goes:
I'm trying to create a macro that will add hyperlinks to cells in a worksheet. The problem is that after running the macro, I notice that the folder location of my spreadsheet has been prepended to the address that I specified. Is there something I need to do in order to indicate that this is a webpage and not a local file? Excerpt from the macro is below.
Dim IGQ As Range
Dim IGQno As String
Dim IGQno1 As String
For Each IGQ In Range("A2:A10") 'Actual range is much larger
IGQno = IGQ.Value
IGQno1 = Left(IGQ, 1)
Sheets("Cameron DCDA").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=IGQ, _
Address:="""http://xxxx""&IGQno1&""xxx""&IGQno&""xxxxx""" 'It's a company website so they probably don't want me to share it
The result is that a hyperlink is created for each cell but it links to file:///C:\Users\John.Doe\Documents\"http://xxxx"&IGQno1&"xxx"&IGQno&"xxxxx"
I've tried using fewer quotation marks in the address since it seems like overkill but I get the compile error "Expected: end of statement"
Do you guys have any suggestions?
Too many quotes
Address:="http://xxxx " & IGQno1 & "xxx" & IGQno & "xxxxx"
Also - be sure to leave a space before your & otherwise it will be interpreted as a variable type suffix:
What are possible suffixes after variable name in VBA?

Use toggle buttons to update a record in Access

Hopefully not too difficult question but I cannot figure this out and have been unable to find anything searching the forums.
I want to convert the output of my toggle boxes from 1,2,3,4,5 to the text each button displays.
Couldn't find any setting on the toggle boxes properties themselves so decided I would have to write a macro/vba to do it from the table but as it's quite new to me I am struggling on syntax.
I have tried doing this on the inbuilt data macro mainly, but also tried it via a query and vba and still couldn't figure it out.
[don't have any reputation yet so have not been allowed to post pics of my macro attmept]
please help! Any solution using vba, data macro or a query would be great
To be specific rather than a message box I want to update field1 in my table "Major Equipment" based off the option group selection this is my latest attempt but still not sure how to reference the option group. Do I need to set grp equal to the option group and if so how? Is it something like forms!myform!optiongroup ?
Option Compare Database
Function MyFunc(grp As OptionGroup)
Dim rcrdset As Recordset
set grp =
Set rcrdset = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Major Equipment", dbOpenDynaset)
Select Case grp.Value
Case 1
With rcrdset
![Field1] = "Not Reviewed"
Case 2
![Field1] = "Reviewed"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error"
End Select
End Function
Also just realised since these toggle buttons will be updated by the user and so I probably need an update rather than addnew?
Your buttons are part of an Option Group. That is what you must reference. Below is a snippet from my net search.
From the AfterUpdate() event of your Option Group:
Call MyFunc(Me.MyGroup)
... which will use Select Case to evaluate:
Function MyFunc(grp As OptionGroup)
Select case grp.Value
Case 1
MsgBox "Option value is 1."
Case 2
MsgBox "Option value is 2."
Case Else
MsgBox "Huh?"
End Select
End Function
If you are entirely new to VBA, there are a half-dozen things to learn here, but they will serve you well. VBA provides a bit less-friendly-looking start than a macro, but I can tell you have more adventures ahead and I suggest you skip macros. For most needs, VBA will serve you better; and it's much easier to trouble shoot or provide details when you need advice.
To convert this to a useful function, you will fill a string variable rather than raising a message box. Then you can use the string variable to do something like run an update query. Your latest edit suggests you will go for something like:
strSQL = "UPDATE [Major Equipment] " _
& "SET Field1='" & strUserSelection & "' " _
& "WHERE MyID=" & lngThisRecord
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Your last edit proposes using a DAO recordset. I think you might be fine with the humble DoCmd. Less to learn. You can hammer out a prototype of the query in good ol' Access; then switch to SQL View and paste the query into your VBA module. Insert variables as seen above, taking care with the quote marks. If it doesn't work, use Debug.Print to grab the value for strSQL and take that back to good ol' Access where you can poke at it into shape; use your findings to improve the VBA.

Creating cross-references in VBA but losing formatting on save

I'm creating a word document from scratch as an OLE object via VBA, and have created cross-references in it. I am actually using LotusScript, but the principles of VBA should apply.
Once I have created the cross-reference, I format the entire table cell that contains it (Arial 8 Italic), but when the document is saved, the field updates its format. I know that I can set a property of the field manually by ticking the "Preserve formatting during updates " option in the Word front-end, but is there a VBA property for that?
NB, The cross-reference is to a heading, and the formatting I'm getting appears to be the same as that heading, which is not what I want.
Many thanks,
I found the solution :-)
This is LotusScript, but I'm sure VB users can work out what it means. Also, I call a function and 3 subroutines, which are all self-explanatory. rg is a Range, in which I've just created the cross-reference. Due to the nature off the application, I know that the field is the first one in the range. The final line is the important one.
Set rg = getTableCell(subTable, 2, 1).Range
Dim fld As Variant
Set fld = rg.Fields(1)
Call SetItalicsOnOff(rg, True)
Call SetFontFace(rg, "Arial")
Call SetFontSize(rg, 8)
fld.Code.Text = fld.Code.Text & " \* MERGEFORMAT"