Calculating difference between daily sum and a average for the same day of the week in defined time range. SQL 10g Oracle - sql

Hi I'm working with data depending mostly on the day of the week. Data is formatted in a table
Date - position - count/number.
There are multiple different positions.
I was able to sort my data for a each day of the week using.
select MOD(to_char(time, 'J'),7),
from TABLE
where time > sysdate -x
group by to_char(time, 'J')
order by to_char(time, 'J');
This outputs daily sums according to day of the week.
Now I'm able to get an average for a single day of a week in a year.
This code outputs an average for only Sunday
SELECT AVG(asset_sums)
select MOD(to_char(time, 'J'),7),
sum(COUNT)) as asset_sums
from table
where time > sysdate -365
and MOD(TO_CHAR(time, 'J'), 7) + 1 IN (7)
group by to_char(time, 'J')
order by to_char(time, 'J')
My goal is to be able to get a table with daily sum compared with yearly average for that particular day of the week.
For example yearly average number for Mondays is 57 , Tuesdays 60.
This week my Monday is 59 and Tuesday is 57. Output of the table is
Monday +2, Tuesday -3.
What is the easiest way / most efficient ?
Thanks for your help.
Edit : Format of my data
Date : yyyy-mm-dd | Place : xxxx | Number( of customers) 0 to 10000
2013-09-16 | AAAA | 1534
2013-09-16 | AAAB | 534
2013-09-17 | AAAA | 1434
2013-09-17 | AAAC | 834
2013-09-18 | AAAA | 134
2013-09-18 | AAAD | 183
Needed output
2013-09-16 | Day of the week | Sum | Average monday this year | Difference Sum-AVG
2013-09-16 | 1 (= Monday) | 2068 | 2015| 53

For clarity I will use subquery factoring. First, select the current weeks data. Next, subquery the sum for the day over the current week. Then, subquery the sum for each day over the past year. Then, average the daily sum of each day for each day of the week. Finally, join the two and display the difference.
this_week as (
from table
where time > x - 7
group by time
this_week_dly_sum as (
to_char(time, 'd') day,
sum(count) sum
from this_week
group by to_char(time, 'd')
this_year_dly_sum as (
sum(count) sum
from table
where time > x - 365
group by time
this_year_dly_avg as (
to_char(day, 'd'),
avg(sum) avg
from this_year_dly_sum
group by to_char(day, 'd')
to_char(this_week.time, 'day') day of week,
this_week_dly_sum.sum - this_year_dly_avg.avg difference
from this_week
inner join this_week_dly_sum
on to_char(this_week.time, 'd') =
inner join this_year_dly_avg
on to_char(this_week.time, 'd').day = this_year_dly_avg.
group by time

You can use analytic function for this.
select date1, to_char(date1, 'd'),
sum(val) over(partition by to_char(date1, 'd')),
avg(val) over(partition by to_char(date1, 'd')),
sum(val) over(partition by to_char(date1, 'd'))-
avg(val) over(partition by to_char(date1, 'd'))
from table1
time > add_month(sysdate,-12);

