Why Does a .dll file allow programs to be modularized? - dll

Excerpt From Micrsoft's "What is a .dll?":
"By using a DLL, a program can be modularized into separate
components. For example, an accounting program may be sold by module.
Each module can be loaded into the main program at run time if that
module is installed. Because the modules are separate, the load time
of the program is faster, and a module is only loaded when that
functionality is requested. Additionally, updates are easier to apply
to each module without affecting other parts of the program. For
example, you may have a payroll program, and the tax rates change each
year. When these changes are isolated to a DLL, you can apply an
update without needing to build or install the whole program again."
DLL's are:
loaded at runtime
can "dynamically loaded" (by multiple programs at the same time)
- which allows saving of resources
- lowers disk space requirements
But why do they promote "modulizing" programs?What would happen if there weren't .dll files?Could someone provide/expand on the example

Modular programs provide a way of making a particular functionality available to many programs without having to include the same code in all of them. Also, they allow greater compatibility between programs since they would essentially use the same methods in common DLLs to obtain the same results.
One would write a program in a modular fashion such that different parts of the program could be maintained separately. Say you had some clever way of reading and writing your own data format to files. Say you make improvements to that technique. If the code for reading and writing the files lived in a DLL, you would only need to update the DLL. The program itself would remain unchanged.

If you have one monolithic EXE, you have to
pay for all the extra time relinking it, even if 1 source file changed (this is painful if it's > 80 MB, as is the case in large projects),
ship the entire EXE, when you could only ship a single DLL which is a fraction of the size (for patches/updates).
Breaking it up into DLLs you
have pluggability: The EXE is the host application and others can write DLLs that "plug into" the host via a well-defined interface. DLLs can be interchanged as long as they conform to the interface.
can share code across other DLLs and EXEs.
can have some DLLs be optionally loaded on demand, only if they're used, and unloaded when they're not needed
similar to above, have optional functionality. With a single EXE you have to download everything, even if some components are rarely used. With DLLs, you could have a system that downloads and installs features as needed.

The biggest advantage of dlls is probably during development of the original program. Without dlls you wouldn't be able to integrate with existing libraries without including the original source code. By including an existing library as a dll you don't need the source since it's all encapsulated in the dll. It would be a nightmare to develop in frameworks like .Net without dlls since you constantly include other libraries...

The alternative to breaking your program down in n > 1 pieces is to keep it in n == 1 piece. Why is this bad? Well it isn't always bad (maybe the BIOS is a good example?). But for user programs it usually is. Why? First we need to define what a program is.
What is a program?
A simple "program", roughly speaking, consists of an entry point (i.e. offset to the main function), functions and global variables. A function consists of instructions and information about what local variables are needed to run the function. To be executed a program must be loaded in primary memory/RAM (the aforementioned information). Because our program has functions (and not just jump statements), that implies the existence of a stack, which implies the existence of a containing environment managing the stack. (I suppose you could have a program that manages its own stack but I'd argue then your program is not a program anymore but an environment.) This environment contains the program, starts in the entry point and executes each instruction, be it "go to this part of the RAM and add it to whatever is in this register" or "If this register is all 0 then jump ahead this many instructions and resume execution there" indefinitely or until the program gives control back to its environment. (This is somewhat simplified - context switches in multi-process environments, illegal memory access, illegal instructions, etc. can also cause control to be taken from the program.)
Anyway, so we have two options: either load the entire program at once or have it stored and loaded in pieces.
n == 1
There are some advantages to doing it all at once:
Once the program is in memory no disk access is required to execute further (unless the program explicitly asks there to be).
Since the program is compiled/linked before execution begins you can do everything without any sort of string names/comparisons - go directly to the address (or an offset).
Functions are never out of sync with one another.
n > 1
There are some disadvantages, though, which mirror the advantages:
Most programs don't execute all code paths most of the time. I think there's some studies that in most programs most of the time spent executing is spent in a fraction of the instructions present in the program. In other words something like 20% of the program is executed 80% of the time (I just made that particular figure up - but you get the idea). If we divide our program up enough and only load instruction sets (i.e. functions) as they are needed then we won't waste time loading the 80% we'll never use this execution of the program. Along these lines we can ultimately fit more concurrently executing programs in our RAM at once if we only end up loading the fraction of the program we need.
Most programs share similar functions (i.e. storing data/trees/hashes/sorting/etc., reading input, writing output, etc.) and if each program has its own local copy then you can't reuse instruction code.
Many programs depend on the existence of others and are maintained by separate companies/groups/individuals. By releasing versioned modules we don't have to synchronize releases all the time.
These aren't the only points to consider but the first ones that came to my mind. I'd recommend reading about compilers, linkers and operating systems. That will answer this question more thoroughly than I and other questions I'm sure this has brought up. To recap dll's aren't the "best" way of packaging executable programs in all situations and circumstances - they have a particular use and advantages and disadvantages.


