Word VBA code to cut numbers from one column and paste them in another - vba

I am looking for some code that can search cell by cell in the 2nd column of a table for numbers and decimal points, cut them and paste them in the cell to the left whilst leaving the text behind.
For example:
1(tab space)Test
1.1(tab space)Test
1.1.1(tab space)Test space)Test
Where the bullet points represent separate cells in different columns.
In all instances the numbers are separated from the text by a tab space "Chr9" (as indicated in the example)
Any help or useful snippets of code would much appreciated!
EDIT: I have some code that scans each cell in a column but I dont know the code to tell it to only cut numbers and decimal points up to the first tab space.

The Split function delivers what you are after. Sample code:
Dim inputString As String
Dim splitArray() As String
Dim result As String
inputString = "1 Test"
splitArray = Split(inputString, " ")
If(UBound(splitArray) >= 1) Then 'Making sure that it found something before using it
result = splitArray(1) 'Text
End If
inputString = "1.1 Test"
splitArray = Split(inputString, " ")
If(UBound(splitArray) >= 1) Then
result = splitArray(1) 'Text
End If
Code delivering the functionality you want:
Dim splitArray() As String
Dim curTable As Table
Set curTable = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
For Row = 1 To curTable.Rows.Count
With curTable
splitArray = Split(.Cell(Row, 2).Range.Text, " ")
If (UBound(splitArray) >= 1) Then
.Cell(Row, 2).Range.Text = splitArray(1)
.Cell(Row, 1).Range.Text = splitArray(0)
End If
End With
Next Row


Extracting Date/Time from comment cell

I have a comment field with cells containing text like this:
Cancelled by user at 2018-01-03 03:11:57 without charge
I want to get the date and time information, but it may not always be in the 3rd/4th from last spaces, otherwise I might try to do some sort of complicated split of the cell. Is there an "in cell" way extract the date time information? Or will this need a VBA script? I prefer the former, but I'm trying to make a macro to simplify my life anyway, so VBA would work too.
I'd propose the following formula:
=MID(A1,FIND("at 20",A1)+3,19)
This would require that the date is always preceded by the word 'at' and the date string starts with 20.
You can try this function. It splits the string checking for items that have the first letter numeric, and builds a result string of just the date information.
Public Function ParseForDate(sCell As String) As String
Dim vSplit As Variant
Dim nIndex As Integer
Dim sResult As String
vSplit = Split(sCell, " ")
For nIndex = 0 To UBound(vSplit)
If IsNumeric(Left$(vSplit(nIndex), 1)) Then
sResult = sResult & vSplit(nIndex) & " "
End If
ParseForDate = Trim$(sResult)
End Function
If you wanted to use it in a formula it would look something like this:
To use it in a VBA routine:
Dim s as String
s = ParseForDate(Range("A1"))
Non-VBA solution: (this is assuming the date format is always the same for all cells)
Note this is an array formula, so you must press Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of just Enter when typing this formula.
You will obviously then need to format the cell as a date and time, but this formula gets the numerical value that Excel uses for its internal date and time system.
Using a regex will enable you to fetch the date and time, irrespective of its placement in the string. The following solution will work if the date and time are of the same format as shown in the example string.
Sub getDateTime()
Dim objReg, matches, str
str = Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Value 'Change this as per your requirements
Set objReg = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objReg.Global = True
objReg.Pattern = "\d{4}(?:-\d{2}){2}\s*\d{2}(?::\d{2}){2}"
If objReg.test(str) Then
Set matches = objReg.Execute(str)
strResult = matches.Item(0)
MsgBox strResult
End If
End Sub
Click for Regex Demo
Regex Explanation:
\d{4} - matches 4 digits representing the year
(?:-\d{2}){2} - matches - followed by 2 digits. {2} in the end repeats this match 2 times. Once for getting MM and the next time for DD
\s* - matches 0+ whitespaces to match the space between the Date and Time
\d{2} - matches 2 digits representing the HH
(?::\d{2}){2} - matches : followed by 2 digits. The {2} in the end repeats this match 2 times. First time for matching the :MM and the next time for matching the :SS
This will be good for about 90 years (using cell C3 for example):
Sub GetDate()
Dim s As String
s = Range("C3").Comment.Text
arr = Split(s, " ")
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If Left(arr(i), 2) = "20" Then
msg = arr(i) & " " & arr(i + 1)
MsgBox msg
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End Sub

