SCRIPT5007:unable to get the property 'widget' of undefined or null reference - dojo

I'm using dojo-release-1.6.1, facing the mentioned issue when I'm trying my application in IE9. Anybody suggests what could be the reason for the issue. It's working fine in IE8.
In my page I'm using this piece of code:

I'm not shure if dojos Version 1.6.1 supports the IE9.
It looks like only 1,7+ can handle IE9.
Check this out:


cose-bilkent layout extension of cytoscpae.js

I have been using cytoscape.js library to develop an application, but the extension layout cose-bilkent is working fine in google chrome, but the same code gives an error in Internet Explorer.
I am getting SCRIPT5009: 'Set' is undefined error in th IE debugger. Please advise what I might be missing.
Image with error in cose-bilkent.js file
This is a very common mistake (not yours, its the ie that is broken). IE doesn't support either Map or Set (expect for their "basic support"). You can see that here.
import 'core-js/es6/map';
import 'core-js/es6/set';
If you want to use it, there may be some workarounds with requireJS or polyfill, but using edge or ANY other browser than good ol' IE would do the trick...

ios7 webapp with appcache,when trigger history.back

my app use appcache, when trigger history.back() in safari(Ios7), it dose not work. After remove appcache minifest, it works, I can console in 'statechange'.
This is due to a bug in Safari 7+ when using AppCache. Only known solution at this point is disabling AppCache.
See history.back() doesn't work in Safari on iOS
it is a terrible bug! I use this fix:
if (
(/\bSafari\//gi).test(window.navigator.userAgent) &&
) {
window.console.warn('removing appcache');
I have some reports of back buttons still not working after this fix, but everywhere I tested it does work. I hope this helps!

Extjs 3.2 : Js error in built function "onDocumentReady"

I`m getting js error, after loading below function,
After coming out of "aFunc123" function,extjs immediatly calls "onDocumentReady" function, problem is, passed arguments are undefined,and also I dont know how it`s getting called.Please check out, for this problem I`m getting error like `"Unable to get property 'apply' of undefined or null reference"`.
Please suggest me what wrong I`m doing here.
I`m using ExtJS 3.2,IE10.
Thanks in advance.
Ext 3.4.1a was released recently to add IE10 support. You can download it from the Ext website. Otherwise, older versions don't have support for IE10.

Frames issue using Watir-Webdriver and phantomjs

I'm writing test using Watir-Webdriver and phantomjs and I've got an issue with iframes.
I'm trying to get an element with the following code:
browser.frame(:index => 0).div(:id, "wrapper").exists?
and when I'm using phantomjs, it raise an error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Watir::FramedDriver::UnknownFrameException
but when I'm using chrome driver, the code above works properly and returns "true" value.
Any ideas how can I fix it? Or maybe there is any other way to get this element using phantomjs?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
My guess is that ghostdriver does not have support for frames. I could not find an open issue related to frames in it's bug tracker: If you think it is a bug in ghostdriver, you should report it there.

In Selenium, does ClickAndHold work with webdriver and chrome?

I'm trying to make a click-and-drag event work using Selenium Webdriver (2.15). It works fine when using FF, but in Chrome it does not. In Chrome, it appears to have no effect. Here's what my code looks like:
Actions builder = new Actions(GuiOps.driver);
Has anyone gotten ClickAndHold() to work successfully using Chrome?
Turns out this is a known issue. There's a workaround posted at . Basically, you add a MoveByOffset(1,1) immediately after that ClickAndHold() call and it works.
First post/comment here. :)
Well, it worked for me. All you need to give is a bit of a pause after the "moveByOffset(1, 1)". It seems that the script is executing faster than it should. Here's a piece of code that worked for me:
"actions.clickAndHold(we).moveByOffset(1, 1).pause(1000).perform();". Hope it helps.