How do large software systems composed of multiple executables work?

First of all let me clear up some confusion arising from my potential misuse of vocabulary in the question:
By 'executable' I mean a single executable file that is build from sources containing one main function (my background is in C++) and potentially lots of classes and the like. This 'large software system' is a collection of such executables that communicate with each other and work together to achieve some goal.
I'm used to writing simple programs that have a clear entry point and exit conditions. What would be this entry point in such a software system? Which executable starts first and how do I know which one it is? There is no one global main function after all, is it? When are all other executables launched and who calls them? What other files compose such system? How are they bundled together? How is the system loaded on the target machine?
Question is way too vague, but I'll try and take a stab at it.
Which executable executes first - this would depend on requirements and the developer. If it's a sequential flow, there would definitely be an order of executing executables. For parallel processing, the return codes of each executable would be examined to determine their result.
Who calls other executables. This can be done by calling your initial executable from a shell script, and based on it's return code, deciding the next course of action. Instead of shell script, you can also opt for job schedulers like Tivoli or Cron jobs i believe.
What other files compose the system.
Well that would depend on the system being built. This is really extremely vague to even attempt to answer.
How are they bundled.
That would depend on the target system. Java apps could be .jar, in windows you can have .exe
How is the system loaded.
Again way too vague to answer

What form is DLL & what makes it processor dependent

I know DLL contains one or more exported functions that are compiled, linked, and stored separately..
My question is about not about how to create it.. but it is all about in what form it is stored.. Is it going to be in the form of 0's & 1's.. or in assembly commands ADD, MUL, DIV, MOV, CALL, RETURN etc..
Also what makes it to be processor dependent.. (like x86, x87, IBM 700 instruction set)..
Can someone please explain it little briefly..!
First of all, everything in a computer is in the form of "0's & 1's" . The fact that the computer can display some of these as text, pictures, sounds, 3D models, etc. is just a matter of how you interpret them. But down there, at the metal, it's all just "0's & 1's" (also known as bits). Note though that they are always grouped together in groups of 8, and these are called "bytes". It's really for the sake of efficiency, because operating with every bit individually would be too tedious. Actually, todays computers don't even operate on single bytes anymore (or rather - they do it very rarely). Mostly you operate with 4 or 8 bytes at a time, depending on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit CPU (that's in layman's terms, it's actually a bit more complicated than that).
As for a .DLL file - like an .EXE file, it contains bytes that describe instructions that a CPU can execute. The CPU takes these bytes directly from the .DLL/.EXE and executes them without any further modifications. That's why these files are CPU-specific. In different CPU architectures the same combination of bytes means different things, so a .DLL/.EXE will run correctly only on the CPU for which it was designed. On other CPUs these bytes will mean some other instructions, and when run, the program will most likely do some utter nonsense and crash immediately.
The assembly commands you mentioned also deserve an explanation. "Assembler" is not a language that a CPU can understand. It's a language a human can understand. It was created because writing directly in machine code (the bytes that the CPU actually understands) is very difficult. What you get is utter gibberish on the screen (try opening some .EXE file in Notepad!) but every bit has to be precisely set for it to work.
So assembly language is basically the same thing, except these instructions are written in text that humans can read. For every machine code that a CPU can understand, there is am instruction with a human-friendly name. An assembly compiler simply reads these instructions and replaces them with the bytes that represent the actual instructions for the CPU to execute. It's a 1:1 operation. Every command in assembly language matches a single machine instruction (again, in layman's terms).
So you see, there isn't even a single assembly language. Every CPU architecture has its own assembly language, because they each have different instructions.
Note though that all this applies to native .DLL/.EXE files. .NET files are different - they don't contain machine code, but rather instructions for an abstract, nonexistent CPU. It's like Java bytecodes. When a .NET .DLL/.EXE is run, the .NET runtime translates it from the abstract instructions to the instructions that the specific CPU can understand. They use a lot of tricks to make this very fast, so these files run almost as fast as simple .DLL/.EXE files.
Does this clear things up? :)
Native DLLs (not .NET assemblies) usually contain machine code that can only be run on a certain platform. The machine code is a sequence of bytes that the processor treats as instructions (ADD, MOV, etc.).
In Windows, dll's are stored in the PE format which is basically a collection of sections that holds the information about how to map it into memory. some sections contains the program's code (which is of course processor dependent), others contains the program's data, other the exported and imported functions and so on.
Managed code is compiled to some intermediate language that is JITed by the run-time as it is executed. therefore, your dll won't contain any processor dependent code and you'll be able to execute your program on any platform with the relevant run-time.
it depends on your DLL. generally, a DLL contains executable code as an EXE file. those code DLLs are processor dependent since the code can only be executed on a specific platform. the code is stored using the same "format" as an EXE file (binary machine code).
however, a DLL can sometimes contains only data: they are then called "resource DLL" and are not processor dependent at all. they act as a container for data files used by applications.
note that many DLLs are hybrids: they contain both code and resources. for example, most DLLs which comprises the user part of the Windows operating system are hybrid: you can open them using Visual Studio or a Resource Explorer to see the resources (the data segments) they contain, or open them with Dependency Walker or dumpbin to see the functions (the code segments) they contain.
(of course this answer is really Windows specific, i don't know for .so files which are the linux equivalent of a DLL)
Both a DLL and an EXE contain executable code.
In the case of a DLL it doesn't have the necessary parts to be directly executable. It must be called from an other piece of executable code. One DLL can call another, but all must ultimately be called from and EXE.
So the rules about what's compatible with what processor that apply to EXEs also apply to DLLs.

