In my app I have to add Search field and some select fields.
when I add any character in search field corresponding content from store should be display.
Currently I am using search field on which I am handling keyup event.
Please let me know the flow and guide line to do this.
I suppose you want a search feature for your search field..showing the results as you type. You can achieve this by using regular expressions and compare them with entries in the store.
Here's the code I used on a project:
//referencing my searchfield
Search: '#searchfield';
//attaching an event
Search: {
keyup: "OnFocus"
//the actual function
OnFocus: function (searchField, e) {
var query = searchField.getValue(); //get the value entered in the search field
var ContactsContainer = this.getContactsContainer(); //the container that holds my contacts
var store = Ext.getStore('Contacts'); // the store where I have the info
store.clearFilter(); //assure there aren't any filters set
if (query) { //if the current value in the search field
var thisRegEx = new RegExp(query, 'i'); //new regular expression with our value
store.filterBy(function (record) { //filter the store
if (thisRegEx.test(record.get('name')) //the fields in the store
thisRegEx.test(record.get('phone'))) {
return true; //must include this
return false;
Good Luck!
I'm having trouble while trying to find a way to click the submenu option in this nav menu
The submenu option I want to click and the code of it
Is there a way of selecting it by it's content of it or by other alternative?
I tried await; but since i don't have any id, name or value to identify that option it automatically closes the chromium page
also tried clicking wit the content
const select = require('puppeteer-select'); const element = await select(page).getElement('div:contains(Negociação)'); await; didn't work either.
It is possible to filter certain elements by its text. Here is an example on how to select a table element and search in all its cells for a given text.
I started by writing 2 helper functions for getting text from an element and another to search text within an array of elements:
// returns text for an array of elements
async function findElementByText(elements, searchText) {
for(let el of elements) {
// get the text of the element and return
// element if text matches
const text = await getText(el)
console.log(`found text: "${text}", searchText: "${searchText}"`)
// alternatively you could use this for being a little more error tolerant
// depends on your use case and comes with some pitfalls.
// return text.toUpperCase().includes(searchText.toUpperCase())
// compare text and return element if matched
if(searchText === text) {
return el
// NO element found..
console.log('No element found by text', searchText)
return null
// returns text from a html element
async function getText(element) {
const textElement = await element.getProperty('textContent')
const text = await textElement.jsonValue()
// make sure to remove white spaces.
return text.trim()
With given helper functions you can now select the table and search within its td elements (the cells) .
// This selects the first found table. You may wanna grab the correct table by a classname.
const table = await page.$('table')
// select all cells in the table.
const cells = await table.$$('td')
// search in the cells for a given text. "cell" will be a JSHandle
// which can be clicked!
const searchText = 'text4'
const cell = await findElementByText(cells, searchText)
if(!cell) {
throw 'Cell with text ' + searchText + ' not found!!.'
console.log('clicking cell now.')
// click the element
If you host the html yourselve it would make life easier by setting a classname OR id to the cells you wanna click. (only if allowed and possible ofc) .
In your next question you should provide the html as plaint text instead of an image. Plain text can easily be copied by other users to test and debug.
Feel free to leave a comment.
I have succesfully rendered my own component as the cellEditor and would like and on-leave I would like it to try to validate the value and prevent the closing if it fails.
If I look at this then there's cancelable callback functions for editing. But in this callback function is there a way to access the current instantiated component? I would think that would be the easiest way to handle this.
I'm using vee-validate so the validation function is async, just to keep in mind.
Use Full row editing.
Create a global variable like
var problemRow = -1;
Then Subscribe to this events:
onRowEditingStarted: function (event) {
if (problemRow!=-1 && event.rowIndex!=problemRow) {
rowIndex: problemRow,
colKey: 'the column you want to focus',
onRowEditingStopped: function (event) {
if (problemRow==-1) {
if ( != "your validation") {
problemRow = event.rowIndex
rowIndex: problemRow,
colKey: 'the column you want to focus',
if (problemRow == event.rowIndex) {
if ( != "your validation") {
problemRow = event.rowIndex
rowIndex: problemRow,
colKey: 'the column you want to focus',
I had a similar issue - albeit in AngularJS and the non-Angular mode for ag-grid - I needed to prevent the navigation when the cell editor didn't pass validation.
The documentation is not very detailed, so in the end I added a custom cell editor with a form wrapped around the input field (to handle the niceties such as red highlighting etc), and then used Angular JS validation. That got me so far, but the crucial part was trying to prevent the user tabbing out or away when the value was invalid so the user could at least fix the issue.
I did this by adding a value parser when adding the cell, and then within that if the value was invalid according to various rules, throw an exception. Not ideal, I know - but it does prevent ag-grid from trying to move away from the cell.
I tried loads of approaches to solving this - using the tabToNextCell events, suppressKeyboardEvent, navigateToNextCell, onCellEditingStopped - to name a few - this was the only thing that got it working correctly.