How to VBA Excel Macro part of a string

I'm currently busy with Excel tooling and learning a lot but i got a question. Currently i have a couple rows with data in the rows. In the rows there is a lot of data but i need a specific part of the row. Of course i can delete it all manually but to do that for 3000 rows i will be wasting a lot of time.
Can any one help me with a macro that filters data. The data i need is between [ and ] so for example [data]
I hope you guys can help me out and if you need more information just ask me! I hope you guys can help me!
Example String ROW:
[Sandwitch]><xsd:element name="T8436283"
So what do i need?
So i need a macro that only gets the Sandwitch out of it and paste it in the B column. The string with all the information stays at column A and the Sandwitch goes to Column B and that for all rows.
Option 1: Find/Replace
1) Copy data in another column (just saving original copy)
2) Perform Find/Replace "*["
3) Perform Find/Replace "]"
Now you have data which was between [].
Option 2: Use formulas
1) Lets assume that original data in Column "A"
2) Apply this formula in column "B" which will extract data between []
Option 3: Macro
If it is absolutely needed, I can help create a macro, otherwise try first two easier options.
A general purpose "find element in s starting x up to next y":
Function GenExtract(FromStr As String, _
StartSep As String, EndSep As String) _
As Variant
Dim StPos As Long
Dim EnPos As Long
GenExtract = CVErr(xlErrNA)
If StartSep = "" Or EndSep = "" Then Exit Function 'fail
StPos = InStr(1, FromStr, Left(StartSep, 1))
If StPos = 0 Or StPos = Len(FromStr) Then Exit Function 'fail
EnPos = InStr(StPos + 1, FromStr, Left(EndSep, 1))
If EnPos = 0 Then Exit Function 'fail
GenExtract = Mid(FromStr, StPos + 1, EnPos - StPos - 1)
End Function
If the two separators are the same, as per quotes, it gives the first string enclosed by those.
If you want to get your feet wet in Regular Expressions, the following code will take you there. You have to add a reference to the VB Scripting Library
Tools > References > Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Then the code is as follows:
Sub textBetweenStuffs()
Dim str As String
Dim regEx As RegExp
Dim m As Match
Dim sHolder As MatchCollection
Dim bracketCollection As Collection
Dim quoteCollection As Collection
Set regEx = New RegExp
'Matches anything in between an opening bracket and first closing bracket
regEx.Pattern = "\[(.*?\])"
str = "[Sandwitch]><xsd:element name=""T8436283"""
'populates matches into match collection
Set sHolder = regEx.Execute(str)
Set bracketCollection = New Collection
'loop through values in match collection to do with as you wish
For Each m In sHolder
bracketCollection.Add m.Value
Next i
Set sHolder = Nothing
'get values between Quotations
regEx.Pattern = "\"(.*?\")"
'populates matches into match collection
Set sHolder = regEx.Execute(str)
Set quoteCollection = New Collection
'loop through values in match collection to do with as you wish
For Each m In sHolder
quoteCollection.Add m.Value
Next i
End Sub

VBA - adding a sheet with duplicates and tranposing output into rows

I have the following data set, which contains duplicates.
I am trying to create a macro that will look at the values in column A, from A2:A (count of rows in column), and return a list of the duplicate values contained in the string declared "strMyDupList". Basically, if there is atleast 1 duplicate, the msgbox will pop up and the new sheet created with the columns address and values and I am trying to list out all the values seperated my a comma VERTICALLY, instead of horizontally across the sheet. so like:
Address value
$A$5 F05572-CN48517NOVOAK2015
$A$13 F05573-CN48517APROAK2015
my code is :
If strMyDupList <> "" Then
MsgBox "The following entries have been used more than once:" & vbNewLine & strMyDupList
Worksheets.Add.name = name
Worksheets(name).Range("A1").Value = "Location"
Worksheets(name).Range("B1").Value = "Value"
' Worksheets(name).Range("A2:C2").Value = Split(strMyDupList, ",")
Worksheets(name).Range("B4:B6") = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(strMyDupList), ",")
The results are that I am able to get the values tranposed from horizontal to vertical, however, with this code, it is only returning the FIRST VALUE in the list of values in the string, so it's returning:
Address value
$A$5 F05572-CN48517NOVOAK2015
$A$5 F05572-CN48517NOVOAK2015 (should be F05573-CN48517APROAK2015)
I've seen the UBound with Resize could work but I have no idea how the syntax works or is used. Can someone assist?
Thank you
Here is a complete example of how to leave duplicates out of your information.
Essentially, it sorts all of your information. Therefore, when you sort you'll get the consecutive value which would be itself if it was a dupe.
It uses a .NET feature, System.Collections.ArrayList, that was in 2.0 & 3.5 so that has to be installed on your machine. Usually it already is but it may not be. You can turn it on through Programs & Features.
Sub StringArrayDupeChecker()
Dim var As Variant
Dim holder As String
Dim strMyList() As String
Dim myDupeData As Variant
Dim str As String
str = "one,two,three,three,three,four,five,five"
strMyList = Split(str, ",")
holder = ""
Set var = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set myDupeData = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each i In strMyList
var.Add (i)
Next i
For Each j In var
If Not j = holder Then
'do your stuff
str = "notDupe"
End If
holder = j
Next j
End Sub

Search cell for text and copy text to another cell in VBA?