How to run unmanaged executable from memory rather than disc

I want to embed a command-line utility in my C# application, so that I can grab its bytes as an array and run the executable without ever saving it to disk as a separate file (avoids storing executable as separate file and avoids needing ability to write temporary files anywhere).
I cannot find a method to run an executable from just its byte stream. Does windows require it to be on a disk, or is there a way to run it from memory?
If windows requires it to be on disk, is there an easy way in the .NET framework to create a virtual drive/file of some kind and map the file to the executable's memory stream?
You are asking for a very low-level, platform-specific feature to be implemented in a high-level, managed environment. Anything's possible...but nobody said it would be easy...
(BTW, I don't know why you think temp file management is onerous. The BCL does it for you: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.path.gettempfilename.aspx )
Allocate enough memory to hold the executable. It can't reside on the managed heap, of course, so like almost everything in this exercise you'll need to PInvoke. (I recommend C++/CLI, actually, so as not to drive yourself too crazy). Pay special attention to the attribute bits you apply to the allocated memory pages: get them wrong and you'll either open a gaping security hole or have your process be shut down by DEP (i.e., you'll crash). See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366553(VS.85).aspx
Locate the executable in your assembly's resource library and acquired a pinned handle to it.
Memcpy() the code from the pinned region of the managed heap to the native block.
Free the GCHandle.
Call VirtualProtect to prevent further writes to the executable memory block.
Calculate the address of the executable's Main function within your process' virtual address space, based on the handle you got from VirtualAlloc and the offset within the file as shown by DUMPBIN or similar tools.
Place the desired command line arguments on the stack. (Windows Stdcall convention). Any pointers must point to native or pinned regions, of course.
Jump to the calculated address. Probably easiest to use _call (inline assembly language).
Pray to God that the executable image doesn't have any absolute jumps in it that would've been fixed up by calling LoadLibrary the normal way. (Unless, of course, you feel like re-implementing the brains of LoadLibrary during step #3).
Retrieve the return value from the #eax register.
Call VirtualFree.
Steps #5 and #11 should be done in a finally block and/or use the IDisposable pattern.
The other main option would be to create a RAMdrive, write the executable there, run it, and cleanup. That might be a little safer since you aren't trying to write self-modifying code (which is tough in any case, but especially so when the code isn't even yours). But I'm fairly certain it will require even more platform API calls than the dynamic code injection option -- all of them requiring C++ or PInvoke, naturally.
Take a look at the "In Memory" section of this paper. Realize that it's from a remote DLL injection perspective, but the concept should be the same.
Remote Library Injection
Creating a RAMdisk or dumping the code into memory and then executing it are both possible, but extremely complicated solutions (possibly more so in managed code).
Does it need to be an executable? If you package it as an assembly, you can use Assembly.Load() from a memory stream - a couple of trivial lines of code.
Or if it really has to be an executable, what's actually wrong with writing a temp file? It'll take a few lines of code to dump it to a temp file, execute it, wait for it to exit, and then delete the temp file - it may not even get out of the disk cache before you've deleted it! Sometimes the simple, obvious solution is the best solution.
This is explicitly not allowed in Vista+. You can use some undocumented Win32 API calls in XP to do this but it was broken in Vista+ because it was a massive security hole and the only people using it were malware writers.

