Playframework 2.1 Japid global variable - playframework-2.1

May i know how to init global variables in play framework? if can show in Japid is the best.
Appreciate your help.

I found the solution.
Below is my example:
I create a class and extends to Action.Simple
package common;
import play.Play;
import play.mvc.Action;
import play.mvc.Http.Context;
import play.mvc.Result;
public class Init extends Action.Simple{
public Result call(Context ctx) throws Throwable {
ctx.args.put("resourcesurl", Play.application().configuration().getString("resources.url"));
and this is my controller:
public class Museum extends JapidController{
public static Result nes(){
return renderJapid();
at my html:
<img src="${Context.current().args.get("resourcesurl")}/resources/test.jpg"/>
hope this help others as well.


How to define pointcut for class initialization

I'm a newbie to AspectJ, and trying to understand joinpoint model
Now i have class like this
public class Account {
private static Map<String, PaymentMethod> supportedPayments = new HashMap<>();
static {
supportedPayments.add("COD", new CodPaymentMethod());
supportedPayments.add("ATM", new ATMPaymentMethod());
as i read from AspectJ In Action, there is a way to define pointcut when class is intialization, but i could not find syntax.
Anyone help me?
This one does not work:
it say
ERROR] Syntax error on token "initialization(com.jas.aop.bean.Payment)", "name pattern" expected
Your pointcut has several problems:
There is a missing closing parenthesis ).
initialization intercepts constructors (i.e. object initialisation) rather than static class initialisation, which is not what you want and also would require a constructor pattern, not a class name pattern.
If your aspect does not happen to be in the exact same package as the target class, you must use a fully qualified class name such as my.package.Account in order to make the pointcut match.
By the way, your code snippets are just pseudo code because a hash map does not have an add method, rather a put method. The sample class does not even compile. Don't just invent code when posting questions here. Make life easier for the people trying to help you.
Now here is an MCVE, something I always suggest you to specify in your question in order to help people reproduce your situation. I did it for you this time, this was your free shot. Next time, please do it yourself.
Dependency classes used by the main class:
public interface PaymentMethod {}
public class ATMPaymentMethod implements PaymentMethod {}
public class CodPaymentMethod implements PaymentMethod {}
Target class with driver application:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Account {
private static Map<String, PaymentMethod> supportedPayments = new HashMap<>();
static {
System.out.println("Static initialiser block");
supportedPayments.put("COD", new CodPaymentMethod());
supportedPayments.put("ATM", new ATMPaymentMethod());
public Account() {
System.out.println("Creating account");
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Doing something");
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Account().doSomething();
The aspect shows both initialization and staticinitialization in order to show the difference in both syntax and functionality. You can find all of this explained with examples in the AspectJ manual, which I warmly recommend you to read.
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
public class AccountAspect {
public void interceptObjectInitialisation(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
public void interceptClassInitialisation(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
Console log:
Static initialiser block
Creating account
Doing something

Cannot create ExtentReport for Selenium 3.5.1

I have tried with almost all jar files with extentreport from 2.41.2 to
3.13.0 but whenever I try to write the command: extent.loadConfig(new
File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//ReportsConfig.xml")); it throws error on multiple lines but for instance i have put up one example
showing as "The method loadConfig(File) is undefined for the type
My code for ExtentReport Class is `enter code here`:
package TestNG_package;
import java.util.Date;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentReports;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.AbstractReporter;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.ExtentHtmlReporter;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.configuration.ChartLocation;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.configuration.Theme;
public class ExtentManager
private static ExtentReports extent;
public static String screenshotFolderPath;
static ExtentHtmlReporter htmlReporter;
public static ExtentReports getInstance()
if (extent == null)
extent = new
extent.addSystemInfo("Selenium ver" ,
"3.5.1").addSystemInfo("Environ" , "PROD");
return extent;
My next part of code is to invoke ExtentReport in other class called
public class LoginTest()
public void doLogin()
ExtentReport rep = ExtentManager.getInstance();
ExtentTest Test = rep.startTest("UATRMS start");
Test.log(LogStatus.Info,"Starting UATRMS Test");
The correct method is
The method you are using is for instances where you have a properties file. See the docs for more info. This method is used by the reporter, not the core API. Reporters can be configured using these configuration items.