I've got a column which contains rows that have parameters in them. For example
W2 = [PROD][FO][2.0][Customer]
W3 = [PROD][GD][1.0][P3]
W4 = Issues in production for customer
I have a function that is copying other columns into another sheet, however for this column, I need to do the following
Search the cell and look for [P*]
The asterisk represents a number between 1 and 5
If it finds [P*] then copy P* to the sheet "Calculations" in column 4
Basically, remove everything from the cell except where there is a square bracket, followed by P, a number and a square bracket
Does anyone know how I can do this? Alternatively, it might be easier to copy the column across and then remove everything that doesn't meet the above criteria.
Second Edit:
I edited here to use a regular expression instead of a loop. This may be the most efficient method to achieve your goal. See below and let us know if it works for you:
Function MatchWithRegex(sInput As String) As String
Dim oReg As Object
Dim sOutput As String
Set oReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With oReg
.Pattern = "[[](P[1-5])[]]"
End With
If oReg.test(sInput) Then
sOutput = oReg.Execute(sInput)(0).Submatches(0)
sOutput = ""
End If
MatchWithRegex = sOutput
End Function
Sub test2()
Dim a As String
a = MatchWithRegex(Range("A1").Value)
If a = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "None"
MsgBox MatchWithRegex(Range("A1").Value)
End If
End Sub
First EDIT:
My solution would be something as follows. I'd write a function that first tests if the Pattern exists in the string, then if it does, I'd split it based on brackets, and choose the bracket that matches the pattern. Let me know if that works for you.
Function ExtractPNumber(sInput As String) As String
Dim aValues
Dim sOutput As String
sOutput = ""
If sInput Like "*[[]P[1-5][]]*" Then
aValues = Split(sInput, "[")
For Each aVal In aValues
If aVal Like "P[1-5][]]*" Then
sOutput = aVal
End If
Next aVal
End If
ExtractPNumber = Left(sOutput, 2)
End Function
Sub TestFunction()
Dim sPValue As String
sPValue = ExtractPNumber(Range("A2").Value)
If sPValue = vbNullString Then
'Do nothing or input whatever business logic you want
Sheet2.Range("A1").Value = sPValue
End If
End Sub
In VBA, you can use the Like Operator with a Pattern to represent an Open Bracket, the letter P, any number from 1-5, then a Closed Bracket using the below syntax:
Range("A1").Value LIke "*[[]P[1-5][]]*"
EDIT: Fixed faulty solution
If you're ok with blanks and don't care if *>5, I would do this and copy down column 4:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("[P?]",FirstSheet!$W2)), FirstSheet!$W2, "")
Important things to note:
? is the wildcard symbol for a single character; you can use * if you're ok with multiple characters at that location
will display cell's original value if found, leave blank otherwise
Afterwards, you can highlight the column and remove blanks if needed. Alternatively, you can replace the blank with a placeholder string.
If * must be 1-5, use two columns, E and D, respectively:
=IF(AND(ISNUMBER($E2),$E2>0,$E2<=5,MID($W2,SEARCH("[P",FirstSheet!$W2)+3,1))), FirstSheet!$W2, "")
where FirstSheet is the name of your initial sheet.

How to convert bit number to digit

I'm working to create an Excel macro using VBA to convert bit strings to numbers. They are not binary numbers, each '1' stands for it's own number.
e.g: 1100000000000000000010001
from the left, the first bit represents "1", the second bit represents "2", third bit represents "0", and so on. The total quantity of bits in each string is 25.
I want VBA to convert it and show results like so: 1, 2, 21, 25.
I tried using Text to Columns but was not successful.
Try something like this:
Sub Execute()
Dim buff() As String
Dim i As Integer, total As Double
buff = Split(StrConv(<theString>, vbUnicode), Chr$(0))
total = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(buff)
Debug.Print (buff(i))
'total = total + buff(i) * ??
Next i
End Sub
Public Function BitPicker(sIn As String) As String
For i = 1 To Len(sIn)
If Mid(sIn, i, 1) = 1 Then
BitPicker = BitPicker & i & ","
End If
BitPicker = Mid(BitPicker, 1, Len(BitPicker) - 1)
End Function
Another non-VBA solution, based on the OP' initial approach and with a layout designed to facilitate multiple 'conversions' (ie copy formulae down to suit):
Does this have to be VBA? Give a data setup like this:
The formula in cell B4 and copied down to B33 is:
The formula cells are formatted as General and the the Bit String cell (B1) is formatted as Text.
Try this:
Function ConvertMyRange(Rng As Range) As String
Dim MyString As String
MyString = Rng.Text
Dim OutPutString As String
For i = 1 To Len(MyString)
If Mid(MyString, i, 1) = "1" Then OutPutString = OutPutString & ", " & i
Next i
' Get rid of first ", " that was added in the loop
If Len(OutPutString) > 0 Then
OutPutString = Mid(OutPutString, 2)
End If
ConvertMyRange = OutPutString
End Function
For your input, the output is 1, 2, 21, 25