bool condition opengl es 2.0 shader - opengl-es-2.0

Since it is recommended to not use condition in shader, which is better for a boolean uniform :
A. Create different shaders for different values of a boolean uniform ?
B. Create one shader and just use if-else in the code like this :
uniform bool uValue;
if (uValue) {
// code
} else {
// code
I have read somewhere that for uniform bool value, the driver will compile multiple shaders so that we don't have to bother creating multiple shaders. But I can't verify this.

Which approach is more performant depends on a lot of other things:
How many conditions are you switching on?
How many times per frame are you switching?
How much computation happens on either side of your conditional?
What are the other performance constraints in your situation? Memory usage? Power consumption? Client-to-GPU bandwidth?
Try both options and test with Instruments to see which performs better in your case.

We all know that drivers change very quickly in GPU programming.
If your condition is fairly evenly balanced then there probably isn't a definitive right or wrong answer. It will depend on the hardware, the version of the drivers, and possible future mechanisms that the card itself uses to create parallel batches.
If your condition is more one sided, then there might be a real benefit using an if condition in one shader, or having two shaders and switching. Testing the load on the graphics card while it is processing real data is the only way to really answer this.
If this is identified as your bottleneck point and is worth the time investment, then perhaps include both, and choose at runtime. But remember there is no point in optimizing code if it won't make your shader faster. If you code delivers all of the requested visual features and you are still processor bound, then you have done your job.
Equally optimizing if statements, when you are fetch bound, doesn't make any sense. So keep all of your optimization until you have reached as many of the visual features as you can, then optimize, which might get you one more feature, then optimize again.



It isn't clear to me when it's a good idea to use VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL as opposed to transitioning to the optimal layout for whatever action I'm about to perform. Currently, my policy is to always transition to the optimal layout.
But VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL exists. Maybe I should be using it when I'm only going to use a given layout for a short period of time.
For example, right now, I'm writing code to generate mipmaps using vkCmdBlitImage. As I loop through the sub-resources performing the vkCmdBlitImage commands, should I transition to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL as I scale down into a mip, then transition to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL when I'll be the source for the next mip before finally transitioning to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL when I'm all done? It seems like a lot of transitioning, and maybe generating the mips in VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL is better.
I appreciate the answer might be to measure, but it's hard to measure on all my target GPUs (especially because I haven't got anything running on Android yet) so if anyone has any decent rule of thumb to apply it would be much appreciated.
FWIW, I'm writing Vulkan code that will run on desktop GPUs and Android, but I'm mainly concerned about performance on the latter.
You would use it when:
You are lazy
You need to map the memory to host (unless you can use PREINITIALIZED)
When you use the image as multiple incompatible attachments and you have no choice
For Store Images
( 5. Other cases when you would switch layouts too much (and you don't even need barriers) relatively to the work done on the images. Measurement needed to confirm GENERAL is better in that case. Most likely a premature optimalization even then.
PS: You could transition all the mip-maps together to TRANSFER_DST by a single command beforehand and then only the one you need to SRC. With a decent HDD, it should be even best to already have them stored with mip-maps, if that's a option (and perhaps even have a better quality using some sophisticated algorithm).
PS2: Too bad, there's not a mip-map creation command. The cmdBlit most likely does it anyway under the hood for Images smaller than half resolution....
If you read from mipmap[n] image for creating the mipmap[n+1] image then you should use the transfer image flags if you want your code to run on all Vulkan implementations and get the most performance across all implementations as the flags may be used by the GPU to optimize the image for reads or writes.
So if you want to go cross-vendor only use VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL for setting up the descriptor that uses the final image and not image reads or writes.
If you don't want to use that many transitions you may copy from a buffer instead of an image, though you obviously wouldn't get the format conversion, scaling and filtering that vkCmdBlitImage does for you for free.
Also don't forget to check if the target format actually supports the BLIT_SRC or BLIT_DST bits. This is independent of whether you use the transfer or general layout for copies.

Synopsys: Repeated compiles produce different results. How to automate iterated compile?

