VBA, SQL, Queries - sql

I have an access form with few controls on it, like start-date, end-date, move_type, mover_name etc, when user fills this field n clicks on query command button, a select query is run and it fetches records from various tables depending upon the criteria mentioned by the user.
Later the same records are exported to excel file and a report is generated for user.
Now I need to do more with this, my select query has a field "quoted-price", depending upon the price quoted the records need to be sorted out.
EX : if quoted_price < 500 then it is a "domestic apartment1", if quoted-price is >500 And <1500 it is "domestic Apartment1" etc.
Now I need to do more with this, my select query has a field "quoted-price", depending upon the price quoted the records need to be sorted out.
EX : if quoted_price < 500 then it is a "domestic apartment1", if quoted-price is >500 And <1500 it is "domestic Apartment1" etc. and when all the records generated through select query are searched on this criteria, the records need to be grouped accordingly. Later the count for individual category is multiplied by a unit value and total charge is calculated.
I tried building many queries to do this and tables to refer to value but of no use. Any help will be much appreciated.

are you looking to create a new field depending on the condition? That may be step one of what you are trying to do, If so that is pretty easy. See here: http://allenbrowne.com/casu-14.html


A solution for a join to get all the data that is not in the main query based on a field from the main query

So I have the below case in crystal reports
Main Report which has a query that shows the batch details of an invoice
Sub-report which shows the details of the batches included in the main report but are not included in that document. So for example
Invoice A has 10 items all with the same batch (this will show in the main report)
Invoice B, C, an D has 3 more items in the same batch (so total 13 items for that batch in 4 different documents) and the 3 items that are not in document A is what appears in the sub-report.
Now it's easy to achieve that in Crystal Reports because you can link sub-reports with fields to filter directly without linking the queries, however since CR is not a database engine the filtration is super slow and to solve that I need a solution in an SQL query:
I tried converting it to UNION ALL so it's
Main Report
Union ALL
Sub Report
The problem is I am unable to replicate the sub-report case since the grouping needs to be by Document then Batch and the 3 items from the sub-report are not on the same document so they are not grouped by the same dimension now and that ruins the report.
I know it's not logical but after trying all the solutions that came to my mind I thought maybe someone more experienced would have a different opinion, basically for every invoice in the main report I need to show all items that are not in that specific invoice so right now I have no links because the Item is not the same, the document is not the same, and only the batch is the same but that's a many to many link.
EDIT: For simplicity let's say this is the main query
FROM DocHeader T0
JOIN DocRows T1 ON T0.DocumentEntry = T1.DocumentEntry
JOIN ItemMaster T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
JOIN BatchTransaction T3 ON T1.Document Entry = T3.DocumentEntry and
T3.DocumentType = T1.DocumentType and T3.DocumentLine = T1.DocumentLine
The report is grouped by Document Number, so what i need is the same query but for every other document number that is not in the main query joined on the main query. The 2 problems are 1. They can leave the document number parameter blank and select all the documents in the table so this process needs to happen for each document seperately. 2. the document number in the sub query will never be the same so the grouping is an issue because the report needs to be grouped on the main query document number.
It would help if you wrote out your main query and some of the secondary queries you've tried, but assuming I understand your issue correctly, you should be able to just create an additional JOIN on the Batches table. This will have your SQL query list off ALL the Item rows for the Batch, then you can try to use conditional formatting and/or grouping in Crystal to to show/hide the rows as needed.
Alternatively, using the query described above, you may be able to use the linked Invoice Numbers you're now getting from your main report query to drive your Sub-Report, as opposed to going by the Batch # -- this may result in better performance.
EDIT: Based on your comment and update, I think the right approach here is to create a Stored Procedure. Doing a single query is probably not going to work, I took a crack at it and it's not worth the hassle.
Using a Stored Procedure you can create a table variable in memory, add the main invoice records to the table, then add the records for the secondary Invoices linked by the Batch number. Use some kind of column/flag in your table that indicates whether it's a 'Main Invoice' record or not, and use this flag to drive the Crystal display logic for how you want to show the main vs secondary/linked invoices.
It's doable!

