Hide menu item in main menu? - compact-framework

How can I hide and show a menu item in the main menu of a form? The System.Windows.Forms.MenuItemclass doesn't have the Visible property.


How to add click listener on disabled item menu of bottom navigation

I have 2 disabled item menu on bottom navigation. Is there a way to detect that these 2 disabled item menu are clicked?

How to show the custom dialog exactly down the clicked item item in a recycler view?

I've created a custom dialog & a recyclerview, and when i click an item in the recycler view my custom dialog appears but it just appears in the same place. How can i control it place exactly down the clicked item?

Hide all collapsable divs on 'hamburger' menu click

I have a Bootstrap navbar.
clicking on the hamburger icon will open a menu.
One of the menu item is a button for another collapsable div.
i added this to this button:
$('.nav a').on('click', function(){
This will close the navbar menu and will show another div.
What i want is clicking on the hamburger icon again will CLOSE the new div and will NOT open the menu.
Basically what is need is the navbar-toggle to close all collapsable div and will open the menu only if there isn't any other div open.
This is my example: http://www.bootply.com/FqZYHFSWrh
Scroll down to get 770px page width
click on login, you will see that the menu disappear.
The next click on the hamburger icon i want to close the login container.
The second click (after the login container is close) i want to open the menu again.
You could add an event handler such as:
$('button.navbar-toggle').on('click', function(event){
if ($('.login-collapse').hasClass('in')) {

Disclosure button initially hidden, then visible

I want the disclosure button to be visible on each of the items of the list only when i click an "EDIT" button. How can i do that?? I tried "list.setOnItemDisclosure(true);" on clicking the EDIT button but disclosure didn't appear.
Just create a css class where the x-item-disclosure would be hidden :
.hidden-disclosure-list .x-list-disclosure {
display: none;
Then when you want to hide them you just have to do:
And when you want to display them just do:
Hope this helps
Manipulate the list's on item disclosure property...On click of the edit button toggle the list's onItemDisclosure property...

Pushed icon in toolbar

I put on bevel button in toolbar, set image for this button and uncheck checkbox bordered. How make pushed icon in toolbar like this?
You need to mark your toolbar item as Selectable. Edit your nib file in Xcode, double click the toolbar, click the item in Allowed Toolbar items and, in the Utilities panel, show the Attributes inspector and mark the Selectable checkbox.
Return your item identifiers in the delegate of the toolbar:
- (NSArray*)toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar *)toolbar
return _toolbarIdentifiers;
The toolbar will consider them selectable, so the selected item will be displayed the way you need.