VBA - split cell value by font colour - vba

I've been given a spreadsheet with a range of cells, each of which contains a list of numbers.
Each number has been given a font colour, so in one cell you might have two orange numbers, a red one and a green one. I need to treat each colour differently; for example, I can count green and red numbers as they are, but I need to see if each orange number occurs in previous cells in the range before counting it.
The number lists are comma-separated, so getting individual numbers shouldn't be a problem, but how do you retain and work with the colour information?
I'd post code, but frankly I'm not sure where to start.
Thanks in advance!

Solved using this:
Essentially a loop that uses InStr to find commas in a string (in this case, the contents of a cell), then looks at the colour of the next character after the comma. I've just edited it to say if the ColorIndex = 46, copy the subsequent characters into a space in an array. Then I can look at each item in the array, and compare it with other cells in the range to see if it appears elsewhere.


If content in a cell is too long, show "Multiple" instead of letting the text overflow in Excel

So, I have a custom function that concatenate different cells and put a comma between words.
For example, say I have "ABCD" "BC" then, this function will
output ABCD, BC. Now the problem is that the text will overflow in a cell and overlap with the cell next to that. In order to solve this problem,
I am thinking of just replacing the concatenated word with "Multiple" if more than 3 words are combined. Is there anyway to do this in a cell?
You can do this with conditional formatting AND keep the original underlying string as a raw value for other purposes.
Select the cells with the formula and create a conditional formatting rule based on a formula.         =LEN(C2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C2, ",", ""))>1 
Click Format and go to the Numbers tab. Choose Custom from the list down the left side and supply the following for the Type:         ;;;[color13]_((\multipl\e)   I've opted to also make the font dark blue (colorindex # 13) and indent from the left.
Click OK to accept the formatting and then OK again to create the new rule.
As you can see in the sample image above, the underlying raw value remains (shown in the formula bar) but (multiple) is displayed.
More on custom number formatting codes at Number format codes

VBA for changing font and colour of a cell if a certain word is typed in it

I have a somewhat large spreadsheet with a type of summary page that follows a calender layout.
On this page I manually change the font and color of cells to make it easy for me to find certain things on it. For example, (I lecture mathematics) if I have revision on a certain lesson, I make that cell bold and green. (exact type of green I can sort out myself). I want a VBA code if possible so that if I type the word revision into a cell on that sheet only, not whole workbook, that it would automatically change it to green.
Realistically, I don't manually type in the word revision always. Some of it uses lookups of various types to find what happens on that day to display a word (for example revision) in that given cell.
I don't know if this is possible to do. I realize that if "revision" is shown due to a lookup then the contents of that cell is not equal to "revision" but a formula which simply displays "revision"
Any assistance would be appreciated. If I have a basic code I can manipulate to get it right.
Maybe you're looking for something along the lines of:
Sub CheckRevision()
Dim CurCell As Object
For Each CurCell In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:AZ500")
If CurCell.Value = "Revision" Then CurCell.Interior.Color = RGB(0,204,0)
End Sub
Or equivalently, you can probably use conditional formatting. Home Tab > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Text that Contains. From there, type the value "Revision" into the value box and you can change the format of the cell to how you like it.

Number to be copied from cell with the same number format and show it as a label for a shape without any change in the number format

I have a cell in excel which contains a value, lets say 100000.
Now i want this value to have commas in between them to represent the thousands and millions i.e. 100,000. I can do this by changing the number format in the home menu.
Now i want this value to be copied from that cell and paste it as a label for a shape. When i am doing this the commas go away showing me just the numbers.
I want it to happen through VBA but this is not happening in excel itself.
Does anyone have a plausible solution for this?
In range object use Text property, like this:
Sheet1.Shapes(1).TextFrame.Characters.Text = Range("A1").Text

ActiveDocument.Tables(k).Range.Cells(j).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor returns -1

I have a Word 2007 doc with a lot of tables. Each table has certain cells filled with 2 custom colors. I created a macro which takes for input 3 values to feed the RGB function, creating one of the colors, matches it against each of the colors, and changes the match with a new color.
I used an If statement that compares the color of the filled cell with the color returned by the RGB function, feeding the function with the input given by the user.
If ActiveDocument.Tables(k).Range.Cells(j).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = RGB(inputRed, inputGreen, inputBlue) Then
end if
As I was looking through the document to see the results, I noticed that a few cells from 3 tables were left with the old color, so apparently the macro could not recognize it.
In Word 2007 I selected the cell that was supposed to have its color changed. I went to Home -> Shading -> More colors -> Custom and saw the 3 values that matched perfectly with the 3 values given as input by the user.
After 30 minutes of staring at the monitor, I thought about going to the doctor to have my eyes examined. :)
Before doing that though, I started to debug the app. on each of the cells that were not changed. Upon examining this line:
I saw that it returned -1.
I am thinking -1 is the equivalent of null or nil, meaning that either the cell is not filled, but if so, why can I see the RGB values? Or perhaps the system can't read the RGB values, but who is this system exactly?
Do you have a link where the Shading.BackgroundPatternColor method is well explained?
I don't know about a value of -1, but colours in Word 2007 changed slightly so that the values were no longer necessarily RGB values. I have written extensively on this - please see http://www.wordarticles.com/Articles/Colours/2007.php

Linking cells in excel with a specific format

I am trying to link cells in excel on two different work sheets.
I am using the formula eg: cell1 = cell2 + cell3. The numbers that I have in cell2 and cell3 are in format of 100% (1) and 50% (2). I just want to add numbers 1 and 2 so that my cell1 will have number 3.
Is it possible to do without changing the cell formats?
Thanks a lot.
If you don't care about the percentages, just copy your column with the percentages and change the format of that column to value and in sheet 2, do addition on that column instead.
Unfortunately when a cell has a format of percentage and a user enters a number, it is converted into what it means given the context of the format. It's not like what is being displayed is wildly different than what is 'hidden' inside the cell. When you reformat a cell, that data is reformatted as well, so 50% becomes .5 even if you had originally entered 50 in the cell before changing it's format. Format is more than just 'display format' so maybe that's where the confusion is.
If you want to add the cells in the percentage row and not bother with reformatting the formula cell you can cheat and treat it as a string to get rid of that %. You could do =Left(A2+A3, Len(A2+A3)) that will give you the 1.5 answer without having to format te cell.
Not sure i understood your question but i'll give some elements:
formula and formats are separated in Excel, thus, you can set a formula in A1, say =A2+A3 but displays the value the way you wish
for instance, if A2 contains 100% and A3 contains 50%, then the result in A1 is worth 1.5
you can set the format of A1 the way you wish (Right-clic > Format cells > Number tab), for instance, decimal, the cell will then display 1.5 but if you choose percentage, the cell will then display 150%
Please elaborate your question if needed.
[EDIT] New answer thanks to your comment:
If i understand well, you want to sum up the values between brackets in your cell (whatever is before, event percentages in your case).
Then, you can try this in cell A3:
=MID(A1,FIND("(",A1)+1,FIND(")",A1)-FIND("(",A1)-1 )+MID(A2,FIND("(",A2)+1,FIND(")",A2)-FIND("(",A2)-1 )