How can I make a SQL script run after a certain time without waiting for it? - sql

I'm trying to create a SQL script with a delay.
I could use:
blah blah
WAITFOR DELAY '00:30:00'
blah blah
but using a script like this requires that I sit through the 30 minutes.
Leaving the website will cancel the script.
The problem is that I want to change something in a table, and then change it back automatically 30 minutes later.
The person making the change will leave the webpage, so any kind of client-side script is out of the question.
Nor can I wait for the person to return and make the change if 30 minutes have passed, the change must happen after 30 minutes regardless.
Is there anyway to do this without making a service or any other program on the server?
Using only ASP/SQL programming.
If this is impossible, how do I make a service or program on the server to make this change?
Must be able to start this from the website using ASP.

I personally would not approach the situation this way. I don't know exactly what your data structure is, or why you need to change something for 30 minutes, but I would use a 'Change' table.
So you might have something like
MainTable (ID, Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4);
ChangeTable (ID, Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, CreatedDateTime);
Whenever you make your change instead of updating your main table you can simply insert the values you would be updating to into the ChangeTable (I'm assuming SQL-Server based on WAITFOR).
I would then make a view like so:
CREATE VIEW dbo.MainView
Column1 = ISNULL(c.Column1, m.Column1),
Column2 = ISNULL(c.Column2, m.Column2),
Column3 = ISNULL(c.Column3, m.Column3)
FROM dbo.MainTable m
( SELECT TOP 1 c.Column1, c.Column2, c.Column3
FROM dbo.ChangeTable c
AND c.CreatedDate >= DATEADD(MINUTE, -30, GETDATE())
ORDER BY c.CreatedDate DESC
) c;
Then refer to this throughout the website.
If space is an issue you could set up a nightly Job to delete any old entries, e.g. set the following to run at 00:30
DELETE ChangeTable

Personally, although others on this board would never think it is professional... I use website uptime monitoring services to run scripts. For example this one will hit an asp page of your choosing every 30 minutes
For ease of development I use different monitoring services to load scripts. There are more professional ways of doing so such as making a VBS script and running it through the Task Manager which I do for long running scripts but for simple things like checking a mail queue every so often I just use a monitoring service to load the page often enough to do what I want.

Figured it out by using SQL Server Agent and SQL procedures.
This is basically how my code is built up now:
Make the temporary change in the table
UPDATE table SET column = 'temp_value' WHERE column = 'normal_value'
Check if the procedure is there, if so, delete it. Create a procedure to revert the changes in the table.
FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'myRevertProcedure')
AND type IN ( N'P', N'PC' ) )
DROP PROCEDURE myRevertProcedure
CREATE PROCEDURE myRevertProcedure
WAITFOR DELAY '00:30:00'
UPDATE table SET column = 'normal_value' WHERE column = 'temp_value'
I've created a job in the SQL Server Agent that runs the following:
FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'myRevertProcedure')
AND type IN ( N'P', N'PC' ) )
DROP PROCEDURE myRevertProcedure
The reason the job does not simply revert the change itself is because the user shall set the delay.
If the delay were allways to be 30 mins, I could've made the job run the following:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = 'temp_value')
WAITFOR DELAY '00:30:00'
UPDATE table SET column = 'normal_value' WHERE column = 'temp_value'
By doing this, I would not need any procedure.
BTW: The job runs every few seconds.


How to change a field data after time t in a table?

Is it possible to change the data in table automatically after time i.
Say time i = 10 sec.
Table t, has column x1,x2,x3.
x3 is boolean as datatype. x3'll be false by
Now suppose I changed the value in t.x3 (any row) to True then after 10 sec it should change itself to False.
Is it possible.? By some trigger or cursor or procedure or something?
Alteast need a keyword to google it.
Thank You!
You can do this without a trigger. Just use a computed column.
For instance:
create table t (dte datetime,
flag as (case when dte < dateadd(second, -10, getdate()) then 0 else 1
This is a computed column. It will recalculate when it is queried, doing the calculation you are asking for.
This scenario you are asking for looks like an anti-pattern. Exists a command to wait for random amount of time ( WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'; ) but, usually, is not a good idea to use it:
Including WAITFOR will slow the completion of the SQL Server process and can result in a timeout message in the application. If necessary, adjust the timeout setting for the connection at the application level.
In my opinion, the easy way is to create a view over your table and calculate the field on the fly:
CREATE TABLE t ( PrimaryKey ....,
x3 bit,
t datetime default gettime(),
SELECT PrimaryKey,
(CASE WHEN x3 = 1 and datediff(second, t, getdate()) > 10
END ) as x3 --<-- lets supose this is your field.
Then, you can select from view to check for your calculate field:
SELECT x3 FROM v; --<-- select from v instead from t.
You can use a trigger to keep t field up to date on change x3:
CREATE TRIGGER updateModified
ON dbo.t
UPDATE dbo.t
SET t = getdate()
FROM Inserted i
WHERE dbo.t.PrimaryKey = i.PrimaryKey
You can use a trigger to automatically update the values after something has changed on the table. But this change will be affected within milliseconds as the trigger executes straight after the update/insert/delete.
The second method you can do is to create a scheduled Database job which will run every 10 seconds (In this case) or any specific interval, which will make the updates in the required columns.
Refer this Article for more information on scheduling the DB Jobs