I'm new to using Design Compiler. In the past, I've done mostly FPGA work. Right now, I'm using Synopsys to determine the minimum are necessary to represent some circuits (using the Nangate 45nm library). I'm not doing P&R right now; I'm just trying to determine transistor area.
My only optimization constraint is to minimize area. I've noticed that if I tell DC to compile more than one time in a row, it produces different (and usually smaller) results each time.
I've looked and looked and failed to see if this is mentioned in a manual or anywhere in any discussion. Is it meant to work this way?
This suggests that optimization is stopping earlier than it could, so it's not REALLY minimizing area. Any idea why?
Is there a way I can tell it to increase the effort and/or tell it to automatically iterate compiles so that it will converge on the smallest design?
I'm guessing that DC is expecting to meet timing constraints, but I've given it a purely combinatorial block and no timing constraint. Did they never consider the usage scenario when all you want to do is work out the minimum gate area for a combinatorial circuit?
On a pure combinatorial circuit you can use a set_max_delay constraint and DC will attempt to meet that.
For reduced area you can use -map_effort high or -map_effort ultra to get it to work harder.
DC is a funny beast, and the algorithms it uses change as processes advance and make certain activities more or less useful. A lot of pre-layout optimization is less useful since the whole situation can change once the gates are actually placed and routed.
I filed a support ticket with Synopsys. I was using a 2010 version of design compiler. Apparently, area optimization has been improved since then, and the 2014 version will minimize area in one compiler pass.

CUDA: optimize latency due to iterative process

I have an iterative computation that involves a Fourier transform in each iteration.
in high level it looks like this:
// executed in host , calling functions that run on the device
B = image
L = 100
while(L--) {
A = FFT_2D(B)
I am using "cufft" library to do the transforms.
now the problem is that I am always working with global memory,
basically if there was a way of doing some of the work with shared memory it would be great,
but it seems like using FFT won't allow me to bypass this, given "cufft" library functions can only be called from the host, and stores input and output in global memory.
how should I tackle this?
since there IS a data dependency. it would seem like I can't do much but optimize the 'per pixel' calculations...
the bottleneck is still due to the fact that the kernels pass the data via global memory .which seems unavoidable in this case.
so basically the fact that I have to do the transform an it's inverse is what keeps me from sharing intermidiate computation data.
currently I am exploring ways of doing most of the calculation in the frequency space.
( more of a math problem )
so does anyone has a good idea on how to approximate F{max(0,f(x,y))} given F{f(x,y)} ?
note that f(x,y) is in the time domain, and therefore is real valued,
f(x,y) is also processed before calculating pointwise max(0,f(x,y)), so it is indeed possible for negetiv values to appear.
Concerning the FFT/IFFT, I think you are wrongly assuming that the CUFFT routine does not internally use shared memory. Typical algorithms for FFT calculations split the entire FFT into smaller ones fitting one thread block and so probably they already internally exploit shared memory, see for example the paper.
Concerning the PER_PIXEL_CALCULATIONS, shared memory is typically used to make threads within a thread block cooperate each other. My question is: are the PER_PIXEL_CALCULATIONS independent each other? If so, perhaps thread cooperation is not needed and you would not need shared memory either and arrange the calculations by using only registers.
Anyway, to be more specific on the latter point, you should provide more information on what you actually need (by editing your original post). Is your code related to an implementation of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm?

Highly Performant Objective C Alternatives to the Switch Statement for Objects

I have a function which I would like to take in an NSString and an int arguments and then use the switch statement in order to return a calculated value, as in multiply the int by some constant, depending on what NSString is supplied.
Obviously, a switch statement doesn't work for objects in Objective-C. So what is the fastest alternative? Is it if-else statements? Or is there a more elegant method?
The reason why I care about performance is that I am modifying UI elements the user is watching as the ultimate result of these calculations and I don't want that to feel sluggish.
Don't optimize prematurely. Just make an NSDictionary that maps each string to its multiplier. Then see if that's fast enough.
If you need to do a different operation depending on the string, make each value in the dictionary a block that performs the appropriate operation.
The reason why I care about performance is that I am modifying UI
elements the user is watching as the ultimate result of these
calculations and I don't want that to feel sluggish.
So... you are doing a bunch of GUI operations that involve re-layout and re-drawing of a bunch of stuff and you are worried about the performance of an if/else statement?
Graphical operations in apps are huge consumers of CPU cycles. Orders of magnitude more cycles will be consumed during drawing in response to a graphical change compared to, say, a call to objectForKey: and a call to hash (which is what a dictionary lookup implies).
Measure your app's performance. Figure out why it is sluggish. Then fix the problem.
The first step would be to use the CPU sampling Instrument to see where those cycles are going.
If that doesn't help, use one of the various graphics perf analysis tools to see if that is your bottleneck.
It can also easily be that you are doing something multiple times that needs to be done only once; maybe your user interaction tracking code is causing the UI to be re-laid out multiple times when it only needs to be done once (I just fixed exactly this kind of performance problem in an app I'm working on).

