How to set loading image in Windows Metro Application - windows-8

Does anyone know how to change this loading image with any other picture (logo for example)?

Assuming you're using XAML / C#*, you just need to replace /Assets/SplashScreen.png with a suitable image with a size of 620 x 300 px.
Alternatively, add the correct size image and update the manifest file to point at the correct image.
* Javascript apps may well have the same locations, but I don't have access to VS right now to check.


Upload same image in different sizes - Dropzonejs

There is any possibility to upload a file with different sizes in DropzoneJs?
I'm using vue-dropzone which is made with dropzonejs and i have to upload the same file with different sizing for srcset.
I want to upload the file test.png which is 1000x500 px. There is any possibility to upload it at the same time in original resolution and also in 500x250px?
Image resizing in the browser has been a seat-of-the pants experience for a long time. Web assemblies are the way of the future for processing-intensive tasks in web apps. I came across this project the other day. It looks fantastic and I really can't wait to strip out our home-baked image resizing with canvas and replace it with this.
The usual reason for doing this is to avoid large uploads. It's a little bit weird to want to resize in the browser then upload the original. You might be better resizing on the server. You'll save bandwidth and the server libraries will be more mature than what's available on the client.
Along with the original image object you can add one more your custom resized image to the array of images by using resize config of dropzone. You can do the above on drop event or adddedFile event of dropzone.

Setting ApplicationBarButton.IconUri with icon from Isolated Storage

I am working on windows phone application in which i need to change ApplicationBarButton icon dinamically, for example to show current date like in default Windows Phone Calendar app. Regarding to this article, we can use only png images previously added to solution and reference to them with relative Uri.
It is not a problem for me to generate correct png image (this way and using ToolStack C# PNG Writer Library) and save it to isolated storage, but when i'm initializing AppBarButton with absolute Uri to this image and trying to add it to ApplicationBar, my app throws ArgumentException.
Am i doing something wrong or i just have to draw 366 icons and add them to my project? :)
Thanks in advance!

How to resize image returned from URL for live tile

I need to re-size and image that I'm using to update a live tile in a Windows 8 modern app. I'm retrieving the image through a URL and the image is too large for the tile's size limit of 310 x 150. I have to do this for over 80 images so downloading the image itself isn't an option. Any ideas?
I do something similar on windows phone, take a look on how to do this here: Resize image for Live Tile - WriteableBitmapEx
Long blog post version:
I also used the same scenario in windows 8, the example for that can be found here:
BUT this will indeed download the original image first, don't know if it is a big problem?

Screen Resolution issue with Metro app when running in local machine (Windows 8 desktop)?

Hi I am developing a Windows 8 C# / Xaml Metro application. I have taken grid template project and customized to my design requirement.
When I am testing the application in Windows 8 simulator it works fine, but when I run the application in Windows 8 desktop using VS2012 local machine option I am facing many problems.
If I am using standard resolution of 1366 * 768 it works fine.
If I am using a low resolution like 1280 * 720 etc (low end resolutions), the screen shrinking in many cases and it causes many problem, including irregular and inconsistent look.
My doubt is:
As per my knowledge is that Metro unique feature is to scale/render in different resolutions in same way, then why is it not able to achieve it properly?
Am I missing anything very important regarding Windows 8 Metro screen resolution?
How to make the Metro app work in different resolutions of desktop in same way and give a consistent look?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
This MSDN article is an excellent source on how to scale your app:
Scaling To Different Screens
Points from the article that may be relavent to you:
The minimum screen resolution for an app is 1024 x 768. Your resolution above (1280 x 720) does not meet this minimum.
For the grid graphics - it may help if you provide the suggested sizes of (100%, 140%, and 180%). For example, for the standard grid size (250 x 250), you should provide images of the sizes of 250 x 250 (100%), 350 x 350 (140%), and 450 x 450 (180%). You have to use one of the two naming schemes (file name scheme, or folder name scheme) for your app to automatically select the size. For example, if your graphic in the xaml is named "mygraphic.jpg", then you can provide the scaled images named "mygraphic.scale-100.jpg", "mygraphic.scale-140.jpg", and "mygraphic.scale-180.jpg".
Since you are not very specific in indicating what is wrong, it is hard to suggest other things. Definitely take a look at the article.
Wrap your content panel in a Viewbox. It will scale the content to fill the available space.

Plugin: BuddyPress Activity Plus - How can I call the full size image?

I’m using the BuddyPress Activity Plus plugin and wanted to know if there was a way to call the full size image that was uploaded when viewing the single page of the activity?
I’ve looked at placing a line of code in “activity/entry.php” of the child theme but can’t find anything that will call its full size image, only the thumbnail shows with the link to the full size image to open in a lightbox.
This isn’t what I’m looking for, the full size image needs to be in place of the thumbnail when viewing the single activity page.
Any idea anyone? Sorry if this is the right place for this, just having trouble getting an answer
Many thanks
I'm looking to do a similar thing, not too much luck yet. Also - have you noticed that if you upload multiple images, they stack, rather then laying out side by side?
Found out how to make the images in the stream bigger:
You can set your preferred thumbnail size separately from your default thumbnail size settings, if you wish to do so. You can do that by adding this line to your wp-config.php:
define('BPFB_THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_SIZE', '200x200');
Where "200x200" are width and height (in that order), in pixels.
Finally, be sure to verify your default sizes for embedded media. It's in Settings -> Media -> Embeds -> Maximum embed size