Here's my value parser, for what it's worth:
var codeParser = function (args) {
var cellEditor = _controller.currentCellEditor.children['codeValue'];
var paycodeId = +args.colDef.field;
var paycodeInfo = _controller.paycodes.filter(function (f) { return === paycodeId; })[0];
// Check against any mask
if (paycodeInfo && paycodeInfo.mask) {
var reg = new RegExp("^" + paycodeInfo.mask + '$');
var match = args.newValue.match(reg);
if (!match) {
$$mdToast.simple().textContent('Invalid value - does not match paycode format.').position('top right').toastClass('errorToast'))
.then(function(r) {
throw 'Invalid value - does not match paycode format.';
return true;
The _controller.currentCellEditor value is set during the init of the cell editor component. I do this so I can then refocus the control after the error has been shown in the toast:
CodeValueEditor.prototype.init = function (params) {
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.setAttribute('id', 'mainForm');
form.setAttribute('name', 'mainForm');
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('name', 'codeValue');
input.setAttribute('id', 'codeValue');
input.tabIndex = "0";
input.value = params.value;
if (params.mask) {
input.setAttribute('data-mask', params.mask);
input.setAttribute('ng-pattern','/^' + params.mask + '$/');
input.setAttribute('ng-class',"{'pattern-error': mainForm.codeValue.$error.pattern}");
input.setAttribute('ng-model', 'ctl.currentValue');
this.container = form;
_controller.currentValue = null;
// This is crucial - we can then reference the container in
// the parser later on to refocus the control
_controller.currentCellEditor = this.container;
And then cleared in the grid options onCellEditingStopped event:
onCellEditingStopped: function (event) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
_controller.currentCellEditor = null;
I realise it's not specifically for your components (Vue.js) but hopefully it'll help someone else. If anyone has done it a better way, I'm all ears as I don't like throwing the unnecessary exception!
I am using data tables to display a list of events of different types. Besides the default global text search I need to
1. filter list by event type
2. filter list by date range (show only today -> infinity)
3. Save the state of the table for the the current session.
The state saves as expected except for the date range search which is always reset. Am I missing something or custom search functions are out of the scope of state saving? Here's the relevant code in jQuery:
Fist I add my own search function through the provided method. This works except it's state is not saved
// Extend search()
var threshold_timestamp = xxxxxxxxxxxx // set for beginning of today)
function( settings, data, dataIndex) {
var timestamp = parseInt(data[1]); // event date timestamp
if (timestamp > threshold_timestamp) {
return true;
return false;
Then I add a listeners for the select used to switch between the event type options ('','Event','Sports','Dance'...) and the button user to turn on/off the date range filter
$('#filter-by-type').on('change', function() {
table.columns(0).search( $(this).val() ).draw();
$('#dt-history').on('click', function() {
// Logic to toggle threshold_timestamp between 0 or value
Then I call DataTables
var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
ajax: "datasource.json",
stateSave : true,
stateDuration: -1,
columns: [
{ data: "type"}, //str as 'Sport','Dance'
{ data: "date"} // int as 1528572000
I managed to scratch my head sideways and "save the date search" using localstorage but that is a hack. On page load I trigger a button click to execute the search so initially the tables seems empty, the "No data available in table" message appears and then the filtered results display. As a second hack I will suppress that message so when there will really be no data... there will be no message :(
I need to filter out data from the datatable based on the selection that has been made from the user. To implement this I have a tree control which represents the hierarchy of the data in the datatable. When a user unchecks a certain node in the tree. That data should be taken out from the datatable.
How do I filter "out" data from the datatable?
If I use search() method, it gives me that matched rows and I want the opposite of this. I need to take out the matched rows instead of showing them.
I tried using the following filter function but it gives me the filtered data.
table.column([column number]).data().filter(function (value, index) {});
I would appreciate any help on this.
You could implement your own custom search function:
var table = $('#myTable').DataTable();
function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
var match = true;
$(".checkbox:checked").each(function(index) {
var cb = $(this);
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (aData.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(id) >= 0) {
match = false;
} else {
match = true;
return match;
Please see a demo here. Hope it helps.
The simple answer is to invert the filter. i.e. change the filter to return false where it currently returns true and vice versa.
You can also do this with search, by inverting the regex you look for.
I am using Extjs 4.2 and I have a combo box field on my page. When I am updating this page, I need to show the selected value in the combo box. If I use static data it will work properly, but when I am loading data from the database then data is coming but it is displaying the value (not the label) for the selected combo box.
I have done the work around by using the select method of the combo box, but I need to iterate the store for getting the selected value. The store value does not start at 1 but starts at 100, and the select method of the combo box uses the index for the list.
Below is the code you can check, but this is not working for multiple combo boxes.
var specilizationComboBox = Ext.getCmp("doctorMasterVO.specilizationFkId");
var specilizationValue = 0;
specilizationStore.each(function (record) {
if (record.get('value') != dataRead.dataVO.doctorMasterVO.specilizationFkId) {
specilizationValue = specilizationValue + 1;
else {
return false;
Please tell me there is any other way to do this because iterating over the whole store is not a good idea.
Check out these methods:
Basicly what you want to do is something like this:
var myId = dataRead.dataVO.doctorMasterVO.specilizationFkId;
var record = store.findRecord("id", myId);;
Where "id" is the name of the field you are trying to find a match for in your store.
Note that myRecord could be null if the record is not there or if the store is not properly loaded.
To make sure the store is loaded you could execute the code above in a load handler:
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
//code goes here
If you are not sure if the store has loaded you could check the getCount method.