This will give you daily counts for the last year:
SELECT TRUNC(time, 'DD') AS date,
SUM(count) AS asset_sum
FROM yourtable
WHERE time > SYSDATE - 365
You can modify it to additionally return averages per day of the week for the specified range:
SELECT TRUNC(time, 'DD') AS date,
SUM(count) AS asset_sum,
AVG(SUM(count)) OVER
(PARTITION BY TO_CHAR(TRUNC(time, 'DD'), 'D')) AS asset_sum_avg
FROM yourtable
WHERE time > SYSDATE - 365
At this point you have all the initial data you need but probably for more days than necessary. You can use the above query as a derived table to limit the rows to just those where date > SYSDATE - x:
WITH last_year_by_day AS
SELECT TRUNC(time, 'DD') AS date,
SUM(count) AS asset_sum,
AVG(SUM(count)) OVER
(PARTITION BY TO_CHAR(TRUNC(time, 'DD'), 'D')) AS asset_sum_avg
FROM yourtable
WHERE time > SYSDATE - 365
SELECT date,
TO_CHAR(TRUNC(time, 'DD'), 'D') AS day_of_week,
asset_sum - asset_sum_avg AS asset_sum_diff
FROM last_year_by_day
WHERE date > SYSDATE - x
As some expressions are being repeated multiple times, it can be a good idea to re-factor the query to avoid the repetition. Here's one way:
WITH last_year AS
SELECT TRUNC(time, 'DD') AS date,
TO_CHAR(time, 'D') AS day_of_week,
FROM yourtable
WHERE time > SYSDATE - 365
last_year_by_day AS
SELECT date,
SUM(count) AS asset_sum,
AVG(SUM(count)) OVER (PARTITION BY day_of_week) AS asset_sum_avg
FROM last_year
GROUP BY date, day_of_week
SELECT date,
asset_sum - asset_sum_avg AS asset_sum_diff
FROM last_year_by_day
WHERE date > SYSDATE - x
One last note is about TO_CHAR('D'), which is used to obtain the day_of_week values. Since you are using a different method for the same results, you may not be aware that the results of TO_CHAR('D') are affected by the NLS_TERRITORY setting. You may want to use an ALTER SESSION statement to set NLS_TERRITORY to the value that would cause TO_CHAR('D') to return 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday etc. Here is the list of territories supported.


Get days of the week from a date range in Postgres

So I have the following table :
id end_date name number_of_days start_date
1 "2022-01-01" holiday1 1 "2022-01-01"
2 "2022-03-20" holiday2 1 "2022-03-20"
3 "2022-04-09" holiday3 1 "2022-04-09"
4 "2022-05-01" holiday4 1 "2022-05-01"
5 "2022-05-04" holiday5 3 "2022-05-02"
6 "2022-07-12" holiday6 9 "2022-07-20"
I want to check if a week falls in a holiday range.
So far I can select the holidays that overlap with my choosen week( week_start_date, week_end_date) , but i cant get the exact days in which the overlap happens.
this is the query i'm using, i want to add a mechanism to detect the DAYS OF THE WEEK IN WHICH THE OVERLAP HAPPENS
SELECT * FROM holidays
where daterange(CAST(start_date AS date), CAST(end_date as date), '[]') && daterange('2022-07-18', '2022-07-26','[]')
THE CURRENT QUERY RETURNS THE OVERLLAPPING HOLIDA, (id = 6), however i'm trying to get the exact DAYS OF THE WEEK in which the overlap happens ( in this case, it should be monday,tuesday , wednesday)
You can use the * operator with tsranges, generate a series of dates with the lower and upper dates and finally with to_char print the days of the week, e.g.
id, name, start_date, end_date, array_agg(dow) AS days
generate_series(lower(overlap), upper(overlap),'1 day'),
'Day')) AS dow
FROM holidays
CROSS JOIN LATERAL (SELECT tsrange(start_date,end_date) *
tsrange('2022-07-18', '2022-07-26')) t (overlap)
WHERE tsrange(start_date,end_date) && tsrange('2022-07-18', '2022-07-26')) j
GROUP BY id,name,start_date,end_date,number_of_days;
id | name | start_date | end_date | days
6 | holiday6 | 2022-07-12 | 2022-07-20 | {Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday}
(1 row)
Demo: db<>fiddle

BIGQUERY SQL How to count date range per hour total

I want to count total number of placed orders between date range 01 -31 days per hour in a day
01 01:10:38
01 01:12:38
02 01:14:30
31 23:42:22
Example outcome would be like
Date 01-31
Date 01-31 total orders
1 hour 500
2 hour 300
and so forth.. Thank you
Consider below approach
format_datetime('%Y-%m', Customer_placed_order_datetime) year_month,
extract(hour from Customer_placed_order_datetime) hour,
count(*) total_orders
from your_table
group by year_month, hour
if applied to sample data as in your question
with your_table as (
select datetime '2021-12-01 01:10:38' Customer_placed_order_datetime union all
select '2021-12-01 01:12:38' union all
select '2021-12-02 01:14:30' union all
select '2021-12-31 23:42:22'
output is

How to calculate average number of actions in selected month per client in Teradata SQL?

