Alert Meassage Box apper Issue in sencha - sencha-touch-2

I am working on Sencha touch this app a error message repeatedly occurs . but i was not put any such type alert in can i prevent this thing.Please anybody can help me.


How can I move from one fragment to another fragment on button click? (kotlin)

I’m trying to move from one fragment to another fragment on button click and I have watched tutorials on YouTube using ViewBinding to perform this action. But each time I try, it just doesn’t seem to work. I have added the “build features{
ViewBinding true “ in my Gradle (module:app) file and each time I run my app, my app crashes with the error “unknown host: ‘’”
PS: findViewById doesn’t work in fragments
I have spent weeks trying to figure this out. Can someone pls help me out?
Thanks in Advance
Moving from one fragment to another can be easily achieved using Navigation component.
I would suggest taking a look at this link as a starting point:

Mobile First WL.Client.Push.onReadyToSubscribe not getting fired

While trying to subscribe new ios device to Mobile first push notification using hybrid application , function WL.Client.Push.onReadyToSubscribe not getting fired
any help ?
Please apply this sample and see if the same issue is occurring.
If you still cannot subscribe, please provide xcode logs.
fixed , while checking native code , i found didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method is exits which override WL registration process
just i removed it and it is working ok with me

How to handle "unexpected preroll-complete"?

My app (OS X 10.10, Xcode 6.1.1) uses an AVPlayerView to show a video resource bundled inside the app. Normally the video runs as expected. Sometimes--and I haven't figured out a way to reliably reproduce this--the video does not start to play, and the screen is all black. At the same time, a warning pops up in the console:
<<<< Boss >>>> figPlaybackBossPrerollCompleted: unexpected preroll-complete notification
How can I programmatically recover from this? I tried Googling parts of the error description but there was only one result (an email to the Apple Mailing List).
Perhaps a notification my view controller can listen for?
Alternatively, if you know a way I can force this state to reproduce, that would help too, as I could then put a breakpoint in.
UPDATE: I still haven't been able to force this problem to reproduce, but I have seen it a couple of times since the first post, and I can say for sure that it's not related to the NSNotifications AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntryNotification, AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalledNotification or AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification. My View Controller is listening for those, and didn't hear them when the bug presented.

App tutorial or guide in Sencha Touch

I've been trying to find some info about this but the combination of words just doesn't help as it just so I figured I'd might as well ask it in here.
I'm developing a sencha touch app and I want to show the user how to use my app. But those messages should obviously only be displayed on the app's first run. Does any of you have any idea of how to achieve this in sencha touch?
Haven't tried anything as I have no idea where to start and as I mentioned earlier looking this up on google just returns tutorials about Sencha Touch.
you can set a flag and save it to the localstorage.
On every app launch you can check for that flag and only create the guide view if needed

Application Validation gives an error

Im redy to upload an ios app to apstore. Im using xcode 5. After archiving when I try to validate the archive it gives this error. Please tell me how to solve this
This is the error that Im getting
And this how I set the background modes for audion in my info.plist file
Please help me...
Please refer to this link,
This contain information about different background modes keys.
Also you already included the audio playing mode in the first line, which is valid and the last one is not a background mode, so remove that one and it will work.
Also provide 120 by 120 px icon which is recommended.