How much speed-up from converting 3D maths to SSE or other SIMD?

I am using 3D maths in my application extensively. How much speed-up can I achieve by converting my vector/matrix library to SSE, AltiVec or a similar SIMD code?
In my experience I typically see about a 3x improvement in taking an algorithm from x87 to SSE, and a better than 5x improvement in going to VMX/Altivec (because of complicated issues having to do with pipeline depth, scheduling, etc). But I usually only do this in cases where I have hundreds or thousands of numbers to operate on, not for those where I'm doing one vector at a time ad hoc.
That's not the whole story, but it's possible to get further optimizations using SIMD, have a look at Miguel's presentation about when he implemented SIMD instructions with MONO which he held at PDC 2008,
Picture from Miguel's blog entry.
For some very rough numbers: I've heard some people on claim 10x speed ups for some hand-optimized ray tracing routines. I've also had some good speed ups. I estimate I got somewhere between 2x and 6x on my routines depending on the problem, and many of these had a couple of unnecessary stores and loads. If you have a huge amount of branching in your code, forget about it, but for problems that are naturally data-parallel you can do quite well.
However, I should add that your algorithms should be designed for data-parallel execution.
This means that if you have a generic math library as you've mentioned then it should take packed vectors rather than individual vectors or you'll just be wasting your time.
E.g. Something like
namespace SIMD {
class PackedVec4d
__m128 x;
__m128 y;
__m128 z;
__m128 w;
Most problems where performance matters can be parallelized since you'll most likely be working with a large dataset. Your problem sounds like a case of premature optimization to me.
For 3D operations beware of un-initialized data in your W component. I've seen cases where SSE ops (_mm_add_ps) would take 10x normal time because of bad data in W.
The answer highly depends on what the library is doing and how it is used.
The gains can go from a few percent points, to "several times faster", the areas most susceptible of seeing gains are those where you're not dealing with isolated vectors or values, but multiple vectors or values that have to be processed in the same way.
Another area is when you're hitting cache or memory limits, which, again, requires a lot of values/vectors being processed.
The domains where gains can be the most drastic are probably those of image and signal processing, computational simulations, as well general 3D maths operation on meshes (rather than isolated vectors).
These days all the good compilers for x86 generate SSE instructions for SP and DP float math by default. It's nearly always faster to use these instructions than the native ones, even for scalar operations, so long as you schedule them correctly. This will come as a surprise to many, who in the past found SSE to be "slow", and thought compilers could not generate fast SSE scalar instructions. But now, you have to use a switch to turn off SSE generation and use x87. Note that x87 is effectively deprecated at this point and may be removed from future processors entirely. The one down point of this is we may lose the ability to do 80bit DP float in register. But the consensus seems to be if you are depending on 80bit instead of 64bit DP floats for the precision, your should look for a more precision loss-tolerant algorithm.
Everything above came as a complete surprise to me. It's very counter intuitive. But data talks.
Most likely you will see only very small speedup, if any, and the process will be more complicated than expected. For more details see The Ubiquitous SSE vector class article by Fabian Giesen.
The Ubiquitous SSE vector class: Debunking a common myth
Not that important
First and foremost, your vector class is probably not as important for the performance of your program as you think (and if it is, it's more likely because you're doing something wrong than because the computations are inefficient). Don't get me wrong, it's probably going to be one of the most frequently used classes in your whole program, at least when doing 3D graphics. But just because vector operations will be common doesn't automatically mean that they'll dominate the execution time of your program.
Not so hot
Not easy
Not now
Not ever