Compiling Massive VB.NET Project

To compile my current project, one exe with ~90,000 loc + ~100 DLL's it takes about a half hour or more depending on the speed of the workstation.
The build process is one of running devenv from Powershell scripts. This works very well with no problems.
The problem is that it is slow. I want to speed up this build process.
MSBuild (using VS-2005) is one option but there's a bug specifying icons to the vb compiler/linker on the command line such that it won't successfully link.
What other options are there to "make" VB.NET programs?
(Faster workstation is not an option.)
Do you absolutely have to compile the whole solution every time? With that many assemblies it seems unlikely that they all need to be built unless they actually change. If your solution is made up of multiple projects, you might consider creating multiple solutions in your build environment. One master solution could contain all the projects, another that includes the ones that change most often. You can then configure your build process to focus on the projects that have changed. Depending on the source control system you use, you may be able to query the system to determine which projects have changed since the last build, and only build those projects.
There's NAnt, and Cruisecontrol.NET for continuous build.
You mentioned that getting a faster PC is not an option, but how much memory do you have? 2GB should be the minimum for a developer machine. Also, using a fast 10K RPM hard disk makes a big difference.
Have you tried disabling any virus scanner during your build?
If you can, upgrade to the 3.5 version of MSBuild. It can build solution files, and enables support for multiprocessor support (or here if you need to host it yourself) enabling it to build projects in parallel.
The caveat is that you need to be using project references so it knows what to build.
Also, how long is it taking now? Have you looked at the CPU/Memory Usage (using something like PerfMon) to see if it is a bottleneck?
There's not much you can do to make the build process any faster short of adding more cores, CPU power, and memory to your machine, but that isn't an option in your case.
Most large projects are not self-contained in a single EXE. More often, logical units are moved into seperate assemblies, which can either be a DLL or EXE. The end result is a whole bunch of little assemblies, instead of one enormous one.
To cite one example, one project that I worked on was enormous, consisting of 700+ forms and 10s of 1000s of classes. Functionally related forms, such as those related to printing, report generation, user interrogation, etc were self-contained in their own EXEs. If I was working on the reports, I'd exclude all projects not related to reports from the build process, and this helps bring the compilation time down from a half hour to a few seconds.
This programming style can be tricky, but when it done right, it simply works and works flawlessly.
If you have a big number of projects then you should try to reduce them. You can always split them up in dll's later. The fewer projects the faster it can build. Especially if it has to build them in a certain order.
Breaking them in smaller solutions is also an option.

