Accessing Stored Core Data Entities from Different Classes - objective-c

I am quite new to Core Data, and I'm trying to implement it into my relatively simple OS X application. My application takes some file URLs provided by the user, gets some more information about the files (like creation date, for example), and then stores the URLs for use later.
I am wanting to have those file URLs, and related data, stored in a 'central' location so I can access, modify, and change the order of them (order is really important) from any of the classes in my application (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Core Data is ideal for this).
I have my Core Data Model setup in Xcode (it only has one Entity which has a couple of Attributes), I've create an NSManagedObject Subclass to match the Entity in the Model, and I'm using Bindings to tie the data to a TableView. However, like I said, I need to be able get at this data from any class in my application. I have been reading Apple's Documentation and a book with a section on Core Data, however I am both struggling to get my head around it, and am yet to come across a section that describes the needs I mentioned above.
Any help with this (even just a link to a useful article) would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Use a 3rd party object as a Core Data Entity

I am wanting to pull down and cache notes, notebooks and tags from the Evernote service using their iOS SDK. Their SDK comes with a Store that returns an array of model objects matching a filtered criteria I set.
I want to take those models and use them as a Entity in Core Data. I understand that I can't, because they inherit from NSObject. So my question to all of you is what are the best practices I can employe when I model my entities based on the Evernote model objects? It is a real pain because every time they change something, I have to reflect the same changes in my entities. Is there a work around, or am I stuck building a bridge (so to speak)?.
Following my comment
I don't understand your question here. Just kick off a data import
each time models are returned from Evernote. Each model should be
designed through a Core Data entity.
and you reply on it.
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by importing. Bring down the objects
from Evernote then manually assign their object properties to my
entities? That will be a pain but is an option. There's a lot if
properties to copy.
With importing I mean that you should insert a managed object for each model returned from the results received data from Evernote.
This means that if Evernote returns a model that contains three properties, you shoul create an Entity that looks the same (or similar since it strictly depends on what you UI will be).
Here I suppose that you Core Data store is a cache. So you should apply synchronization stuff. Items should be inserted, updated or removed based on user. Synchronization is not easy to achieve but I can suggest you the following tutorials.
How To Synchronize Core Data with a Web Service – Part 1
How To Synchronize Core Data with a Web Service – Part 2
You could also take advantage of RestKit in this case, since it offers an integration with Core Data. In particular, it allows to maps NSObjects, for example returned from a JSON call, to a Core Data entity in a easy way. An example can be found at NSScrencast GitHub Repository. Note that I don't know how Evernote SDK works. So, this approach could not be useful.
But if you are new to RestKit and Core Data, I really suggest to stick with plain Core Data. It's already difficult as its own.
If you need something else let me know.
Update 1
I am going to be doing a synchronization for sure, so I assume I have
to map the Evernote object completely with a Managed Object. Since the
Evernote objects can contain data blobs representing video, pictures,
files etc, I will need to look at how to store that data in Core Data
as well.
In Core Data you need (this not a must but I really good advice) to store files (e.g. images) in the file system. Within an entity you should maintain only meta-informations (i.e. the path) of an image and through it retrieve the image later. This is not necessary for small data, but I think your binaries will be big in size.
Starting from iOS 5 there is a new flag called External Storage that do this for you based on heuristic algorithm.
If you specify that the value of a managed object attribute may be
stored as an external record, Core Data heuristically decides on a
per-value basis whether it should save the data directly in the
database or store a URI to a separate file that it manages for you.
About searching for binary file I really suggest to an attribute called, for example, tag. This will allow you to search images, videos, etc. Obviously when you save you need to associate that tag with the specified binary data. This is just an idea.
P.S. If you need further support I really suggest to open a new question on SO. This to have a self-contained question.
You probably wanna save the object as NSData. Since I don't know what object you're looking for to use, I can't really tell if it's suitable for this. To see if it is, you would have to check if the class adopts the NSCoding protocol.
More info on archiving could be found in Apple's documentation:

Merging CoreData SQL files

I've been wrestling with this problem with quite some time now and still have yet to figure out the most efficient way of dealing with it. Here are the details:
I have an app that uses Core Data to store the content for the app to show. The app downloads the content in the form of a SQLite database and attempts to merge it with it's local version. This is necessary because the downloaded content is often needs to be combined with content that the user downloaded prior.
To make things more complicated, on my end I also need a way of combining these files so their clean to download (in other words no extraneous relations or isolated objects in the core data file). I have already built the editor for this, but again I run into the problem of merging these sqlite files.
I'd like to find a better way of combining these sqlite databases if that even exists. I've seen that you can add many different store files using a persistent store coordinator, but coordinating all of the correct stores into a single download package becomes more difficult and dangerous.
The question is: what is the best way to use multiple sql stores and either make them into one convenient .sqlite file or have them operate seamlessly?
First, don't think of this as an SQLite problem. It is a Core Data problem. If you use Core Data and SQLite in the same paragraph, you have already lost. CD does (sometimes) use SQLite as its backing store, but that knowledge doesn't help you solve this problem.
When I have had to solve the problem of combining static and user-generated data, I have usually used two different data models, with a unique ID on the static side under my control. Any combined references between static and live data I handle programmatically, which has worked fine because the user data is tiny compared to my static data.
You might also investigate fetched properties, which allow you to obtain values from a different persistent store.
I think merging your original static data with updated static data is the wrong way to go. That sort of operation will take a long time on the device.
Can you use three different persistent stores? The first would be bundled with your application, available immediately. The second would be updated data, downloaded from a server, and would be a complete replacement for the first. Finally you'd have a userdata store, connected to master data either with fetched properties or your roll-your-own unique ID.
It's also possible that Core Data is the wrong hammer for this particular nail. If you have a lot of SQLite expertise, and if you really are more comfortable working with SQLite than with Core Data, just skip Core Data. Do the entire thing in direct SQLite.

Saving Data - Core Data vs plist file

I'm writing an iOS applications that saves Music albums(just an exercise I'm doing for the fun of it) .
For every Album there's a singer, song names, time, and a picture
The final result will be a lot of objects with a lot of details including a picture attached to every object. Should I even consider doing something like that with plist? (can pictures be stored in a plist?)
What's the best way to save and access that data?
I'm new to iOS and from the training videos I've seen Core Data is not recommend for the beginner user. Is that really the case?
If I'm going with plist, should I create one plist for every genre for example rap.plist , rock.plist etc' or just a big data.plist?
I would go for core data. If you choose the right template when you create your new project in xcode then reduce the once-off overhead work significantly.
With that simple structure I would say that the templates provides nearly everything you need. Just define your model and layout and off you go.
There is just the images where I would spend a bit more time in thinking it over. I personally never put the image data into core data itself. I rather stored them as file and within my core data model I just stored the path and filename to access it. As file name I simply used a timestamp. You could use some auto-increment or other unique id technique but a time stamp would do as well. It will not be visible to the user anyway.
I think the best way you can do this, since you are new to IOS is by using sqlite. Save all the information you want in your local database and display it on the screen.
You can use plist if you have data structure that is small.
Note that property lists should be used for data that consists primarily
of strings and numbers. They are very inefficient when used with large blocks
of binary data. A property list is probably the easiest to maintain, but it will be loaded into memory all at once. This could eat up a lot of the device's memory.
With Sqlite you will easily be able delete , edit, insert your data into the database.
Core data also uses sqlite for data storage only it helps you to manage your data objects, their relationships and dependencies with minimal code.
And since your are new getting started with core data would not be such a good idea i think.. so i would suggest start off with normal sqlite. Save the data in one of your folders of your app and store their path in the database.
You dont have to write different plists.. You can use the same one if you are using.
EDIT : here is a link that will help you with learning sqlite
you need some more code to set up the core data stack (the store coordinator, the store, the object model, and a context)
it is a tad more complicated but that shouldnt scare you off.
Reading a plist is indeed dead easy but while good for smaller data (like the info.plist) it doesnt scale and soon you need a fullblown DB
As you edited your original question an decided to go with plist now.
In that case I would go for one plist per ablum and one overall plist for the list of albums.
You could, of course, use more plists for categories etc.
However, if you are thinking of data structures like categories you are far better off with core data. Especially when it comes to searching.
No one seems to be mentioning SQLLite, I would go that way and for reasons that I explain here ( ). Hope this helps!
coredata is a apple provided persistant tool, while plist is XML file. The reason why core data is not recommended for beginner, I think, is core data is more difficult than plist from programming perspective. For your application, obviously core data is more suitable. But alternatively, you may also use archive file, that's between core data and plist.