Intercept Error constructor with bytebuddy

For some reason I can't work out yet, my agent doesn't intercept java LinkageError instances.
Agent code:
import net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodDelegation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.SuperMethodCall;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers;
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
public class MyAgent {
public static void premain(String arguments, Instrumentation instrumentation) {
new AgentBuilder.Default()
.transform((builder, type, classLoader, module) ->
Interceptor code:
public class MyInterceptor {
public static void intercept(#Origin Constructor<?> constructor) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Intercepted: " + constructor.getName());
Test code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
new NoClassDefFoundError("should be intercepted!!!").toString();
new Foo("oh").toString();
What is puzzling is that replacing ElementMatchers.isSubTypeOf(LinkageError.class) with ElementMatchers.nameContains("Foo") gives the expected result and Foo constructor is intercepted.
The NoClassDefFoundError is loaded by the bootstrap loader. It willnot be able to see your interceptor class which is why it is never triggered.
Try using the Advice class (as a visitor) to add bytecode to matched classes which should resolve this problem.

Spring AOP - How to get annotation of parent(caller) method

public void logEmail(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.out.println("#Before is running!");
System.out.println("hijacked : " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
i have a pointCut on method sendEmail() with custom annotation.
This method sendEmail() is called from differnt location in our application .
Like we call sendEmail from paymentApproved () method of paymentManager when payment is approved.
We call sendEmail from taskComplete() method of taskManger when task is completed.
i have to find out the event for which sendEmail is triggered.
I applied custom annotation #EVENT("PAYMENT") on paymentApproved () of paymentManager and #EVENT("TASK") on taskComplete() method of taskManger.
How can i get the value of #EVENT in logEmail(JoinPoint joinPoint) aspect.
Sorry, I do not like all-caps class names and I also used my own package names as an example because my template already generates them.
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
public #interface Loggable {}
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
public #interface Event {
String value();
Driver application:
This is pure Java because I am not a Spring user. Just imagine it is one or more #Components.
Please also note that in one case sendEmail() is called from a method not annotated by #Event. This should not trigger the aspect, only the two calls from the annotated methods.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application application = new Application();
public void doSomething() {
public void paymentApproved() {
public void taskComplete() {
public void sendEmail() {}
Your pointcut wants to express: Catch methods annotated with #Loggable within the control flow of methods annotated by #Event. Control flow can be expressed by cflow() or cflowbelow() pointcuts.
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
public class LogAspect {
"#annotation( &&" +
"execution(* *(..)) &&" + // only needed for AspectJ, not for Spring AOP
public void logEmail(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint, Event event) {
System.out.println(thisJoinPoint + " -> " + event);
Console log:
execution(void ->
execution(void ->
Update: If you were using full AspectJ (e.g. via load-time weaving) instead of Spring AOP, you just could have used a call() pointcut and from there get the enclosing joinpoint's static information. Then the #Event annotation would not have been necessary. But Spring AOP is just "AOP lite" and does not support call().
You can access to the annotation receiving it as a parameter. Something like this:
public void logEmail(JoinPoint joinPoint, Event event) {
// do what you need with event. For example, if the field is called value you can do this:
if ("PAYMENT".equals(event.value())) {
// do sth
System.out.println("#Before is running!");
System.out.println("hijacked : " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());

Kotlin: Visibility of static nested Java class declared inside a non-visible class

Using java my static-nested java class is visible, but using Kotlin it is not. See my example below. Is there a good reason it is not allowed, or is it a bug? And are there any workarounds so that I can extend NestedStaticClass from Kotlin?
I have a package-private java class containing the static-nested class
package javapackage;
class HiddenClass {
public static class NestedStaticClass {}
HiddenClass is extended by a public class.
package javapackage;
public class VisibleClass extends HiddenClass{}
From my java class extending VisibleClass, I can see NestedStaticClass (It compiles)
package otherpackage;
import javapackage.VisibleClass;
public class JavaClass extends VisibleClass {
public static class C4 extends NestedStaticClass {}
public JavaClass() {
new NestedStaticClass();
But from Kotlin this does not work. I get the compile error: "Unresolved reference NestedStaticClass"
package otherpackage
import javapackage.VisibleClass
class KotlinClass() : VisibleClass() {
class C1() : NestedStaticClass()
init {
val v = NestedStaticClass()