I have table with transactions in Teradata SQL like below:
ID | trans_date
123 | 2021-09-15
456 | 2021-10-20
777 | 2021-11-02
890 | 2021-02-14
... | ...
And I need to calculate average number of transactions made by clients in month: 09, 10 and 11, so as a result I need something like below:
Month | Avg_num_trx
09 | *average number of transactions per client in month 09*
10 | *average number of transactions per client in month 10*
11 | *average number of transactions per client in month 11*
How can I do taht in Teradata SQL ?
Not as familiar with Teradata, you could probably start by extracting the month from the trans_date, then grouping id and month and adding in count(id). From there you could group month by avg(count_id). Something like this -
WITH extraction AS(
FROM your_table)
WITH id_counter AS(
COUNT(ID) as id_count
FROM extraction
AVG(id_count) AS Avg_num_trx
FROM id_counter
The first CTE grabs month from trans_date.
The second CTE groups ID and month with count(ID) - should give you the total actions in that month for that client ID as id_count.
The final table gets the average of id_count grouped by month, which should be the average interactions per client for the period.
If EXTRACT doesn't work for some reason you could also try STRTOK(trans_date, '-', 2).
Other potential methods to replace -
--option 1
STRTOK(trans_date, '-', 2) AS MM
--option 2
LEFT(RIGHT(trans_date, 5),2) AS MM
Above reworked as subqueries - should help with debugging -
AVG(id_count) AS Avg_num_trx
COUNT(ID) as id_count
FROM your_table) AS a
This will return the expected answer:
Extract (MONTH From trans_date) AS MM,
Cast(Count(*) AS FLOAT) / Count(DISTINCT id)
FROM my_table
Compare to #procopypaster's answer too see which one is more efficient for your data.

Max value by ID, date and last x days

Supposed I have a table :
id | date | value
1 | Jan 1 | 10
1 | Jan 2 | 12
1 | Jan 3 | 11
2 | Jan 4 | 11
I need to get the max and median value of each id, each date, each for the past 90 days. Im using query :
select id, date, value
max(value) over (partition by id, date) as max_date,
median(value) over (partition by id, date) as med_date
from table
where date > date - interval '90 days'
I tried to export the data and check manually but the result is not correct. Any thing I missed? thanks
expected output is to get maximum value of since the last 90 days. for example the date is April 5th, then it will find the maximum value from Jan 5th (the last 90 days) until April 5th. and then the date moves to April 6th, then it will do again for jan 6th until April 6h and so on for each ID
So im assuming u can get several values for same ID and Date and right ? otherwise partitioning for both id and date makes no sense
SELECT id, date, max(value), avg(value) from table where date > date - interval '90 days'
group by id, value
'group by' does the partitioning
Why are you using window functions? This seems to do what you describe:
select id,
max(value) as max_date,
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by value) as median_value
from table
where date > date - interval '90 days';
If you want this per date, use window functions:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
max(value) over (order by date range between '89 day' preceding and current row) as running_max_value,
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by value) range between '89 day' preceding and current row) as running_median_value
from t
) t
where date > date - interval '90 days';
The filter is in the outer query so the preceding period can go back further in time.

PostgreSQL group by and order by

I have a table with a date column. I wanted to get the count of months and display them in the order of months. Months should be displayed as 'Jan', 'Feb' etc. If I use to_char function, the order by happens on text. I can use extract(month from dt), but that will also display month in number format. This is part of a report and month should be displayed in 'Mon' format only.
SELECT to_char(dt,'Mon'), COUNT(*) FROM tb GROUP BY to_char(dt,'Mon') ORDER BY to_char(dt,'Mon');
to_char | count
Dec | 1
Jan | 1
Jul | 2
select month, total
from (
extract(month from dt) as month_number,
to_char(dt,'mon') as month,
count(*) as total
from tb
group by 1, 2
) s
order by month_number