Core Data Performance with Single Parent Entity

I am creating a framework that works with Core Data. One of the requirements for using my framework on your Core Data class is that any entity you want to have the Framework's capabilities will need to be sub entities and sub classes of an entity I provide to you. For the sake of this I will call that object Foo.
Today I realized that Core Data stores all objects that are sub entities of Foo into a table called ZFOO. I'm worried about the performance of Core Data if someone with massive data sets wants to use it, since ALL sub entities of the foo class will be store in one enormous ZFOO table.
Any opinions or recommendations would be highly appreciated.
I worked with #deathbob on this project as the iOS lead. In our instance I had multiple classes which contained the attributes "remote_id" and "remote_update". I initially set the tables up using subclasses. I had a "RemoteEntity" abstract entity which contained those attributes and a bunch of other entities which inherited from it, each with their own. I thought that we would end up with a bunch of tables each with remote_id, remote_update, and then their custom attributes. Instead we ended up with the massive table you describe.
The fix was pretty simple you must not set up inheritance through the GUI. Instead include all attributes for that object including your shared ones in the Core Data modeller (this means "remote_id" and "remote_update" will appear in each entity. That being said we can still use a subclass. After generating your models' classes, create the parent entity's class. This must not be in the GUI. It should inherit from NSManagedObject and in the .m file the properties should use #dynamic instead of #synthesize. Now that you have the parent class it is time to adjust the child classes. Set the parent class to RemoteEntity (in my example) instead of NSManagedObject. Then remove any properties that appear in your super class (in my example, "remote_id" and "remote_update").
Here is an example of my super class
I hope this helps, hat tip to #deathbob for pointing this out.
Last year I worked on a project that did the same thing, we stored everything in core data and everything in core data inherited from a single class which had some common attributes.
We had somewhere between 1k - 10k records in core data and performance degraded to the point where we rewrote it and removed the common ancestor. As I recall simple searches were taking multiple seconds, and insertions / updates were pretty crappy too. It was only after things had gotten painfully slow that we cracked the db open and noticed under the covers core data was storing everything in one table.
Sorry I don't remember specific numbers, the big takeaway was we had to redo it because it was too slow, and not too slow like too slow for high frequency trading but too slow like the app crashed on load when trying to populate the initial view out of core data.
So, with the grain of salt that this was on older iOS and older hardware, I would say definitely do not do this.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
As people are still reading this Q&A and referring to it in their questions and thinking that nothing has changed, I'd like to add a few comments for clarity and to provide a "modern" or more recent response.
Core data is a powerful beast, but you must learn to control the beast, and thanks to the pioneers who have answered previously and the improvements that Apple has made to the framework, it is a lot easier to do today than it was a couple of years ago (in particular iOS 5).
Initially I'd recommend learning how to prepare a solid and robust data model. There is a huge amount of information on this so I will leave it to the reader to investigate. As the previous answers mention, it is important to learn to prepare all relationships in the data model.
Beyond that, there are a number of mechanisms to control the size of data set you fetch. It has not been better explained to me than in a book from The Pragmatic Bookshelf – "Core Data, 2nd Edition, Data Storage and Management for iOS, OS X, and iCloud" (Jan 2013) by Marcus S. Zarra, and in particular Chapter 4 titled "Performance Tuning”.
Read it.

A little help with MVC

I'm working on a cocoa app for syncing data between two folders.
It have profiles (so you can have multiple setups)
It's possible to analyze data
It's possible to sync the data
Im a little confused. First of all i cant really see where to have a model? And how many controller would you suggest? 1 WindowController or AnalyzeController, SyncController etc.
Its quite a while since i have worked with MVC. I've read some articles but i'm missing concrete examples on how to divide it.
Best regards.
The data model handles the data and the abstract relationships between different pieces of the data. The controllers handle the concrete operations of a computer or human interface.
The key division is that the data model doesn't know where the data comes from and doesn't care. For example, it could model a folder and its contents but the actual information in the model could come from a real folder on a disk or it could come from completely made up plist file or it could come from a simulated UI of a folder. The data model doesn't care because it has no direct connection with concrete reality. It just holds an abstract description of the data.
The controllers by contrast are tied to a specific concrete interface. For example, if you have two folders, you would have specific controllers for each folder. Each controller would have concrete knowledge of the real world pathway to the folder as well as the mechanism for reading and writing to the folders. So, if one folder is on the local hard drive and another is remote, each controller would understand the difference. If you have a UI, then the UI would have its own controller.
The controllers job is to translate from the concrete reality to the abstract model. In this case, the controller would handle connecting to a remote server, scanning the folder and then converting that information to an abstract form it would hand off to the data model. However, the controller doesn't save an data and doesn't understand how the pieces of data relate to each other.
In the case of a syncing app, it would be the job of the data model to understand what files where in which folder and what files needed to be copied or updated and to where. It would then tell each controller which files to manipulate. However, the controller wouldn't know why each file was being manipulated.
The design goal is to create a data model that would model the folders and files regardless of where they reside, how they are concretely manipulated or even whether they actually exist at all. That way, you can easily add or remove interfaces just by adding or removing a controller. The controllers themselves are simple because they hold no data and no data manipulation logic.