Querying via a form with value from textbox as criteria

The situation: metadata about biological specimens are collected in an Access table. The specimens come from human patients and patient data are collected in a separate table. To limit the amount of private health information we have hanging around, the patient database must be updated with new patients only when we actually receive samples from them.
So that the data entry workers know when they need to update the patient table, I want a button in the specimen data entry form that will pass an entered patient id value as criteria to a query.
The query looks like this right now:
SELECT Patients.[Patient id]
FROM Patients
WHERE (((Patients.[Patient id])=[Forms]![Specimen entry]![patient id]));
but it never has results, even when I run it from records that I know correspond to patients in the patient table. How do I fix this?
Suggestions about what to call this situation so that I can make better searches about it would also be appreciated. I'm an Access novice.
The query looks correct, but make sure the WHERE clause is comparing numbers to numbers or strings to strings (not a number to a string). Also confirm that the form and textbox names are correct. A quick test using your query worked for me.
Depending on how you plan to present the information, you can also dynamically create the query in VBA and then pass the information to the form.
For searching, I'd recommend some combination of access, dynamic, query, and vba.
alternative option
If you're only looking to see if a single patient exists in the table, it may be simpler to use the dlookup function:
If IsNull(DLookup("[Patient ID]", "Patients", "[Patient ID]='" & Me.Patient_ID & "'")) Then MsgBox "does not exist"
This will check to see if the patient exists (return a number) or does not exist (returns NULL).

Trying to SUM a formula field based on constraints from another field

A little background on the report:
This is a productivity report for our employees working at our business. We determine their productivity based on the duration of the visits with clients. Some of our employees offer group sessions. They charge each client within the group, even though they are only giving, for example, one hour of service, they can bill for 10 hours if there are 10 people in the group. We determine what service they gave by service codes.
So, I have two fields in this formula, a service code field and a duration field.
The duration field is initially a STRING field from the database, even though it only gives number data, so I change it to a numberVar. The service code field is also a string field, and it sometimes does contain characters and numbers.
What I need Crystal Reports to do is take the sum of the duration. However, if the service code is, say, "1000", it must first divide the duration by 3 before summing it. This is where I get caught up.
Here's my code for the duration:
local numbervar num1;
If GroupName ({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_SERVICE_CODE})="1530" then
num1 := ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})/3
else num1 := ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})
Then I do a separate formula for the sum, named sumDuration:
I get the error that this field cannot be summarized. After searching Google for two days I have found that Crystal cannot summarize fields or formulas involving constants. If I simply say:
local numbervar num1;
num1 := ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})
then I can summarize #duration. What am I missing? It has to be something simple, but I'm just not seeing it. Is there a way to create a custom function to accomplish what I am trying to get here? Or is it even simpler than that?
One person suggested creating a SQL command in order to do the calculations before the data gets to the report. I am a SQL newb so I had no idea where to even begin with that.
If you are grouping by Service Code and placing the above formula in the footer you will only be computing {billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration} for the last record in the group. If you are intending to use the formula and sum the results and place the results in the Service Code footer try the following. (basically remove the reference to group name)
If {billing_tx_charge_detail.v_SERVICE_CODE}) = "1530" then
ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})/3 else
You can use variables (num1) if you want to but they are not needed.
You can still use the second formula you referred to and place in the group footer OR you can place the first formula in details section, right click and insert a summary to the group footer. You can also place in the report footer if you need it to total there as well.

Acess Report - Sum the Value of a Field If the value of another Field Matches Criteria

I have an Access Database and i'm trying to create a report that has me a bit stumped. Basically this report is going to display each employee's order processing performance based on a user specified date range, the report gives an itemized detail of each unique product on the order and it's price and Quantity.
Each Product has an 'Assembly Category' either 'DRFLUSH' or 'FRAME'.
In the summary of each Order i want to total the Quantities of each Assembly Category in a separate field.
Initially i rushed this report and have now found that the way i intended on completing this task is incorrect as the value given is only a Count of how many times an instance of each value 'DRFLUSH' or 'FRAME' occurs. I started with as follows: (Please ignore the bad practice with field naming i have taken this database on from a previous employee).
However as previously stated this is wrong. I want the fields to sum the Quantity of each line item but only where the criteria is matched.
Any help is greatly appreciated, i'm sure this is a ridiculously simple task however i just cannot seem to wrap my head around it today.
Sorted this by changing the statements to as follows:

SQL select certain number of rows

Hello I need a SQL query statement that gets me rows 'start' to 'finish'.
For example:
A website with many items where page 1 selects only items 1-10, page 2 has 11-20 and so on.
I know how to do this with Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL but I need an implementation that is platform independent. :/
I have an Increment line for IDs but deleting in-between will mess the result when I select via
WHERE ID > number AND ID < othernumber
of course
Is this possible without fetching the whole database to a ResultSet?
I think your safest bet would be to use the BETWEEN operator. I believe it works across Oracle/MySQL/MSSQL.
WHERE ID BETWEEN number AND othernumber
Concerning your comment " I was just think for the case when first 100 IDs are gone I'll have to check further until there is something to fetch", you might wanna consider NOT actually ever deleting stuff from your database but to add a flag like "active" or something like that to your tables so you can avoid situations like the one you're now trying to avoid. The alternative is where you are now, having to find the max and min rows in a filter