Process for reducing the size of an executable

I'm producing a hex file to run on an ARM processor which I want to keep below 32K. It's currently a lot larger than that and I wondered if someone might have some advice on what's the best approach to slim it down?
Here's what I've done so far
So I've run 'size' on it to determine how big the hex file is.
Then 'size' again to see how big each of the object files are that link to create the hex files. It seems the majority of the size comes from external libraries.
Then I used 'readelf' to see which functions take up the most memory.
I searched through the code to see if I could eliminate calls to those functions.
Here's where I get stuck, there's some functions which I don't call directly (e.g. _vfprintf) and I can't find what calls it so I can remove the call (as I think I don't need it).
So what are the next steps?
Response to answers:
As I can see there are functions being called which take up a lot of memory. I cannot however find what is calling it.
I want to omit those functions (if possible) but I can't find what's calling them! Could be called from any number of library functions I guess.
The linker is working as desired, I think, it only includes the relevant library files. How do you know if only the relevant functions are being included? Can you set a flag or something for that?
I'm using GCC
General list:
Make sure that you have the compiler and linker debug options disabled
Compile and link with all size options turned on (-Os in gcc)
Run strip on the executable
Generate a map file and check your function sizes. You can either get your linker to generate your map file (-M when using ld), or you can use objdump on the final executable (note that this will only work on an unstripped executable!) This won't actually fix the problem, but it will let you know of the worst offenders.
Use nm to investigate the symbols that are called from each of your object files. This should help in finding who's calling functions that you don't want called.
In the original question was a sub-question about including only relevant functions. gcc will include all functions within every object file that is used. To put that another way, if you have an object file that contains 10 functions, all 10 functions are included in your executable even if one 1 is actually called.
The standard libraries (eg. libc) will split functions into many separate object files, which are then archived. The executable is then linked against the archive.
By splitting into many object files the linker is able to include only the functions that are actually called. (this assumes that you're statically linking)
There is no reason why you can't do the same trick. Of course, you could argue that if the functions aren't called the you can probably remove them yourself.
If you're statically linking against other libraries you can run the tools listed above over them too to make sure that they're following similar rules.
Another optimization that might save you work is -ffunction-sections, -Wl,--gc-sections, assuming you're using GCC. A good toolchain will not need to be told that, though.
Explanation: GNU ld links sections, and GCC emits one section per translation unit unless you tell it otherwise. But in C++, the nodes in the dependecy graph are objects and functions.
On deeply embedded projects I always try to avoid using any standard library functions. Even simple functions like "strtol()" blow up the binary size. If possible just simply avoid those calls.
In most deeply embedded projects you don't need a versatile "printf()" or dynamic memory allocation (many controllers have 32kb or less RAM).
Instead of just using "printf()" I use a very simple custom "printf()", this function can only print numbers in hexadecimal or decimal format not more. Most data structures are preallocated at compile time.
Andrew EdgeCombe has a great list, but if you really want to scrape every last byte, sstrip is a good tool that is missing from the list and and can shave off a few more kB.
For example, when run on strip itself, it can shave off ~2kB.
From an old README (see the comments at the top of this indirect source file):
sstrip is a small utility that removes the contents at the end of an
ELF file that are not part of the program's memory image.
Most ELF executables are built with both a program header table and a
section header table. However, only the former is required in order
for the OS to load, link and execute a program. sstrip attempts to
extract the ELF header, the program header table, and its contents,
leaving everything else in the bit bucket. It can only remove parts of
the file that occur at the end, after the parts to be saved. However,
this almost always includes the section header table, and occasionally
a few random sections that are not used when running a program.
Note that due to some of the information that it removes, a sstrip'd executable is rumoured to have issues with some tools. This is discussed more in the comments of the source.
Also... for an entertaining/crazy read on how to make the smallest possible executable, this article is worth a read.
Just to double-check and document for future reference, but do you use Thumb instructions? They're 16 bit versions of the normal instructions. Sometimes you might need 2 16 bit instructions, so it won't save 50% in code space.
A decent linker should take just the functions needed. However, you might need compiler & linke settings to package functions for individual linking.
Ok so in the end I just reduced the project to it's simplest form, then slowly added files one by one until the function that I wanted to remove appeared in the 'readelf' file. Then when I had the file I commented everything out and slowly add things back in until the function popped up again. So in the end I found out what called it and removed all those calls...Now it works as desired...sweet!
Must be a better way to do it though.
To answer this specific need:
•I want to omit those functions (if possible) but I can't find what's
calling them!! Could be called from any number of library functions I
If you want to analyze your code base to see who calls what, by whom a given function is being called and things like that, there is a great tool out there called "Understand C" provided by SciTools.
I have used it very often in the past to perform static code analysis. It can really help to determine library dependency tree. It allows to easily browse up and down the calling tree among other things.
They provide a limited time evaluation, then you must purchase a license.
You could look at something like executable compression.