Table Sync from DB2 to SQL Server

We have a tables in Db2, That which we need to get that table to MS SQL server (only for read), And I want it to be in sync for every 15 minutes (one way from DB2 to SQL Server). Can you suggest the best approach?
Have a SQL Agent job execute an SSIS package every 15 minutes.
I know that all the time MERGE is the right option to sync the tables in the SQL. But I am not sure, whether we can use it in linked servers also. Anyway, after some research I got this task accomplished by using the merge join. Merge will update, insert, delete what ever required. But it will take a little bit more time to update the table for every 15 min, when the job runs. So, you can create a #Temptable to insert the transactions that were done from the lastjob done.You can use the datetime stamp in that source table to retrieve the transactions that were done from the last job done(15min). If you don't have the date time in source table, you can use the audit table for that source table(if applicable).
(JLT table have 3 columns (last_job_end)( cur_job_start)(some job identity). JLT is the job log table we need to create in linked server to get the last job end and cur job start time, We need to update last job end every time at the end of query in JOB. As well as cur job start in the beginning of the job )
FROM OPENQUERY([DB2], 'Select * from source_table
where some_id_column in
(select some_id_column
from audit_table AT, Job_log_table JLT
where datetime > last_job_end
and datetime <= cur_job_start
and c_job = ''some_job_id'')’)`
If you don't have the audit table and you have the datetime in Source.
from source_table s, JOB_CYCLE_TABLE pr
where s.DATETIME <= pr.cur_job_start
and s.DATETIME > pr.last_job_end
and pr.c_job = ''some_job_id''')

Track number of rows in a #table which the population is in progress

I am working in SQL Server 2012 Management studio.
In a SQL query window, an insert into a #table is happening. It is expected to insert somewhere around 80 million rows with 3 INT columns each.
The query execution is going on.
Is there a way that I can track the no of rows in the #table?
Since you cannot run two queries in the same window simultaneously and temp tables are not accessible in other sessions if they are declared with a single #, you should try defining it with a double # in your insert query.
Then you could try querying it using WITH(NOLOCK).
Open a new query window on the same db and try
This will get dirty reads, but i do not think it would be a problem in your case as you would like a rough measure on where your INSERT is.
One method is to query the DMVs using the temp table object id. You can get the local temp table object id from the session that created it using this query:
SELECT OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#table', 'U');
Then run the script below in another windows, supplying the object_id value from the above query (-1180342868 in this example):
DECLARE #object_id int = -1180342868;
FROM tempdb.sys.partitions
object_id = #object_id
AND index_id IN(0,1);
Of course, this method assumes you had the foresight to get the temp table object id before running the insert. If the query is currently running, you could run the script below and make an educated guess as to which object might be the temp table being loaded.
USE tempdb;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id), SUM(rows)
FROM tempdb.sys.partitions
index_id IN(0,1)
AND OBJECTPROPERTYEX(object_id, 'IsUserTable') = 1
Be aware that this might not be a reliable way to track the load progress. Much depends on the query plan particulars. It could be that the costly operators are earlier in the plan and the actual insert won't occur until the last minute.
If you wish to run the query to count rows in another window or outside the scope where the table was declared, please use a global temp table.
For Example,
a int,
b int,
c int)
And the in another window you can run, this will work

SQL Server Agent Job running stored proc VERY slowly

I have a stored procedure that essentially rebuilds a pivot table. It builds the new data in a temp table, then truncates the permanent table and inserts the new data, and finally drops the temp table.
When I execute the stored proc (or the T-SQL code directly) in Management Studio, it takes about a minute. While I know this isn't the most efficient of processes, I'm OK with it.
My problem comes in when I try to schedule this task to run every 20 minutes or so. When I setup a SQL Server Agent Job to execute the stored proc, its now taking almost an hour and a half... that's right, 90 TIMES SLOWER!
I found this post: SQL Server Agent Job Running Slow, which seems to be a similar issue, but set nocount on doesn't seem to have any effect whether I call it at the beginning of the stored proc or before the exec command in the SQL Agent Job. My query doesn't use any cursors, though I am doing a cross apply on a table valued function (which also doesn't use any cursors).
I'm obviously missing something, but I don't even know where to start on this. I thought by creating the stored proc I would have avoided these types of issues.
For reference, the stored proc looks something like the following:
create table #temp
ID int,
data1 float,
data2 float
insert into #temp(ID, data1, data2)
select t.ID, d.data1, d.data2
from tbl1 t
cross apply dbo.getInterestingData(t.ID, t.param1) d
where d.useMe = 1
truncate table dataPivot
insert into dataPivot(ID, data1, data2)
select ID, data1, data2
from #temp
drop table #temp

How to compare data in table (before and after an operation)?

Is there any free tool or a way to get to know what has changed in database's table?
You could take a copy before the update
Run your update
Then to show the differences
use this to show updates:
use this to show the deletes:
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE t1.primary_key = t2.primary_key)
and finally this to check the total number of records are identical
SELECT count(*) FROM t1
SELECT count(*) FROM t2
Note: If there are other sessions updating t1 it could be tricky spotting your updates.
Triggers really should be avoided but ...
If you are in a non-production environment you can set up a trigger to perform logging to a new table. You need 5 fields something like this:
LogTime DateTime;
Table Varchar2(50); -- Table Name
Action Char; -- Insert, Update or Delete
OldRec Blob; -- Concatenate all your field Values
NewRec Blob; -- Ditto
The Beauty of this is that you can select all the OldRecs and NewRecs for a given timespan into text files. A comparison tool will assist by highlighting your changes for you.
Any help ?
I have used Toad for MySQL very successfully in times past (for both the Schema and Data). I see it is also compatible with Oracle.
Try liquibase, it provides the version control mechanism for database.